Discussion - Join the CoH Devs in the Keyes Island Beta Test!




Same here Hatchet, No one in my Group can get in.



Ouch. Beta isn't the same as Test. I have the wrong thing installed



Now I'm under the impression this "Beta" is a closed beta. I've looked everywhere in the NCsoft website but I can't find any contradicting evidence against my account being eligible for any open beta.



As far as I'm aware, the Beta's SUPPOSED to be open to EVERYONE today for this. Sadly, some people (like US) are having a glitch. They said they're looking into it, but at this point... the damage is pretty much done. Looks like we won't be experiencing any Incarnates Ascend content for a while now.



Hey, wait a sec... just a thought. For those of you having issues, was your account paid up when the big server merge happened?
EDIT: The reason I ask is that I remember reading the merge deleted Beta characters that were saved before the merge; maybe the glitch is for people who weren't paid during the merge?



I reactivated my account after the merger.

And I tried to use the character copy tool to transfer my Lv50 over to the going rogue test server (I hope that was the beta server.)



Originally Posted by iGamr View Post
As far as I'm aware, the Beta's SUPPOSED to be open to EVERYONE today for this. Sadly, some people (like US) are having a glitch. They said they're looking into it, but at this point... the damage is pretty much done. Looks like we won't be experiencing any Incarnates Ascend content for a while now.

Well logically I think there are only a few people being effected by this glitch. Not sure though. Still I remember them saying the Beta server would be up for a couple of days..



Two words...


But in all seriousness. I am not pleased with this turn of events.



Originally Posted by Hatchet View Post
Two words...


But in all seriousness. I am not pleased with this turn of events.
This. Just... this.



It is a shame we can't participate. But what can we do really? Let's clear up this thread and keep it positive. Maybe throw down some Screenshots of your own Steampunk character to show off to others.

@Lunar Lupun
Looking for an RP Private School for the new year? Check us out at http://blackstonehills.shivtr.com



Originally Posted by Einherjar View Post
It is a shame we can't participate. But what can we do really? Let's clear up this thread and keep it positive. Maybe throw down some Screenshots of your own Steampunk character to show off to others.
That's actually a great idea. I've made steampunk versions of my favorite characters on the test server in an AE arc.

All I need to do is adjust my camera like the other players do when taking a full body screenshot of their characters.



Disappointing as it is, we are the first testers to find a problem. I don't think it's a problem the Devs were expecting...and it wasn't entertaining to find...but in our our small way we've done our part. (Cue inspirational music)



I'm pretty sure those who actually were able to get in, if anyone was, probably checked for updates a few times. Because that's what I'm doing right now as the idea hit me like a lead pipe to the chin. Unfortunately, probably too late to get my hands on a steampunk pack.

EDIT: That plan was blown to pieces.

Anyway, I give you the gift of character.



Lets start up this Steampunk show. This character is my Tech KM/WP Scrapper. The costume came out more Noir then Gaslamp but still love the style.

@Lunar Lupun
Looking for an RP Private School for the new year? Check us out at http://blackstonehills.shivtr.com



Originally Posted by Einherjar View Post
Lets start up this Steampunk show. This character is my Tech KM/WP Scrapper. The costume came out more Noir then Gaslamp but still love the style.

The Resistance pieces give him a cyberpunk noir feel. But he ultimately looks better than my blaster.



Originally Posted by Hatchet View Post
The Resistance pieces give him a cyberpunk noir feel. But he ultimately looks better than my blaster.
Honestly, it looks way better with the steampunk backpack and a different hat. That and there is the steam aura attached to the arms. Looks better in motion.

Straight steampunk though, yours is better.

@Lunar Lupun
Looking for an RP Private School for the new year? Check us out at http://blackstonehills.shivtr.com



This next one is self explanatory.

I was originally gonna call this one "Time Space Continuum gone wrong" but I'm sure the better name would need not be said.



Originally Posted by Hatchet View Post
This next one is self explanatory.

I was originally gonna call this one "Time Space Continuum gone wrong" but I'm sure the better name would need not be said.
Huh, intersting mix of eras. I would have named her the Quantum Fumble

@Lunar Lupun
Looking for an RP Private School for the new year? Check us out at http://blackstonehills.shivtr.com



Because everyone loves inter-dimensional paradoxes.



Not to be rude, but... do we get some sort of compensation for being left out of the Beta? I'm really bummed out that I didn't get to go... Plus I missed the chance to win a free Booster!



Originally Posted by iGamr View Post
Not to be rude, but... do we get some sort of compensation for being left out of the Beta? I'm really bummed out that I didn't get to go... Plus I missed the chance to win a free Booster!
I highly doubt it. Best bet is just to keep your spirits high and look forward to the release tomorrow.

@Lunar Lupun
Looking for an RP Private School for the new year? Check us out at http://blackstonehills.shivtr.com



Originally Posted by Einherjar View Post
I highly doubt it. Best bet is just to keep your spirits high and look forward to the release tomorrow.
Well it still sucks... I feel like a lot of us got ripped off. No Beta and no chance to win a free booster... :/



This is an awkward complaint of mine, if I were to update the Beta server would that data have to be re-downloaded for live. Basically will I have to download the data twice: Live + Beta?

Also, I can't avoid this, but 4000MB is incredibly big for me to download - It is a quarter of my monthly limit. Whilst I realise there is likely no way around this is there an alternative that may reduce this, compression for example - I have very little computer experience.




Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
No code, but I did catch some of the fun on film, including Null the gull!

I can't believe I had to miss that because of this freaking glitch!!! X(