Cross server naming to allow teaming




Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
Agreed, but I really wasn't sure.

Your post addresses the least important and easiest to solve aspect of cross-server teaming. It is, essentially, irrelevent itself.

To iterate the factors involved which would require work that I know of:

Each server has its own database. Transferring characters from one server to another is an offline process involving collecting all the data for a character (note that that data involves mission progression, contacts available, all aspects of the game world affecting your character), marking the character deleted, and applying the data to a different server. Overcoming this for a 'temporary' transfer would need:

*Additional hardware to coordinate transfers.
*Additional database columns to indicate a temporary transfer.
*Much additional programming to perform the transfers.

There would need to be vast amounts of additional programming to allow cross-server LFT.

Design issue: Which server is the team formed on? The leader's team? What happens when the leader changes?

The only version of this kind of thing I know anything about is WoW's Battleground mechanism, which works for instanced battlefields and operates in groups coordinated by specialy designed hardware and software. To my knowledge, they don't bother with messing about with the names. The chances of two being the same are slim. Our equivalent would be cross-server teaming for the new Incarnate Trials.

Even if there was much chance of name conflicts in a team, it's hardly a show-stopper and not really worth much consideration in the grand scheme of thing.

I'm not saying this is a bad idea, or a good one. It's just not really worth the column-inches.
Actually, global namespace is a legitimate point of discussion. You're approaching this from the perspective of the amount of work involved. All of the technical challenges to making cross-server teaming are just that, technical challenges. The programming team could go away and come back with a solution, and for the most part neither you nor I would have any reason to need to know what they did, or have any real say in how they did what they did. There's no political dimension to the problem.

Global namespace is different, because while almost all solutions are technically straight forward, and probably less work than the actual act of creating cross-server instances, the question of how specifically to do it is subjective. Its not a technical challenge, and as a result its actually beyond the limits of the programmers to solve with just code. That makes it a potentially far more critical challenge. Its entirely possible the devs could kick around ideas for how to do this for a longer period of time than it would take the programming team to solve every other problem.

Code can sometimes be difficult and sometimes be easy to change, but its almost always straight forward. What to code often takes longer to decide, and creates more controversy. You need only look to the current EU/NA server space merge to see how the most straight-forward and practical implementation can cause lots of people to decide the devs failed to choose the "best" possibility, for at least six different definitions of "best" all mutually exclusive.

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Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
How is a redname saying they won't commit to a server-less config also saying the devs will implement this full cross-server conversion?
That quote is saying the plans were not going to happen in 2007. For all we know they've been kicking around the technical issues for cross server play but were stuck on how to deal with the character name-space issue all this time.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
That's entirely different. Some people go through a handful of respecs to strip down their slots. And that's on a single character. I doubt there's an instance where one needs a handful of server transfers on *one* character. Being able to full cross-server team leaves one little reason to use permanent transfers.
And some players will max out one or two servers, this suggestion will not allow cross server groups to exist. Thanks for raising the point though, I'll update my original post in a bit to reflect this concern.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Just to reiterate, I'm all for 'cross-server content', but just plain 'cross-server LFT' I don't support. If you're having problems finding a team, I'm sure the devs will offer free server transfers when they merge the server lists. Just be sure to stick with Freedom/Virtue/Union.
Putting a request for 'cross-server content' without having "just plain cross-server LFT" is putting the cart in front of the horse. In order to have content made, the developers need to have the capability for players to team.

Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
No, cross-server play would dilute communities, by intermingling the existing ones, and then spreading them thin.
You have the choice to see this as "half-full" or "half-empty". You can't build a community without interaction. The dilution is already happening with players starting characters on new servers. The intermingling is also already happening with people starting characters on new servers. All cross server play will do is allow for players to do so at higher levels.

Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
There's only two reasons for the devs to say they're not going to do something: It either goes against their design plans (Level cap increase, powerset respecs, etc), or they want to do it, but don't have the resources allotted to it (side switching, power customization, etc). There's also "We actually ARE doing it, but don't want to tell you yet", and "We aren't doing it YET because we haven't decided exactly how we're going to implement it". The quote you posted was not an outright "no", so that means that either it is in the works, in which case your suggestion is unneeded, or they don't have the resources to either implement it, or to hash out if it's desirable/possible, as the case may be.
They used the exact same phrasing as they used with side switching. Positron has said that type of phrasing means that they couldn't do X feature "yet". Not just that they didn't have the resources, but "we don't know how to do that". That is the problem with vague answers to upcoming feature requests. On the other hand not providing specific answers tends to get developers into more troubles.

Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Ultimately, when it comes to programming though, it's all about resources.
For the most part of actually doing the code, I'd normally agree with you. However this particular issue isn't something they can code without repercussions. People are incredibly attached to their character names. People

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
And some players will max out one or two servers, this suggestion will not allow cross server groups to exist. Thanks for raising the point though, I'll update my original post in a bit to reflect this concern.
If you don't believe the lost revenue from buying server transfers is enough, I could imagine this affecting the number of character slots and secondary/tertiary accounts purchased as well.

Putting a request for 'cross-server content' without having "just plain cross-server LFT" is putting the cart in front of the horse. In order to have content made, the developers need to have the capability for players to team.
You speak of it as if we should instantly implement this feature without actually thinking of the ramifications first. One should theorize what affects the change would have and look to solve issues *before* they become a problem. If later, it's proven the problem wouldn't occur/isn't occurring, expanding the initial capabilities is a logical course.

But then that's just me rationalizing the idea to begin with. Cross server teaming isn't really necessary except for maybe certain content. Normal teams aren't hard to come by if you picked the right server and if you didn't, you can reroll (and e-mail that character's junk to the new one) or just transfer that character to another server.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
If you don't believe the lost revenue from buying server transfers is enough, I could imagine this affecting the number of character slots and secondary/tertiary accounts purchased as well.
I seriously don't think secondary (or more) accounts even figures into the developer's calculations. Even so, there are plenty of player that would still do it though. They could use the fact players don't need to buy more character slots as a huge advantage, and people would STILL buy more character slots.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
You speak of it as if we should instantly implement this feature without actually thinking of the ramifications first.
Except not one of the detractors of the suggestion, including you, are talking about the suggestion. People are talking about wanting cross server content, about revenue loss if cross server play is ever enabled, and how much work it would take to implement cross server teaming.

Until a SPECIFIC hurdle can be overcome, NONE OF THAT IS POSSIBLE.

That specific hurdle is the unique name issue. Without that all the rest is literally meaningless to the discussion. The developers have to handle the name situation in a way that doesn't drive players away. This is one way that tries to appeal to most players. The rest of the cross server play discussion is completely secondary to how the developers address the naming issue.

The name issue will have to come up no matter how the developers choose to do cross-server play. They might go serverless, they might use transfer points, they might do mission terminals, use the Team Up Teleporter, or use something else entirely. None of that matters if character names collide preventing players from teaming. Heck if they fix the name collisions that could allow cross server PVP for those that want it.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
One should theorize what affects the change would have and look to solve issues *before* they become a problem. If later, it's proven the problem wouldn't occur/isn't occurring, expanding the initial capabilities is a logical course.
Except you aren't talking about the suggestion you are pretty much saying we don't need this because the developers shouldn't think about cross server play at all.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
But then that's just me rationalizing the idea to begin with. Cross server teaming isn't really necessary except for maybe certain content. Normal teams aren't hard to come by if you picked the right server and if you didn't, you can reroll (and e-mail that character's junk to the new one) or just transfer that character to another server.
Congratulations, you've completely missed the point of this thread and have descended to a long-winded /jranger. If you don't have anything constructive to add, please go elsewhere. I'm certainly not forcing you to read this thread.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I seriously don't think secondary (or more) accounts even figures into the developer's calculations. Even so, there are plenty of player that would still do it though. They could use the fact players don't need to buy more character slots as a huge advantage, and people would STILL buy more character slots.
And you know this how? Even so, there's the possibility they'd buy *less* character slots. So just add that to the possibility of fewer purchases of server transfers as well...

Except not one of the detractors of the suggestion, including you, are talking about the suggestion. People are talking about wanting cross server content, about revenue loss if cross server play is ever enabled, and how much work it would take to implement cross server teaming.

