PvP Boot Camp Season 2




Gratz to the winners! I did make a build, but forgot to submit it last night, lol. I was pretty tired.



Sorry I missed last night guys - had a T-storm in the area and lost power here for most of the evening.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Good job to the following people for participating in the PvP build challenge:

General Lieutenant
Strike K
Madame Pistacio
Wow! Thanks for the io Masque! All i was hopinng for was a build critique! (I have placed it in the PvP base incase anyone needs it!)

Currently Playing:

A bunch of toons! (Freedom, Virtue, and a few on Infinity)



Originally Posted by Archantos View Post
Wow! Thanks for the io Masque! All i was hopinng for was a build critique! (I have placed it in the PvP base incase anyone needs it!)
Where's mine?

@Private Nurse



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
-----Build Challenge----

Blaster-Dual Pistols/Elec manipulation- build for zone play

Warshade- Duelist build

Flying Crab- Duelist build (yes the character must take fly as a travel power)

Defender- Flying trick arrow/(xxx)- duelist/zone - You get to pick the secondary, I will give you a hint that one would be pretty superior to the others.
There was a few people who wanted feedback on their pvp builds- I will be sending PMs back to each of you with my notes on your build. However, I wanted to break down each build here so maybe we can talk about things a little this week since we are not having an official meeting.

I'd like to share with you one of the top builds submitted in my opinion for the flying Crab- Not only did this person hit the important aspects of building a pvp character, he outlined a very solid strategy on how he would play this character as well.

----Flying Crab for duels-----

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65935B4F134114C767DB2DA52DB752CAFD566A0516BA7 4A36F26222268410C8|
|48BC69766A11B3ABA6E9BED62E4CDCFA089468DF182069EBD E3E58368D4F805BC24|
|9095B5FCB59F96266316F66B961FBCFE9CE86AD9BCCCF184B FC3F5B54276D7D35B3|
|58E059C32E8B89255BE716B7D633A7F5ECBAE1FC1B549E0CA 7AD9C611B96A39607A|
|1F97CDE54A74DBE9E73C2384E5B577991AF72933B9BA4CCE9 162F6C98BAC3F35610|
|95C58261645BA70A7C4D5D999A58CACCE96B063C8A8E616FB 68367057ECDACFC29F|
|998EA614C632D2944AB4618F63236C87A1544FF28E2590812 24CCF2305572E36A15|
|4430896829CF4359698BB992BC8DE8DF21B8F53416A3EA312 AFB06CA7AA92CF3766|
|25C149E3E2A24FB1EA0A3A687844788E6C7842D4400CEC24F E1CC1F452BAFA06840|
|780D089364B98EBCD6434288027C21CAA99B46770D338434A 26516D1B907913D2C0|
|459F5A26CFD3180EC659D82F13DACF216566EA410A93186ED C4090D901C1636C3B4|
|E43B088E50B037F2049B896F230EED10EE0322EC3DC445C51 E45E358ED39486DC24|
|A1B75D84E1DB65387BB10D0216A77D0721A75A8516BDA19C4 0B88EBA238B9AB1BA5|
|EE1E422FA2B78FD08F68F2BB1B41567A46D04A07487DE2DCF B72E83B66220E73C22|
|5C215C4D865C44B587740640D1CA76E3FE12E0F9EC07F8313 848F282A9F111F202B|
|21B212E318A09C448C96E0C3925F3D6E58F21BE10BE20F381 F124943F7702B866F1|
|1EE10EE22946532B884F80D592394E519A1D779F42981DEEA 01E85B1547ADD2568C|
|115E83CB9438AF14ED7DB7BC7FE7E0EB5A55AA945495A2552 947AA94A355CAACBC7|
|F534B67AB66E7E5FD6BCA2454024D700549297D0FC2ACB02E 25B19B9F07922CAD60|
|37F232A2664672AF70CD14A2368DF8515961082BFC3A903CD 26DDC5DCF0DC24DC44|
|2D0DD447270BE627CA1627CB162BC10812C31FE0B46A7FCDC |

