Weekly Costume Contest from Hero Dawn




I'm never going to make one of these on time, ever. As much as I'd like to get in on them.



Originally Posted by Hydrothermia View Post
I'm never going to make one of these on time, ever. As much as I'd like to get in on them.
Sorry to hear that.

I ended up getting called in at my work, so I missed it tonight too



Originally Posted by Doc_Triumph View Post
Next Monday is Halloween, so we may be changing the day/time for that one. What do you all think?
That's understandable. Halloween is a pretty busy day for anyone who has kids. Or is a kid. Or has a party. Or is a party. Or... wait, what was the question again?



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Sorry for the delay in posting the winners pics of late, Been rather busy with real life.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



We're going to take a break this coming week for Halloween.

I'll have my son out Trick-or-Treating that night and I'm sure all of you parents out there will be doing the same.

No kids? Go out and party while you still can!

Have fun and be safe everyone!

"It's" going to be the subject of our next few costume contests.

Monday, November 7th: It's Alive! Adventures in Mad Science (double prizes on this one).

Monday, November 14th: It Came from Outer Space

Monday, November 21st: It's Over 9000!

More details to come.



And here....(gets memo)

Taking a break? What can I do now with its.....(light bulb comes on. Runs off)

(Scene change to forest. Old man costume with long beard on satggering quickly bumping into trees coming closer to camera. )

Pant puff

(Full face shot)


(Liberty bell march plays)

Hero Dawn's Flying Circus!

(Does the fish slap dance until proper end when foot of Goat steps on me)

Goat: ok you're getting too silly. And now for something completely different...



Coming up next:

Come as a Mad Scientist or one of their creations!

We hope to see you there!



And here's how you get the location in Founder's Falls for Monday (pulls down map)

Two fast ways

1) drop the oro portal and head to founders. Plops you across the street of train station for contest.

2) take the train. Get off train.

And now a man with a tape recorder up his nose.

(Man withinger up then presses nostril and you hear the french anthem.)

(16 ton anvil drops on him by goat)

Goat: Still too silly.



Tonight is the night for our "It's Alive! Adventures in Mad Science." costume and trivia contests at the Founder's Falls train station. It starts at 10 P.M. Eastern.

I hope to see you there!



I'd like to thank everyone who came out last night for "It's Alive!" As always, it was a great time.

Up next week is: "It Came From Outer Space!"

Our alien themed costume and trivia contests will be held on Monday, November 14th at 10 P.M. Eastern. We'll be holding this one inside the Peregrine Island Vanguard Depot.

I hope to see you there!



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



And here's how youget to the vangaurd depot in PI (pulls down map)

Doesnt matter if you come from oro, ferry or base port, head in an eastern direction ( remember the island is angled) to the warehouse with the purple vanguard flags draped on the sides. Then go inside but dont go thru the portal inside.

Se you tonight.

(Vanguard soldier asks for ID)

ID....i got it here somewhere......ah left wallet at home

(door closed and locked)

HEY COME ON (bangs on door) OPEN UP (bangs on door)




Originally Posted by MadVyking View Post
And here's how youget to the vangaurd depot in PI (pulls down map)

Doesnt matter if you come from oro, ferry or base port, head in an eastern direction ( remember the island is angled) to the warehouse with the purple vanguard flags draped on the sides. Then go inside but dont go thru the portal inside.

Se you tonight.

(Vanguard soldier asks for ID)

ID....i got it here somewhere......ah left wallet at home

(door closed and locked)

HEY COME ON (bangs on door) OPEN UP (bangs on door)

Wouldn't the easiest way to get there be to enter the Vanguard base from Atlas or Founders and then turn around and exit to PI?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Tonight inside the PI Vanguard Depot.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Wouldn't the easiest way to get there be to enter the Vanguard base from Atlas or Founders and then turn around and exit to PI?

Thanks for pointing that out!



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Wouldn't the easiest way to get there be to enter the Vanguard base from Atlas or Founders and then turn around and exit to PI?
Yep, and it would also be beneficial for us to remember that Rogues can also attend and need direction from the red side to get there as well.

Global Name � @Doom Diva



I finished the write up for the event.

I never posted them here before, but I think it would be a nice touch if others want to read it.

Find the write up + photos at the following link:

Global Name � @Doom Diva



Originally Posted by Tiem View Post
Testing testing, 1 2 3... Okay, got my forum account working.

Thanks again for the positive feedback from everyone about the costumes, though I'm a little disappointed to see my ox hidden behind my MANLY BULK like that in the image. She was a fine ox, blue as the ocean and large as a house.
Aww Tiem, no need to be disappointed. Here's your OX in all his glory, from my original write up, for the event.

If you care to read the write up for Myth Representations, you can find it here:

It may be two months too late, but I'll make it a point now to include the write ups in this forum if you and others care to read them.

Sometimes I have hardly anything to say, but sometimes there is a highlight of the event that truly needs to be mentioned in a post.


Global Name � @Doom Diva



Our next costume contest is going to be "It's Over 9000!" an Anime themed costume and trivia contest. It will be held in Faultline near Mirror Spirit on Monday, November 21st at 10 P.M. Eastern.

I hope to see you there!

We're going to be switching our weekly costume contests to Sundays after this one.

I'll provide more details as they become available to me.



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



And here's how you get to mirror spirit in faultline (pulls down map)

Simplest way go to the faultline entrance in skyway. Then turn left and follow the wall to the pool at the corner.

If you want to get the donut badge by jumping thru the donut.

Seeya then.

(Reaches for donut all there is are bavarian creme)

Aw man late again.



Originally Posted by Doc_Triumph View Post
Our next costume contest is going to be "It's Over 9000!" an Anime themed costume and trivia contest. It will be held in Faultline near Mirror Spirit on Monday, November 21st at 10 P.M. Eastern.

I hope to see you there!

We're going to be switching our weekly costume contests to Sundays after this one.

I'll provide more details as they become available to me.
Reminder tonight is the Night for this CC.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's