Until a SPECIFIC hurdle can be overcome, NONE OF THAT IS POSSIBLE.
Oh, you want me to comment on the actual suggestion? Do I want "Tiger-Squall@Protector" or "Tiger-Squall@Leogunner", etc.? Lol, I DON'T CARE! I could be given a random collection of numbers when I go cross-server and not give a flying flip >_>

The sum of the OP, in my book, is "let's give flags to names so they aren't the exact same collection of characters", to which everyone will say, in unison, "Duh".



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Oh, you want me to comment on the actual suggestion? Do I want "Tiger-Squall@Protector" or "Tiger-Squall@Leogunner", etc.? Lol, I DON'T CARE! I could be given a random collection of numbers when I go cross-server and not give a flying flip >_>
That was all the discussion I really wanted when I posted the original suggestion. Some people DO care. I wanted to find out a way so that people that did care could accept.

Some people are adamant about not having @<anything> or about not seeing any other character with the same name as they have. I already know that the suggestion won't do anything for them. For those that object to @<global name> the suggestion protects their privacy a little.

Anything beyond naming conventions is something the developers are going to have to figure out from that point. I'm not privy to their business model or their actual code. Character names are a touchy subject for players, and I was hoping to be pre-emptive in coming up with a naming scheme to prevent most of what happened with the EU-NA server merge.

Like Arcanaville said, after you get around the touchy naming issues:
"for the most part neither you nor I would have any reason to need to know what they did, or have any real say in how they did what they did."

The players will not have any real say on if the developers wanted to change revenue models, allow temporary server transfers, or make cross server content. Though I'm fairly certain they would take all that into account and compare all that with the amount of player demand for cross server teaming.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Oh, you want me to comment on the actual suggestion? Do I want "Tiger-Squall@Protector" or "Tiger-Squall@Leogunner", etc.? Lol, I DON'T CARE! I could be given a random collection of numbers when I go cross-server and not give a flying flip >_>

The sum of the OP, in my book, is "let's give flags to names so they aren't the exact same collection of characters", to which everyone will say, in unison, "Duh".
I believe it is a safe assumption that the vast overwhelming majority of players will care somewhat more than that.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I believe it is a safe assumption that the vast overwhelming majority of players will care somewhat more than that.
I didn't say they didn't. However, the crux of the suggestion makes little progress to its intended solution. Since the suggestion is that of a democratic nature, a poll asking what that overwhelming majority would rather see attached to their name (if anything) would be in order.

The suggestion, in and of itself, is just adding some tag that would make it unique to a name with the exact same configuration of characters but on another server. That's not really up for discussion as it's just common sense.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I didn't say they didn't. However, the crux of the suggestion makes little progress to its intended solution. Since the suggestion is that of a democratic nature, a poll asking what that overwhelming majority would rather see attached to their name (if anything) would be in order.

The suggestion, in and of itself, is just adding some tag that would make it unique to a name with the exact same configuration of characters but on another server. That's not really up for discussion as it's just common sense.
The precise way that happens - because it is potentially changing player characters' visible character names - is not common sense. It is, in fact, the singular aspect of universal naming that is likely to be the most difficult to achieve any sort of consensus on. You have a contingent of players that have said elsewhere and in the past that they would rather accept rejecting any game addition that required name changes rather than accept *any* name change. That is a priori proof of the difficulty surrounding this problem.

I should point out this thread is my fault: Snow Globe was responding to a post I made in another thread where I specifically stated my uncompromisable objection to Global@Local. I would accept it if I was forced, but I would go down swinging at everything that moved until then. In fact, and this is no exaggeration, Global@Local is a small but significant part of why I do not post on the Champions Online boards anymore, and why I never did on the ST:O boards. That is the degree of objection I have to that convention.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Change all character names to <character name>@<home server> to allow for cross-server play.

This suggestion would be treating each server as its own dimension, and allowing players to temporarily move to other servers (dimensions) for greater teaming opportunities.

Having <character name>@<home server> would allow cross-server teaming. If the character is permanently moved to another server, their home server would change. It would allow up to 15 players to have <character name>.

