~**~> 35k Art Giveaway rd. 3 <~**~
#1: I know I just saw Fusionette go in there for a new costume. Now I just have to wait...
#2: Hey baby, why don't you make yourself comfortable and have a sit right here next to me.
#3: 97, 98, 99, ready or not, here I come!
#4: I heard there was a CC going on here. Guys? ... Guys? Do I have a stain on my cape or something?
#5: Stop calling me **** \/an Dik3!
#6: Crap what happened to the pool!
"I should lay off the Thin Mints, should I????"
"This'll teach you not to carry those boots in a flame pattern!"
And that was the last time an Icon tailor accidentally pricked her with a needle...
"Abomination loooooves his mooshy muchroom... Yes he does!"
"How many licks does it take to get to the center?"
"Umm, you know those things grow in... errm nevermind."
Since when do trees poop??
Paragon trees bear strange fruit.
"1... 2..." ((notices he's not alone...)) "103... 104..."
"heh heh, heh heh, heh heh" [/Butthead voice]]
"Precious... mussst find precious..."
"Seriously guys, it wears off... Umm guys?? Guys???? COME BACK!!!!"
When you're Freakshow death is certain. Gravity? Not so much.
"Err, he does know we're not here for the Freakshow porno shoot, doesn't he?"
"Seriously? His browser history is nothing but LOLCats!:
When an Abomination unleashes it's signature Gas Attack even other Vahlizok choose the quick way out!
"I HATE when I forget to attach the bungee cord!"
"I should have had a V8!"
Yeah yeah yeah, I just figured I'd get in quick, get the obvious and lame out of the way, them make room for those with real wit....
well let me see
Time to see if these new arrows really do "sparkle" in the sunshine !
ummm . . . that is very, uh, sweet. . . . but I'm seeing someone
This is NOT LotR, and you are NOT a walking Tree !
It's just like I always say; if you want to find something weird all you have to do is go to Atlas Plaza
Scientist: He was ALIVE, you monsters, you killed him !
As the Vahlizok dove off the second floor he noticed no one could see the cup he planned to dive into thanks to some guy in front of the camera !
1. "Does this costume make my arrow look fat?"
2. "Usually the fireworks come after the mushroom."
3. "The stone trees will blind a weary driver..."
4. "Rikti Mite: Danger from below. Mites run up: Tights come down!"
5. "My eyes!!"
6. "Vahzilok's latest creation - the Unbrained Abomination. Unfortunately targeting goes out with the payload."

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!
#1 I'll show you whose thighs blot out the sun... CHEATING SUNUVA [Censored]
#3 When real life Tomagotchi pets go WRONG
#5 Somebody forgot that Tom Cruise had a partner with a rope in Mission Impossible
#6 Red Bull gives you WIIIIIII--.....
1) A. "If that gorilla comes back... Airplanes and beauty will be the least of his worries!"
B. "It was... Sharp pointed sticks... that killed the beast"2) A. "Remember kids... mushrooms and shotgun shells don't mix!"
C. Time to walk, time to run. Time to aim your arrows... at the sun!
B. Lost: "Dude... You have NO idea what you look like right now... It's freakin' me out, man. You've got gold wings... *laughs hysterically*"3) A. In Paragon City, an emergency call to rescue a pet stuck in a tree may not be what you'd first imagine.
C. And Valkyra scolded her twin sister, "Ava, When I said, 'Do you think they're poisonous?' I did not intend for you to find out by eating them..."
B. Tree: "We go, we go, we go to war to hew the stone..."4) A. Monkey See, monkey do... monkey has an uber build like you.
C. And bets were placed on whether the branch would hold out long enough for the defeated body to despawn.
B. "Laugh all you want... You know how quickly and how long I can throw pooh at you with hasten and conserve power??"5. A. Freakshow Boss: "Arrggh... Just a bit longer, guys... You wouldn't believe how long it takes to stretch these cables in the morning..."
C. Warning, next step after being moved to the PvP Forums is being spawned as a monkey during Rikti Invasions (The Good: You get fully buffed stamina and perma hasten. The Bad: You have no attacks).
B. As the rest of the heroes on his team storm into his office, Gearshoulder Bob quickly shoves his action figures off of his desk and acts like he wasn't playing.6. A. Vahzilok: This blue carpet reeeeeally looked like water from up there.
C. And the heroes arrive upon the scene only to learn that the building was not under attack from the Freakshow... It turns out that the manager called them to speak with an employee about inappropriate decorations on the work desk.
B. While the other judges all gave the diving Vahz a perfect score... one mysterious judge ninja'd him with a score of 1.
C. Note to remember when leaning over railings and taking aim... These crossbows are heavy.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
1: And stay away from icon!
2: The anathema was too incapacitate from eating mushrooms to provide any threat.
3: The stone pet had enough of being a mindless slave and promptly hung itself from the nearest tree. How the tree supported the heavy stone is anyones guess...
4: Hasten? Oh god run, it can fling poo at high speed!
5: They didn't want to get into detail how they defeated the tank, but the rest of the team had their suspicions...

#1 "I swear, I'll never take on a job as a real-life banner again!"
#2 Anathema says to the mushroom: "How are YOU doin'?"
#3 Stone pet tries to save a kitty from the tree: "Here kitty kitty... No! Don't climb further up you stupid cat!"
--stay tuned for the next episode of...--
#5 Freakshow: "Uhm... can... someone help me up please? I think I've done my back in..."
#6 Vahzilok: "Don't mind me... just hanging around."
The heroine just behind the abomination yells: "FART ALERT!"

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!
#6 And they said we didn't have diving emotes...
#2 Explanation. There is none.
#5 Freak Tank: Maybe they won't notice me...
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

1) That's the last time you mix my Samurai boots with my Celtic cape!
2) Dude, I told you to lay off those 'shrooms!
3) It's sad when even rock dudes can't handle the pressures.
4) That's right Atlas, I will take you down this time right guys? Uhh... guys...
5) If I don't move then they can't see me...
6) *downs another beer* Hey guys! Watch THIS!

1) "How dear you say that made me look fat"
2) Shrooms and A shotgun make for one hell of a party.
3)"you must be the worst hider ever! I mean I can see your legs hanging there"
4)Who would of though that one monkey could have some much gas to turn all of AP green.
5)"Next time we buy the name brand Freaks, these generic just fall part to easy."
6)When all hope is lost, sometimes it better to take matters in your own hand.
1) "Icon's annual Archery Tournament begins with a bang. Who will be this year's winner of the exclusive Super Arrow Launcher Costume Code?"
2) "How many times do I have to tell you that overconsumption of red lipstick leads to, erm, unfortunate and embarrassing situations with the local fungi? Please think of the fungi, it has feelings too!"
"Badgers + mushrooms = a high probability of inflatable red snaaaaakes if I just add water. *ponders*"
"MY mushroom. Go get your own, you pesky hero!"
3) "Camoflage. I can haz it."
4) "You d**n dirty Rikti, turning me into one of you."
"I followed the map,which clearly said 'Left Turn At Albuquerque' and look where it got me. Hmph!"
5) "Class, today we're going to learn the Twist. Please follow your dance instructor, Teh D4nc3R, who is Paragon City's Twist Champion."
6) "I think I can, I think I can... reach the sky!"
"I can fly, I can fly. Or I can go splat."
Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."
"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."
#1 - The first rule of Icon Club is, you do not talk about Icon Club.
#2 - The second rule of Icon Club is, you DO NOT talk about Icon Club.
Pic 2
Explanation: Not Found
Sir, you WILL NOT grow bigger from eating those!
... I tried, they are pretty lame captions I am afraid .
1) Five Arrows. Off the brick building. Off the water tower. Into the chimney...nothing but net!
2) "And your mind is moving low
Go ask Alice, I think she'll know"
3) A <bleep!>storm must of passed through last night...
4) If you can't beat 'em...Join 'em!
5) Realizing too late that his true desire was to be a Carnival trapeze artist....
6) Where's the rest of my synchronized diving team?!
Ill/Emp, Stn/Ice, FF/Rad, Plt/Fire, Nrg/Nrg, Ice/Cld, Mrc/Psn, Ice/WM, Mnd/Psi, Earth/Son, SS/Inv, DB/Drk, Fire/Ice, NB/SR, Fire/Elc, NW, Fort, Bot/TA, Son/Kin, Crab, Arch/Fire, Drk/Elc, Nin/TA, Grv/Elc, Elc/Wll, Mnd/FF, Drk/Thm, Clw/Reg, Stn/Nrg, Elc/Mnt, Ice/Earth, Spn/Fire, DP/Trp, AR/Rad, BA/SD, DB/SR, Fire/Stn, WS, Drk/Stm, Dem/Drk, Rad/Nrg, SJ/SD, Fire/Psn, Elc/Nrg, SF/SR, Bst/Stm, DP/Fire, Thg/Trp, Wtr/Psn, BS/Wll, Nat/Psy. BR/Time
Lol some great stuff here. One more day to get your captions in people.
5) Look Ma! I'm ROADKILL!
6) I SAID DO A BARREL ROLL! (not a frontflip)
I had to
Here's a second round from me. Don't think I'll do a third though. Nice to have more than one chance.
1. Cupid?! CUPID! I'll show him cupid! Just as soon as he gets out of the building.
2. One side will make you taller. The other side will make you... pass out.
3. Oh yeah, your leaves are much softer inside. Is that a new sap purfume I smell? Shhh... wait, I think I hear someone.
4. "We're members of the Lollipop Guild, and we wish to welcome you to Monkey Land."
5. Did anyone see what happened to the Freak Tank? ... Maybe I shouldn't have put that Stupefy: Chance for Knockback in [Flashfire]
