Enhancement Purgatory:
I believe that this idea will solve a major QoL issue many have with this game. Let me explain:
I want the ability to send enhancements to a place where they are useless. And before you stop reading this and say "WHAT?!?", let me further this idea. This place, which I will call "Enhancement Purgatory", is free to use. Any enhancement can be put into it, and the place has an infinite storage space. Unfortunately, it will either be impossible to take enhancements out, or will cost money, depending on what best fits the developers taste. What is the use of such a space? When respecing, I often find that I can do little with one respec. The 10 storage space maximum means I cannot fully slot the build and often have to say goodbye to many enhancements that are quite near to me, or make many respecs over time to get to the build I want. Instead, you would be able to use Purgatory Enhancements only when you respec, and could then slot whatever you want, and/or put the unused enhancements in Purgatory. In this way, respecing would become much less of a hassle for me and other players. Why Purgatory, instead of just giving players infinite storage normally? Well, the developers of this game have made it clear, for good reasons, that players should not have an infinite amount of usable, hassle-free space. Purgatory is infinite, but it is finite in use and function. Players would not want to store all their enhancements in Purgatory because of the fee or inability to take enhancements out. Finally, enhancements already in a build should be able to be put in "semi"-Purgatory status, where the are used until a respec, then pulled into Purgatory when a respec occurs. In this way, players could pull wanted enhancements from one build to another without using multiple respecs. I believe that this idea would be a great improvement in player QoL without stepping over bounds the developers have made in storage. Please sign on if you agree, and hopefully a dev will consider it as "A Good Idea" endquote. |
Oh... and the devs still seem to think that what we have is good enough or they would have changed it already.
The limit of pulling 10 enhancements off of a build has never had anything to do with storage space. Enhancements are supposed to be permanent once slotted, and when the devs added the respec feature in Issue 2 they flat out told us that they were being extremely generous when they decided to let us pull 10 enhancements off of a respecced build.
That was back when earning influence was a PITA and respeccing a build could literally leave a character broke and struggling with empty slots if the player didn't have the foresight to have a couple of million set aside in advance. Now that we have the ability to make hundreds of millions hand over fist it's even more unlikely the devs will change their minds.
While I thank you both for responding quickly and with commentary, I do not think it is quite as simple as you put it.
First, I DO plan my builds in mids. I have over 100 of them, in fact. I started a thread on the scrapper forum called "The Build Thread." I'm not asking this because I'm not a planner, I asking this because the current respec system is outdated in the age of IOs and we need to change the system for the use of the players.
First, enhancements are not as simple as they were when respecs came out in I2. Instead, a build can literally have 10 or less enhancements that are the same. Going from one build to another with freespec (given out when changes are made, sometimes extreme), is nearly impossible with the current system in one respec. This makes it hard for that QoL part of the game to function correctly.
Indeed, if I wanted to switch from a build with SOs, to basc IOs, to set IOs frankenslotted, to set IOs and uniques, to purples, to PvP IOs, I am going to be looking at 20-30 respecs, minimum. It shouldn't be necessary to respec multiple times to change a build, either from a change to the game or to increase the power of the build. We should't have to plan our respecs in stages (which I do, by the way) in order to make sure we don't destroy vital enhancements.
This system also works with, not against the devs. The area I call "Purgatory" is un-useable space. It still keeps the basic idea of enhancements (permanent once slotted), but makes it much easier for the player base. These enhancements are still permanently away from the rest of the game. Note, that part of the use of this area is simply a spot to put enhancements to prior to respecing, so you can change more than 10 at a time without deleting. Your cannot sell these enhancements, or put them in a build unless you are respecing. It doesn't break the game, or break the devs "rules."
((I meant nothing in the following post as a personal attack, merely as an extra-explanation of my idea))
TW/Elec Optimization
While I thank you both for responding quickly and with commentary, I do not think it is quite as simple as you put it.
And don't worry I don't take anything you said as a personal attack. Ideas similar to yours have been brought up many times over the past seven years and each time we manage to get a dev response we are told the same thing, and that is, (sorry to repeat this) that they were being generous when they let us pull 10 enh off a build and if we want to pull more than 10 we have to use multiple respecs.
If in the future any change is made to the respec feature I think the best we can hope for is an easier way to select powers and assign slots so it's more user friendly.
Indeed, if I wanted to switch from a build with SOs, to basc IOs, to set IOs frankenslotted, to set IOs and uniques, to purples, to PvP IOs, I am going to be looking at 20-30 respecs, minimum. It shouldn't be necessary to respec multiple times to change a build, either from a change to the game or to increase the power of the build. We should't have to plan our respecs in stages (which I do, by the way) in order to make sure we don't destroy vital enhancements.
I'm gonna go ahead and be rude and hostile, and unapologetic.
Screw what the devs think ought to be right. I hate respeccing. So much so that I'd sooner roll a new toon than deal with the lack of functionality in the respec system. Redo the whole thing and make it easier for idiot players like me (which make up sizable portion of the player base, the ones that are here to have fun and be free of planning and stress) I don't want to use an outside program not supported by Paragon studios to fine tune my build.
All the functionality that the respec provides allows you to say "oops screwed up that one power slotting" maybe two. But it can't even do that one reslot right because you have to rebuild everything from scratch. What if my toon is 5 years old and I don't remember what slots I added at level 5. The system knows what it is because when i go to oro it takes everything away that i didn't have at level 5. But the system is incapable of telling me.
I don't know if I like your idea OP butIi know SOMETHING needs to be done. And I'm the customer, I'm right.
Roxy On DA...Finally!
What if my toon is 5 years old and I don't remember what slots I added at level 5. The system knows what it is because when i go to oro it takes everything away that i didn't have at level 5. But the system is incapable of telling me.
I'm sorry that you don't like how the feature works. A lot of people don't, but it is in fact functioning as the devs intended and the devs have in fact told us that letting us pull 10 enhancements off of a build during a respec was generous on their part.
Honestly, the whole system feels very flawed and I wouldn't even bother arguing 'well the devs said x, w, and k because of whatever' until they make respecs themselves not totally *BLOW*.
Partial respec, blackhole enhancement, enhancement purgatory, complementary PB&J sandwich delivered to your house when performing a respec. I don't care. Make this process less crap.
The End.