<character name>@Freedom
<character name>@Justice
<character name>@Pinnacle
<character name>@Virtue
<character name>@Liberty
<character name>@Guardian
<character name>@Infinity
<character name>@Protector
<character name>@Victory
<character name>@Champion
<character name>@Triumph
<character name>@Defiant
<character name>@Zukunft
<character name>@Vigilance
<character name>@Union

Initially, it could allow the Team Up Teleporter to act independently of the server so that you could always find a team for Incarnate Trials, and later expand to general cross-server teaming. The developers could make dimensional teleportation centers (Pocket D, Grandville Portal, Nerva Portal, Peregrine Island Portals) to allow for temporary transfers to other servers. When you log out, you get transferred back to your home server.

The <home server> could be hidden for those that don't want to see it most of the time, but could be accessed at any time like the current setting to show player name on target or mouseover.

By using <home server> instead of <global name>, it protects player's need for anonymity and allows players to have multiple copies of their character.
A few weeks ago i posted an idea i had a long time ago about a cross server PvP zone. The idea to include server name with toon name is the same as i had to avoid name conflicts. You however, came up with a more detailed suggestion, and it could work.

  • Allows cross-server teaming! This is a huge plus.
  • Allows up to 15 players to have the "same" name for their character.
  • Doesn't immediately expose global name.
  • Characters don't need to permanently transfer to other servers.
  • Allows EU and NA characters to show "where they are from".
  • It is a necessary first step in cross server teaming as it allows unique names for all characters.
  • Would allow "Snow Globe@Triumph" to team up with "Snow Globe@Freedom" to do content.
All these points validate the use of a cross server platform.
Added bonus:
PvP. I know the PvP players are scattered, and something like this could bring them together.

  • People will misunderstand the suggestion and rant about completely unrelated things.
  • It would require auto-complete to send tells/invites/etc.
  • It would need an investment of time to program this.
  • An individual server being down would block access to characters on that server.
  • Some players consider @<home server> as ugly.
  • Some players prefer completely unique names. However this is not only short sighted, but would actually BLOCK cross-server play.
1) Those people love to bash others, and i don't really pay attention to them. Once in a blue moon they come with a valid point, and that means that we can think of that and see how to change something.
2) Yes and no. Toons from the same server, no matter if they are on the same server yes or no, could be linked by the home server. Meaning Nephila on Guardian just has to type Dark Energon to reach him, even if he's on a diff server and vice versa. If you want to reach someone from a diff server, that's when the Nehila@Freedom comes to play. And still, auto complete could be a suggestion for the server name, like we have in the Auction House.
3) Yes it does. It does need a serious investment of time, and a lot of testing. But it doesn't have to be out over night or in a few weeks.
4) Yes, but that's the same issue that we'd have now. So no issue in my opinion
5) Have an option to hide it under mouse over/selected only. And when on home server, just neglect it completely. It could be active only when on vacation on a diff server.
6) If they don't like it they don't have to go to a diff server and be named Nephila@Guardian to meet Nephila on Exalted and Nephila@Virtue. When those come to his own home server, he'll be still Nephila, while they'll have the @servername attached to their name.

Snow, glad that i saw this link in your signature.
Glad that there are a few others in favor of cross server teaming, and pulling the community closer instead of driven them further apart.
Esp now with the new VIP only server, some friends are there, i'd love to visit them as a VIP, or have them join us for a trail or two.

My thought regarding this..

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
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Thread necro!

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Thread necro!

Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
Snow, glad that i saw this link in your signature.
Glad that there are a few others in favor of cross server teaming, and pulling the community closer instead of driven them further apart.
Esp now with the new VIP only server, some friends are there, i'd love to visit them as a VIP, or have them join us for a trail or two.

My thought regarding this..
Thanks for the kind words.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I've no desire to jump into an argument so I haven't bothered reading this thread beyond the OP.

If this has been said before I apologize, and if not then...what?

The simple solution if you truly want cross-server teaming is to use peoples global names. There's zero need to use character names in cross-server teams when everyone already has a global handle across ALL servers that's solely unique to them. It's not as if any joe-shmoe can't just click your name and get your global in two clicks anyway.

I can't say I support the idea of cross server teaming... at all, but there you go.