6. (Hey look, it's a) Burnt Matchstick: No, I don't see anything unusual. If you read my bio, I'm blind! And, you know, my head's on fire. If you think it's funny, just take a screenshot and describe it to me later.
P.S. Didn't even catch myself in the pic until just now.
At first, everyone thought it was cool to have the Animal Pack... then the Cows started to fly...
Ok deadline is past, you can still post more funny captions if ya think of any but they will not be considered for points.
I will tabulate and announce a winner either later tonight or tomorrow.
Meanwhile here are a few captions I thought up.
1. Sick and tired of paying overpaying for her fashion habit, Aruanna decides to start her own Fire Sale.
I must be retaining water eh? I'll show them!
Ohhhh Suuurge! We need to have a little chat about this bill! Like right now!
2. When Burt declared he had Fungi Fever we just assumed he meant some kind of weird toe infection.
But this... well this just isn't good for our group image ya know? Not cool Burt!
Hey how come the Devouring Earth get Fungi pets but we don't? Oh look! My own little Fungi pet!
I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him and hold him... and I will name him George.
The Lost never really lived up to their name until the day they realized the secret
properties of cave shrooms... it was pretty much all down hill from then on.
3. Friends don't let friends summon when they've had one drink too many.
Stone Pet: Goodbye cruel world!
Ummm you know I can see you guys right? Right!? Real original summoning me
into a potted plant by the way, like that's never been done before. So yeah a little help here?
4. Monkeybuffs... they could happen.
I don't know doc, lately I've just been having this terrible craving for bananas. Weird hunh?
Ummm no actually I didn't read the fine print... let's see here. Drinking Enriche makes you happier... blah blah... marketing shlock... blah blah... oh here we go...
Side effects may include nausea, headache, rash, noxious gas and death. Also anyone not a loyalist may spontaneously devolve into a monkey... suck on that Resistance ROFL!
Really Cole? Monkeys? Jeez you're still a tool even in an alternate dimension far far away.
5. So engrossed were they in trying to figure out just what the hell that Freak tank was up to
moments before they entered the room the team failed to notice the blaster had face-planted... again.
I say! Seem to have gotten myself into a bit of a spot here. Luckily no heroes are here to witness this predica... oh bollox!
Silly Freakshow... It's supposed to be a quadruple toe loop, triple axel and THEN a triple lutz!
6. I believe I can Flyyyyy, I believe I can touch the skyyyyiiiiaaaiiiiiieeeeeeeee... THUD!
Unfortunately Jimbo decided not to pack his rubber crossbow that day,
it's a decision he would go on to regret.
Oh boy I got this hero right in my sights, if I lean out just a little further I can... OHNOZ!
soooo. . . . . . . . . CR . . . . . . . . . has RL forced this to go on the back burner ?
That's done and out of the way now and also I just finished up the prize artz for round two.
Round three being tabulated now and the prize should be posted later today.
Got some snow headed my way but hopefully it won't be too much,
General Zod willing I should have Rd.4 ready tonight!

Okay using the incredibly exacting scientific method of SCL I have determined a winner. What's SCL? I'm glad you asked.
If a caption made me Smile it got 1pt, got a Chuckle from me 2pts, if I actually Laughed Out Loud 3pts.
Seeing as the winner was to be determined by cumulative humor points and I allowed up to 3 captions for each pic (total possible 18) I'm actually a little surprised that only Caemgen and Electric Knight used all the slots available. While quality could've still trumped quantity (it was nearly a 4 way tie) the winner this round had enough ones and twos to eek it out.
Winner is Caemgen by a nose! ...well a feline snout anyway.
Sketch is already half done but I may have to wait until later today to finish it.
Caption contest time!

Below are 6 pix from my own collection of silly stuff I've seen in the game.
You guys come up with captions for them and I'll pick the ones I think funniest and award points.
You have two days (that's Tues 9pm central) to come up with your captions, no more than three captions for each image per person.
Most overall points wins free artz.
One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!
I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris