Am I the only one feeling unmotivated....

Aliana Blue



Originally Posted by Rayonn View Post
Of course, I have less to lose by this, being new, but here's a (rather crazy) proposal:

It's fairly clear that in-game rating and number of plays are not a very good measure of the quality of an arc in terms of story and gameplay.

So what if we ignore them, and just write for people who are interested enough in playing well-written arcs that they take the time to read reviews or look at the MA finder channel, instead of picking off the first page.
Thing is, how do we find these people after a certain amount? For instance, I have an easier time recruiting people for running the Abandoned Sewer Trial than AE. The other issue is that if you've put a lot of work into an arc, you don't want to let it go so the concept of deleting it is problematic. Doubly so if you have a thread about your arcs or if you posted it to COH Mission Review.



Originally Posted by Rayonn View Post
So what if we ignore them, and just write for people who are interested enough in playing well-written arcs that they take the time to read reviews or look at the MA finder channel, instead of picking off the first page.
Most of those people have already played most of our arcs. This forum and the global channel is mostly just a few people playing each other's arcs. Whereas a five-star rated arc with a decent number of ratings will actually get random plays every once in a while.

The forum and the global channel are additional tools for the truly committed, they shouldn't be necessities, either for finding good arcs to play or getting people to play yours.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



As of late, I've been seeing the occasional new plays on my arcs, mainly the couple sitting currently at five stars. So far, so good. I'm not really unmotivated to write a new arc (my last given my current number of slots), but I'm in a position where I don't really have the time to write up another arc with all the stuff I have to do for work.

It's sad that real life must intrude sometimes.

I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE:



You know a few things demotivated me on the AE but among the main factors that made me unpublish all my stories (other than a bunch I did specifically for my SG) is:

The MA community.

While this does not apply to many or even most (and may not apply now), I recall a culture in the MA channels about a year ago that basically enforced the following:

"If you play someone's arc you must give it 5 stars"

It's funny. I would wake up early (for me) on saturday mornings, and play with the "MA Superteam". Lots of great people to team with and we had a hoot playing through both the good and the bad in the AE. We would laugh a bit and then rate the arcs as we saw fit. We played LOTS of really bad content. Occasionally we found a gem.
Later in the day however, you could count on two or three people nerdraging in the chats about how their arc had been 4 starred, or even 3 starred, and how this constituted "griefing" their arc.
Some authors contended that a single non-5 star rating kept a newly published arc from ever getting to the front pages of the search result. I'm not hyperbolizing when I say that there were those people who would whine in open chat whenever thier arcs received anything but 5 stars about how they had been screwed over.
I played most every arc that got spammed in the architect channels. And truthfully I think I ever played maybe a half dozen that I thought were 5 star worthy.

What made this issue even worse in my mind was that these very same people would go off at points on how voting cartels were ruining the rating system, while systematically promoting a culture where their arcs were supposed to be 5 starred regardless of quality.

The other part of the culture of the MA community that left me with a bad taste in my mouth was the "story first" contingent.
There was a sizable contingent of people in the MA community that would 5 star a story NO MATTER HOW BAD IT PLAYED. A certain vocal part of the community would basically say that as long as the arc had the requisite number of "in-jokes" or correct pop culture references, then the story was good and the arc was amazing.
I think I debated with three seperate people at one time or another that the gameplay, in terms of enemy balance and fun factor was at least as important as a good story. I contend to this day that since we are creating content for a video game, that the balance and fun factor, the rewards gained ect must all be as vital to an arc as the story.
That said as long as your story was cribbing elements from the right places, your arc was met with acclaim from "the community". No matter how derisive the story was or how blandly it played.

Look, I've paid for all the available mission architech slots I can have. At a few points all those slots have been full. I paid for those slots mostly to show my support for the tool. I voted with my wallet to tell the Devs that "I like this product". I beleive in the tool. But sitting there day after day, watching a culture that enforced block voting (but only for certain people)and espoused a general attitude that said the gameplay was secondary, all for the glory of getting devs attention, left me with such a bad taste in my mouth that I simply cancelled my sub for several months and went to make stuff for another persistant online world.

I reupped my sub because of the incarnate content. I'm happy to have something to do with the 50's I've levelled across the years I have been subbed to this game. Every once in a while I eye the MA building with a sparkle in my eye going "what if....".


Maybe I'll make something again, but it sure won't be for the reasons others are. For now the community surrounding this tool is not something I really want to be part of.



As a prominent member of the MA "Community", I'd just like to say that for quite a while I either rate 5 stars or not at all. I do agree with giving an arc 5 stars if I liked it at all. Minor gameplay issues can be fixed pretty easily, but honestly I will forget the arc a week from now. If the story is lacking, but the effort is there - as in "not a farm", I will often 5 star it. I don't know how the others in the superteam rate, but I believe it's become much more prevalent to self-impose a like/dislike system and use 5-stars as "like", 1-star as "farm" and ignore the rest.



Originally Posted by rainmaker View Post
"If you play someone's arc you must give it 5 stars"

It's funny. I would wake up early (for me) on saturday mornings, and play with the "MA Superteam". Lots of great people to team with and we had a hoot playing through both the good and the bad in the AE. We would laugh a bit and then rate the arcs as we saw fit. We played LOTS of really bad content. Occasionally we found a gem.
Later in the day however, you could count on two or three people nerdraging in the chats about how their arc had been 4 starred, or even 3 starred, and how this constituted "griefing" their arc.
Some authors contended that a single non-5 star rating kept a newly published arc from ever getting to the front pages of the search result. I'm not hyperbolizing when I say that there were those people who would whine in open chat whenever thier arcs received anything but 5 stars about how they had been screwed over.
I played most every arc that got spammed in the architect channels. And truthfully I think I ever played maybe a half dozen that I thought were 5 star worthy.

What made this issue even worse in my mind was that these very same people would go off at points on how voting cartels were ruining the rating system, while systematically promoting a culture where their arcs were supposed to be 5 starred regardless of quality.

The other part of the culture of the MA community that left me with a bad taste in my mouth was the "story first" contingent.
There was a sizable contingent of people in the MA community that would 5 star a story NO MATTER HOW BAD IT PLAYED. A certain vocal part of the community would basically say that as long as the arc had the requisite number of "in-jokes" or correct pop culture references, then the story was good and the arc was amazing.
I think I debated with three seperate people at one time or another that the gameplay, in terms of enemy balance and fun factor was at least as important as a good story. I contend to this day that since we are creating content for a video game, that the balance and fun factor, the rewards gained ect must all be as vital to an arc as the story.
That said as long as your story was cribbing elements from the right places, your arc was met with acclaim from "the community". No matter how derisive the story was or how blandly it played.
I think this connects on a couple of different issues. One is the design of the search engine makes it difficult to get noticed the farther you are from the front combined with the weird way ratings seem to be calculated. Essentially my comment still stands: we're in competition with each other. Granted, some people did come off as blowhards but you've got to filter out what's useful and what's not from what they say. I don't mind getting and have no problem giving 4 stars but the system does do weird things with some ratings. Granted, I may be a little different that I specifically want to go back to an arc that "had potential but was problematic" and scale the rating back up.

The other issue is that I think the storytelling stance against farmers inadvertently formed a story vs gameplay mindset when a true 5 star arc does the job of supplying both. I think it also connects to an argument about effort even if sometimes misguided. You specifically want the writer who obviously put "effort" into an arc to be promoted but we've all got different views on effort. Plus, with the exception of challenge arcs I think most here are a little more invested in storytelling so our opinion is skewed.



Personally, I think it's valid to rate story arcs anywhere in the range from 1 star to 5 stars based on quality, and I've tried to rate the arcs I play accordingly. I've tried to be thick-skinned about low ratings from other players and distinctly remember thanking reviewers for a 2-star and a 3-star rating on some of my arcs....after all, regardless of rating, they at least were willing to spend the time to try something I had written.