-High HP (2326) [+32 for the IO that won't go in because of Mids error]
-No KBP, as the toon flies
-It has Phase as it's survival power.
-Web Envelope to be used to ground people, and have the pets attack them.
-Confront to annoy the grounded person so they don't kill the pets
The only things I would have changed was:

Switched the 3 devastation's for the 2nd set of 3 apocalypses.
I would have built in some KB protection:
drop that fly stealth for a BotZ KB.
Switched out that 4th Shield wall in Stealth for a Karma KB
Slotted web envelope with 5 grav anchors (you are over the cap for +1.875HP) So moved one slot to a def power and slotted a Karma KB.
Moved the 2nd slot in assault to a def power and slotted a karma KB.

This wont cover force bolt or power push, but it will cover most other KB powers. While it is true you just flip when flying, you can not attack while flipping so in duels this could be an issue.

-----Warshade Duels----

Thank goodness no one even touched this one, lol.

If I were to try to make a WS for duels I would probably make a PB- but if forced to make a WS:

Build for max hp
You will need to fight people toe to toe to use most of your better attacks/build up/heal type of powers so you need to take gravimetric snare and gravity well to get them immob/held. I would actually take the rez power because after you die and rez you are invulnerable for 15 secs but you can still attack your opponent- so that gives you a huge advantage to try to make up for a death.

---Defender flying trick arrow/xxx (duel and zone)----

There was a lot of people who submitted for this which I thought was great, the majority of people either took archery to avoid redraw or sonic for stacking debuffs.

My only comment about those secondaries is that they lack the range of psychic blast. The base range on archery and sonic is 80 while psychic is 100 ft.

I think everyone got the idea that you are going to be a flying sniper, you need to be beyond the range of your opponents attacks while you can still hit them with yours. Keeping them grounded is the way to go with entangling arrow.

I don't think anyone mentioned this but using hover avoids -fly types of powers like impale so those attacks will not drop you if you toggle on hover, however, entangling arrow will drop you in hover, so you as a flying/sniping/ta have a huge advantage over other flying characters because if they start to fly/hover towards you, you can still drop them with your entangling arrow. This is another reason you must build for as much +range as possible so glad javs (+7.5 range), Panaceas (+7.5 range), Jav volley (+7.5 range) and glad nets (+10 range) are important.

Someone submitted the following for a tactics on a ta/arch which I thought was very well thought out:

  • High HP (for a defender)- 1540
  • Did not slot for -kb as it is flying. If it gets kbed it will just flip, but it should be high enough where that is not an issue.
  • Slotted for ranged bonuses so that it can throw things from quite a distance
  • Has high recharge (which even though DRed) will help with spamming TA powers.
  • Has a lot of +tohit which will help avoiding missing (also tactics for perception).
  • Has stealth + stealth IO in order to be invisible when not attacking (or being attacked).
  • Has phase as a survival power.
  • Has Super Speed in case it is knocked out of the air with a -fly.
  • Has TK as more of a survival tool than anything else (if it is one v one in zone, it can throw tk when it has not attacked in a few seconds in order to get a few seconds break) Or can use tk from Straight Up after webnading people and possibly leave several TKed.
  • Has Mind Over Body to cap it's resistance (before DR)
  • Has lots of damage procs to help increase damage output.

Some individual powers to explain:
  • Oil Slick Arrow- use entangling arrow to sandbox a target, then lolomfgbbq!
  • Acid Arrow- keep those stalkers visible
  • Flash Arrow- torture someone who has no emp on their team/no tactics
  • Disruption Arrow- if there are melee pew pewing (or anything fiteclubbing), throw it down, makes my team do more damage
  • Glue Arrow- slow them down more than TS already does, muhahahah
  • Snap, Aimed, Blazing Arrow- basic single target attacks
  • Dominate- Additional Single target, procced to hell, also can shut off rad/storm/etc toggles because of the mez
  • Explosive Arrow- It's a really fast attack, if there is a rumble going on down below, throw it, might get a kill steal
  • Rain of Arrows- If most of the other players are webbed to the ground, this will finish anyone off who is down on health or take off a chunk of health at least

This character would be a mix of damage and disruption in zone. It could be solo and fly high above a target to trow arrows at their face. It would be be used on a team to torment the other teams/players and help make it easier for my team to get kills.
-----Blaster-Dual Pistols/Elec manipulation- build for zone play----

So the key things here was to think about zone play-

You have to be self sufficient- so if we start and the end- lets look at epics/ppp.

The better choices for Epics would be:

Cold- you get a self heal, a 'shield' that you can slot both karma and steadfasts in for kb protection and hibernate.

Flame- you get a self rez which leaves you invulnerable for a few seconds and also stuns whoever is close to you so you can pistol whip that stalker that just AS'd you. This is actually ok, but for zone play its different then in duels were the most kills count, in zone its pretty much just who got the first kill.

Force- PFF, temp invuln. Both very nice, you would need to work in aid self perhaps to make this a viable choice for zone play or make sure you know the quickest way back to the base to regen hp.


Leviathan- offers KO blow- the hardest hitting attack for blasters, its easily proc'd. ---Bonus style points to anyone who holds a target with KO blow then finishes them off with executioner's shot. The only draw back to this attack is it is melee.

Mu- offers a nice little broken power in the form of electric shackles- its not just the fact that it is the 2nd most damaging attack for blasters (and its ranged) that makes it so broken but the fact that it does -100% recovery. So hitting your opponent with can significantly reduce his/her ability to fight back or escape with phase.

Looking at DP/Elec I think most of you got the idea that you would need to play both ranged and melee, melee for your secondary to do its best work- hard hitting punches and end drains while DP isn't *that* horrible from range.

Overall, I thought everyone did a great job of looking at these not typical PvP characters and coming up with some very viable builds for them. I think someone even told me they rolled a dp/elec for pvp and had leveled to the mid 40's (I have to admit I cringed).

Again, great job all.



Ok I have sent my feedback +notes on builds to most of those who entered.

Coffee I commented on your in the build thread.
Nugget- you saw yours.
EE, Zatch, GL, and Strike all sent.

MP, Tank, Titania- Working on yours still.

Epoxy- for some reason I can't open your build on my laptop, I will try again at home, I think I was able to view it there.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Ok I have sent my feedback +notes on builds to most of those who entered.

Coffee I commented on your in the build thread.
Nugget- you saw yours.
EE, Zatch, GL, and Strike all sent.

MP, Tank, Titania- Working on yours still.

Epoxy- for some reason I can't open your build on my laptop, I will try again at home, I think I was able to view it there.
If you cant open it, ill just post it here.

Currently Playing:

A bunch of toons! (Freedom, Virtue, and a few on Infinity)



I think I wanna try the 1v1 Shade challenge... just because.
Is it fight-clubbing or "anything goes" 1v1?

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
I think I wanna try the 1v1 Shade challenge... just because.
Is it fight-clubbing or "anything goes" 1v1?

Its suppose to be a duelist build. So you can do anything goes, I'd plan for small maps- atlas/cargo/office/cage 1v1 normal rules.



How's this?

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Couldn't decide if starless step was worth keeping or not, so I ended up switching it up with Mire (which would unfortunately have limited usefulness unless fighting a MM or something)
Good stealth, good perception, 53 kb protection (with no acrobatics), good enough recov and regen, 1700 hp, self heals, phase, 3 good range attacks and 2 good melees (of which 1 will be especially useful). I think the only thing I'm not satisfied with would be movement speeds, but those are kind of hard to figure up with DR, so I just heavily stacked runspeeds over-cap hoping it would be roughly the right amount.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
How's this?

[/code]Couldn't decide if starless step was worth keeping or not, so I ended up switching it up with Mire (which would unfortunately have limited usefulness unless fighting a MM or something)
Good stealth, good perception, 53 kb protection (with no acrobatics), good enough recov and regen, 1700 hp, self heals, phase, 3 good range attacks and 2 good melees (of which 1 will be especially useful). I think the only thing I'm not satisfied with would be movement speeds, but those are kind of hard to figure up with DR, so I just heavily stacked runspeeds over-cap hoping it would be roughly the right amount.
Do you have the Immob? It used to be super broken on Warshades, lasting well beyond two seconds. That and Starless Step might give you mini-sandboxing in some maps,

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



gravitational snare I think? Yeah, it's in there. slotted for damage rather than immobilize, though. I guess that could be subject to potential change if the duration is h4x0rz

attacks have a lot of -spd, but no -fly/jump :[, so I'm not sure how well sandboxing would work. starless step would be a fun gimmicky power, but I'd think playstyle would factor in a bit more. For 1v1? it's probably not very useful.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
How's this?

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Couldn't decide if starless step was worth keeping or not, so I ended up switching it up with Mire (which would unfortunately have limited usefulness unless fighting a MM or something)
Good stealth, good perception, 53 kb protection (with no acrobatics), good enough recov and regen, 1700 hp, self heals, phase, 3 good range attacks and 2 good melees (of which 1 will be especially useful). I think the only thing I'm not satisfied with would be movement speeds, but those are kind of hard to figure up with DR, so I just heavily stacked runspeeds over-cap hoping it would be roughly the right amount.

So I tried really hard to hate your build. The first time I looked at it I was like, 1492 hp.. dead!!! But you didn't have accolades toggled on which brought the WS HP up to a respectable 1706.

I tried to look for holes in the build, I mean seeing all those glad armors made me think you wasted slots to pick up that +2.5%hp, but after looking at multiple things (dropping mire and picking up shadow bolt) it just didn't pan out.

The only very minor things I might change- I would switch essense drain from 3 mako-1 heal- 1 nuc to a 5 set of paneceas, you get the same +hp but you also pick up range/recharge.

I would switch SS from 2 celerities to 2 micros and put a stealth io in sprint.

So anyway, nice job dude.

Also I tested gravimetric snare the duration is 2 seconds unenhanced in pvp now so it appears to have been fixed from what Kara was talking about. There is a nice dot that lasts a few seconds after that could be helpful in situtations but WSs are still bad for pvp.



-----No official meeting tonight!!!-----

If people want to show up tonight in game/ on vent. I will be announcing the teams. Then we will have a few options- either we can run some KBs so you can talk to and get to know your teammates or we can run some incarnate trials to help people slot up their alpha.

Also tonight is that badge thing on Freedom, Z wanted to remind us to log over there to try to break their server, I already have my characters on a AE mission sitting in Atlas park.



Starting some KB matches on Victory. Log on and have some fun!



Thanks for all who showed up last night! It was fun!



Teams for Boot Camp Season 2

Team 1-AKA: Big Fat Baby Head

Gristlebone- Capt
PhillyGirl- Capt
Private Nurse
Strike K

Team2- Elephants in the Room (Formaly known as Treehouse Avengers)

Smallzies- Capt
Kara- Ringer Emp
Byron Gyro
Cravax Deathbringer
Disturbed Crusader
Pimpstress Bambi

Team 3- AKA: Mystic Waffle Hands

MP- Capt
Pixel- Ringer Emp
Titania Blue
General Lieutenant
Epoxy Man
E. Normus
Ice Knight
Lady Gale
Arky Von Barky

Just a reminder for those people who were raging about their team name---- omg show up for the meeting--- I said that I was giving each team a horrible name so that you would have to re-name your team.

Looking at you Philly and Gris.





Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
And because I love you all....

Nice chairs! And that picture, is that a couple of apples? Looks like a hotel room. Red on Pink, who's the interior decorator? ...

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Teams for Boot Camp Season 2

Team 1-AKA: Big Fat Baby Head

Gristlebone- Capt
PhillyGirl- Capt
Private Nurse
Strike K

We are having our first Team meeting Tue at 9pm est where we will pick a new name to get rid of masques sad sense of humor one.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Nice chairs! And that picture, is that a couple of apples? Looks like a hotel room. Red on Pink, who's the interior decorator? ...



One more for Team 3-



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
im teh girl, karas teh elephant! XD



Originally Posted by Smallzies View Post
im teh girl, karas teh elephant! XD

I'm not the one with "lemon chicken in mouf" all the time "Smallz" ies!

Epic pics from Masque are epic.
Thanks so much, it makes this more fun already!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes