Can EATs farm (well) ?




And by farm, I am mostly looking at +4/x8 or something similar that involves killing large amounts of enemies. Because really, any character can end up farming something that will transform into an advancement, but I'm interested in the power-leveling genre of farming (which, honestly, I've never been any good at, playing support-ish characters and all since recently).

I've been looking around my alts for one of them to become a dedicated farmer, but I'm stuck playing the epic archetypes (mostly the widow and warshade), so I'm beginning to search around and ask (hence this thread) about what some of the EATs can do in terms of farming.

I understand the basics of getting spammable / constant AoE abilities and the likes, but since my soldier is still going through the leveling process (as a bane, while I believe crabs have more AoE potential?) and so is my peacebrigner, it brings up multiple questions when it comes to what these characters might be able to do and what they wouldn't be able to.

So, hum, anyone have any experience or thoughts on the matter? I really haven't seen that many EATs recently... they used to be everyone a few years back, especially red side, did something wipe them out?



I'd say a crab would be your best bet. WAWG the group so they don't move, then hit them with VG, Sup, and FG. If you get high enough, 2 of the cones (forget names) in Leviathan are good to use. One debuffs resistance, and the other is all toxic, which VG debuffs extra. Just make sure your ranged defense is at least 32.5, which should be easy with the soldier maneuvers, and use purples as they drop, which will be a lot since you are farming. Also make sure the group isn't too spread out when you hit WAWG.



Nightwidows can move through stuff very fast despite their high usage of ST damage. With a single PBAoE (Spin) and single-target chain aimed at the bosses you can clear a group as fast or faster than a Crab or Warshade.

It does depend on your playstyle to some extent to, but EATs are great.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Crabs and Warshades can both farm the standard stuff pretty well to very well, depending.
Depending on... ?
You really got me hooked there, clouding this in mystery!

These replies got me interested in the warshade side of things. I see everywhere that they are good at AoE and clearing packs, but I think I'm missing something. With Dark Nova having only two AoEs (and one being a cone) and Dark Dwarf having mainly ST attacks, I'm having some hard time clearing out groups that are higher level than me. Perhaps the Kheldians' forum would be a better place to ask this, but am I missing something or am I just doing things wrong? I get the basic idea of double mire, go into Nova and blast away, but the awesomeness of this combo doesn't seem to carry over in-game, at least for me.

On the widow side of things, I'm assuming that a pure Night Widow would be faster/better than a melee Fortunata? This got me thinking about a Fort with Spin, Psychic Wail and possibly one of the other two AoEs (Scream or Tornado -could also include Total Dom). How would this fair against a pure Night Widow's Slash (to take down bosses faster) and Eviscerate?

In any case, thanks for the replies, hope to get some more thoughts on this!



If you are farming, why do you need it to be +4x8? Isn't +2x8 better or less?

As far as EATs go, Warshade should be able to. WS thrives in large crowds. Peacebringer... it will be tough. You definitely need a very well-slotted Human form because Nova can't survive and Dwarf takes forever to kill on its own.

I think a WS can definitely farm +0x8 depending on what type of enemies. Preferred one without too many mez attacks.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Narkor View Post
Depending on... ?
You really got me hooked there, clouding this in mystery!

These replies got me interested in the warshade side of things. I see everywhere that they are good at AoE and clearing packs, but I think I'm missing something. With Dark Nova having only two AoEs (and one being a cone) and Dark Dwarf having mainly ST attacks, I'm having some hard time clearing out groups that are higher level than me. Perhaps the Kheldians' forum would be a better place to ask this, but am I missing something or am I just doing things wrong? I get the basic idea of double mire, go into Nova and blast away, but the awesomeness of this combo doesn't seem to carry over in-game, at least for me.
Courtesy of Dechs, The MFing Warshade.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Courtesy of Dechs, The MFing Warshade.
I did read Dechs' guide, multiple times, even. But it doesn't really help on the side of 'farming'. The general advice is gold, but I am looking into creating a more than capable farmer (hopefully out of an EAT), which the guide does not touch.

And, in case it didn't go through; no matter how much I pump double mires, and even sometimes inspirations, my warshade cannot even come close in terms of capabilities to my widow, or even my scrappers (who are not even 50 yet, nor do they have any IOs).
I'm not only talking about damage-wise, but also the capacities to solo and help teams. I've seriously begun wondering if the kheldians in general aren't just being overshadowed by the other archetypes.



For warshades, do a standard PI farm (demons is good), at +anything/x8, no bosses. Bosses slow them down too much as their aoe is soooo much better. You need enough recharge to get and keep 3 pets going, perma-eclipse and close to perma-mire. The pets will more than double your dps. You can plow through those mobs as fast as anyone else. I wouldn't really try to get extra dwarf mires, that will just take up too much time for too little return.

If you want to use a NW, you could try your hand at ambush farms in AE. That would allow you to make best use of spin. Crabs have better cone attacks, and will do better in the standard PI farms like warshades.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Narkor View Post
I did read Dechs' guide, multiple times, even. But it doesn't really help on the side of 'farming'. The general advice is gold, but I am looking into creating a more than capable farmer (hopefully out of an EAT), which the guide does not touch.
Sorry. His guide is the best advice I can find on methodology of taking out large spawns consistantly with a warshade. Peacebringers afaik do not shine in this arena. The knockback kind of negates it.

And, in case it didn't go through; no matter how much I pump double mires, and even sometimes inspirations, my warshade cannot even come close in terms of capabilities to my widow, or even my scrappers (who are not even 50 yet, nor do they have any IOs).
No matter how much influence, and experience you have, you are trying to take a niche AT that excels in certain situations, and transfer that utility to a farming situation. If you want a farmer, a pure, hardcore farmer that can handle +4/8 roll a FA brute or tank. The consistant taunt aura is what makes these toons the best farmers. Scrappers, although cappable, do not do it with the ease of the brute or tank.

In the end, you can farm with anything, even an emp, although the pace may make you feel like killing yourself. If you want a niche toon that can do it, fine, but if you want to compete with the hardcore farm builds, gfl.

[edit]Also, any reason you need to farm at +4? I can see it if you are pling, but farming? +2 is usually optimal. +3 if you are lvl shifted.[edit]

I'm not only talking about damage-wise, but also the capacities to solo and help teams. I've seriously begun wondering if the kheldians in general aren't just being overshadowed by the other archetypes.
Kelds are well known to fill in the holes a team may, or may not have. Blasts, tank, control or just general *** kicking, a warshade need not fear being overshadowed. If you are suggesting they should be balanced against a few builds that can handle the most hostile situations at +4/8 you are bound to be disappointed.

Either way, glhf. If it has to be an EAT, my suggestion would be a crab, but its your $15.



I should've thanked you for linking the guide, sorry for forgetting this.

The only reason why I'm looking into making a farmer out of an EAT is because I enjoy their playstyle, or at least the feeling that I get by playing them (might have to do with the costumes too), and wouldn't be able to farm on a /fire toon. I've leveled a /fire Brute and Scrapper with the AE alone, and although the scrapper reached 47, the brute has been stuck at 26-8 (can't remember since I don't even think of playing her). I have since come to the conclusion that /fire is not really for me.

As for the +2/3 vs +4, it is mostly for pling purposes, since while I do not intend to simply do that, I did not want to completely forgo the option. Probably should have mentioned it first, but I didn't think about it enough, I guess.

On the kheldians feeling overshadowed, it was mostly about a general level of play rather than anything specific.
(On a personal experience, I had insane trouble soloing Trapdoor on my warshade, even when knowing what to do, while on my widow I simply walked up to him and beat him to death, without knowing what his 'clones' did.)
I think they are the two ATs that I simply do not see outside of AE and, perhaps this is just a misconception but, people seem to want almost anything except a warshade on their team, more so on TFs than the typical team.

Lastly, thanks for the advice on the Warshade and Night Widow, Microcosm.

Although I'd still like to know what people think of a melee fort for farming



Originally Posted by Narkor View Post
I should've thanked you for linking the guide, sorry for forgetting this.
Not my work, all credit is his.

