Consolidated Mastermind Issues and Problems thread

Adeon Hawkwood



My biggest problem with MMs is pet control. setting them to passive seems to be the only thing that ges them to listen at times.
'goto' actually means 'start heading there untill you feel like attacking something' (often I've seen pets lliterally take just a single step then turn around..
'stay' means 'if you feel like it otherwise just run off and attack something'

2 things that would help alot:
1) Pets NEVER leave the range of supremacy unless ordered to via GOTO or you run away with pets on STAY. (mentioned in OP)
2) STAY command creates an immobalize debuff on the pets that only gets removed when a different order is given (ie even AoE won't make them run, it's up to the MM to pay attention and manually move them)

Not leaving supremacy would be a massive help but the STAY change would help with ranged running into melee, wanting to keep pets off a dangerous PBAoE mob while keeping bodyguard mode, keeping pets in melee instead of running away from low damage AoE, etc



Originally Posted by Valkanna View Post
My biggest problem with MMs is pet control. setting them to passive seems to be the only thing that ges them to listen at times.
'goto' actually means 'start heading there untill you feel like attacking something' (often I've seen pets lliterally take just a single step then turn around..
'stay' means 'if you feel like it otherwise just run off and attack something'

2 things that would help alot:
1) Pets NEVER leave the range of supremacy unless ordered to via GOTO or you run away with pets on STAY. (mentioned in OP)
2) STAY command creates an immobalize debuff on the pets that only gets removed when a different order is given (ie even AoE won't make them run, it's up to the MM to pay attention and manually move them)

Not leaving supremacy would be a massive help but the STAY change would help with ranged running into melee, wanting to keep pets off a dangerous PBAoE mob while keeping bodyguard mode, keeping pets in melee instead of running away from low damage AoE, etc
Go To doesn't override their other setting, ie aggressive / defensive / passive.

The only way I know to tell something to Go to and be sure it will is a bind for Go To Passive. I had a keybind to do this very thing (for Mr Pink, my very suicidal Bait Zombie who was also Spirit fodder).

You can bind it to a chord key & left click action (but be careful if you also use teleport, the wrong chord key and you're the one who ends up being the Bait ) and then another key bind to snap him back into Aggressive mode :

I used Z to set him and my two Knights to Aggressive and X to set my other two zombies & the lich to Attack Defensive.

Passive is the only thing that will get them to listen, it's by design. Keybinds based on names (I cheat and use , and . in the names to split them into groups) are very useful for keeping a tight rein on them.

I would like there to be some command which enabled / disabled ranged and melee attacks though in order to stop Thugs running in to pistol-whip people (or to better encourage Knights to use only their swords)



Beast Mastery:

Tier 1 Wolves + Alpha Wolf: Need an additional low-cooldown attack so they do not have a 33% 'idle period' time.

Tier 2 Lionesses: Need an additional low-cooldown attack so they do not have a 33% 'idle period' time.

Tier 3 Dire Wolf: Needs an additional low-cooldown attack (or two) so it does not have a 33% 'idle period' time.

Example of Attack: A Flashing Steel clone, or simply another use of each of their 3 second cooldown attacks (Vicious Bite for all wolves, Claw Rake for Lions). A Flashing Steel clone would help not only their single target disparity, but vastly improve their AoE.

Fortify Pack: Change the +Regen to +Max HP, perhaps 10% base +1% per stack, to a maximum of un-enhanced +20% Max HP for it's duration. A superior metric than +Regen on low-HP pets.

The attack changes alone would, definitely, help with their big damage crisis. And having bluntly superior ST damage would make their lack of AoE less of a 'design flaw' and more of an 'acceptable sacrifice'.

Fortify Pack giving Max HP would be a worthwhile survivability boost over... pathetic regen with pet base HP.



There's a pretty severe AI issue that's cropped up recently. It was reported in This Thread but basically MM pets will charge some of the AVs in incarnate trials and some missions. Specifically they will run back and forth as if they can't decide if they want to charge the AV, then eventually they will charge. It's confirmed for Lambda, BAF, and the final mission of the Tin Mage Task Force. In my experience setting them to passive will keep them in line, but others have reported that even that didn't work.



Lioness's Lion's Roar don't stack with each other.

50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy

Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.



I've updated the first post with the latest issues.



Originally Posted by Everfree_Fire View Post
Lioness's Lion's Roar don't stack with each other.
Mmm, are you sure about this? I just hit 24 last night so I have two Lions. I didn't pay attention to their stacking defense. I'll check that tonight.

I do know that my beast pets get defense from other master's lion.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Mmm, are you sure about this? I just hit 24 last night so I have two Lions. I didn't pay attention to their stacking defense. I'll check that tonight.

I do know that my beast pets get defense from other master's lion.
I checked multiple times.

The Lioness's would roar anywhere from 3 to 10 seconds apart, but nothing would get the bonuses from two roars.

Having someone verify is always nice, but my tests were showing that it just doesn't happen. The second roar extends the duration, but doesn't stack with the first.

50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy

Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.



Has anyone PM'd the Powers lead (Arbiter Hawk?) on this thread?

Oh, and a couple of things on the list have been fixed. I'll try to quote them from the OP tonight so you can update.

But the AI is the big booger as far as I'm concerned. Well that and the pet non-responsiveness bug.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Did better than PM ... I talked personally to Arbiter Hawk and to Black Scorpion a little bit about Masterminds. With Arbiter Hawk, it was about the UNsurvivability of Ninjas and the like, and some ideas to change the status quo about that. Surprisingly enough, he said that someone in the office had suggested to him that Ninja Pets should have a zero recharge time, be dirt cheap to summon and be paper thin on HP ... so that you can spam them as summons (unlike everything else). That way, Ninjas literally are disposable minions and you just summon them by the HORDE.

