End regin
'Semi frankenslot'
Frankenslotting is when you use IO pieces from various (cheap) sets to get the best performance from the power at a bargain rate, ignoring the existence of set bonuses.
In the sets that offer +recovery bonuses, it's always the first bonus. I have a defender (from before Inherent Fitness) who did not have the Fitness pool and had +34% recovery from sets (no unique IO's). If a power needed 4 slots, I put 2 from one set and 2 from another, to get 2 recovery bonuses in that power. He has a couple of powers 6-slotted with pairs from 3 different sets. (He also has a few powers with 5 pieces from the same set because I wanted the bonuses.)
Getting your recovery this way is *CHEAP*. You can slot the entire character for less than the price of one decent set. In some cases, you can slot the entire character for less than the cost of a single piece from a good set (like the Obliteration quad).
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
What Ironblade said is solid. I run almost all of my characters this way and do pretty good while levelling. If I decide I want an uber build, I use my second one and build it as slow as I need to while playing with the frankenslotted one. Best part is that it works fine while levelling because any cheap set IO higher than level 24 is better than an SO so you can fill up on them early and never have to make changes.
also, one trick is that at least heroside the atlas medallion is EXTREMELY helpful and easy to pull off. Plus you can get it early (I think level 15). The +5 end is slightly more valuable than 5% recovery and it makes all your recovery bonuses work a little better too as a free bonus. For villains the equivalent is much more annoying, so it's actually easier to go rogue-hero then get it, then all the way back if you want to stay redside.
Another thing to keep in mind, is be sure to slot end reduction in your clicks more than your toggles. Clicks can cost 10-20 end in an expensive power and you might use them again and again. No toggle, not even Focused Accuracy costs close to that much.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I first saw this advice in a scrapper thread many months ago. Sorry I can't give credit to the poster who put it up.
So after the obvoius Miracle and Numina's ---
1) Get Atlas as above, and also Portal Jockey for and additional 5%. The poster I am paraphrasing demonstrated that Max endurance boosts are almost always more efficient than simple recovery bonuses. Total end bar now 110.
2)There are several sets that give max endurance boosts and recovery bonuses too. My Storm/Elect will be using 2 x Impervium Armor at 4 slots for 2.5% recovery and 2.25% max end each. they go in Tough and an Epic Resist Armor so that's an additional 4.5% max endurance ttl.
Sets providing max end only but other goodies include Decimation providing 2.25% max endurance at 4 slots and 6.25% recharge at 5 slots. My electric slots 2 x Decimation at 5 slots each for another 4.5% max end and 12.5% global recharge.
Others include 2 slot Eradication or 2 slot Mocking Beratement for 1.8% max end. I am using 3 x Undermined Defense in Freezing Rain for 1.8%. The set bonus finder in Mids can help you to see what might be squeezed into your build.
It is not too difficult to get around a 120 point total endurance bar.
3) That leverages ALL your regular Recovery bonuses and does this too ---
It gives your Performance Shifter proc in Stamina a bigger working range thus smoothing it out, and lets it fire for about 12 points of endurance (10% of total bar!!)
That makes the proc approximate a +24% recovery bonus and makes it much more reliable.
I find these three strategies taken together solve almost any endurance problem.
PS: When Stamina is an issue you may want 3 (pretty much always a Perf Shift proc + end mod and a common 50 end IO) or 4 slots in Stamina if your build can afford the slots. Depending on your total end bar size that 4th slot may or may not be best as a 4th Performance Shifter. The 4th Perf Shift gives a 2.5% recovery bonus and 'may' be better than a common 50 IO due to ED.
PPS: Obviously I have only addressed the Recovery side of the equation. You do have to slot decent endurance reduction in all your powers. In high recharge builds this becomes even more important. I shoot for a final net (Recovery-Drain) of 2.5 end per sec or greater.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Min level on Atlas medallion is 7, the old Perez Park requirement, as there is a plaque for the history badge in there.
Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid
My Fire/Storm was struggling for End with Both +End uniques, as well as +39% from set bonuses.
I never went the route of picking up max END sets at all to be honest, so I can't comment on the benefits, but upon getting to the 3rd tier of the Incarnate tree for End reduction, things have massively improved. This for me, was the single biggest helping hand I got.
For Fire/Storm in particular (may just be me) I've also noticed that stuff dies so fast my insp tray fills up almost faster than I can use it. It's become part of my attack chain to chew them up, which invariably makes things die even faster. Now though, with my Incarnate slot, it's just a thick, creamy gravy.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Min level on Atlas medallion is 7, the old Perez Park requirement, as there is a plaque for the history badge in there.

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I am aware of this, hence the term "Old" requirement. But that is why Atlas medallion is still gated at 7.
Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid
I do have the Atlas and Portal End boosts. At least on my biggest end sucking person.
