Hospital vs. SG Hospital




Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
There is. Base zoning slows down when you add the largest control and energy devices, and when you use flame-based light sources.

Doubling up the control and energy devices on a secure plot slows things even more. And if you use anything other than basic building techniques (such as stacking lots of items) the effect is even worse.

If you want a fast loading base, you need to have the smallest plot possible with the minimum of items...only the essentials.

I have a base worth 120 million that is slow loading.

I have a base worth 8 million with the basics...and it loads super fast.
Back to the SG base topic, If a base is empty will a regular size load faster than a empty secured large SG? I asked the SG owner to remove some of the items but he told me that wasn't problem it was because he had a "BIG" base. Lol.



Told to remove my post.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
I wasn't saying get rid of them. On Freedom, all of my bases are individual and I'm productive. On Union, I put all of my characters into other SGs and I'm "learning" new things about SGs.

For example, I now have 7 SGs to memorize. I waste so much time trying to find things. Sometimes, I get lost and have to logout to get out of the base. My "earning" time is greatly reduced on Union. With the Surge, I TPed to the SG hospital base and realized large SGs have "overhead" so now I'm wondering if this was the right decision.

I'm really angry that people spend so much time "padding' their bases with nonsense. Designers/owners seem to be more concerned about looks rather than performance. I can't take 5 minutes to zone. I can't
I was going to suggest you use the thumb tack option on maps to find your way back to base portal or where ever, but I dont think you have the patience.

I'm amazed you have the energy to get really angry at people who want a base that suits them, and who have invited you to share it.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
I was going to suggest you use the thumb tack option on maps to find your way back to base portal or where ever, but I dont think you have the patience.

I'm amazed you have the energy to get really angry at people who want a base that suits them, and who have invited you to share it.

Are you crazy? If your an SG leader, your base load time directly affects the satisfaction of your "team." Who wants to slow their own teams down? Cutscenes is a perfect analogy. Devs love it and think their cute, but players hate them after the first time.

I'm not angry, more like surprised.



I'm not crazy. Seems hard for you to accept people have other priorties for enjoying this game.
I am nowhere near as single focused on maximizing time to XP/rewards as you are, to the point that you get really angry (your words) over a delay that is likley less than %0.01 of my playtime.
I consider that just strange. And your demand a long running SG to remove base decorations or you'll quit thier group boogles my mind.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
I'm not crazy. Seems hard for you to accept people have other priorties for enjoying this game.
I am nowhere near as single focused on maximizing time to XP/rewards as you are, to the point that you get really angry (your words) over a delay that is likley less than %0.01 of my playtime.
I consider that just strange. And your demand a long running SG to remove base decorations or you'll quit thier group boogles my mind.
"I understand why you think the way you do"

I play this game in lumps not regularly. When I play...I have to be productive. This game will steal your time if you let. The times add up. If you play regularly, it may seem like nothing...

For me, the latency is becoming more and more, the SG base was another "Surprise."



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
People would build for base raids and have a lot of torches because their lighting looked good, but everyone lagged badly. Once the torches were removed? No more lagging.

I could say it's likely because of the particle physics involved, but I would be guessing. I haven't any clear idea of why it is the case, but it is.

It's the reason I limit the number of torches used in my base.
I guess that's a good enough reason to get rid of all of the torches in my bases and simply fall back on my old time favorite ... Shoji Lamps.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



just fyi...not related to bases:

Since each video card and hardware configuration can be different, I would not be able to provide you the perfect settings to balance both performance and visual display. However, I can point you to the options I have observed that impact performance the most within the game.

Ambient Occlusion is an option which adds realism to things like shadows and edges. By setting this higher, you will notice a sharper difference in items like the corners of objects. Water effects will provide more realism to how water appears (i.e. motion, reflections, etc). Environmental reflections impact things like how you see your character in windows and glass. These are just a small sampling of the overall list of options which can alter performance. As these settings are configured to higher levels, it places more of a burden on the processing power of the video card. While the video card is working to process the various shapes, updates and animations, the application slows down as it waits for the video processes to complete.

From a troubleshooting perspective, I would recommend going back to defaults with the graphics options by selecting the 'Set to Defaults' button to see how your performance is impacted. If your performance is acceptable, you will need to make a decision on what options you would like to change. Most of the adjustments are made in real time so you can see the difference with each option. I would highly recommend altering only one setting at a time to make it easier to identify which option is causing the most difficulty.

On a possibly related note, I was made aware of a patch targeted for next week. I was just informed of it this morning, so we didn't have the information for you earlier. This patch is scheduled to include fixes for some lag related issues, particularly surrounding the combat numbers and log chat. If you are keeping track of these kinds of items, you may try turning these off temporarily to see if your play experience improves. This patch should be applied before the surge event of next week, so you may see additional improvement once it is available.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Well, I'm only part way through the forums I read and this is the THIRD place you've posted that message.