We joked that doing something like that would be very thematic/cinematic, but in the context of the game not exactly practical (except maybe for Genin).

I also mentioned the "Nemesis LT Vengeance Buff" as a way to introduce an Inverse Ninja Law to Ninja Pets, but his response to such a thing was not favorable. That's something that works out better in cinema (hence the trope) than it does in gameplay.

Arbiter Hawk also is very aware of just how far behind the curve the Mercs primary is, and is actually keen on doing something about that (although he did not divulge specifics, nor did I press him for any). Since there are A LOT OF THINGS that Arbiter Hawk cannot talk about, I wasn't about to pressure him or try to trick him into divulging information on this.

I also asked Arbiter Hawk about the prospect of folding the Recharge Intensive Pets into the Pet Damage Sets grouping (and eliminating the RIP IO grouping altogether) so as to allow multiple underperforming MM primaries (Mercs, Ninjas, etc.) to access the RIP uniques without being forced to resort to "picking the RIGHT secondary" to have access to these game changing survival auras. I'm not *entirely* sure he understood the direction and purpose of the argument, since he was giving me a little bit of pushback on doing that (which makes sense, since you want to analyze things carefully before making changes like that), but I'd like to think that he appreciated where I was coming from in advocating for this change.

And amazingly enough ... *DURING* dinner, Arbiter Hawk pulled out his cell phone and was reading the forums to stay on top of things!

I asked Black Scorpion about the Pet AI and possibly trying to get at some improvements to its responsiveness to Player Inputs. This led into a very convoluted explanation of just how ... weird ... the coding that controls this part of the game is, which went a bit over my head (I'm sorry to say). The key takeaway though is that doing anything about the Pet AI is **nowhere NEAR simple** in either its implementation, nor in its implications, given the interconnectedness of the game code at this point (which can have absurdly far reaching effects that are total head scratchers).

Best example Black Scorpion gave of a "I broke WHAT?!?" modification to the game code was a fix done to Poison Gas Arrow for Trick Arrow for Players. Somehow, this fix created a *BUG* when the exact same power got used by Manticore ... in that it resulted in a (functionally speaking) infinite duration Sleep. It was basically a "side effect" of how powers don't work the same for NPCs as they do for PCs, and somehow Manticore had gotten programmed to originally use the PC Poison Gas Arrow instead of his own "copy version" of the same power back when he got created. So a fix for Players of this power gave Manticore an extremely BROKEN version of the same power, in a way that you'd never anticipate that kind of linkage going into the spreadsheet/database unless you KNEW it was there ahead of time. Yes, the bug got fixed ... but it was a total Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moment when the Powers Team realized what was happening (and why). It basically came down to somebody taking a shortcut many years ago in order to make a deadline which left behind a landmine waiting to blow up in the face of anyone who wandered near this piece of the game.

Suffice to say, Black Scorpion is "interested" in doing something about the Pet AI ... but he didn't say that working on it is on the schedule (nor, honestly, would I expect him to say that, so moderate those expectations kids). My takeaway is that Black Scorpion is ... aware ... that the Pet AI has "room for improvement" but that doing something about it is going to amount to the programming equivalent of Dumpster Diving, and that there probably isn't anyone else who is really up to the task of getting that "entangled" into the code without injuring themselves in the process (and breaking large swaths of the game while they're at it). So upgrades to Pet AI are very definitely in the "wait and see" category ... but the Devs are certainly aware of the less than optimal condition of the status quo.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Hopefully they can do something about Ninja, Merc and Necro soon.

I figure with them paying attention to how Beast performs, it is a good time to hammer them with other primary issues.

I honestly don't think Pet AI is as bad as some of you think. This game's summoning system is actually better than a lot of games I've played.

The biggest issue is knock back. Pets simply can't react when a target is knocked back until the target is about to get up. This issue CAN be reduced (not eliminated since other people can knock back). The best way is simply not giving knock backs to the pets. :P

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Hopefully they can do something about Ninja, Merc and Necro soon.
This is where the Expectations Game comes into play.

We say "soon" and we think in terms of weeks.

The Devs say "soon" and they're thinking in terms of quarters of years (if not more than a year!).

Players and Devs live on completely different timescales. At this point, I wouldn't expect any major modifications to Ninjas and Mercs before Issue 24 (and maybe not even then).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
This is where the Expectations Game comes into play.

We say "soon" and we think in terms of weeks.

The Devs say "soon" and they're thinking in terms of quarters of years (if not more than a year!).

Players and Devs live on completely different timescales. At this point, I wouldn't expect any major modifications to Ninjas and Mercs before Issue 24 (and maybe not even then).
I just read your previous quote Lynne, and I wanted to say thanks for typing that all out. It's good to know that they are aware and at least have thoughts on the matter. I just wish they would come out and make a public statement about the state of Masterminds and what their plans are (or aren't).



Despite all the KB resistance in the world on my MM, my pets fly like chaff driven by the wind at the first hint of KD/KB from any source.

Imagine the howls if a Scrapper or Brute were standing solid on a Ice Slick, but couldn't attack because their attack powers were flopping like fish.... I do believe those subforums would spontaneously combust from the rage.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
It's good to know that they are aware and at least have thoughts on the matter. I just wish they would come out and make a public statement about the state of Masterminds and what their plans are (or aren't).
Well they made it extremely clear that they didn't even want to discuss new MM powersets at the Pummit... And while I understand that MM primaries are extremely labor intensive for the art department, their lack of willingness to even discuss (as in blue sky type discussion) potential new MM powersets doesn't give me much confidence in their focus on the AT.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.