Lets see, his End is 115.85 and his in combat recovery is 3.79 end/second or 3.89 if my Light Fairy is alive at the moment.
My static End consumption is 1.73 / second not counting fly. (this is with a cardiac total core revamp)
From what I have read above I am doing ok, maybe well, however there may be some room for improvement. I didnt previously have a basis for comparison.
Below is my working build if anyone is curious or can give advise. I looked at picking up two pieces of eradication to replace the two cleaving blow in Hot Feet, I dont have the in game cash for what those sell for (I did put in a couple sniper bids though maybe I can get lucky. Another damage proc would be nice)
|789C65934B6F125114C7EF00752C140AA550FAC052A4D2CAA 3F40B58D356132BC42A|
|EAC20D4E600AA33090816A1B63ACD636BE166E8C3B5F2BDDB 8F01BF88E1A577E0CA3|
|75E13B317AE67FA4A57A9399DFDCFF39FF73EF9C999B5998E E1062694208F75459A9|
|D7735355BD6154CB65D568CB28452D6F3DA6D66421C4E046A 09993DCAB196A73D21A|
|9F9C9F9B4B661B55A392CBCE572A555DD38B9E7D7A493554B D916C3E3866AB668DB2|
|562C353AF19C5695826AD44B5ACD8E79B6A6AA0527A799595 426B4A7A6E593D3D58A|
|A62BB4402EAD9ED2944649D17319A5DE508DC580B957BA562 4F177B4892F162112C2|
|F295302E2CDF00DB77424AD87E60B6E527707CDDC4C366151 749625592AE4BC8BD01|
|ACD2DDCA0B5867E1DE7A907108B0671947808EC340BB6CEE8 75D3E94B944779905B9|
|2290AA03AE8788BB1E01EED310DD67803C69ED6C6AF7D3735 074450851D195427677|
|80E012DD76CCFC51C42ED3DDC126C77EECC67F00082C50242 0028BC8EE9B81D87716|
|3307EDCDC9AFEF94B92303BF1029D0BD93CB75BE8465E039B 0ED29E319E31D212C42|
|8F095E71854C1E36794A2813D2182780A1938C32A3027864D 38AE1E5A67591E263C5|
|37848E7849E961A5E70116BE4A99BDACF4C69033474A3F7FD 7FE25D4D97E9E7181B1|
|0C44CE710F65B3AF18415EF59AC4BF166D7E7017D6884C307 6033B2619538CCF4051|
|325F1FA6F01AB6117DCF788578F43530FA86F116305B33CCA 6E17BC81EBD0BECBCC3|
|B8CDB805C4EF03CBF4378EB069E409CAC4F913C45F0009EE4 222D88A30BD650C264B|
|8CE3639BB0424593DC85641CCAAAD53C371829CE19B0FD776 A522DD26F1A22FDAF30|
|6B6B9E2B2179D8F4C1BE217959FAD822C1B666DF388E47F15 5C666F0777F5A0F58A5|
Min level on Atlas medallion is 7, the old Perez Park requirement, as there is a plaque for the history badge in there.
I am aware of this, hence the term "Old" requirement. But that is why Atlas medallion is still gated at 7.
The Atlas Medallion is not 'gated' or level-restricted in any way.
I say this with absolute certainty because I got the Atlas Medallion on a LEVEL TWO character TODAY. And, after I got to level 3, it occurred to me to copy him to the test server as proof in case anyone ever disputes it.
BTW, Badge-Hunter.com does say you can't get the Atlas Medallion until level 7. But it's wrong.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Hi Zep
I'm not a min/max'er and probably not the best at critiquing a build - but I took a look and had a couple thoughts:
Your biggest drains seem to be Maneuvers and Tactics. You have no endurance reduction in those. I would at the least add 1 additional slot to each if possible and throw in some endurance reduction.
You have 3 slotted hasten. I think you would be fine with just two.
You have 2 pacing of the turtles in hot feet, including the special. I don't know how much -recharge benefits you, but if you replaced those with 2 pieces from tempered readiness, you'd get the small recovery bonus - and I'd make one of them the accuracy/end red.
In shark skin you have just a resist IO. I'd try to add a 2nd slot, and though it might be pricey, try to put in maybe two from the impervium armor set - you get a small recovery bonus with that, and can put in a resist/end red and the end/end red/recharge, for reduced endurance use from that power, and still maintain the same resistance. Or perhaps put in the resist/end red from both aegis and titanium coating.
I would remove the endurance slot from fly and use that elsewhere slot elsewhere, and try not to use fly during combat, or at least try to rely on hover.
Not sure how much your rely on ring of fire for the immob, but perhaps 2 pieces from thunderstrike for the small recovery bonus. You won't get the same level of accuracy or recharge you currently have, but I believe the power recharges pretty quickly any way.
Hope some of this helps!
