Weekly Costume Contest from Hero Dawn




Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



(Looks at Goat post)

Hey, you forgot "Go for the Goat". The top three winners have a chance to double their influence, wina purlpe recipe or get zonked with a zonk prize.

Also anyone who beats Nuclear Gecko's record for most trivia answered get a bonus.

All tonight 10pm eastern. King's row train station.



Congrats to all our winners

Special congrats to Ghostwell who walked away after playing "Go for the Goat" winning 400,000,000 influence.

Next Sunday...

(Black and white movie style)

We go back to the past with "Pulp fiction included", going back to the days of doc samson, the shadow, flash gordon all the rest of that genre.

It will be held in Independence Port. Exact location to be posted later.

(Shadowy figure lurks from behind)

So keep your eyes peeled for more info here.

(Turns and fires pistol at shadowy figure. He falls and a pizza box slides to me)

(Grabs slice)

Keep the change ya filthy animal



Originally Posted by MadVyking View Post
It will be held in Independence Port. Exact location to be posted later.
May I suggest either a long stretch of crate-filled docks, or the roof of the police station. Because, docks and rooftops. Unless you can find a dark alley big enough to fit fifty people in it...



Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
May I suggest either a long stretch of crate-filled docks, or the roof of the police station. Because, docks and rooftops. Unless you can find a dark alley big enough to fit fifty people in it...
Thanks for the suggest. I'm not sure where they have in mind for the Loc just yet. Doc & Mad are our 2 SG members that pick the Themes and Loc's for each weekly event we run, Me and Doomie help with the funding and hosting of the events and SG members fill the role of judges and promotion helpers.

I do know Doc and Mad take suggests on Themes and Loc's so you never know?!

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Originally Posted by Lord_Goat View Post
I do know Doc and Mad take suggests on Themes and Loc's so you never know?!
*plays tinny old music track*

No... but the Shadow knows!

Heh, it'll be fun wherever we end up though. Always is



Originally Posted by MadVyking View Post
Congrats to all our winners

Special congrats to Ghostwell who walked away after playing "Go for the Goat" winning 400,000,000 influence.

Next Sunday...

(Black and white movie style)

We go back to the past with "Pulp fiction included", going back to the days of doc samson, the shadow, flash gordon all the rest of that genre.

It will be held in Independence Port. Exact location to be posted later.

(Shadowy figure lurks from behind)

So keep your eyes peeled for more info here.

(Turns and fires pistol at shadowy figure. He falls and a pizza box slides to me)

(Grabs slice)

Keep the change ya filthy animal
Is that Doc Samson, Man of Long Green Tresses...? Or Doc Savage, Man of Bronze!

My Favorite Alts:
-Tin Toy Soldier, Gun Maiden of Mars, Swackhammer, Goldfaerie, Kartoon Kritter, Cookie Peddler, Dark Buring Heart, Hit Witch, Pink Powder Ninja, Marble Bellatrix and The Mighty Who!



Heya Swackhammer,

Its nice to see ya join us here on the forums. (Or at least post)

Mad will have to answer that question for ya tho.

You got something in mind for next weeks CC?

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Meant doc savage

Though if you think of it the old school costume of sampson does fit the bill



I always have something in mind... I will try my best to show up. Until then, here's some marginally-related, utterly-useless Swack Wisdom:

"The weed of crime bears bitter fruit." (The Shadow)

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." (Groucho Marx)

My Favorite Alts:
-Tin Toy Soldier, Gun Maiden of Mars, Swackhammer, Goldfaerie, Kartoon Kritter, Cookie Peddler, Dark Buring Heart, Hit Witch, Pink Powder Ninja, Marble Bellatrix and The Mighty Who!



(places old radio on table, turns it on and walks away)

(Old fast talking newsman voice)

Thank you Mr. and Mrs America and all the ships at sea. FLASH! The location for the Indy port pulp heroes costume contest will be at the Sutter's boat. For those not knowing or have been incarnate so long that sutter turned into a footnote, the directions will go as follows:

Fastest way is to go from the train station, go NNW for about 345 yards past the hospital and you're there. you will see another boat with a helicopter on it. IF you see Stateman (?) then you went the wrong way. If you see a captain on the boat then you went the right way.