There are definitely a lot of people who believe you should only rate 5 stars or leave arcs unrated, so as not to "hurt" the chances of the arcs you play. I don't agree with this philosophy (in my opinion, the idea smacks of the 5-star cartels that were prevalent when AE first opened), but it has become very prevalent on this forum. I can distinctly remember a couple of angry tirades I received for rating someone's arc "only" 4 stars. When I get these, I try to remind myself that people invest a lot of their work and spirit into their story arcs, so are naturally very sensitive about them.

But yeah, it can be a turn-off.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Originally Posted by rainmaker View Post
Some authors contended that a single non-5 star rating kept a newly published arc from ever getting to the front pages of the search result. I'm not hyperbolizing when I say that there were those people who would whine in open chat whenever thier arcs received anything but 5 stars about how they had been screwed over.
It pretty much does. Because the search engine sucks.

What made this issue even worse in my mind was that these very same people would go off at points on how voting cartels were ruining the rating system, while systematically promoting a culture where their arcs were supposed to be 5 starred regardless of quality.
There were voting cartels. People would get stock tells amounting to "I played your arc and liked it, 5 stars. Please return the favor." A lot of this died down when the badges were removed, but for a long time arcs would still suddenly get a 1-star rating right after a 5-star rating bumped them up to the first page.

The rampant 5-starring in this community was a logical outgrowth of that. Basically, if the system was worthless and was being exploited, why not exploit it to promote stuff we like? A four-star rating is intended to convey that you liked the arc, and thought it was worth your while. What it actually conveys is that you don't think casual AE users should bother playing this arc. If I liked an arc I want other people to play it. If I want other people to play it I have to 5-star it.
I think I debated with three seperate people at one time or another that the gameplay, in terms of enemy balance and fun factor was at least as important as a good story. I contend to this day that since we are creating content for a video game, that the balance and fun factor, the rewards gained ect must all be as vital to an arc as the story.
Yes. Yes they are. Venture is hardly representative of...well anyone else but Venture really.

Maybe I'll make something again, but it sure won't be for the reasons others are. For now the community surrounding this tool is not something I really want to be part of.
You know, it's funny because I found this community to be full of generally helpful and throughtful people. Even though, as Zamuel said, we are in competition with each other, people still try to help their competitors "get ahead" as it were....even in developer sponsored contests where they are actually in direct, unadulterated competition with each other.

Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
There are definitely a lot of people who believe you should only rate 5 stars or leave arcs unrated, so as not to "hurt" the chances of the arcs you play. I don't agree with this philosophy (in my opinion, the idea smacks of the 5-star cartels that were prevalent when AE first opened), but it has become very prevalent on this forum. I can distinctly remember a couple of angry tirades I received for rating someone's arc "only" 4 stars. When I get these, I try to remind myself that people invest a lot of their work and spirit into their story arcs, so are naturally very sensitive about them.
If it's bad, I'll rate low. If it's not my cup of tea or it's meh but the author seems to genuinely want to make it good, I won't rate. If it's good, I'll rate five stars. The ratings system is utter garbage, and I don't see any reason to "hurt anyone's feelings" in a vain attempt to make my actual opinion of their arc visible to the general public. If my four star rating was actually seen as "I think this is a pretty good arc, not totally awesome, but you should try it, you might like it" instead of an aggregate of five-star ratings and one-star griefers and a two or three star rating from someone who didn't like the end villain's hat, I'd think more carefully about how I rate.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I don't play AE arcs much anymore, but generally I use the whole star range. I'm a pretty harsh critic though and don't hand out 5's very often; hell I don't even think all of my OWN arcs are 5 stars.

I get that people want "visibility", but honestly I don't think I've ever once played an arc just because it was on the front page (except if it was Dev's Choice). Usually if I play an arc it's either because someone posted it here, or because I ran a search for specific criteria which narrows down the options considerably.

Astoria in D Minor, a horror arc. Arc ID: 41565 - The Beating Heart of Astoria: A Play in Five Acts. Arc ID: 170547 - Ignition of the Machine, a story with robots. Arc ID: 318983
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.



The other part of the culture of the MA community that left me with a bad taste in my mouth was the "story first" contingent.
If your game has no story, it's not an MMO, it's Tetris.

There was a sizable contingent of people in the MA community that would 5 star a story NO MATTER HOW BAD IT PLAYED. A certain vocal part of the community would basically say that as long as the arc had the requisite number of "in-jokes" or correct pop culture references, then the story was good and the arc was amazing.
I can't think of a single frequent commentator who did either of these things.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Basically, if the system was worthless and was being exploited, why not exploit it to promote stuff we like?
I saw that not so much as a 'why not exploit it too?' option but as a 'having to struggle against the system' choice we got 'forced' into. The fact that it's made little difference is telling.



It's been gone over a million times and I'm surprised that some people still can't see it.

The rating system is BROKEN.

No one is saying that the devs did not intend for all the ratings to be used and have actual meanings.

No one is saying that the all ratings in the ratings system should not have real meaning.

No one is saying anyone has to rate one way or another.

However be aware that the reality is that rating an arc less than 5 stars with the current system has the effect of lowering it's chance of being played. People can delude themselves into thinking that because the devs put the word "Excellent" next to the 4 star rate that's what it means, but that is just not the reality of how it works in this broken system.

No matter what you feel/want/think how the rating system should be/work, it in reality is stuck in the current broken state. In ACTUALLY rating an arc 5 stars means that it has a chance at being seen and played by others. Rating less, even a 4, means varying degrees of diminishing the chance of the arc being played. What you think/want/feel does not impact how the system actually processes the ratings.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



I'm afraid I don't agree with this. Granted that each person can use their rating to vote however they want, in my opinion, the purpose of rating an arc is to rate the quality of that arc. To feed false information into the database (whether 5-starring arcs that don't deserve it, 1-starring arcs that don't deserve it, or even refusing to rate arcs that you think are low quality) in an attempt to game the system essentially negates this purpose and further contributes to the general sense that the ratings system is meaningless.

While I'm sure there are plenty of arcs that got undeservedly low ratings from "griefers", there are also lots of arcs that have undeservedly high ratings from people who rate only 5 stars. I'm sure most people who have played AE arcs extensively will have run into 5-star rated arcs that just aren't that good. The MA Super Team even had a game targeting these for awhile, "Make It or Break It". I choose not to contribute to exacerbating this problem.

the reality is that rating an arc less than 5 stars with the current system has the effect of lowering it's chance of being played. People can delude themselves into thinking that because the devs put the word "Excellent" next to the 4 star rate that's what it means, but that is just not the reality of how it works in this broken system.
While this statement is certainly true, the intent of the rating system is not to get a story arc additional plays. The intent of rating is to communicate each player's opinion of that arc's relative merit.

A perfectly analogous statement would be: "giving a student less than an A grade has the effect of lowering his or her chance of getting into college." But would you really argue that teachers should only give A grades to all students? After all, a B grade hurts their student's chance of getting into college, regardless of whether the teacher considers a B grade "good" or not.

Likewise a movie reviewer giving a movie less than 4 stars has the effect of reducing the number of moviegoers who will watch the movie. Do we really want movie reviewers to only give movies a 4 star rating or no rating at all, so as not to hurt the movie's chances? That would make movie reviews pretty worthless.

The purpose of rating is to grade arcs by quality (not to "help" them), and towards that goal, it is meaningful and valid to assign various different ratings from 1 star to 5 stars, as appropriate.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
A perfectly analogous statement would be: "giving a student less than an A grade has the effect of lowering his or her chance of getting into college." But would you really argue that teachers should only give A grades to all students? After all, a B grade hurts their student's chance of getting into college, regardless of whether the teacher considers a B grade "good" or not.
Hopefully the student is graded on a scale which uses measurable things like test scores and not just by what the teacher feels like at the moment. Having a 1-5 star rating doesn't help when no two people can agree on what each star should mean.

