Weekly Costume Contest from Hero Dawn




I stopped playing all other online games after playing COH. The costume creator hooked me, the way the characters moved made me happy (characters in every other games I've played move like tanks), and the community made me feel welcome.

One part of the community I will miss the most is the Hero Dawn. Their fun CC's allowed me to show off my costumes, to dance, and to interact with fine, friendly folks.

Thanks for being a part of my six year joyride.

My Favorite Alts:
-Tin Toy Soldier, Gun Maiden of Mars, Swackhammer, Goldfaerie, Kartoon Kritter, Cookie Peddler, Dark Buring Heart, Hit Witch, Pink Powder Ninja, Marble Bellatrix and The Mighty Who!



I hope people are going to take lots of good quality screen shots of this final blow-out event that they'd be willing to share. I'm not going to be able to make this one because of Real Life plans

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My DA Profile



I'd like to take a second to thank you guys at Hero Dawn for hosting these costume contests each week. I couldn't make every one for different reasons, but I always wanted to, and when I did I always had fun. Obviously after going to the first couple I realized just how horribly my own costumes stank back then ... but seeing the amazing outfits that would gather there every week inspired me to want to look that good too. So I practiced. And I practiced. And I practiced. My first honorable mention seriously was an honor, then a while later I got another... and suddenly one night I actually won! Dual Core got first place in the Robot Rumble held behind the Talos Island tram! I was completely blindsided. It was such an awesome feeling, seeing all those great outfits around me while my little entry - which I thought for sure would be yet another flop - took the gold medal!

I think the best part though, was knowing that no matter how many times I lost it was always to a better outfit, and not just to someone's buddy or SGmate. I could see the quality on the winners plainly enough, you guys never showed any bias in your decisions. That part made it worth it to keep trying each week.

So thank you for a whole lot of fun sunday and monday nights!

And thank you for inspiring me to keep trying to make better outfits too! I think I managed to get okay at it, in the end...

So, yeah. I'm gonna be there at the blowout, you can count on it! If we're goin' out, let's go out stylin'.



15 minutes to go in ATLAS PARK 2



Once again, i would like to thank all the players who not only came to our contests but everyone who played. i will probably see you all to say my goodbyes and to wish everyone good luck in life.


(play the song)

(see me picking up my sack full of toons and walking away down the road with a thunb sticking out. slowly going down the road and fading out of sight)

(Where I stood is a tree withe words 'Long Live City of Heroes")



I agree with this so much!!

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Originally Posted by Lord_Goat View Post

I agree with this so much!!
Yeah, that's a pretty uncanny summary of what I've been feeling the last couple weeks too.

But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we haven't seen the last of these events yet. Time will tell I guess. Well okay, time and positive efforts on our part.

Take heart, goat creature! Our city's future may be brighter than it looked two weeks ago. We know that our efforts have been noticed, now it's a matter of keeping them up and waiting to learn what sort of difference they made.



OMG! And amongst all the situation I forgot the inductees.

First inductee is a familiar sight for anyone with radioparagon. Always having fun asking for moar crue but she earned a spot for being the first to get the zonk prize. So congrats to dj sassy.

Next is a person who was inspired to improve costume skills with the contest. Through trial and error this player did climb the ranks and won a few contests so the next inductee is triplash.

Next we give to one of our own. The guy who started this contest as well as this thread. If it wasn't for him the contest wouldn't have existed. So give it up to doc triumph.

Next again to our own. Without these three it definitely wouldn't have happened. So a big round of applause to our fearless leaders goat , doom and capt. Shwan.

And the final inductees is to you: the players who made coh the best playing experience ever. I hope I get to play with you again but if not I will treasure the years I had.

Thank you all.

(Turns to walk away again then pauses)

One more time for old times sake

In the words of judge mills lane.....LET'S GET IT ON!