The Power of Self-Delusion




From a global channel:

wow i am biginning to feel my chaarcter topping out....corruptors just are not too much fun after a certain level point
and i am not even level 20 yet
thats what i am thinking too
another kitty to send to the character graveyard
yah thats not what i see...i see i get hit by alot of stuff....and my heal power isnt able to compensate at all
and worse the actual blasts are sub in my actual melee punch is doing about the same damage
at first iw as doing not too bad...but now..even level things are becoming difficult
this will be the thrid corruptor i have given up on
i think the archtype is basicaly just broken
scourging for less damage then your veteran power is pretty lame
I thought about telling her some of the things Corruptors are known for accomplishing on Champion, but it wouldn't have helped.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Looks like someone needs to wake up and smell the awesomeness.

Silas, Attack!

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Some people have a hard time with new AT's they are not use to.

I am a prime example. I can Tank like there is no tomorrow, but I'm currently playing a Corrupter. I admit I am having a hardtime with it. I die alot, and the damage seems to be too low.

I know this is mainly because it is an AT I'm not use to.



Yeah. I'm so used to playing Electric Armor Brutes for years now. Knives of Artemis, Malta, Rikti, and Carnies are all jokes.

Lately, I've been playing my Dual Pistols / Dark Miasma Corruptor, my first Corruptor, who dinged level 41 last night and was sent on a mission by Black Scorpion to beat up Malta. I was going through it thinking, "Silly Malta, tee hee." Then I noticed my endurance disappearing. Dang Sappers.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
Some people have a hard time with new AT's they are not use to.

I am a prime example. I can Tank like there is no tomorrow, but I'm currently playing a Corrupter. I admit I am having a hardtime with it. I die alot, and the damage seems to be too low.

I know this is mainly because it is an AT I'm not use to.
Ditto!!!!!! Im used to playing stalkers at and trying to do a corr and I miss my reegen and hide so much and I suck at soloing stuff with him

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
Some people have a hard time with new AT's they are not use to.
This is true, but it doesn't completely explain that rant.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Then I'm glad you didn't hear me last night after my 25th death. I logged out before throwing the computer out the window.




Eh, I've played most of every AT so I know what to expect from most of 'em. 'Cept tanks and MMs, not for me, no siree. Unless I'm tanking with a scrapper or brute. =3

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
Some people have a hard time with new AT's they are not use to.

I am a prime example. I can Tank like there is no tomorrow, but I'm currently playing a Corrupter. I admit I am having a hardtime with it. I die alot, and the damage seems to be too low.

I know this is mainly because it is an AT I'm not use to.
Out of curiosity, what kind of Corruptor were you playing?

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



I started out with tanks and scrappers, and started leveling a rad/kin corruptor a couple of years ago. I wasn't particularly fond of it, but admittedly, it was not really knowing much about their strengths or weaknesses. I leveled him to 50, out of sheer stubbornness, but I didn't enjoy him very much.

I swore off them for a couple of years, and found I was getting a little tired of tanks. I'd learned so much about the game, I thought I'd branch out. I tried a controller, I didn't care much for it, I tried a dominator, and wasn't enamoured. So I rolled an ice/cold corruptor, and fell in love. I read through Silas' guides to kind of get a better understanding of their utility and capabilities, and I really, really enjoy them.

I am leveling my third corruptor now (fire/cold), and have a couple more waiting in the wings.

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
Then I'm glad you didn't hear me last night after my 25th death. I logged out before throwing the computer out the window.

I'd suggest trying a fire/dark, it's beastly, beastly I say.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
From a global channel:
wow i am biginning to feel my chaarcter topping out....corruptors just are not too much fun after a certain level point
and i am not even level 20 yet
thats what i am thinking too
another kitty to send to the character graveyard
yah thats not what i see...i see i get hit by alot of stuff....and my heal power isnt able to compensate at all
and worse the actual blasts are sub in my actual melee punch is doing about the same damage
at first iw as doing not too bad...but now..even level things are becoming difficult
this will be the thrid corruptor i have given up on
i think the archtype is basicaly just broken
scourging for less damage then your veteran power is pretty lame
I thought about telling her some of the things Corruptors are known for accomplishing on Champion, but it wouldn't have helped.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
I'd suggest trying a fire/dark, it's beastly, beastly I say.
This. While Acemace is a Tanker and thus suffers from many of the cognitive difficulties that getting hit in the head repeatedly entails, he's right about Fire/Darks.

They've got pretty much all their key powers by level 10, have enough offensive power to satisfy most and enough debuffy/self-healy goodness to satisfy the rest. You could of course go any primary with /Dark and be good to go, Fire is just arguably the best.

Tar Patch + double Scourging Rain of Fire = mmmmm hold on daddies gonna need a minute


Where was I? Right, Fire/Darks. The advice might seem uninspired since I say it to basically everyone who wants to start in Corruptors, but that's because I actually think its the best way to get a feel for them. A gateway Corruptor, if you will.

Edit: so a lot of people are detailing their difficulties with playing Corruptors due to how different they are to what they're used to. Corruptors really aren't that difficult! Honest! That's not like a "they're easy so I don't know what your problem is" kind of thing, so much as a "seriously if you look they're not so different than other ATs".

Take your favourite character. That's right, favourite with a u. Deal with it. Think about what you like most about that character. Smashy feel, mez protection, shrugging off certain mobs, huge Alpha AoEs, stealth, self-heals, whatever. Now look through the Corruptor primaries and secondaries. Pretty much all of the things that people like about their main characters can be found on Corruptors too.

They just go about it in a somewhat different way. I've seen people complain that Corruptors (or any support) cannot be played aggressively, that they're slow, that you can't hurl yourself at mobs. These people have never seen a Corruptor played well :3 Scourge rewards you for playing aggressively.

Anyhoo. If people have whatever questions about Corruptors read my guides. Send me a tell if you want some one-on-one time...ladies.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Fire/Dark is an odd combination.

I like my heroes straight of a comic book, not min/max jumble of oddly thrown together abilities. I mean seriously, name one superhero with fire/dark powers?



I can name a Dual Pistols / Dark Corruptor. The Shadow.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
Fire/Dark is an odd combination.

I like my heroes straight of a comic book, not min/max jumble of oddly thrown together abilities. I mean seriously, name one superhero with fire/dark powers?
Hence why I said that you can go any primary with Dark.

Though, with all our costume options and powerset customization, if you can't come up with a character with whatever sets that wouldn't look out of place in a comic, perhaps that's not the failing of the sets, eh?

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Yeah.... I'm going to call you on that one.

The Shadow had stealth abilities but not Dark Miasma.

At best he was a dual pistol corruptor / dark armour stalker.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Though, with all our costume options and powerset customization, if you can't come up with a character with whatever sets that wouldn't look out of place in a comic, perhaps that's not the failing of the sets, eh?
Checkmate. Well played sir.



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
Fire/Dark is an odd combination.

I like my heroes straight of a comic book, not min/max jumble of oddly thrown together abilities. I mean seriously, name one superhero with fire/dark powers?
D, you can color your powers to pretty much look like whatever you want, keeping any theme. My Fire/Dark has the same color scheme on both sets.

Corruptors are more fun that Defenders, btw...

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
Yeah.... I'm going to call you on that one.

The Shadow had stealth abilities but not Dark Miasma.

At best he was a dual pistol corruptor / dark armour stalker.

The Shadow is a Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation Blaster with the Concealment pool.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



I'd agree to that



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
The Shadow is a Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation Blaster with the Concealment pool.
This is true. The clouded mind sees nothing...

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
The Shadow is a Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation Blaster with the Concealment pool.
Scarborough Fair is a Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation Blaster with the Concealment pool. <.<

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.