Your analogy doesn't account for all teachers also having three to eight kids of their own in the same school, all competing for the best grades, so some teachers will give the competition an F just to make their own kids look better by comparison.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
I'm afraid I don't agree with this. Granted that each person can use their rating to vote however they want, in my opinion, the purpose of rating an arc is to rate the quality of that arc.
Stop right there and let me amend my final state to read:

What you think/want/feel or your opinion of how it should work does not impact how the system actually processes the ratings.

To feed false information into the database (whether 5-starring arcs that don't deserve it, 1-starring arcs that don't deserve it, or even refusing to rate arcs that you think are low quality) in an attempt to game the system essentially negates this purpose and further contributes to the general sense that the ratings system is meaningless.
It's not feeding false information or "gaming the system" at all. Again, the system is BROKEN and unfortunately rating an arc anything less than 5 stars will reduce it's chance of getting played. If the system was working as it was intended to work a 4 star rating would mean excellent, but with the current system you are casting a vote against that arc being played by others. I am assuming that is generally not the intent of people rating an arc 4 stars.

The MA Super Team even had a game targeting these for awhile, "Make It or Break It". I choose not to contribute to exacerbating this problem.
I don't think you understand how "Make It or Break It" works.

While this statement is certainly true, the intent of the rating system is not to get a story arc additional plays. The intent of rating is to communicate each player's opinion of that arc's relative merit.
Ok how about:

What you think, want, feel or your opinion of how ratings should work or how the devs intended the system to work does not impact how the system actually processes the ratings.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



All of this blather about how any rating less than five stars is harmful is nonsense.

I just checked, there are over 375 pages of five-star arcs. At twenty arcs per page, the simple fact is that the odds of your arc being high enough on the list as to be seen by someone casually browsing are effectively zero and no rating system is going to change that. It's not even going to come up on a random request limited to five star ratings.

The browser needs changes, sure, but refusing to hand out five-star ratings like candy is simply not the problem.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
...but refusing to hand out five-star ratings like candy is simply not the problem.
Who exactly is advocating "handing out 5 star ratings like candy" Not me that's for sure. All I'm pointing out is the limitations of the current rating system and that people are deluding themselves if they think that the ratings actually mean what they say they do (i.e. 4 stars = Excellent). As I have said from the get go, rate anyway you want, just don't kid yourself into thinking that the current broken system is reflecting the rating as you may want it to do.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



The whole stars argument is simply a symptom of bigger problems. I was dead serious when I said it's easier for me to setup Abandoned Sewer Trials than non-farm AE. That might be skewed since I'm somewhat infamous for running them but the point still stands. The system as a whole lacks integrity to those not already invested in it and the search is not as helpful as it should be.

I think "helpful" is the key word for what's wrong with the search. For all the arguments about ratings, there's a lot of simple issues that need addressing. Searching for "my level" is effectively useless due to 1-54 being included.

On integrity...well, I'd like to ask people how many arcs have they played in the past week, not counting those run with the MA SG. I could argue that I'm mildly exempt since I was away from the game but for me it was 3. One was a replay, one was a sequel to the replay, and one was advertised on the forums. None of my plays were due to star rating but rather due to the strength of the authors involved. The star issue magnifies the fact that despite good material, people simply aren't going to the MA.



I haven't run an arc in gods-know-when. I jotted down a few numbers to review but never got to it. Hell, I was in the middle of making changes to "Blowback" and never finished.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
On integrity...well, I'd like to ask people how many arcs have they played in the past week, not counting those run with the MA SG.

I played two in the last week: Hollywood Nocturne after seeing Bubbawheat recommend it, and a re-play of Suppression after I saw it won February's monthly contest on the forum.

Although once in awhile I look for 5-star or 4-star arcs I haven't played yet that don't look farm-y, nowadays I mostly go by word-of-mouth recommendations.

Though to be honest, the incarnate content and weekly strike targets have been drawing the great majority of my CoH time. Unfortunately, none of the recent incarnate content involves Mission Architect in any way which definitely contributes to the general malaise here.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



A few random comments on the responses to my post:

1. I Get the perception that the whole ratings system is borked. I really do. I understand the desire to get people to play the arcs. I understand that when someone pours themselves into a project like an AE arc, they naturally want it out there to enjoy some form of success. When I put up my first arc and no one played it, I was a little put off. But really the arc wasn't that good. Five starring this arc would have done me no favors. It would have given me a false sense of success.
Has anyone considered the part of the lack of players in AE (non-farm) might be backlash from the "5 star culture"?
I mean if the content were interesting and compelling wouldnt there at least be pockets of players looking for it?
I think we can bet that a number of potential users of the AE over the past year have been turned off simply by playing "5 star arcs" that were undeserving of the rating. The perception would be that even the best in the AE was substandard.
And yes, I beleive that the overwhelming bulk of AE 5 Starred content is substandard. I've played alot of it.
Getting your arc played is important I agree. But as with any product, if you inflate it's worth, the consumer will know the moment they try it, as respond accordingly in the future.

2. My "Story first" comment was not aimed at Venture (despite the attempted redirect). I never held any conversation with him and generally enjoyed his reviews greatly. Story is important, of course. It's AS important as the action. The two must be balanced.

3. I am sorry if my post came off as an indictment of the community as a whole. I tried to make it clear with my language that this wasn't everyone. As a couple of people pointed out, there was(is?) a dedicated base of those who honestly and earnestly were there to help answer questions.
I remember one morning the MA Superteam being told not to rate the arc that we had just played because it was so flawed. The rationale being that rating it would tank the arc, which by all accounts, was salvagable. I understand the motivation, and at it's core it was positive in spirit.
That said, wasn't the actual way to help author to two star it, as it deserved, and encourage the author to change and republish based on objective feedback?
I dunno,I rated it.
...and then I never went back to rwz on Triumph.

4.Reading these responses has given me food for thought and I appreciate the time everyone's spent putting thier opinions down. Thanks.




I rather Create my own Story Arc that a unique Story but Stay with the lore of the game. I enjoy Creating my own Villain groups and create a Story that at same time is different form what game lore is and at same time stay true to it.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by rainmaker View Post
Has anyone considered the part of the lack of players in AE (non-farm) might be backlash from the "5 star culture"?
I believe that the lack of AE players can be blamed largely on the devs for the way they handled the rampant exploits and AE rewards in general. Most people I've talked to still seem to think that AE missions don't give any rewards at all because of the "nerfs".

I mean if the content were interesting and compelling wouldnt there at least be pockets of players looking for it?
Sadly a vast majority of players don't seem to be interested in stories, whether they are made by other players or the devs. All too often I hear people say that they never read anything and don't care what the missions are about.

I think we can bet that a number of potential users of the AE over the past year have been turned off simply by playing "5 star arcs" that were undeserving of the rating. The perception would be that even the best in the AE was substandard.
That's just another example of why star ratings are unreliable as a way of finding out what's good or not. If we had a simpler system of like/dislike and full disclosure on total number of plays instead of merely the number of unique plays an arc has achieved, I think we would have a much better indication on which arcs are better.

And yes, I beleive that the overwhelming bulk of AE 5 Starred content is substandard. I've played alot of it.
Getting your arc played is important I agree. But as with any product, if you inflate it's worth, the consumer will know the moment they try it, as respond accordingly in the future.

2. My "Story first" comment was not aimed at Venture (despite the attempted redirect). I never held any conversation with him and generally enjoyed his reviews greatly. Story is important, of course. It's AS important as the action. The two must be balanced.

3. I am sorry if my post came off as an indictment of the community as a whole. I tried to make it clear with my language that this wasn't everyone. As a couple of people pointed out, there was(is?) a dedicated base of those who honestly and earnestly were there to help answer questions.
I remember one morning the MA Superteam being told not to rate the arc that we had just played because it was so flawed. The rationale being that rating it would tank the arc, which by all accounts, was salvagable. I understand the motivation, and at it's core it was positive in spirit.
That said, wasn't the actual way to help author to two star it, as it deserved, and encourage the author to change and republish based on objective feedback?
I dunno,I rated it.
...and then I never went back to rwz on Triumph.
That's too bad. Was I there? Which arc was it? Did you take what I suppose was a suggestion to leave the arc unrated due to its unfinished status as an attempt to order you around, or as merely a suggestion? Because I doubt anyone think they have that kind of power that they can order anyone to not rate an arc. At least I hope nobody thinks that.

4.Reading these responses has given me food for thought and I appreciate the time everyone's spent putting thier opinions down. Thanks.


Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by rainmaker View Post
I think we can bet that a number of potential users of the AE over the past year have been turned off simply by playing "5 star arcs" that were undeserving of the rating. The perception would be that even the best in the AE was substandard.
And yes, I beleive that the overwhelming bulk of AE 5 Starred content is substandard. I've played alot of it.
A lot of that is more due to people getting their friends to rate their arcs highly or people genuinely liking stuff that you think (rightly or wrongly) just isn't very good than a small community of players giving out five stars to an arc that they honestly felt only deserved four.

2. My "Story first" comment was not aimed at Venture (despite the attempted redirect). I never held any conversation with him and generally enjoyed his reviews greatly. Story is important, of course. It's AS important as the action. The two must be balanced.
I am not going to argue with you here at all. I can't begin to count the times I slogged through a huge warehouse full of guys standing around pounding their fists into their hands just to get to something that moved the story along, or contributed to it in any way.

That said, wasn't the actual way to help author to two star it, as it deserved, and encourage the author to change and republish based on objective feedback?
Oh, I leave feedback. I even leave feedback on stuff I genuinely felt deserved five stars. Five stars does not to me represent a perfect arc, because there is no such thing.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I believe that the lack of AE players can be blamed largely on the devs for the way they handled the rampant exploits and AE rewards in general. Most people I've talked to still seem to think that AE missions don't give any rewards at all because of the "nerfs".
Let's not be myopic.
There are many reasons that the AE buildings are a ghost town right now other than the farmers.
Some of those things the devs can own. Heavy handed response to exploits is one of them. So is lack of new features to help players create anything more than the type of content we used to see up until i12. Changes that broke arcs, leading to a general sense of frustration among authors is another.
But some of those things the community can own. Like overvaluing content with false ratings, or refusal to make more new content because arc slots are full.
Let's also not ignore the fact that the AE lost it's shiny factor a while ago and that the devs have done a decent job making players want to run tfs for incarnate stuff.

Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Sadly a vast majority of players don't seem to be interested in stories, whether they are made by other players or the devs. All too often I hear people say that they never read anything and don't care what the missions are about.
While this is true, I feel that there is an untapped market out there. I know a few people who love the stories in CoH, but who won't touch AE content because their experience is that what's there is poor and unbalanced. I know others who won't touch the AE because they feel it's nothing but a place for farmers.
There are lots of people who want new content, and new stories but won't touch the AE for other reasons. It's easy to say "players don't want stories". It's true of the majority of the population. But I think there are probably enough people out there to justify continued production of stories, if they could be lured back.

Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
That's too bad. Was I there? Which arc was it? Did you take what I suppose was a suggestion to leave the arc unrated due to its unfinished status as an attempt to order you around, or as merely a suggestion? Because I doubt anyone think they have that kind of power that they can order anyone to not rate an arc. At least I hope nobody thinks that.
If I recall correctly it was something like "Ok everyone we're not going to rate this arc...."
Were you there? I don't recall, it was about a year ago. Anything else on this topic should probably be done in private so as not to fan the flames of drama.

Finally I've got my thinking hat on about all these issues.

Eva started the thread to reflect a general sense of enui that I beleive is shared among many Achitects. I'm not sure much new has been said in the thread, but it's been an open and frank discussion. We know there's a lack of passion in this community given the state of affairs.
Maybe a new thread needs to be started on how the users can overcome these issues. Maybe if we could light the candle that was there at one point we could come up with ideas that would get new exciting content being pumped out once again.
And maybe if there were fresh innovative content that were being promoted as heavily as the latest fire-resist farm in Atlas on Freedom we could see a smallish group of dedicated players come back.

Maybe I should just shut the eff up, put my money where my mouth is, and go make something.