Well despite past objection, that doesn't dismiss the fact that respec'ing is pretty crappy. For me, it's the needing to go through *everything* in the build to change *One* *Little* *Slot/Order*. You have to pull up your build in a 3rd party program, go through every power and slot, even if most of them are exactly the same (and you have to remember everything about what lvl and so on you picked them up) which of the same enhancement goes in what powers, *EVERYTHING* just to add in one power or swap a couple slots to another power.Honestly, the whole system feels very flawed and I wouldn't even bother arguing 'well the devs said x, w, and k because of whatever' until they make respecs themselves not totally *BLOW*.Partial respec, blackhole enhancement, enhancement purgatory, complementary PB&J sandwich delivered to your house when performing a respec. I don't care. Make this process less crap. The End.
LMAO! I would hate to say it, but the customer is almost never right.
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And no mention of price for this convenience was made, either.
You could have a scaling cost based on how many Enhs you put into Purgatory. Just to pull numbers out of the air, 1-10 Enhs in Purgatory = 100k each to get them out. 11-15 could be 250K, etc, etc.
Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.
If you didn't notice he did include an Inf sink, something the game is sorely lacking in.
If the cost is high enough for it to be an EFFECTIVE inf sink, the cost is also high enough to put it out of reach of all but the wealthiest players.
If the cost is low enough that your average player can pay it with no trouble, it isn't a very effective inf sink at all, because the extremely wealthy won't even put a dent in their inf piles paying it.
Personally, I'm of the opinion that the devs should introduce level 51-53 IOs, so we can spread the wealth around a little bit. (there would be a HUGE outcry from those who weren't paying attention to announcements and lost billions on empty bids though)
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Huge problem with introducing inf sinks.
If the cost is high enough for it to be an EFFECTIVE inf sink, the cost is also high enough to put it out of reach of all but the wealthiest players. If the cost is low enough that your average player can pay it with no trouble, it isn't a very effective inf sink at all, because the extremely wealthy won't even put a dent in their inf piles paying it. Personally, I'm of the opinion that the devs should introduce level 51-53 IOs, so we can spread the wealth around a little bit. (there would be a HUGE outcry from those who weren't paying attention to announcements and lost billions on empty bids though) |
Oh I would so enjoy watching the outrage.

If the cost is low enough that your average player can pay it with no trouble, it isn't a very effective inf sink at all, because the extremely wealthy won't even put a dent in their inf piles paying it.
But like I said, it really doesn't matter if it's enhancement purgatory or just a means of respec'ing in parts or whatever, it really accomplishes the same goal. The OP complains about needing to do many respecs, and even with partial respecs, he'd still have to do that many times, but at least they'd be many short respecs vs many time-consuming respecs.

I believe that this idea will solve a major QoL issue many have with this game. Let me explain:
I want the ability to send enhancements to a place where they are useless. And before you stop reading this and say "WHAT?!?", let me further this idea. This place, which I will call "Enhancement Purgatory", is free to use. Any enhancement can be put into it, and the place has an infinite storage space. Unfortunately, it will either be impossible to take enhancements out, or will cost money, depending on what best fits the developers taste.
What is the use of such a space? When respecing, I often find that I can do little with one respec. The 10 storage space maximum means I cannot fully slot the build and often have to say goodbye to many enhancements that are quite near to me, or make many respecs over time to get to the build I want. Instead, you would be able to use Purgatory Enhancements only when you respec, and could then slot whatever you want, and/or put the unused enhancements in Purgatory. In this way, respecing would become much less of a hassle for me and other players.
Why Purgatory, instead of just giving players infinite storage normally? Well, the developers of this game have made it clear, for good reasons, that players should not have an infinite amount of usable, hassle-free space. Purgatory is infinite, but it is finite in use and function. Players would not want to store all their enhancements in Purgatory because of the fee or inability to take enhancements out.
Finally, enhancements already in a build should be able to be put in "semi"-Purgatory status, where the are used until a respec, then pulled into Purgatory when a respec occurs. In this way, players could pull wanted enhancements from one build to another without using multiple respecs.
I believe that this idea would be a great improvement in player QoL without stepping over bounds the developers have made in storage. Please sign on if you agree, and hopefully a dev will consider it as "A Good Idea" endquote.
TW/Elec Optimization