The only reason why I'm looking into making a farmer out of an EAT is because I enjoy their playstyle, or at least the feeling that I get by playing them (might have to do with the costumes too), and wouldn't be able to farm on a /fire toon. I've leveled a /fire Brute and Scrapper with the AE alone, and although the scrapper reached 47, the brute has been stuck at 26-8 (can't remember since I don't even think of playing her). I have since come to the conclusion that /fire is not really for me.
Thats probably the best reason to make one into a farmer. If you are going to be playing the toon that much, with that much repetition, you damn well should enjoy the toon.

As for fire, there are many, many alternatives. Doms, MM's, Corrs, Trollers, you name it.

As for the +2/3 vs +4, it is mostly for pling purposes, since while I do not intend to simply do that, I did not want to completely forgo the option. Probably should have mentioned it first, but I didn't think about it enough, I guess.
Understood. My favorite toons need to be able to fill many different roles. First and formost is fun.

On the kheldians feeling overshadowed, it was mostly about a general level of play rather than anything specific.
(On a personal experience, I had insane trouble soloing Trapdoor on my warshade, even when knowing what to do, while on my widow I simply walked up to him and beat him to death, without knowing what his 'clones' did.)
Never tried a shade vrs trapdoor, but I know the feeling. My scrapper handed his *** to him. My stoner needed me to load up my second account. My corrs rip him apart faster than my scrapper could even dream of.

I think they are the two ATs that I simply do not see outside of AE and, perhaps this is just a misconception but, people seem to want almost anything except a warshade on their team, more so on TFs than the typical team.
I haven't heard anyone ******** about having a 'shade on the team in about 5 years.

Although I'd still like to know what people think of a melee fort for farming
Build it. Make it work. Write a tongue in cheek guide.



Farming daemons on my incarnate Warshade is just beautiful and IMHO a lot of fun. I run at +0x8 as that is the quickest and easiest for me:

Eclipse, Mire, Well, Unchain, Quasar, Blue, Stygian, Nova and pick off stragglers
Next group, Mire, Judgement, Nova and pick off stragglers
Extract Essence as available. Rinse, repeat.

My Crabs are great farmers but only in a pair, on their own they are a little anaemic.



My warshade farms on x8+4 without bosses when solo, and on teams with bosses as long as there's a steady supply of vengeance bait (usually not a problem.) You'll definitely need perma eclipse if you want to make it happen.. That high recharge will help you with your mire stacking also. The faster they recharge the better. Against non rezzing enemies, I like to stealth or TP into a spawn, eclipse>dwarf mire>human mire>quasar>small blue>stygian circle and then dwarf mire>unchain essence, gravity well, dwarf mire, Nova AoE's... Against rezzing enemies, I open up with eclipse>judgement since it's crashless and then stack mires for quasar that way I know I have bodies to fill my end up with. (Judgement will not be enhanced by mires, so no need to stack them up first)

It goes pretty smoothly against most enemy groups. The AE farms can be hard with the beginning of waves because the enemies always rez, so you'll have to kill some a couple of times for unchain essence and stygian circle but it's still doable.

My warshade also soloed the incarnate arc, I think he killed Trapdoor in under a minute as an elite boss... He could probably solo AV's now if I switched the 75% DoT in interface over to 75% -regen (or worked to get it to t4, but meh.)



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
My warshade also soloed the incarnate arc, I think he killed Trapdoor in under a minute as an elite boss... He could probably solo AV's now if I switched the 75% DoT in interface over to 75% -regen (or worked to get it to t4, but meh.)
100% chance of -10% Regen. Which is -40% Fully stacked, or -6% while the PTOD's are up. The DoT is FAR more valuable solo against something like that.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
100% chance of -10% Regen. Which is -40% Fully stacked, or -6% while the PTOD's are up. The DoT is FAR more valuable solo against something like that.

I guess. I haven't tried to solo an AV as my warshade since before the new incarnates came out.. They're not really meant for taking down single hard targets. I just thought regen debuffs would make it go faster.