...,with Batman




So I was at Fry's Electronics last night with my roommate who is also a Virtuian and the person helping us was really the best employee I have ever seen in a Computer store. He also had possibly the best Concept ever.

Take a Normal mundane activity, ie Doing the Dishes.

Now Visualize doing this Activity with the Dark Knight him self.

Doing the dishes with Batman.

Take a second see the yellow gloves the bubbles and his grim expression.

Sorry last night I was rolling on the floor laughing at this running joke, you should try it.



Barbecuing with Batman! Imagine all those utensils (tongs, meat tenderizer, spatula...) all hanging from his utility belt. Toss in an "I'm the god damn cook!" apron and you're set.



Auto repair with Batman. You pull up with the car and start explaining that it's making terrible sputtering noises and has no acceleration and you're pretty sure you blew a cylinder. Batman holds up a hand to shut you up and says "No. You need a new distributor cap. And plugs.". You ask, "but how could you tell? You haven't even opened the hood yet!"

You know the rest.



Deer hunting with Batman. Seriously, Batman in an orange vest with a twelve gauge.




Playing D&D with Batman.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



He would be the worst rules lawyer.



Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
He would be the worst rules lawyer.
I disagree. I think he'd be that tosser who'd just completely derail every carefully plotted out point of the DM's story, yet still find a way to accomplish everything he wanted them to.

And thus pissing said DM right off in the process.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



You're oversimplifying that one.

Batman would be that guy that comes late, leaves early, or just plain doesn't show up. And you never have a full party, because whenever Batman's there, Bruce Wayne isn't.



Riding "It's a Small World" with Batman. He'd be making this face through the whole thing.



The 'Batman makes everything funny' thing is a pretty old internet thing.

Behold 2005 and understand a universal truth.

But being old doesn't make it any less true. Picture those old spice commercials with Batman voiced by Kevin Conroy.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Playing Halo Reach with Batman. He'd have infinite use of active camo, and all his points would come from assassinations. And if you try and shoot him, he's suddenly hanging upside down behind you. Because he's... yeah, you know the rest.



((Tea-party with a four-year-old girl, Miss Huggums the frilly-bear, My Little Pony Unicorn, and... Batman. "You have to wear a hat, Mr. Batman. Miss Huggums says so."))



A day at the DMV with Batman.

That set up will get ugly fast. On the bright side, the lines will thin out fast!



Originally Posted by JKPhage View Post
Riding "It's a Small World" with Batman. He'd be making this face through the whole thing.




I will burn in hell for the next comment...

On a Gay cruise with All the Batmen.



That's got to be confusing when they all start introducing themselves....



Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
That's got to be confusing when they all start introducing themselves....
The logical approach would be to refer to each other by their eras/movies/whatever-you-choose-to-call-it.

One will, of course, be referred to as 'Nipples' for the entire trip.