Weekly Costume Contest from Hero Dawn




Also wonderful write ups by Doomie here...

Originally Posted by Doom_Diva View Post
My recollection of the last 4 Hero Dawn CC and winners posted to the blog:

6/04/2012, Johnny Quest - CC Winners, Blog Post
We gathered on top of the Zig in Brickstown, on June 4, 2012, to pay homage to Johnny Quest villains.

6/11/2012, Demons|Devils CC - Winners, Blog Post
Themed trivia and costume contest was held on June 11, 2012 at the Croatoa University.

6/18/2012, No Theme - CC Winners, Blog Post
Another fascinating no-theme costume and trivia contest held in Kings Row by Hero Dawn.

6/25/2012, Blog Post
The theme was Psychos, Madmen, and Killers - Oh My!


Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Originally Posted by MadVyking View Post
Great costumes as always


We head to Kings Row to the big penny for "Living in America" American legends real or fictional. So we will see you then

(leans on penny penny falls on top)

talk about the weight of the dollar
This runs tonight, at 11 pm est.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Another one in the books

Next week we go to the Talos Arena

Rather fitting for this theme

"GET OVER HERE!": console combatants. Think Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, DOA, Kiiller Instinct, Super Smash Bros. etc.

That's at the Talos Arena 11 pm next Monday


(Words appear above me [YOU WIN] )

Damn 100 move combo



(news bulletin noise)


The winners of this Monday's costume contest gets to turn the tables and judge US, Hero Dawn on our costumes. Finally the wishes of many a person's dream will now come to fruition. This Monday 11pm eastern in the Talos Arena. We will say which side on Monday.



(checking on fellow sg members changing costumes)

Getting good responses of the fact of winners get fo judge us this monday.

(opens door and gives thumbs up)

We will be in theme just as you will be so get ready monday 11pm eastern in talos arena

(opens door hears women scream quickly closes door)

Ah....wrong door



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



It will be in the Sapphire side of the Talos Arena 11pm eastern. Once again the theme "GET OVER HERE" : console combatants



Good night and congrats to our winners in the regular and the turn the tables cc

Next week we go to the uninhabited island se of the Peregrine Island for "Over the Rainbow" Yes, the Wizard of Oz is the theme. and you be surprised how much fun this one can be . already people are flying monkeying around

(ducks from a flying monkey)

So get ready to go down the yellow brick road next week 11pm

(sees snowfall in july)

Unusual weather we're having



The winners of the "Get Over Here" Console Combatant Trivia and Costume Contest has been posted on the blog with write up. You can view it here:

Who won the "judge the judges" special twist? Check out the blog post.


Global Name � @Doom Diva



Getting closer to "Over the Rainbow" and pointing out if you dress as the first witch to die, I want to see toes curling under something.

And I don't know how playing Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon will enhance the contest. You will have to tell me.



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Just a few hours to go b4 tonights fun with Wizard of Oz CC and Trivia, and maybe even a few fun facts about the Story.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



For those who don't know. The island is the most southern large island on the peregrine island map. Bonus is no villians form here so level 1 is safe.

Getting there another story. I suggest either run or fly or ask for port.



Good job by all. and a lot will be watching the dvd i see

Next week we're back in King's Row

(dramatic music)

Which mean means no theme

(dramatic music)

Which means...

(family feud music)

The return of "Go For The Goat": a chance for the winners to win double their earnings, a purple recipe or the now noted elusive ZONK prize.

Note: this is the first time people are complaining about NOT gettting the ZONK prize. We have a reverse game show moment. People want the ZONK prize.

(Look of perplexion)


Anyway Kings row train station, DJ Goat, trivia and fun galore 11pm eastern next Monday.

(Holds purple package, thinks a second, then grabs the ZONK prize)

Here it is. Come get it.




