Website for school help




Greetings, my fellow City of 'ers. First off, I will admit my search-fu is weak, so if these answers already exist, I have not found them. Second, I am very new to XHTML and the concept of web design, so I have limited knowledge past the concepts of <h1>, <p>, <img>, and <div>...

I am currently enrolled in a Website development class at a local (to me) University. The end project for the class is to create a website (that will be only local to my and my Professor's computer, and not published) about a topic that I enjoy.

Well, what better topic than our great pastime here? Specifically, I will create a site that gives general information about my one-player Super Group. Not knowing the specific rules, I will not name it here. That being said, I will pose my questions.

1) Is it legal to, and if so, how can I capture a video of the login screen characters? That is, I would like to show my specific character moving the way they do when they are selected, but I have not yet clicked to enter the game world. This video will be used on the specific page which describes the statistics and biography of said character.

2) Is it legal to, and if so, how can I use specific music files from the game? I would like them to play during the Question #1 scenario.

Being a lurker, but generally not a poster, of these forums, I know that there is a great wealth of information in our collective here. Any and all help would be most appreciated.

Thanking you in advance,


Why a Harley? If I had to explain, you wouldn't understand...



1.) You could capture a video of them using Fraps (the free version can capture a 30 second clip, which should be more than long enough for you to get a loop). Of course, then the real question is how are you going to show it on the site. Flash (icky), animated gif (disgusting), and the video tag (no single codec universally supported yet).

2.) Check out ParagonWiki. For legality... totally not touching that one. You'd likely need to transcode them from ogg to another format, since most people don't have browsers that support ogg+vorbis... you'd also need to decide how to play it (using flash for video + audio would probably be the easiest solution).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Wow, and the community comes through again! Many thanks, folks. I will get started immediately.

Why a Harley? If I had to explain, you wouldn't understand...



Yes, it is most definitely completely legal. From the User Agreement, section 6b:

NC Interactive and its related Game Content Providers grant to Members the right to use the Game Content for noncommercial, personal purposes, including in connection with creating noncommercial fan fiction or fan web sites regarding the same.
Video is tricky. As indicated above, there are two steps: 1) Capture the video, and 2) convert it into some web-friendly format.

Capturing isn't too hard. As mentioned above, Fraps can do it, although the capture time is limited and there is a watermark on the non-commercial version. There are other freebie options, but they are harder to set up and use, and your mileage may vary.

Conversion to a web format is going to be the gnarly part. Again, there are some freebie options such as VirtualDub and AviSynth, but they are generally hard to configure and use. The "easy" option would be something like Premiere Elements, but you have to lay out $80 to buy it.

Honestly, if it's an option, it might just be a lot easier to upload your video to YouTube and embed it instead of trying to host the video yourself.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Video is tricky. As indicated above, there are two steps: 1) Capture the video, and 2) convert it into some web-friendly format.

Capturing isn't too hard. As mentioned above, Fraps can do it, although the capture time is limited and there is a watermark on the non-commercial version. There are other freebie options, but they are harder to set up and use, and your mileage may vary.

Conversion to a web format is going to be the gnarly part. Again, there are some freebie options such as VirtualDub and AviSynth, but they are generally hard to configure and use. The "easy" option would be something like Premiere Elements, but you have to lay out $80 to buy it.

Honestly, if it's an option, it might just be a lot easier to upload your video to YouTube and embed it instead of trying to host the video yourself.
Most University level web programs have access to the Adobe Suite, so Flash or Premiere might be available on the school's computers. And student discounts on software might be had, The_Sarge might want to talk to his faculty adviser about any potential discounts.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Sounds like a nifty project! I don't have much to add to what everyone else mentioned, but I wanted to wish you luck!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Most University level web programs have access to the Adobe Suite, so Flash or Premiere might be available on the school's computers. And student discounts on software might be had, The_Sarge might want to talk to his faculty adviser about any potential discounts.
The adobe suite has a pretty good discount for student/teachers, up to around 80% off (plus a nice licence agreement, meaning it can be used perpetually for commercial purposes too)

They can check if his uni has even better discounts with them here

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Why stop at a non published web site? You can have your work published for free at this hosting site:

They also have some tools to make the job a little easier too.

I did my SG's web site for a school project years ago, link is in my sig.

Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006



Well, if he's taking a class, I'd doubt his teacher would want him to use a template. He can do that after the class, but in the meantime, he'll need to show that he can do the basic HTML and CSS programming or whatever web development software the class is using..

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
Well, if he's taking a class, I'd doubt his teacher would want him to use a template. He can do that after the class, but in the meantime, he'll need to show that he can do the basic HTML and CSS programming or whatever web development software the class is using..

Many thanks to all for the advice and words of encouragement.

For now, I want to just see if I can make something presentable to the Professor. I have great ideas in my head, but it will take some research to put it on the screen. My biggest problem so far, is figuring out why Firefox and Opera are ok with my "background-image: xxx.jpg", but IE hates it. Ah, well. Perhaps someday I will be able to show the world the true power of <insert SG name here> via the web.

Why a Harley? If I had to explain, you wouldn't understand...



Life's full of surprises, and pie. Lots and lots of pie.



Originally Posted by The_Sarge View Post
My biggest problem so far, is figuring out why Firefox and Opera are ok with my "background-image: xxx.jpg", but IE hates it. Ah, well. Perhaps someday I will be able to show the world the true power of <insert SG name here> via the web.
Internet Explorer, especially the older versions, have absolutely HORRIBLE support for web standards (even ones they were on the committee that created!). Each version has gotten better, and 9 is supposed to be fairly good WRT standards (but I heard the same with 7... and 8...), but there's still a LARGE marketshare of IE6 browsers (which you'll soon learn will probably be your single largest source of frustration as a web developer... it's so annoying that Google flat out dropped support for them on several of their sites, including YouTube).

I'd recommend searching on a site like StackOverflow (imo, the greatest resource around for anyone doing any sort of development, regardless of language) for problems you face, likely someones already encountered it and asked about it there. W3Schools is also a great quick resource for looking up specific information/syntax/functions for various web technologies (html, css, sql, etc).

As for the 'background-image' dealio... I believe the proper format is:
Not sure if that'll fix your problem, but it's worth a try.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Apologies for being unclear.
I have typed the format for the background-image correctly, and it shows when I use browsers other than IE. My issue that I need to research is: Is there a better, more universal, format for images than .jpg?

My learning does not do well with flat-out reading. I am more of a "crash through it first and see why it failed" kind of guy. I know that isn't the best way to design and program, but it is how my process works for me.

Why a Harley? If I had to explain, you wouldn't understand...



Originally Posted by The_Sarge View Post
Apologies for being unclear.
I have typed the format for the background-image correctly, and it shows when I use browsers other than IE. My issue that I need to research is: Is there a better, more universal, format for images than .jpg?
jpg and png are really the two best formats to use (png is lossless & supports alpha transparency, while jpg is lossy for smaller image sizes). Some older versions of Internet Explorer, shockingly enough, improperly implemented support for PNG, causing it to not support the alpha channel (though it still works fine for non-alpha stuff). I'd personally recommend avoiding pretty much any other image format for normal images.

Originally Posted by The_Sarge View Post
My learning does not do well with flat-out reading. I am more of a "crash through it first and see why it failed" kind of guy. I know that isn't the best way to design and program, but it is how my process works for me.
That's exactly what I do, and why I like those sites. They make great references for investigating why things failed.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!