/energy - "repulse"?
"Stalker Offensive Toggle powers will now affect no targets while the Stalker is Hidden. As soon as the Stalker becomes unhidden, the toggle will begin to affect targets as normal. This means these toggles can be run while in Hide and they will not break the Hide state, because they will not hit anything until Hide is broken by some other event.
* Includes Dark Armor/Cloak of Fear, Dark Armor/Oppressive Gloom, and Energy Aura/Repulse."
From the Issue 18 patch notes. And a very welcome change.
Brilliant thankyou!
edit: how does this work with placate?
I remember (dont know of it was fixed) but some effects like -def debuff broke placate. I am thinking that if that does it then a knockback sure would too... unless that counts as "hide" to pause the effect. Or, does placate just work normally?
More like "/energy = reroll", am I right?
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

Is it that bad? I was mainly looking at the end-draining power after having rediculous end problems with my lvl 46 fire/shield scrapper.
With slotted enhancements maybe I wont need the end drain? But I am thinking of running all the toggles, tough and weave, focused accuracy and maybe repulse.
I have a lvl 50 Kin/Dark and I have to click an attack power right after Placate or else my Fear/Stun aura will get me out of hidden.
So they fixed one of the problems. Not all.

And honestly, I am done submitting Bug Reports. They never get fixed because they are not that important.. Yes. Mastermind's Oni is STILL taking Knockback set which he has none. I must have submitted this bug 3-4 times. And 3 out of 4 Epic sets still cannot critical.
I am sure they know about the bugs but Stalker isn't exactly a "top priority". Incarnate is. (although I can't imagine it taking hours to add critical to a mechanism which they already have in place. It's not like they are creating something new)
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
How does repulse work with Hide? Does it aggro things while you are hidden? Or, does it work when you come out of hide? If it needs to be turned on and off all the time it could be a pain.
ty |
I never understand the design behind a pbaoe repel on a melee toon.
It may have some use in PvP.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
For one, you don't get the defensive bonus that Hide provides by using Placate. And, as others have pointed out, any offensive toggles will still hit through Placate when they won't through Hide.
Repulse sucks. <snip> I never understand the design behind a pbaoe repel on a melee toon. It may have some use in PvP.
That, and teams will hate you if you use it regularly in combat (unless you're REALLY good at corralling enemies).
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
well a PBAoE repel is useful as a get off of me move. Especially for Stlakers since it's a knocback/down which is plenty of time for a Placate>Crit.
Of course that's only useful as a click not as atoggle.
repulse fails because it's a toggle that's better used as a click.
Is it that bad? I was mainly looking at the end-draining power after having rediculous end problems with my lvl 46 fire/shield scrapper.
With slotted enhancements maybe I wont need the end drain? But I am thinking of running all the toggles, tough and weave, focused accuracy and maybe repulse. |
That said, repulse has its uses. It's soft control which not many sets come with. I'd use it as an initial alpha-blocker by having it toggled on when you waltz into a group then once AS rolls and hits, your toggle will unsuppress and everything (within melee range) will go flying. After that point, I'd switch repulse off then just fight as normal.
You can stick a Force Feedback proc in there and get a moderate chance of some +rech lined up just after you used your Build up. But by and by, I wouldn't invest many slots in it. Only the base cost of running the toggle is affected by slotting for endurance redux, but the power still costs more endurance per target it hits (which isn't affected by slotting), I don't think it requires accuracy and I guess if you like, you can slot it for KB to get a bit more mitigation out of it. Beyond that, there's nothing else to put in it.

