



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I think that's a legitimate point, though limited by all the various ways we have now of "buying" items. You can earn and buy things with regular merits. You can convert regular merits to alignment merits and buy even shinier things with alignment merits. You can play the game any way you want and buy things with influence, since nearly all aspects of the game rain influence. You can play the game in certain ways to get the actual drops yourself. Some of these ways DO take significantly longer than other ways, though, so I can understand how you might feel like you're being forced to play a certain way.
If I want IO sets to kit out a character (I believe I have 4 in total fully IO'd), I will choose the system that works best for me with the least amount of hassle (A-Merits system), whether I like it or not. I would say that's how the majority of people will operate.

Do I wish the system was better? Hell YES!

Will I quit the game over an over-priced IO that's going to let me keep my concept and my IO build? Hell NO! Don't think I'll bother getting one again since the number needed to get 2 of them will let me kit out whole characters with multiple billion Influ builds for confetti levels of influence ( I give away a lot to friends and such, so I only keep from 300 mill to 1 billion liquid at any given time).

I have my system in place to make maximum use of the merit system (Although, I think I'll leave some villians redside earning A-Merits for the sake of mission variety. ) My complaint is the system could use a revamp when an inferior PvP unique costs 30 times more than its PvE "counterpart". It could use a complete revamp, to be honest.

See, the whole thing has reduced my thinking of it to work, something I really hate to do in a game. And I have met many more people in the game that feel the same way i do than I have seen posters in here telling me "that is how MMOs work". Yes, well, men used to kill each other with shard slices of metal until someone came up with gunpowder percussion, then things changed. Everyone used to talk on home phones until cell phones became accessible and things changed.

People use to play basic video games on computers until MMOs came along and things changed.

Our Invention system could use one here.

If it's any consolation, I feel the same way about incarnate levels and forced teaming. Well, it is forced in I19 if you want to advance, but I hear rumor you can do it solo in I20 - it just takes this side of forever. But hey, I just said I like slow advancement, and it looks like solo incarnate will be really, really slow, so maybe I should be happy. *chuckle*
Funny, I don't mind the Incarnate system being tougher or longer to run through. Its supposed to be our endgame, however, I wish there was more to do with it at release. Two trials for four abilites...

Although, I must admit, it looks like the incarnate system is going to wind up as alt-friendly as the rest of the game and, just possibly, a better reward system than the current "trash-drop" Invention system we have in place currently.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Let me put this in a different perspective:

Although I cannot STAND speed running (particularly TFs) missions and such, I cannot STAND having Leaping as my travel power on a character that has had Fly since I3. I will suffer the lesser evil to obtain the desired result.

(yes, I know I can "buy a jetpack", however, a jetpack isn't part of concept, no matter how much I try to go with it.)

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Yes, well, men used to kill each other with shard slices of metal until someone came up with gunpowder percussion, then things changed.

<3 Myrmydon, even if I don't fully agree with you on some things

We need to kit you out with a farming Broot, call meh



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Heh, you look at this game as work, I look at it as entertainment. I doubt we'll ever see eye-to-eye on this.
No. I look at wanting the most beneficial loot in the game worthy of effort to obtain it. My shorthand word, "work", encompasses many things. Playing baseball isn't work; getting paid 20 million dollars to play 162 games a year + of pro ball is something some people would call work, while others would call "Sign me up for THAT!" But in each case, effort, often unpleasant effort, is involved.

You can substitute practically any activity for 'baseball'. The most top-tier performance in any endeavor always involves effort (which I call work) beyond the normal scope of most people. To want it to be otherwise is to devalue it, in my opinion.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Heh, you look at this game as work, I look at it as entertainment. I doubt we'll ever see eye-to-eye on this.
Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
No. I look at wanting the most beneficial loot in the game worthy of effort to obtain it. My shorthand word, "work", encompasses many things.
Top definition for "work" over at dictionary.com: "exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil."

That sounds a lot like the effort needed to get the best loot in the game to me!

The same source also defines "entertainment" as "the act of entertaining; agreeable occupation for the mind; diversion; amusement: Solving the daily crossword puzzle is an entertainment for many.

I find their example vaguely wrong because of all the people that I know who like crossword puzzles, they all want there to be SOME degree of effort required to complete the puzzle or else they complain that it was too easy. And the New York Times crossword is generally known for being easiest on Monday and becoming more difficult as the week progresses. So those things make crosswords seem somewhat like "work."

If the OP wants pure entertainment without any sort effort, there's always television and movies.

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04