Status Protection




So having pulled my Shadow out of retirement I have once again become keenly aware of how bad the human/novas are for not having any mez protection. It feels like an even bigger slap in face when you are a tri-former and kicking butt in Dwarf but have to pop out for a quick drain or two. So that got me thinking of an idea that would be a slight buff to Khelds.

What if when you dropped out of forms you had you mez protection stay on for 5 seconds or so. This would give khelds a chance to drop from form, do a quick cast in human and shift back without having to pop a purple. What do you guys think?



Ya know you can use binds or macros to drop form and execute a power even if mezzed right? It's a great way to avoid getting stuck in Dwarf.

And then, of course, there's Clarion...

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The mez and mez resist/protection paradigm in this game is just brokenly awful. Sadly there's a huge dichotomy between people who have status protect and those who don't. Really, we should be attacking this problem at its source, but it probably would be too much work for the devs to fix it at this stage.

Carry a few breakfrees and get a clarion destiny to make your kheldian functional, and hope that if/when they look at ATs again they'll do something about this issue. It'll be months or years before we see changes, if history is a guide, sadly.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



I would just like Dwarf forms transformation not to be bloomin' interruptible when I'm trying to switch to it from being mezzed. Oh, look, stunned. I guess I'll shift. Oh, wait, that Hold means I have to click it again because, for no good reason, it interupted! Oh look, I'm now DEAD. Yay.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



This was my biggest gripe on my warshade until clarion was introduced. Ever since picking it up I've been even more enthusiastic about playing him. The biggest problem now is reducing the animations of shape shift times, and I'd like to see a 400% damage cap.. But oh well. At least clarion solves the status problem.



Oh I am obviously getting Clarion just brought my Shade out of retirement though. Redid his spec, stole his purples back from an unused toon (can you BELIEVE purp prices these days?!). This happened yesterday and was only able to unlock T3 Alpha so far. Level shift being a priority.

I missed him. Controllers and Shade have been my 2 loves in the game.



Kheldians are essentially the only AT that does not get a potential option for mez protection.

All the melee classes get a Mez protection ability.

Traps and Forcefield have their Def bubbles that also sport Mez Res.

Controllers and Dominators get Indomitable Will.

Despite also being Ranged/Shield types, the VEAT's have mez res.

Blasters have Defiance which allows them to use their Tier 1 and 2 attacks even when mezzed.

Dominators get mez res while in Domination.

None of the other AT's have to give up anything but a power slot to get their mez protection in most cases.

Compared to all the other defensive sets, Khelds kind of get the shaft. Their autopower, while occassionally useful, is pretty 'meh' compared to all the others. Only Invulnerability has its shields broken up the way Khelds do, but they get the much more useful Smashing/Lethal as their must-pick power, and almost all Invuln's toggles come with some sort mez or status protection.

Having Kheld mez protection in Dwarf Form makes things essentially worse than Blaster Defiance. Not only do you have to take another power and spend quite a few slots to be effective while 'mezzed,' you have to put up with the shapeshifting animation (at least twice).

Blasters also have to use some slots to make their Defiance attacks useful, but they are a part of a Blaster's normal powers, and very often are a part of a Blaster's best possible attack chain.

So in order to not suck while under mez protection a Kheldian has to put slots into 3-4 attack powers that come along with the form, whereas a Blaster is required to get 2 of their Defiance attacks at level 1.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Kheldians are essentially the only AT that does not get a potential option for mez protection.

If you're going to say "One or two sets or a specific APP is a legitimate argument that the AT has mez protection," then Dwarf form is just as legitimate a counterargument.

Traps having mez protection means nothing to my Emp/Rad, for instance.

They certainly *do* have to give up "more than a power slot" - they have to pick a specific primary or secondary (in non melee cases) and/or a specific APP.



In my case I can't play anything that doesn't have mez protection. So I'm not going "How can I get mez protection on my Emp/Rad?" I'm going "How can I make a defender with mez protection?"

In the case of every AT except Blasters and Kheldians there is an option somewhere along the way that will give me mez protection. Some need more than others. But a Kheldian is the only one that has to utilize a comparatively large number of slots to not outright suck while getting its mez protection.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
In my case I can't play anything that doesn't have mez protection.
Which doesn't invalidate what I said. *Some sets* may have mez protection, but that doesn't mean the entire AT does. It's like arguing tanks "have to" slot KB IOs or take accro to stay on their feet, when only two sets actually do.

In the case of every AT except Blasters and Kheldians there is an option somewhere along the way that will give me mez protection. Some need more than others. But a Kheldian is the only one that has to utilize a comparatively large number of slots to not outright suck while getting its mez protection.
But not "every set." You can't guarantee that playing a Controller, for instance, will mean you have mez protection in your sets. You *can* do so for a Kheld. Yes, you have to take Dwarf - but that isn't "just" mez protection, as it adds another heal and/or buff, KB protection and a bunch of resistance.

Meanwhile, you're *more* restricted - if you want to make a Trick Arrow defender for a concept you have, or because it looks fun... no mez protection. Or you're locked into an APP you may not otherwise want - which, really, you're looking at 44 levels to *get* to it (if I'm recallilng its placement right, at best 41.)

You can get away with just saying "It's a breakfree/getaway option" for Dwarf. It's underutilizing the form, but you can do so with no or minimal slot cost in that case.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

In the case of every AT except Blasters and Kheldians there is an option somewhere along the way that will give me mez protection. Some need more than others. But a Kheldian is the only one that has to utilize a comparatively large number of slots to not outright suck while getting its mez protection.
But not "every set." You can't guarantee that playing a Controller, for instance, will mean you have mez protection in your sets. You *can* do so for a Kheld. Yes, you have to take Dwarf - but that isn't "just" mez protection, as it adds another heal and/or buff, KB protection and a bunch of resistance.
Memphis Bill has it right.

In addition the mez protection available available for Force Field and Sonic defenders is only partial: it doesn't protect against sleep or knockback. But many people really don't want to play FF and Sonic because they don't want to be buff bots. FF, in particular, ranks as one of weakest of all power sets in the game. That will improve with I20.5, but it still won't give the few defenders who actually can get mez protection something anywhere near as good as what Dwarf form gives Khelds.

And while Defiance is nice, it's no replacement for real mez protection, because you can only use three powers, excluding Build Up, Aim and all AoEs, the things that ultimately make blasters blasters.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
But oh well. At least clarion solves the status problem.
No it doesn't. The experience from 1 to 50+ is left untouched. Also, Incarnate powers do nothing to fill holes in characters that one doesn't plan to run through 804 Trials.



Well, it is a great option and if you feel like your khelds need status protection the option is available to you to play them up to level 50 and run some trials.



Just carry break free's.. This why I love the fact a blaster was my first toon. I learned very quickly what mezzing was.. which mobs mezzed and how.. and how to deal with them.. and this was BEFORE break frees and defiance even existed.

Seriously with all the tools in the game now, getting mezzed really shouldnt be that big an issue. Prepare for it and overcome it.. simple..

I have an all human PB.. always been all human.. For me he is a blapper with shields, two heals and an unstoppable mode.. All Win Baby !!

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
No it doesn't. The experience from 1 to 50+ is left untouched. Also, Incarnate powers do nothing to fill holes in characters that one doesn't plan to run through 804 Trials.
<---You've got Dwarf at 20

Kheldians follow the same design philosophy as any shapeshifting hybrid class. Their versatility is unparalleled but there are tradeoffs to be made. Don't wanna use a particular form? That's cool but be prepared to pay for it. Admittedly, this is exacerbated in CoX due to having to deal with enhancement slots but the underlying theory remains the same.

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