Hi Zep
I'm not a min/max'er and probably not the best at critiquing a build - but I took a look and had a couple thoughts: Your biggest drains seem to be Maneuvers and Tactics. You have no endurance reduction in those. I would at the least add 1 additional slot to each if possible and throw in some endurance reduction. You have 3 slotted hasten. I think you would be fine with just two. You have 2 pacing of the turtles in hot feet, including the special. I don't know how much -recharge benefits you, but if you replaced those with 2 pieces from tempered readiness, you'd get the small recovery bonus - and I'd make one of them the accuracy/end red. In shark skin you have just a resist IO. I'd try to add a 2nd slot, and though it might be pricey, try to put in maybe two from the impervium armor set - you get a small recovery bonus with that, and can put in a resist/end red and the end/end red/recharge, for reduced endurance use from that power, and still maintain the same resistance. Or perhaps put in the resist/end red from both aegis and titanium coating. I would remove the endurance slot from fly and use that elsewhere slot elsewhere, and try not to use fly during combat, or at least try to rely on hover. Not sure how much your rely on ring of fire for the immob, but perhaps 2 pieces from thunderstrike for the small recovery bonus. You won't get the same level of accuracy or recharge you currently have, but I believe the power recharges pretty quickly any way. Hope some of this helps! |
Moving a slot out of hasten would take it to what, 84.8% recharge instead of 99.8, might be worth it. I am very tight on slots and would enjoy having about 20 more to add.
I do use ROF frequently, as one of my few single target attack powers. (also to set containment) Thunder Strike might be a good idea there. That would pick me up a little more end/sec. maybe I will make 4end/sec with out buffs.
I havnt decided if I am keeping hover. It makes a nice mule even with one slot, in another month or so I can just drop it though, I am thinking I might take Snow Storm in it's place for AV and other part time use. With 1 end redux it should be to harsh. Then again I may keep hover just to mule the LOTG, I can fit one more into Steam Mist if I really want and have four. With my other priorities I will never make Perma haste, doesnt mean I dont want as much recharge as I can get though.
Gee, and you seemed so certain about it. But this information is WRONG.
The Atlas Medallion is not 'gated' or level-restricted in any way. I say this with absolute certainty because I got the Atlas Medallion on a LEVEL TWO character TODAY. And, after I got to level 3, it occurred to me to copy him to the test server as proof in case anyone ever disputes it. BTW, Badge-Hunter.com does say you can't get the Atlas Medallion until level 7. But it's wrong. |
I tend not to get accolades until my characters are pushing 50 anyways, so I can't say otherwise from experience. All I know, is that when the devs first removed level limits on Hazard Zones, they put locks on the accolades that required entry, similar to the one that won't let you earn the Vanguard Recruit Day Job badge until 35. I remember that the progression bar hint mentioned the unlock level. Given the Hazard Zone level removal was some time ago, it is entirely possible they removed those locks without my noticing.
Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid
PWiki is no longer wrong.
Going to the actual page for the accolade, here, accurately does not list any level requirement (and hasn't since the hazard zone change).
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
In this case, Paragonwiki is wrong too. http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Hero_Accolade_Powers
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I take a look at the character information pain and have END recovery and use on screen with a few other numbers. I do a fair bit of Max/Min thinking but do go all out, break the bank doing it, my character concept comes first and all.
Right now I have two (really two and a half I guess) characters I am putting some work into increasing their recovery.
At 50
Fire/Storm controller. Fire and Storm both like blue candy and together they eat it like crazy.
Leadership + Hot Feet + Epic Armor + Steam Mist + (sometimes) Fly or others
Bots/FF. Bots is spiky, either using no End or Needing lots for resummon/Rebuff. Wanting to work with my pets, I have leadership + Dis Bubble + (Force Bubble and/or Repel)
I have few up and coming characters like a storm defender at 41 and a fire/fire blaster at 40 who also could use an end boost.
Besides the blinding obvious: the unique IO's to stick in health (at the price of two a-merits for one and a kidney for the other) What are the general sugestions for maxing out endurance recovery.
Cardiac is a wonderful Alpha and for the fire/storm controller it has helped. Alone it was nice it has taken a fair bit of slotting +max end and +recovery to get him to be able to do say a Riechman fight and only need four blues.
The Bots/FF I can get my pets out and put up toggles, then do a little from time to time. I do give a lot of passive bonuses out in a radii, if I try and bubble my bots or a team regularly I will end crash. For him I want to go Nerve.
I guess another way to get the answer I am working for, just how how on a good build, not needing uber purple sets, can the typical character get their end/sec to recover?
This would be with no external buffs, (Rad types excluding AM), just what is good, better, best and OMG you can do that?!? This is to give myself some realistic goals.
Any thoughts? Ohter then just blanket "I spend lots of cash for the very best IO's" what strategies to people use to manage end hungry character classes?