Effect of Issue 20?
They introduce yet another temp power that requires everyone to announce "Don't cross the streams!!" every time they use it.
Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG
Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007
Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG
Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007
Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG
Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007
The effects of i20, you say?
What could happen is...
The zombies we have been fearing for 40+ years in movies (or "talkies") will actually be more philosophical than all the Greek thinkers combined, stronger than Superman, quicker than the Flash on a sugar rush, angrier than the Hulk on a bad day, and hungrier than Galactus. This literal "Rise Of The Dead" will obviously create some problems in the Earth's ground, with the mass movement of dirt anywhere from 6 feet to God only knows how far down. Thus causing a fissure in the Earth's crust, causing molten rock to rise to the surface that shall create panic and a general "Oh Bleep!" mentality for the next couple hundred years. This molten rock will eventually cause the world's water supply to vanish, forcing humanity to retreat to Praetoria, where our speculations of "savages" and "madnessry" will all be mis-assumed, and we are outcast to the shores along Praetoria and swallowed by the Hamidon's angry hippie-wrath.
But, that's what could happen. For all I know, i20 could simply be another release by CoX and have no effect whatsoever on the general population of Earth.
Just remember... it's a possibility.
Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.
You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.
jerkhackin gets a buff.
"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge
What will be the effect of Issue 20 on the usefulness of particular ATs and powersets on PVE teams?
Iron: well Void, for your sake I hope it'll all be peaches &
Cream, but I'm afraid the end time is near. The cataclysmic apocalypse
Referred To in the scriptures of every holy book know to mankind.
It will be an Era fraught with boundless greed & corruption, where global monitary
systems disintegrate, leaving brother to kill brother for a grain of
over cooked rice.
The nations of the civilized world will collapse under the
Impressive weight of parasitic political conspiracies which remove all
Hope & optimism from their once faithfull citizens.
Around the globe, Generations of polluters will be punished for their sins. unsheilded
By the o-zone they have successfully depleted, left to bake in the
Cering naked rays of light.
Wholesale assassinations served to Destabilize Every remaining government, leaving the starving & wicked to fend For themselves.
Bloodthirsty renegade cyborgs created by tax dodging Corporations reek havok. pissed off androids tired of being slaves to A godless & gutless system, where the rich get richer & the poor get EFFED over and out, unleash total world wide destruction by means
Of nuclear holocaust.
Annihilating the terrified masses, leaving in its Torturous wake nothing but vicious, cannibalistic, mutating, Radiating, And horribly dis-figured hordes of satanic killers, bent on Revenge, But against whom?, there are so few left alive.
Starvation reins Supreme, Forcing unlucky survivers to eat anything & anyone in their path.
Massive earthquakes crack the planets crust like a hollow egg shell, Causing unending volcanic eruptions.
Creatures of the seven seas, Unable to escape the certain death upon land, boil in their liquid Prison.
Disease then circles the earth, plagues & viruses with no known cause
Or cure laying waste to whatever draws breath,
And human-kind having Proven itself to be nothing more than a race of ruthless scavengers, Fall Victim to merciless attacks at the hands of interplanetary alien
Tribes who Seek to conquer our charred remains.
this is I20, The next issue. and there is only, one, month, left.
Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin
From there, Earth will be destroyed by the robots and you'll spend the next several story arcs running away from the killer robots on the only ship left with the remains of humanity, until you get shot through a wormhole to a distant part of the universe and end up on a living ship full of Escaped Prisoners from the Zig. They're not happy with you either. But that's the end of the arc until i21.
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal