Names that need good homes...
NAME: Arcanist
Well, I've been looking to make a Dr. Fate type, a character unlike most of my characters seem to be, a far cry from my typical characters. who I tend to make out to be powerful, bold, courageous, and so forth when it comes to magic and how they acted. Arcanist (should I earn the name) will be far from, say, Shadeknight. So please bear in mind that this is my first (and hopefully best) attempt at the following:
Horatio Clarke was a child born of a pair of archaeologists, who had found love while digging for an artifact, and this had lead to Horatio. Horatio's childhood was, however, in peril. Within five years of being born, Horatio had come down with a fatal disease, known to the medical world as Malaria. Horatio would of died young, had it not been for the desperation of his parents. They had heard from a merchant within Egypt of an artifact that could save lives. Without paying any further heed, the parents searched all over for the artifact. While they searched, Horatio inched closer to his early meeting with the angels.
The parents finally found it, but they were surprised on what it actually was. It was a mask, and one untouched by the years. The runes on the side of the mask were unreadable to the parents and they paid no heed to the tablet, rushing out of the tomb that had held the mask. They rushed home as the clock for Horatio was near its final hour. They, without warning and much thought, tried to put the mask on him. It would be this that would change Horatio's life, for good. The mask's runes ignited as it was slipped onto the young boy's head. Magic poured from the mask as the boy began to float, and his body shifted in age. The mask was far from normal, and the parents had learned this the hard way.
"Who dares disturb Lord Gralamin?"
The mask had spoken, using Horatio's aged body, and it was now questioning the parents. With vigor, they explained the situation, still awestruck by what had happened. But the mask's spirit, named Gralamin, could only laugh at their request. His booming laughter filled the room that they were in as Horatio's body landed on two feet. Gralamin, however, showed himself to not be cruel. He would heal the boy, under the condition that the boy would be his new host to the current age. It was on that day that Horatio would become the host of Gralamin, an ancient wizard and it was on that day that Horatio's path to becoming a hero would be carved.
Years passed since Gralamin healed Horatio, and it was the spirit that lead the young boy to a master of magic, a arch-mage named Gabriel Riveria. Horatio, now twelve, respectfully asked for the arch-mage's help in learning magic. Gabriel, being the kind-hearted soul he was, agreed. It would take another eight years for Horatio to fully complete Gabriel's ancient training. When he did, Gabriel told him his next task, and Gralamin had even confronted Horatio about the next thing the young man would have to do. Through the advice of both the spirit and Gabriel, Horatio traveled to Paragon City. Within days, he saw the criminals and the shadows of Paragon City. Horatio knew that his new task was at hand.
It was on the eve of March 4th that he and Gralamin agreed to finally work in unison as a hero, under a moniker that would become a slowly rising name. It was a name that meant much more to Gralamin and to Horatio then anyone would ever know.
He became The Arcanist.
OOC Notes: I suck at background-y stuff :/. I tried pretty hard on it.
Name: Download
In the field of technological innovation, none are more respected than Sato Fuyo. His work with converting virtual reality data into memories, and vice-versa, will one day revolutionize the world of rehabilative and educational systems.
In the field of parenting, however, Prof. Sato is something of a failure. His rebellious son Toshihiro is as smart as his father but lacks restraint. Toshihiro, on finding a virtualization suit unattended in his father's home workshop, absconded with it, and converted it to function with his gaming console.
After a few intensely enjoyable hours of playing fighting games online, the young Sato left home to meet with his other wayward friends at a club--but along the way he was accosted by thugs. Toshihiro surprised his attackers--and himself--by demonstrating mastery of martial arts and boxing, and fended them off. The virtualization technology had imbued his brain with the ability to access the skills of his video game characters!
Toshihiro has discovered that after a few hours the effect wears off... but if he keeps the virtualization suit on, he can access any number of pre-programmed abilities. He has further modified the suit to be 802.11n wireless compatible, and now he keeps a constant stream of updated video game, movie, and television data on techniques and skills downloading into his brain.
Costume idea:
[url=]Justice Corps[/url] on Virtue Server! ... @Strongwall
Malcolm Tremain Sterling. Even his name is crisp, clean and pleasant. He is a man of business, a man of sincerity. His true nature shines like the brightest of lights, unifying communities and bolstering a company's inner workings.
But all good things have their price. Malcolm Sterling has a tongue to match his namesake. His gift is that of the spoken word; his curse is his voice. With one he can uplift the souls of the troubled, with the other he can shatter their ears and bodies. For every good deed he performed, he is required to perform one of opposite nature. At first, he refused. Like so many before him, the refusal to obey meant the refusal of both his power and his looks. "The Balance must be held," it told him. "The scales must not tip."
Now, he listens. He holds the Balance. With a tongue of silver and a mind of steel he both creates and destroys. So long as he does not tip the scales he will speak with wisdom, charisma and strength. Should he upset the balance, his youth and power will wane, and those he's harmed will have the perfect opportunity for revenge.
But that's the consequence of having a silver tongue.
((Silvertongue: Sonic/Traps Corruptor, Magic origin. Vigilante. Sonic, for the representation of the spoken word, and Traps, because what's more misleading than falling into a trap?
I've had this idea in my head since you first mentioned the name. It's been floating around in my mind and I couldn't make another name to properly fit it. I love playing the subversive, charismatic killer with a conscience and this idea may be one of the best I've had for that kind of character.
Screenshots of potential outfits
Basic Outfit (business suit):
"Motivational Shouting":
The Power of the Spoken Word:
The Balance must Hold:
So there's my submission. *crosses fingers!*))
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."
Name: The Arcanist
Real Name: Adrien Fitzroy
Height: 5' 5
Weight: 230
Age: 26
Adrien was using a time travel device in Quebec, August 19, 191020800975, and was accidentally transported to Paragon City.
His abilities are derived from technology that was created so far into the future that no one understands how they work, even the smartest people in the world, however he often finds house-hold materials that he does not understand himself as they are far outdated, for example scissors, pencils, or paper. Adrien is able to turn these ordinary objects into dangerous weapons, such as a piece of wood into a projectile launcher or even a computer. Although, he himself seems to be of average intellect for his own time period.
Adrien talks in an unknown language highly similar to french and can only communicate to people through Morse code, or Flag semaphore. He seems to understand other people, although he lacks the ability to respond in the same language.
Adrien Fitzroy is often described as an extremely stubborn, rude person and tends to be a bit snobbish by present time standards and has a rather perverse sense of humor, being rather mischievous he enjoys to play pranks on his friends. He is very sensitive and often longs to return to his home and children.
He has been forced to remain in this time period because of his faulty time machine, and often searches for a way to get back home while between hero work.
Also applying for the name
Real Name: Jack Low
Height: 6' 4
Weight: 180
Age: 34
In a dimension in which technological advancements have halted and society has reduced itself to a dark and grim world of piracy. A famous navy captain named Jack Low sails the seas carelessly, as he has the fastest and most deadly ship in all waters.
He is often regarded as an over confident fool, and tends to be very persnickety about all things. As well as snobbish. But that is why he is able to overcome many pirate attacks.
Jack carries a cutlass and a flintlock pistol, and has received traditional military training.
Jack is very agile and is able to leap about, and often toys with his opponents before defeating them. He is an extremely gifted marksman and is able to shoot to most difficult of targets, for example Jack has been able to shoot a person from an obscenely long range. He has had training with a variety of weapons such as, muskets, blunderbusses, musketoons and flintlock pistols.
Jack accidentally sailed to Paragon City by falling off the edge of the world in his universe, unfortunately he was the only survivor and the rest of his crew was dead.
However, Jack was forced to do the work of good by Zeus as he violated his law by crossing dimensions and Jack was bestowed with the power of immortality. Forever forced to do the work of good in Paragon.
Download is not one person, but a set of 5 people (a new person for each costume slot) that share the same thoughts/memories. While one version of Download may be on your team, another version of Download might be elsewhere, fighting crime or perpetrating an evil deed.
Think of Johnny Mnemonic meets the TV series, Dollhouse. Instead of having to be hooked up to a machine to upload their memories, they are constantly linked via satellite implant. This allows real-time updating of each others memory.
Each Download is fitted with a holographic suit that allows them to take the form of whatever enemies they come across. Sometimes they blend into the group, but more often than not, their crossed personalities make them want to fight anyone in their path.
Every Download has default enemy holograms programmed into their memory (costume codes) but can also take on the forms of any other hero/villain they come across (via costume creator.)
Download has one purpose: to gather information from Paragon, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria. Why? There is always a greater threat lurking in the shadows and, unknowingly, Download is helping them find a weakness in all of our defenses!
As the character develops, its costume will gradually upgrade to fit the latest technology. But to start, simple is best since it's starting fresh in a new world, unaware of the technology throughout the world of CoH.
Concept Screenies (for the first 3 costume slots; the other two will be determined on new faces from upcoming boosters):
The idea is that each time I play the alt, I will pick either female, male or huge and not play the same gender twice in a row. This way the character will be different for each team, but will still have the same memories as the rest. I have all the costume codes (so far) and it will allow me to have many different looks aside from the 5 costume slots we can unlock.
(Note: A long time ago I had this idea incase the name Download ever was freed up. I never planned on using this concept unless I got the name. So, seeing that it's going to become available has renewed my interest in this character and I'd be ultra excited if I was chosen. )
Hack is a cybernetic creation made to keep watch over Download. Since Download was made to sympathize with humans, there is a chance that it could feel the plight of the human race. In order to be sure that Download does not follow the wrong path, Hack was charged with destrying any copies of Download that do not follow through with the master plan.
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:
![Big Grin](images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
Dusk Blade
“Dusk is the beginning of darkness in the evening, and occurs after twilight, when the sky generally remains bright and blue. It can be confused with sunset, which is the daily disappearance of the sun below the horizon.”
No one know where Dusk comes from. She came walking our of the sunset one evening, and with her twin blades has carved a name for herself in Paragon since. Darkness surrounds her, but like her namesake, she is not the darkness. Dusk is not the disappearance of the light, she is its champion, its defender, and when necessary its avenger. Her pale skin and dark eyes unnerve some people, but her actions speak more loudly then words ever could.
Dusk Blade is a heroine, that is what most people believe. She is quiet, and is surrounded by netherworld darkness, and is an unrelenting fighter for justice. No one knows her real name, or her origins, but her actions cannot be disputed.
((I have an idea for a dual blades mystery woman tha this is ideal name for, if I earn it. Also not at home so cannot give you an idea of a costume, and to be honest I would need to work on it a bit myself. Something maybe dark blue of gray instead of black, with twin swords of coure.
Thank you. ))
I had discussed getting Starbright from you previously for a duo. We'd still love to have it.
Specifically, this duo...
Empowered with the alien life force of their mentor and savior, Ato, siblings Aidan and Nadia Renner didn't make it back to Earth until nearly a decade after their abduction.
Finding their home destroyed in the Rikti War and their parents presumed dead, the twins try to make their way in a world very different than the one they left behind. Pursued by sinister alien agents and mistrusted by Vanguard, they use their abilities for good of all mankind. They are Starbright and Moonshadow.
Powers: As a reflection of her fear and terror when exposed to Ato's life force, Nadia wields the power to generate and manipulate darkness for a variety of effects. Never is her darkness more consuming than when fighting alongside her brother.
Aidan, however, wields the power of the stars, shining bright, like the hope that was awakened in him when Ato first arrived to rescue them. He manipulates stellar light energy as he battles for good at his sister's side, a shining beacon of truth, promise and hope.
I would really truly love to give your character Download a good home, here is Download's short biography thus far...
Janet Alexander had fulfilled all of her major requirements for her Computer Engineering degree and needed to take a few more classes to graduate. Looking through the list of elective classes she could take, Internet Ethics caught her eye. Internet Ethics? What is this gonna be about? Child Pornography and illegal downloading? said Janet laughingly. Not quite. Internet Ethics is a class taught by Dr. Maureen Henderson, one of the leading women in the world of computing technologies. And one of her latest projects was the development of a program that can track and record a persons internet criminal record, which would be the subject of her class.
Dr. Henderson began the first class by walking in a half hour late with stack of manila folders, each one several inches thick. She plopped the folders down on her sturdy desk and introduced herself. She rambled on about her achievements in the technology world, showed the class a few magazines for technogeeks in which she graced the covers. Then she got down to business.
Do you know what these are? asked Dr. Henderson, holding up one of the manila folders. A folder? asked one of the students in the back row. Nope, theyre not just folderstheyre youre criminal records. The students were baffled, and began looking around the room and at each other. Janet smiled to herself. This class was shaping up to be exactly what she thought it would be. But it really wasnt anything to smile about.
Would the illegal downloader of over four thousand songs and three hundred feature length films, and the watcher of 637.43 minutes of illegal pornography please stand up? yelled Dr. Henderson, holding out a manila folder to the class. No one stood up, really, who would? Dr. Henderson went through several similar folders before getting to Janets folder. When Dr. Henderson began describing Janets folder, she instantly knew it was hers. Would the student who spends several hours a day logging in to the Facebook account, Email Accounts, bank accounts, eBay accounts, and other various other personal accounts of her boyfriend please stanwait this is also the same person who has been using illegal software to hack the computer system of the nearby police stationwould this person please come down and claim their prize? Janets smile faded and her face got very pale. Janet wouldnt budge.
A few people with less severe folders happily took their folders; curious of how much of what theyve done on the computer has been tracked. Amazingly, everything was there. I mean everythingfrom the number of times theyve logged into their Facebook account, to how long they spend on each website theyve visited.
Janet was very interested in the class now. If Dr. Henderson has access to all of this, she could only imagine how much the U.S. government has access to. However, what Janet and the rest of her class didnt know, was that Dr. Henderson knows much more than any government, she developed these methods of information capturing, and was testing them on her Internet Ethics class No one else in the world besides Dr. Henderson and her team of research assistants know about this project that they working on, or the data collected from it.
As the semester went on Janet and her classmates learned more and more about the project Dr. Henderson was working on it and how it would be implemented in catching cyber criminals. The class learned about different legal policies, but no in-class notes or assignments could compare to being part of the developmental process of Dr. Hendersons project. Janet was fascinated by the world of internet legalities and logistics. The internet was a powerful tool, and Janet was aware of how many people, including her neurotic self, misuse it. Janets enthusiasm in the elective class that most other students took for an Easy A really stood out with Dr. Henderson and Janet quickly became one of Dr. Hendersons favorite students.
After the class ended and Janet graduated, she was immediately offered a job with Dr. Henderson. Janet accepted, and began working in her lab as a research assistant, testing the limits of the program. Janet spent nearly three years behind the scenes with Dr. Henderson and her research team developing what today is known as Liberta Exus. Liberta Exus, is a program now used to retroactively track criminals and internet offendershowever, this programs has come with some downsidesupon its initial run, collecting data from all over the U.S., millions of people were tracked and labeled as criminals. People that normally wouldnt even be on criminal radar: housewives, soccer moms, fifth graders, grandparents, teenage girlswere labeled as criminals.
Because of Liberta Exus, jails and prisons were pushing occupancy boundaries. The government had to shut down Liberta Exus on the grounds of several Supreme Court cases involving privacy invasion. Everyone fined, jailed, and imprisoned due to Liberta Exuss findings were released and had their criminal records were erased. All of Janet and Dr. Hendersons hard work was done for nothing. The U.S. government had really let them down. People who swindled millions of dollars in stolen songs and movies were allowed to run wild in the streets.
Months went by since the last time the On Switch in the Liberta Exus labs was flipped. Dr. Henderson had devoted nearly her entire adult life to Liberta Exus, and Janet had spent her entire professional life on the project. The U.S. government seized control of all of it. The two women were especially attached to the project, and didnt want to see all of their hard work go to waste. Using the only fragments of the program not seized by the government, the two women began working on a new project, a more direct approach to stomping on cybercriminalsProject Download.
With Dr. Henderson behind the scenes performing the main tracking and Janet stealthily capturing the cybercriminals through the use of high-tech plasma rifle that causes temporary unconsciousness and a small armada of robots she designed with the help of Dr. Henderson. The two women, together, were more effective than they ever would have been if Janet never decided to take Internet Ethics during her last semester in college. The two women successfully took out several hundred high-risk targets before Dr. Hendersons untimely diagnosis with Alzheimers disease.
Dr. Henderson continued to run the program every so often for Janet to know who her targets were, but did most of the work herself, slowly installing more and more programs and high-tech technology into her stealth suit for capturing criminals. As Dr. Hendersons condition worsened, it became evident that Janet would have to make some changes. Janet was faced with either giving up on her cybercrime crusade, or redesigning how she operated Download.
She chose to redesign Download. She chose to become Download. Using her Computer Engineering background, Janet was able to create a robotic power suit that was also a fully functional supercomputer. This suit featured all of the features that Dr. Hendersons specialized tracking computer did, as well as several more, and all of these features can be accessed technopathically, through a complex neurotransmitter link in the suits helmet. Janet can now control the entire advanced tracking supercomputer and her small army of tracking automatons through her stylish, streamlined power suit. Not to mention the suits physical capabilities, enhancing Janets physical strength, reflexes, and agility.
Janet became a real hero, thwarting several evildoers a night, all while Dr. Hendersons condition worsened. Janet visited her dear friend every afternoon, telling her about all the criminals she has put behind bars thanks to all of her help. Janet hadnt missed a visit since she was diagnosed. And when Dr. Henderson finally succumbed to the disease, Janet made continuing Dr. Hendersons work in stopping cybercriminals her personal mission. As the heroine Download, Janet Alexander will stop at nothing to rid the world of high-risk criminals who intentionally misuse the internet.
This is a great idea. Here is my submission for Download. I think the ideas for this and the other names are great thus far!
My strength isn’t really with the written word and writing backgrounds but I do enjoy envisioning concepts and making costumes and power combinations to make them work in game. I've put the backstory in a quote to block it off for easier viewing.
Download started off as a viral program that was, ironically, uploaded to the Mission Architect servers in Mercy Island. This virus was created by Doctor Arachnid who hacked into the system and introduced the program in hopes to plant subliminal messages into the minds of both heroes and villains alike, so that he could expand his control and rival Lord Recluse himself. The only problem is that the virus worked too well and as it made its way through the thousands of virtual realities within the Architect system, it became self aware and wished autonomy from its creator. Being so integrated into the system, it began to use the vast resources and computers interconnected to one another and built itself a mobile computerized chassis. This device allowed the program to manifest itself as a hologram via a direct download from the Data Stream into the construct. With this new “body”, the sentient string of binary code could leave the confines of the Architect Entertainment buildings and act upon its free will. Realizing that it would need a name, it called itself Download due to its constant connection with the Data Stream and the almost limitless amount of data held within. Download can.. download almost any creation from AE and project the data and image of that creation around the chassis device. This allows it to have a varied array of powers and knowledge typically associated with the properties of the subject downloaded. |
I think the auras carry over nicely to the other forms. For the extra costume slots I’ll be making the closest possible replicas of existing NPC groups like Longbow, Arachnos, Malta and the like, whichever ones I can mimic the best with the costume resources we have.
I am also hoping that we'll get some sort of Data Stream aura and costume bit like the holograms at the AE Buildings as well as some sort of customizable Teleport travel power. Hehe
Here is the folder of the costumes. I put in the Matrix background because nothing screams data stream like the Matrix!
Here are the costume and the costume codes with the auras.
Edit - I guess I should mention that in the bio for Download, Doctor Arachnid is one of my main super villains. Doctor Doom meets Doctor Octopus meets Crab Spider.
My Corner of DeviantART
The Queen's Menagerie
I'll be going for Beta.
The son of the successful hero Alpha Might, Benjamin Jeffries lived a fairly easy life thanks to the money that came in from merchandising. Though he had never known his mother, the bond between father and son was very close. This made it all the more devastating when, in February 2004, Alpha Might died whilst fighting his arch-enemy Xevis somewhere beneath the Atlantic Ocean.
With Alpha Might dead, the merchandising money dried up and left young Benjamin without a family. Fortunately, the timely intervention of his father's allies in the Justice Patrol saved him from becoming homeless. It was with them that he would spend most of his teenage years, though with no powers of his own he was often left frustrated by his inability to help. This especially became apparent, even to himself, when the Justice Patrol tracked down Xevis and arrested him for Alpha Might's murder. He was, of course, tried and thrown into prison, but Benjamin could not help but feel as though he should have had a hand in his arrest.
Upon turning 18, he decided without doubt to follow in his father's footsteps. Unable to go through the same scientific process that gave Alpha Might his abilities, Ben instead focused on physical training, while drawing upon the knowledgeable minds associated with the Justice Patrol. It was with their help that plans for combat-wear were drawn up. The brilliant Dr. Fero created the ingenious mechanisms within that would amplify Ben's strength, while the sorceress Fairy Wren improved the various components with all manner of defensive enchantments. It was only thanks to them that the attire was completed.
Finally feeling ready to face the challenges present in the city, he went to register. Despite the expectations of those in the Justice Patrol, he did not become the next Alpha Might. That name belonged to his father, and his legacy. It is his turn, as the second in his family, to write a story of heroics. The second, Beta.
There are some great concepts in here. Can't wait to read more!
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."
I'll be going for Beta.
The son of the successful hero Alpha Might, Benjamin Jeffries lived a fairly easy life thanks to the money that came in from merchandising. Though he had never known his mother, the bond between father and son was very close. This made it all the more devastating when, in February 2004, Alpha Might died whilst fighting his arch-enemy Xevis somewhere beneath the Atlantic Ocean. With Alpha Might dead, the merchandising money dried up and left young Benjamin without a family. Fortunately, the timely intervention of his father's allies in the Justice Patrol saved him from becoming homeless. It was with them that he would spend most of his teenage years, though with no powers of his own he was often left frustrated by his inability to help. This especially became apparent, even to himself, when the Justice Patrol tracked down Xevis and arrested him for Alpha Might's murder. He was, of course, tried and thrown into prison, but Benjamin could not help but feel as though he should have had a hand in his arrest. Upon turning 18, he decided without doubt to follow in his father's footsteps. Unable to go through the same scientific process that gave Alpha Might his abilities, Ben instead focused on physical training, while drawing upon the knowledgeable minds associated with the Justice Patrol. It was with their help that plans for combat-wear were drawn up. The brilliant Dr. Fero created the ingenious mechanisms within that would amplify Ben's strength, while the sorceress Fairy Wren improved the various components with all manner of defensive enchantments. It was only thanks to them that the attire was completed. Finally feeling ready to face the challenges present in the city, he went to register. Despite the expectations of those in the Justice Patrol, he did not become the next Alpha Might. That name belonged to his father, and his legacy. It is his turn, as the second in his family, to write a story of heroics. The second, Beta. |
My vote is here, for you, good sir.
I would like to submit for the name Hack
(btw: This is a great way to do this. I am inspired to do the same during my next name purge if I manage to have names worthy)
Charlotte was picked from a Grandville orphanage at the age of twelve to become one of the elite of Arachnos, a Crab Spider. Her quick analytical thinking and her unmatched understanding of special relationships caused her to excel among her peers. Charlotte did not always agree with the things she was ordered to do, but she firmly believed in law, order, and discipline.
When the brightest and most talented of the Crab Spiders were selected for a new experimental program, Charlotte was one of the first chosen. The program was designed to expand the awareness of the chosen candidates eight-fold, creating a superior strategic soldier, capable of out-thinking any opponent. The experiment proved highly unsuccessful, causing fatalities due to aneurism in most. The few who survived were driven insane, Charlotte included. They were discarded into the gutters of Mercy, another forgotten obstacle to the novice villains who would be the chosen.
Unlike the rest, Charlotte did not go gentle into that good night. Her desire for order was strong, and slowly her brain overcame the entropy that it had been subjected to. Her increased awareness and ability to cognitively process a great deal of simultaneous input, along with a few extra appendages for the manipulation of data, led her to the new world of cyber crime. She soon became bored of the brute attacks, and began to focus on more subtle interests. It didnt take her long to discover that the most profit, and the most power, came from the commodity of information. Now the leader of a rogue group of operatives known as Network, Charlotte goes by the name given to her by her cyber surfing peers
(OOC: Just wanted to note that Charlotte is not a new character, and that the villain group Network was created by me early after the start of CoV. The above information only needed slight modification. I have always seen her as the crab spider version of Oracle, using her extra appendages to manipulate 6-8 data streams at a time as she ruled the interweb. For me, it seemed she had always been meant to have the name Hack )
Name: Dusk Blade
Broadsword/Dark Armor Scrapper
Excerpt, The Memoirs of Pontice Doub
It seems my grandfather's extrapolation was correct: the dreadful curse of that Eastern European count has found its way to the East. Van Helsing's supposition that the infection would somehow be magicked away by the death of the prime Vampire was as misguided as the man himself was full of hubris.
