It's Judgement Day!
Looking good so far, Bon Voyage!
Sorry for the lack of art, working on a commission, but I haven't forgotten my promises... more to come soon as possible, for now just a teaser on the new costume, and yes it's an SW look.
Can't post the whole piece yet, as it's a surprise birthday gift... but...
I thought I'd show a snippet of the section I'm really proud of... the metal cyborg arm!
Gotta finish one more, than I will be ready for my Ultimate Centinull...
I have to say LJ I really love your artwork. What is so interesting to me is how you don't have these perfect line arts. Your brush/line strokes have a natural feel to them but ends up with so much detail. The cyborg arm here being a great example. It's kind of sketch feeling but at the same time it's not. I know not being an "art" person what I said doesn't make a lot of sense probably but it does to me.
Anyway great stuff!

No I totally get what you're saying, it's all aesthetics and taste anyway, some people like that crisp black line. I still do, but personally I think I've evolved away from it, though with my Manga Studio program, I could get lost just doing "ink" work... still, as of late, I am all about the custom brushes, and trying to get my work to a more painterly feel.
Also metal use to be the bane of my existence... so I'm pretty happy with this one. The client is giving it to her husband come Saturday, and then I can post the full piece. But before then I got one more to do for her, until I can start on all the pieces I wanted to do before I left for England. Dang drawing jet lag... just kidding.
Actually it's COH the game itself. I never use to play, for almost 2 years since the Envisionaries broke up. I only kept my account when I had it, for the last 3-4 issues to talk in game or on the forums to clients. But NOW, I am playing up a storm... back to my old habits of 2 missions to wake up with, while I have my morning coffee.
I just have to substitute playing in the morning, for later after dinner... earn my keep by drawing all day, then reward myself with some bad guy butt kicking...
Also I've had ALT-itis, as seen here by my Bat Woman costume...
Sorry have to clear up a confusion, as I just got a request, I think for an art for influence kind of thing. While that is a generous offer, I found I had some purple IO that sold for $450 MIL, and so I am pretty good for in game currency.
Anyway appreciate the offer, but unless you can mail me back issues w/DVDs of my favorite mag (imaginefx)... I'm not currently open for business. Though if anyone wants to throw money at me, I probably won't say no. o_0
No need to throw money at me, the wife just got me:
1) Steampunk
2) Animal
3) Mutant
4) Party
5) Origins
6) and GR complete item pack
... for my birthday present, though does this mean I can't use any of them till Friday? o_0
So I am told by Mrs. Wallace, that Mr. Wallace loved his gifts (art of his main, and of their two respective team selves)... so finally I can show them here:
1) The Eclipses (Eclipse and Lady Eclipse) in SG and individual costumes
2) Kaine Le Fay
My thanks to Bass Ackwards for his help in securing images of the Sword and Shield on this one...
Whew, now I can relax...
I'm reminded of the armor from Crysis 2 when I look at that arm, nifty!
Nice work. Looks great.
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All things Ferreter: Ferreter's Masked Hour
CoH Virtue: Ferreter (Palladium Sentry), Mighty Mollie (ASTS), Charm Frost (GAH), Philomina (EoA), Sable Falcon (Inflitrators), Starlit Oracle (GotGA), Princess Lumina (Palladium Sentry), Doncella (Hero Dawn), Red Heron (Aerial Avengers)
A quickie for CR, just a first pass, trying to get a feel for him...
Looking great so far Bobby.
I so wish we could thumbs up pieces here. Very nice, Bobby!
Curious, the style reminds me a lot of Vampire Hunter D. Not the artwork from the books but the artwork in the second animated movie.
Very nice indeed.
Well I'm glad you all like it... this time out, I used Adrien Brody as reference...
this one actually took less time to do, cause I was rushing cuz I thought I had to make dinner,
but then I was reminded a friend was bringing us a lasagne! Woo hoo saved...
Anyway, click here for a close up...
I love how the piece for CR is turning out!! And the pieces you did for the Eclipse's are totally STUPENDOUS!!! Really LJ! They are fantastically done!!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Thank you VexXxa, with flattery like that it's a wonder I don't draw you all day!
But for my latest trick, I am going to finish off the Big Man first... here's 20 minutes of the new piece,
THIS one will be the final... gotta run out the door, but thought I would share this stage, I kind of like it's rawness...
in case anyone's wondering this is my "Terminator 2" version of Centinull appearing out of thin air.
<peek, peek>
Looks very cool!
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