The costume contest Monday just went triple decker

(Run to the Hills playing)

From 10pm eastern to 10:30 Rogues of Ruin has a costume contest no theme. So Chance number 1

(Party Rock Anthem playing)

Then Paragon Party Pad runs a costume contest from 10:30 to 11pm. Once again no theme so chance number 2

(family Feud theme)

Then finally Hero Dawn runs our contest again no theme which means "Go For the Goat" for the Hero Dawn contest winners. A chance to win double the winnings, a purple recipe or the ZONK prize. Trivia as well so even more chances to win.

SO let's review:

Rogues of Ruin contest 10 to 10:30 PM eastern
Paragon Party Pad contest 10:30 to 11 pm eastern
Hero Dawn costume contest with trivia and "Go For the Goat" 11pm to end.

Three times the costumes, trivia, "Go For the Goat", DJ Goat and triple the fun.

Seeya then.

Now I'm in the mood for triple whopper.



Originally Posted by MadVyking View Post

The costume contest Monday just went triple decker

(Run to the Hills playing)

From 10pm eastern to 10:30 Rogues of Ruin has a costume contest no theme. So Chance number 1

(Party Rock Anthem playing)

Then Paragon Party Pad runs a costume contest from 10:30 to 11pm. Once again no theme so chance number 2

(family Feud theme)

Then finally Hero Dawn runs our contest again no theme which means "Go For the Goat" for the Hero Dawn contest winners. A chance to win double the winnings, a purple recipe or the ZONK prize. Trivia as well so even more chances to win.

SO let's review:

Rogues of Ruin contest 10 to 10:30 PM eastern
Paragon Party Pad contest 10:30 to 11 pm eastern
Hero Dawn costume contest with trivia and "Go For the Goat" 11pm to end.

Three times the costumes, trivia, "Go For the Goat", DJ Goat and triple the fun.

Seeya then.

Now I'm in the mood for triple whopper.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Another one down and still the ZONK prize stays ungotten. (OK english teachers forgive me)

Next week we go to Spanky's Boardwalk for "Santa's Getting a Suntan" :Christmas in July. Yes, we celebrate the festive times in the summer. Next week 11pm eastern Monday

and now some festive music


(looks quizzically)

there's practicing



really they are

(sorry had a double post)

I would also like to thank Rogues of Ruin and Paragon Party Pad for being there helping make this night a great night



Originally Posted by MadVyking View Post

The costume contest Monday just went triple decker

SO let's review:

Rogues of Ruin contest 10 to 10:30 PM eastern
Paragon Party Pad contest 10:30 to 11 pm eastern
Hero Dawn costume contest with trivia and "Go For the Goat" 11pm to end.

Three times the costumes, trivia, "Go For the Goat", DJ Goat and triple the fun.

See ya then.

Now I'm in the mood for triple whopper.
AHHHHHHH... What a Night, What a Night!

For those of you who participated, here are the results, for the Hero Dawn portion, of the evening:

Rogues of Ruin and/or Paragon's Party Pad did not snap photos, so unfortunately I am unable to share their chosen winners with you.

If you're at our next Monday night special, give me a shout out!

Global Name � @Doom Diva



And here's how you get to Spanky's Boardwalk in Talos Island for those who don't know (pulls down map)

Getting out of the train station go in a northeastern like direction about 790 yds and there you are

So there you are on the beach or dock enjoying the sun and fun monday 11pm

(gets hit by snowball)

Excuse me I need to talk to a certain prankster



The Hero Dawn SG

would like to invite you all to join us and rock out with RadioParagon

tonight in Talos at Spankys boardwalk.

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Another one in the books

Next week (after checking the map and people pointing out I need a new map) we go to Founder's Falls in the circle where Infernal is for "Ride The DOOOOOOOOOOOM Train"

(70's wa wa guitar)

As we start music theme contests starting with the sounds of Motown. So seeya there with the trivia, DJ Goat and the sweel soul sounds of Motown. 11 pm eastern.

(Looks around starts James Brown dance)

Huh...Good God....WOOOOOOOOOW!