Weekly Costume Contest from Hero Dawn




Thank you folks - it was great fun (I was Horus Harmakhis) and I even got an Honorable mention!

My first of your costume contests and it was light-hearted and fun. I type way too slow to win the trivia!



Thank you to everyone for the great positive feedback!

Ionia Titan usually runs the trivia portion, but I've covered it a few times.

It's amazing that as soon as the question is out my screen will light up with tells.

There's definitely some trivia experts out there who type a lot faster than I do.



Originally Posted by Cognitive_Genome View Post
Damn me for entering something as obscure as Hastur. Should have entered Great Cthulhu/ a Starspawn. CURSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~

Grats to the winners, though! Especially Paul Bunyan/Babe.

hey, more people have probably heard of hastur than of Tapio, lord of forests. so we both kinda shot ourselves in the foot, IMO.



Testing testing, 1 2 3... Okay, got my forum account working.

Thanks again for the positive feedback from everyone about the costumes, though I'm a little disappointed to see my ox hidden behind my MANLY BULK like that in the image. She was a fine ox, blue as the ocean and large as a house.

Thanks to Hero Dawn for both having the initiative to hold costume contests for the community and going the extra mile to throw in a trivia contest to spice it up a bit. Though that trivia contest... man. Same two people getting the answers in first, every time. The fingers of our mere, mortal hands could not keep up.

Especially mine, giant as they are. Operating a keyboard is tricky business when you're 63 axehandles high.



Even I have to admit I am amazed of the speed typing skills of our contestants. But then again, Virtue never disappoints with player skills.

In the meantime.....

And here's how you get to the Talos staue the fastest ways (pulls down map)

The location is marked by the field agent of the area. Three ways if you want to race

1) Founders' Falls entrance the head NW ish or

2) The train and then head west or

3) Sjyway City entrance and head SE

The theme is "Fowl Play" Bird theme so flock...

(notes large shadow on ground)


(looks up to see an enormous flock of birds landing on statue above me)

.......over. Seeya monday.


if i don't make any sudden moves, i should be o.k.



As Hero Dawn gets close to the 5 month mark of doing the traveling costume contests, we take pause to thank all the feedback we have been getting. We pride ourselves in doing this contest not only to have fun with everyone who enter, but also to do two different spins on a commonly seen event.

1) a different location to show areas where maybe you been but never really seen. Best example the top of the Zig in Brickstown and the depowered room in the AE building which had an extra benefit.

2) combining the contest with trivia so everyone isn't just sitting around.

We hope to continue in doing these contest and (Holds an 80's wine cooler) we thank you for your support.



Reminder: We're flocking to Talos Island tomorrow (Monday) night at 10 P.M. Eastern for Hero Dawn's "Fowl Play," bird-themed costume contest and trivia under the Talos statue.

I hope to see you there.



Tonight's the night. Costume contest at the talos statue in Talos 10pm est

(Opens umbrella)

I'm not taking any chances.



Update: We will be moving this event to Galaxy City and will be hosting it in conjunction with The All Stars.

So: Galaxy City, Freedom Court at 10 P.M. Eastern tonight.

I hope to see you there!

Edit: If we can, I'd like to get all of the birds to perch on the Galaxy Girl statue after the cc for a screen shot.



Originally Posted by Doc_Triumph View Post
Update: We will be moving this event to Galaxy City and will be hosting it in conjunction with The All Stars.

So: Galaxy City, Freedom Court at 10 P.M. Eastern tonight.

I hope to see you there!

Edit: If we can, I'd like to get all of the birds to perch on the Galaxy Girl statue after the cc for a screen shot.
Sweet, another Paragon team up!

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



(Gets message via carrier pigeon)


Ok short version of how to get to Freedom court in galaxy (reaches for map). No time go verbal.

Go to the train pull down the map. The marker is left of the train. Once out head over.

So join us and All Stars as we say farewell to galaxy city

(Tv hulk "walking away" music plays as I walk to galaxy city one last time)

(Pigeon lands on shoulder)

Ah its a special night.



We had a great time in Galaxy City tonight with The All Stars and all of the folks who showed. We'll have some screen shots coming soon.

Join us next week for:

Come as a lounge singer, gambler, showgirl, member of the Rat Pack, Moe Greene, anyone you might find in a casino.



Loved every minute of it and learned a lot thanks for moving your event on short notice.



St. Martial? Sweet!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
Loved every minute of it and learned a lot thanks for moving your event on short notice.
It was a pleasure!



Originally Posted by Doc_Triumph View Post
We had a great time in Galaxy City tonight with The All Stars and all of the folks who showed. We'll have some screen shots coming soon.

Join us next week for:

Come as a lounge singer, gambler, showgirl, member of the Rat Pack, Moe Greene, anyone you might find in a casino.
Love this Ad !
Nice work Doc!
See you all there!

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



I'm back!

Here are a few shots that I took at our "Fowl Play/Farewell to Galaxy" event that we ran in conjunction with the All Stars:

Goat should be posting the pics of the winners as soon as he can get back into the forums.

Reminder: We're in St. Martial this Monday at 10 P.M. Eastern for our "Casino Night" CC and Trivia Contests.



(comes out from back of computer with broken mallet)

be;ieve me you would have learned new words.

SO.... here's how you get to st. martial location for monday's contest )pulls down map)

once out of the ferry go east ish to babylon and head to the upper terrace outside

seeya then

(throws broken mallet away)

(hits dev by accident)




Quick clarification.

There is a map marker for babylon on the map. Just highlight it and you're on your way to the pyramid. Like I said it will be on the terrace midway up.

(Gets dragged away by security for losing all in the slots)

Hey come on I'm promoting the business.



Tonight's the night

(Puts on fedora)

Luck be a lady tonight



Sorry for the delay in posting last weeks CC winners but i was having trouble logging into the Forums here.

And tonite is our next CC in St. Marshall.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Tonight's CC at the Golden Giza was a great deal of fun. We had a couple celebrity appearances.

Unfortunately the scene later turned ugly when Elvis took out a pistol and fired into the crowd.



Up next week: