Defeating Primal Duray...




I see. So, the strategy is the defeat Praetorian Duray and any of his clones first before going to fight Primal Duray? Similar to fighting Trapdoor?

I pulled the trigger. That's right, I did it, in Warburg, with the pistol. - Mista Chains

Everyone know the Tank Archetype get the most drops of all the types. This is because of their "Death Dealing" powers. I call it the front line bonus...but you'll never read this in the wiki - "Rx10"



The first time I attempted this TF, it was on our all Dual Pistols team with a group of six if memory serves, and while we struggled, we were able to take him down. We all had great fun and enjoyed the challenge.



Originally Posted by Black Scorpion View Post
Hey all,

Just popping by to confirm that Primal Duray's teleport is at a base 2 minute recharge. However if Praetorian Duray (or a clone) is alive he will refresh the cooldown of his buddy Primal Duray's teleport much sooner than that, leading to more teleports.

So yes, the people reporting it one way and the people reporting it another way are both right.

Your bud in the high-powered armor,
Black Scorpion
And what's the rate of Prae's respawn? Cause that's, essentially, the timer that Primal is on, then.

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I've found taking down Duray a LOT easier if you can neutralize his ability to fly and stay locked on him. My plants/storm controller hit him with Snow Storm, seriously limiting his mobility and then I hit him repeatedly with Roots and other immobilizing powers to get him to stand still long enough. He's very weak, but slippery. Avoiding the air strikes is fairly simple. I flew over a gap in the overpass. Never hit me.

One I had him grounded, I threw every hold I could. He can't teleport while held. A team with strong controllers and dominators should be able to lock him down long enough for the damagers to close in.

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I see. So, the strategy is the defeat Praetorian Duray and any of his clones first before going to fight Primal Duray? Similar to fighting Trapdoor?
The groups I've been on have taken down Primal first, which prevents Praetorian from spawning clones. YMMV as to whether you prefer to deal with teleports or clones.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by GunnerSam View Post
I see. So, the strategy is the defeat Praetorian Duray and any of his clones first before going to fight Primal Duray? Similar to fighting Trapdoor?
It's A strategy, not THE strategy.



Ah I see, that must be what this is then.



It's too bad that it is working as intended. That changes a TF I otherwise very much enjoy from an "as often as possible" to "meh, once in a while with friends maybe". I had held out hope up until now that the frequency of both would be toned down eventually but now I understand why the Praetorian is there at all.

Ah well.