(deep commercial voice)

This broadcast is brought to you by Hero Dawn. An established 7 year supergroup.


by DJ Goat of RadioParagon. The Dj of the contest for two months and going strong.

Tune in for the episodes of Doc Triumph and the Mad Vyking (organ music then fades into static)



Hey when one says you do it we'll mention it, we mean it.

Everyone has seen the favorite newsgirl Kherianda taking pictures at a few of the costume contests. We'll, it seems she did a little blurb on her Virtueverse page. Now due to me being on cell and can't exactly copy and paste the link, I'll do it the old fashioned way.

Go to Virtueverse.net/wiki/Kherianda/Kherianda_Reports

Her article dated Feb. 21 mentions the costume contests in virtue. We understand you doing the fair and balanced reporting :P

Don't forget to say Hi to her as the camera goes click click



(Radio comes on again deep announcer voice)

Tonight Hero Dawn presents "Pulp Fiction Included", a tribute heroes that led the way..

SEE........the costume old become new again

HEAR.......DJ Goat play the records

TEST.....your knowledge of trivia of days gone by

Tonight at Sutter's boat in Indy Port 10pm eastern

Brought to by Hero Dawn...serving justice for over seven years

And by Hero Pops popcorn...the popcorn of Hero Dawn

And by RadioParagon...DJ Goat playing the platters Sundays 9-11pm easterns

And by Doomiebear...get your cuddly hero today

(Static and radio turns off)



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Just a few hours left to get ready for the CC and Trivia tonite in Indy Port!

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Great costume contest and Yeoman guard got close to breaking the record for most trivia questions answered. So I can be done. Look out nuclear gecko, I see competition.

In the meantime...

Our next theme is general so that means....

(Gets handed paper)

Hmmm..so now it's this not like before. And this is not an april fool's joke? No? Good.

(Brings american flag down and plays patton theme)

(Dresses as a general)

Soldiers, we are here on a mission. You are to report to the Rikti War Zone for the "Major General" costume contest. You are ordered to dress as a real or fictional general and report to the RWZ outside the vanguard base. It is there where you will be judged and tested with trivia of various people of the rank.

So report to the designated area 04/01/2012 at 2200. We will notify in a later communication if there is more than one rwz.

That is all (salutes and walks off)



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



(Gets paper. Reads it)

It seems now that Dark Astoria has become a new area for trials to form, the RWZ has decreased in usage. But we will keep surveillance going until Sunday 4/1/2012 to dtermine if there is a rwz 1,2 or 3 and if so which one the operation will be held. Continue on with your preperations.

At ease for now.




We are looking at RWZ 2 outside the vanguard compound by the warehouses in front of the chopper.
By tin mage and Apex if you need better guidance

10pm eastern



1 hour to go b4 the CC and Trivia start tonight in RWZ 2.

See ya there.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Another one in the books. this one was tough due to the quality of the costumes. Which means we got very creative costume makers here on virtue.

Which brings me to the next week's contest. We are heading back to Atlas in the atrium for "Bold Bunnies" Yes the bunnies take over for the festivities. Of course trivia will be bunny based.

So once the Easter Egg hunt is over and the relatives leave, come on over to Atlas in the atrium next week 10 pm eastern. We will say which Atlas on that day

(puts on velvet robe and pipe on)

What those bunnies count too you know



(Wearing bunny ears and bouncing across)

Getting ready for the costume contest in the atrium in Atlas Park. We will say which one on Sunday.

Also check out Kherianda reports on her virtueverse page. Her april 5th reports highlighted our contest and we thank her for reporting it on her page. You either go back a page here for location or you can to virtueverse and type kherianda.

(Rude baby following)

I wanna easter egg. I wanna easter egg.

(Leaves egg in tux with writing saying April 15th) there's your easter egg.

(Bounces away)



Tonights the night so get your ears and fuzzy tail. We will give directions if you never been to the atrium but if you back track a couple of pages on this thread we do have a visual aide.

And if you are all good you may get a visit by the Easter Goat who leaves chocolate tin can for all the good children.

(Thinks about that)
Nah that won't work. Man that bunny got the market locked on this.



Update. It will be in Atlas Park 2.

(finds egg)

Ooooh chocolate egg.



About 1 hour and 40 mins left to get ready for tonights CC "Bold Bunnys"

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's