Here's an FYI for you:

4. Private communication between Customer Support, NCsoft Europe Ltd., (“NCsoft”) members, moderators and administrators of the forum and the forum users is not to be made public on these forums or by any other venue.

You are not permitted to publicize any private correspondence (including petitions, email or PM correspondence, in game chat logs, etc.) received from any of the aforementioned without permission.
Did you receive permission to post that private message?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I'll just throw this in:

As people have pointed out, not everyone plays the way you do or enjoys the same things.

Some folks might LIKE a nice fancy base to hang out in. Not because it helps them level faster, not because it gets them more loot or any other benefit. But just because it looks cool.

That's all.

Hell, personally, I've spent weeks at a time when I'd log in not to play the game but to just create stuff in bases. Because it serves as a creative outlet for me. Much as some people draw or sculpt, I create superbases.

Heck, this is not limited to City of Heroes. Take a loot at Minecraft and all the crazy stuff people build in that game.

If your SG doesn't want to change the base to suit you, you might want to find another SG.

Alternately, create another SG yourself, get a base created with the bare minimum of functionality, and see if your current SG is willing to coalition with the new SG to serve as a transit hub.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
I'll just throw this in:

As people have pointed out, not everyone plays the way you do or enjoys the same things.

Some folks might LIKE a nice fancy base to hang out in. Not because it helps them level faster, not because it gets them more loot or any other benefit. But just because it looks cool.

That's all.

Hell, personally, I've spent weeks at a time when I'd log in not to play the game but to just create stuff in bases. Because it serves as a creative outlet for me. Much as some people draw or sculpt, I create superbases.

Heck, this is not limited to City of Heroes. Take a loot at Minecraft and all the crazy stuff people build in that game.

If your SG doesn't want to change the base to suit you, you might want to find another SG.

Alternately, create another SG yourself, get a base created with the bare minimum of functionality, and see if your current SG is willing to coalition with the new SG to serve as a transit hub.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to stifle creativity but I'm just saying for the very large SGs, you have to temper your "creativity" for the benefit of the members, right? It's plain inconsiderate to me.
You lack leadership skills truly if your just so focused on yourself.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Well, I'm only part way through the forums I read and this is the THIRD place you've posted that message.

Here's an FYI for you:

Did you receive permission to post that private message?

I didn't ..and they have removed some of the posts. I did this for a reason too. Let's see what happens this week.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Are you crazy? If your an SG leader, your base load time directly affects the satisfaction of your "team." Who wants to slow their own teams down? Cutscenes is a perfect analogy. Devs love it and think their cute, but players hate them after the first time.

I'm not angry, more like surprised.
Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to stifle creativity but I'm just saying for the very large SGs, you have to temper your "creativity" for the benefit of the members, right? It's plain inconsiderate to me.
You lack leadership skills truly if your just so focused on yourself.
I'm going to echo what was said before. Find another SG that provides what you want instead of insisting your need to go faster comes first.

You'd hate the base for my teen SG on Virtue, which was designed to have no less than half of the plot taken up by sewers or abandoned subway lines with each expansion. The entrance to the actual functional area is hidden among the tunnels and sewer lines. There are tunnels that lead to dead ends. Hidden rooms and abandoned areas. It's not a base that you just jump into and know where everything is.

I'm sure that you think I'm a terrible SG leader and base builder for creating such a thing, I know. What could I possibly be thinking by making things so difficult for my SGmates? Why did I do such a thing? What makes me torture them this way?

Lemme clue you in on something. I built the base that they wanted, asking for their input because they can obviously earn a lot more Prestige than I do all by myself. I gave options and they wanted the ultra-complex hidden secret in the sewers. I wouldn't tear it all out because one person joined up and complained after the base was set up that way, at the request of the people who have earned the millions of Prestige spent to build what they asked for.

With all due respect, if you join an existing group, you need to understand that your lone concerns are not going to be the only priority. I'd recommend you look around for groups that actually do have what you're asking for, instead of complaining that everyone should redo their base to cater to what you think should be done.

Your belief that your view of bases is the only acceptable one is the problem here, not that other base builders are "bad leaders." Demanding an existing group redo their designs to suit you is what's truly "plain inconsiderate."

I sincerely wish you luck finding a group that has what you want. That would be your best course of action at this point.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
I'm going to echo what was said before. Find another SG that provides what you want instead of insisting your need to go faster comes first.

You'd hate the base for my teen SG on Virtue, which was designed to have no less than half of the plot taken up by sewers or abandoned subway lines with each expansion. The entrance to the actual functional area is hidden among the tunnels and sewer lines. There are tunnels that lead to dead ends. Hidden rooms and abandoned areas. It's not a base that you just jump into and know where everything is.

I'm sure that you think I'm a terrible SG leader and base builder for creating such a thing, I know. What could I possibly be thinking by making things so difficult for my SGmates? Why did I do such a thing? What makes me torture them this way?

Lemme clue you in on something. I built the base that they wanted, asking for their input because they can obviously earn a lot more Prestige than I do all by myself. I gave options and they wanted the ultra-complex hidden secret in the sewers. I wouldn't tear it all out because one person joined up and complained after the base was set up that way, at the request of the people who have earned the millions of Prestige spent to build what they asked for.

With all due respect, if you join an existing group, you need to understand that your lone concerns are not going to be the only priority. I'd recommend you look around for groups that actually do have what you're asking for, instead of complaining that everyone should redo their base to cater to what you think should be done.

Your belief that your view of bases is the only acceptable one is the problem here, not that other base builders are "bad leaders." Demanding an existing group redo their designs to suit you is what's truly "plain inconsiderate."

I sincerely wish you luck finding a group that has what you want. That would be your best course of action at this point.

I have two accounts. The NA is all solo SGs very fast loading. My Eu account is all other SGs. On my NA accounts I have rooms full of recipes/enhancements and salvage. I'm probably going to cancel out of all the SGs later this year on my EU account though. I play this game to make progress I'm not really an RPG player or a socialist. I have to get things done when I'm online.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
I have two accounts. The NA is all solo SGs very fast loading. My Eu account is all other SGs. On my NA accounts I have rooms full of recipes/enhancements and salvage. I'm probably going to cancel out of all the SGs later this year on my EU account though. I play this game to make progress I'm not really an RPG player or a socialist. I have to get things done when I'm online.
That's completely within your right to play the game the way that you want to. You'll find that just about nobody here will ever argue that you should change what you're doing to fit the groups you join. There are always SGs out there recruiting. I'm pretty certain that if you looked around for a better option, you'd find one that more closely matches what you want.

I just found it amusing that you came here complaining about other people's bases, and you wouldn't see how hypocritical it is that you're complaining that others won't redo their bases (and change their playstyle and/or goals) to meet your playstyle and/or goals.

It's really not worth getting this angry about. Find another SG and the problem is solved

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
That's completely within your right to play the game the way that you want to. You'll find that just about nobody here will ever argue that you should change what you're doing to fit the groups you join. There are always SGs out there recruiting. I'm pretty certain that if you looked around for a better option, you'd find one that more closely matches what you want.

I just found it amusing that you came here complaining about other people's bases, and you wouldn't see how hypocritical it is that you're complaining that others won't redo their bases (and change their playstyle and/or goals) to meet your playstyle and/or goals.

It's really not worth getting this angry about. Find another SG and the problem is solved

I thinks it funny that you keep twisting my comments. I never asked any of the owners to change anything. I just commented on it. Angry isn't really the word that I would use to describe my feelings :-)



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
I have two accounts. The NA is all solo SGs very fast loading. My Eu account is all other SGs. On my NA accounts I have rooms full of recipes/enhancements and salvage. I'm probably going to cancel out of all the SGs later this year on my EU account though. I play this game to make progress I'm not really an RPG player or a socialist. I have to get things done when I'm online.
Understandable. Five minutes loading time is pretty nuts.

But that maze base is AWESOME. I wouldn't think of it as a working base, though. You just need a more focused SG.

My pet peeve is people who refuse to acknowledge it when I tell them my character has unlimited power. If I rp attack them they are of course disintegrated beyond the ability of any hospital or magic to restore. Yet despite this they refuse to delete their characters and still keep playing them as if nothing happened. ~Mandu, 07-16-2010



Originally Posted by Ashtoreth_NA View Post
Understandable. Five minutes loading time is pretty nuts.

But that maze base is AWESOME. I wouldn't think of it as a working base, though. You just need a more focused SG.
If I had a prime character only, I could deal with this but I have 7 characters and all the bases are similar is style(mazelike - designed to stop raids). I just won't be able to get anything done if I continue. In the above mentioned SG, I had to logout to get out of the SG. That's too much in my humble opinion.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
I play this game to make progress I'm not really an RPG player or a socialist.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.

The word socialist does not mean someone who socializes with others.
It means a member of the Socialist Party or someone who supports or advocates socialism.

Socialism - a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I do not think that word means what you think it means.

The word socialist does not mean someone who socializes with others.
It means a member of the Socialist Party or someone who supports or advocates socialism.

Socialism - a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

I laughed when I read this. Thanks for making my day. I said it this way on purpose. The socialist system is based on what you said in theory but it's a lie. The system failed because the people it claimed to represent just couldn't get be efficient enough under it...just like a large non-optimized SG.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
If I had a prime character only, I could deal with this but I have 7 characters and all the bases are similar is style(mazelike - designed to stop raids). I just won't be able to get anything done if I continue. In the above mentioned SG, I had to logout to get out of the SG. That's too much in my humble opinion.
type: /stuck <enter>, then type: /stuck <enter> again and you will end up at the entrance portal