I and a handful of associates, having received word of mysterious killings resembling those in that cheap novel, ventured to the land of the rising sun. We were fully prepared to combat those that lurk in the shadows and for some days we asked the right questions, detected the signs, and made our way into the lair of the damned. But some hours before our arrival, it seems, an unseen ally had cut a swathe through the beasts!
We found vampires, headless and staked through their black hearts littered throughout the decaying temple. We treaded through trails of blood in the courtyard, and found this to be a true massacre of the undead, if you could call this such. It was not until we had reached a higher level and looked down upon the yard that we realized the trails of blood were in fact a series of Japanese kanji symbols. Kato, our translator, through chokes of dread, spoke the words, "Tosogare Kuro no Katana."
When pressed, he admitted the translation as "the black blade of dusk." A sword which grants its wielder great power against darkness, but also a weapon that consumes the very soul of the one who strikes down evil with it.
Days later I researched further, and found that the tale describes the sword as an heirloom passed from generation to generation. To take ownership of the sword the next in line must strike down the current wielder--their parent--when the sword has consumed their soul and caused them to become as evil as those they once fought.
We never found the owner of the Dusk Blade. Although, if we had, I am not certain we would have been able to help him break the curse--perhaps he would not even be willing to try, and what then? Heaven help that man, and his children.
I pray the curse is one day broken, for though the master of the Dusk Blade services good, they will inevitably turn to evil unless they find a way to end the cycle of pain.
(The current Dusk Blade is the daughter or grand-daughter of the person who killed those vampires all the way back then. She has traveled to Paragon to seek an end to the curse with the help of the Midnight Club)
* Actually going to be utilizing the Steampunk pack for her. *
EDIT: Just a quick edit to say, I would prefer to win Dusk Blade over Download
[url=]Justice Corps[/url] on Virtue Server! ... @Strongwall
Okay... here are the winners for seven of the names. More to come? Maybe!
- Arcanist - ShadowWings
- Download - Yogurt
- Silvertongue - Nalrok_AthZim
- Dusk Blade - Mad Machinist
- Starbright - Celica
- Beta - Viseur
- Hack - Greyhawke
Great concepts, everyone!
Thank you, HP and congratulations everyone.
Okay... here are the winners for seven of the names. More to come? Maybe!
Great concepts, everyone! |
Thanks from me as well, Hero Prime. I will enjoy Hack greatly. Thanks also for the effort in making the name exchange happen in game.
Indeed, thanks for this. Beta will have an interesting future ahead of him.
I've listed a few names I've released in the Virtue Name Watch thread. Those include...
- Ashwing
- Astro-Gal
- Bachelor
- Criminal Law
- Dustwing
- Endive
- Lady Tomorrow
- Mindlight
- Nest
- Penchant
- Quaint
- Rush Hour
- Silkspinner
- Sinister Prime
- Steamshot
- Trick Shot Kid
- Warfeather
- Wirewitch
- Zoetic
In this thread, however, I'd like to give away names. The thing is, I'd like the names to go to people who are going to use the name, to enjoy it, to make it into something they'll play. Especially, I'd like the name to go to roleplayers. To that end, I'm posting that list here. I'm going to give the following names away, but in order to get one, you'll need to post a concept - a couple paragraphs describing what the name you want is going to be - sort of like a character bio. If you want to include a costume screenshot, well, that would be even better. These names are getting special treatment for one of three reasons.- They are level 50.
- They have a special place in our memories of this game and this server.
- We feel like they just deserve to be treated right. (We're such elitist snobs!)
Without further adieu, here are the names:- Arcanist
- Beta
- Catterfly
- Download
- Dusk Blade
- Flutterfly
- Hack
- Persnickety
- Silvertongue
- Starbright
I'll be watching this thread for the next five days, and will all decisions by Friday, but if I see something I think especially worthy, I'll hand out names before then.