Its ok...its a toggle....no it doesnt work from hide.
And i can confirm that placate doesnt make it stop working but thats normal....you only placate one target not everything...and it doesnt auto-hide you.
This power doesnt work on any of the Mind Washed Prisoners in the Bahavior Adjustment facility either nor any of the enemies...tried to use it there alot....i was hoping i was just not high enough level but finding it doing nothing after as many attempts as i gave it...made me realize it just didnt work in those trials.
Also its repulsion is weird....it randomly determines a to hit with its effect on things in its radius....if it is successful it randomly tosses them away....this is not always directly away from you....looks more like it can toss away the opponent in about a cone formation.
Also once it hits something it wont work again for a bit on that target. Because it gives the target immunity to the effect after its attempted use is done on them for about 10 seconds or so....not sure of the duration.
PVP wise it doesnt work on other players at all much....i had it work once on a defender but that was about it...
Oh and it uses energy every time it tries to use its effect noo matter if the effct works or not....so you can sit in a group and lose all your energy and have nothing happen.
Kind of a worthless power...fun to look at if it does work....but worthless as it doesnt seam to work most of the time.
I am happy people are sending in bug reports about it....maybe they will look at it someday...
I find it helps to pin a mob up aganist a fixed object with repel. The literally can't get up and you're free to kill with no risk.
When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.
Guess I'm thrown off by that big Hidden that appears under my buffs when I Placate.
![]() |
But if you watch your defense numbers or placate someone in spawn a and run over to spawn b, you'll see you're not hidden as spawn b spots you and attacks. If you'd been hidden they wouldn't unless someone from spawn a hit you and broke hide.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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I think the code needs that for placate to allow the autocrit.
But if you watch your defense numbers or placate someone in spawn a and run over to spawn b, you'll see you're not hidden as spawn b spots you and attacks. If you'd been hidden they wouldn't unless someone from spawn a hit you and broke hide. |
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Hide, the power, does a bunch of things (stealth, defense, transparency) and also ups your kMeter to 1. Placate applies a placate effect to the target (the thing that forces them to target somebody else) and ups your kMeter to 1. If your kMeter is 1, you get a "Hidden" display under your buffs. When you attack, your powers check to see if your kMeter is 1 and if so, it adds in the crit.
As for how Repulse gets disabled, well, I'm not sure. I suspect that since all Hide powers are flagged as being part of a Hide Group, it checks for that. Placate does not have that group.
Global @Diellan - 5M2M
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Got a Mids suggestion? Want to report a Mids bug?
Actually, I never knew about it suppressing while hidden. You could effectively take alphas for a team with that, it sounds like. AS and then they go flying and the rest of the team goes for it, eh?
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Oh, you could, but then you'd have to put up with the whines from AoE addicts about everything now being scattered.
AoEs and being able to use them, Cones affecting 2 or more or AoEs affecting 3 or more saves on endurance, when they affect 5, 10 or 16 they
are saving endurance even more because it means less single target attacks need to be used and also it saves time. Mobs have to be within debuffs to be debuffed. A scattered group and only one debuffed, the anchor is a sure sign of an inefficient team usually. I have Repulse and find it of limited use but not a bad power to alpha mobs with, just be quick turn it off, the mobs if no controller has aoe immobed should retighten even though wouldnt of been flung far anyway.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Actually, I never knew about it suppressing while hidden. You could effectively take alphas for a team with that, it sounds like. AS and then they go flying and the rest of the team goes for it, eh?
On a serious note, there is no excuse for a poorly designed power (just like Dimension Shift). Every power in the game has its use but to what degree?
You know what has a "good" use and most Stalkers can take?
1. Recall Friend
2. Leaderships
3. Aid Other/Rez
If you haven't considered any of those, then don't bother looking at Repluse. Repluse may work if it's a "click" power instead of a toggle that takes like 2s to turn on and off and cost a lot of endurance. If the endurance is cheap, then I may fool around with it.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Ah, well, that brings up another issue I can personally address. Two items that Castle told me were getting addressed never came to fruition.
Ok back...
I had asked about changes to phase shift powers, asking if they could be made into toggles, and this is what Castle said:
"Without even following the link, No, we are not going to make Cage powers into a toggle. I do have a tech request in which, if it ever gets approved and implemented will improve these powers, though. "
Second Issue, unrelated: here.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

How does repulse work with Hide? Does it aggro things while you are hidden? Or, does it work when you come out of hide? If it needs to be turned on and off all the time it could be a pain.