Played Created! IO's is possible.




Granted i can sence a few flames already from the name of my post. Please bare with me firs. Besides the devs of this game truly making this a top MMO over the last few years. And the stuff to happen sooner or later.

Within any MMO or any game customization is the key. If you can make something unique yourself that others dont really have its awesome.

Step 1- choose your set for your IO recipe.
Example Defence

Step 2- choose qulaity or rarity.
By picking the best type your allowed more of anything you choose. So for purples you would cap damage and set bonus over the regular stuff.

Step 3- Choose the effects of the enhancements such as Damage or Recharge. Any combination is possible so for example you could craft a defence set with def/heal if you wanted to.

Step 4- Now this is where it gets tricky but it can be done. The system for this must be made very carefully would take a few months i think.
You pick what you get in each set bonus stat. There are limits to what you can pick. This feature is to get what set bonus you want and have them in all areas that you choose. No set bonus that you dont really need.

Step 5-crafting each recipe set bonus has required salvage needed. When you create a recipe you put it on a blank recipe that turns into your own custom recipe. So to craft it depending rarity and what set bonus you picked the salvage will then selected once recipe is completed. So for example some defence set bonus will always use certain salvage as apose to other types usen there own.

Please devs read this carefully a few times. Of course issue 20 is gonna be the best issue for coh history.(my favorite issue for I2) the reason behind that was capes were first introduced and to be honest from I2 to I19 coh is just godly as a game compared to its orginal state.

My ideas are just for future content and Devs if you want money for your game. Start every year creating a expansion(or each 2 year) to get more cash while u realease issue updates as well. Its alot work but WoW made a fortune doing this so why not you all yourself. Im a long time player that loves the game farewell everyone.



I recall this being brought up before. Overall, I think it would be good and potential inf sink (crafting costs).

Only things I would add are:
No set bonuses and limited to generic IO's only. This keeps the invention sets still being used and prevents players from min/max'ing sets (which you know will happen 5 min if it went live).
No bonuses over lvl25 or lower enhancement totals to keep s/HO's (or high lvl IO inventions) still better and desired. Plus not sure the devs would like us to create multi-lvl 50 enhancements with those types of bonuses.
Chance for loss of items, again as inf. sink. The more combined (triple/quad), the more chance for loss. They could add something like the higher the lvl, like 50's, the chance goes down or some badges you earn that decrease the chance of loss as you craft more and more (becoming an expert at it sort to say).



So would this recipe set be just for you or would it be User Generated Content that anyone can obtain? Assuming it is UGC, then the game and market will be clogged with countless User Created Recipes. How do you get your "Lone Soldier's Last Stand" recipe set when there is so many different recipes out there.

Now take the other situation. You have created a recipe set and obtained the recipes since it your very own personal set where no one else can use it. The devs have made it so that any recipe is available with the enough Merits and/or Alignment Merits. According to this, then assuming that personal recipes are eventually possible, then it will require some new Merit or require extra Merits. For example if it takes 220 Merits or 2 Alignment Merits to build a Rare, then it would take 340 Merits or 4 Alignment Merits to build a personal Rare. Purples and PVP recipes are even more difficult to obtain since it would take about 30-50 Alignment Merits.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Possible? Yes.

Is there interest? Maybe.

Hard to make? Yes.

Difficult to balance? Definitely.

No from me.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



... eh.

I'm for "Player crafted IOs" for things that don't exist in sets - let us combine (say) a Heal and Endmod at some percentage of full IO value into a "player created IO" to throw in a power. That (and a few other combos) don't exist.

I *don't* think we should be allowed to "craft our own bonuses" for them, though. That could just get ridiculously overpowered, not to mention overly complex.



I like the idea!

Perhaps, use the same "Combine" interface we already have for DO/DO enhancements and allow it to combine generic IO's (but only those in your enhancement inventory instead of those slotted) and the new generic multi-aspects.

This way, the market won't be full of player created multi-aspect IO's and it already has a built-in mechanics of failure.

Edit: I don't like the idea of player created set-bonuses. As everyone can just make the 2-slotted bonus whatever they like best, then "frankenslot" every power with pairs of enhancements that do exactly what they want (since they're also crafting the Enhancement's multi-aspects)



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
No bonuses over lvl25 or lower enhancement totals to keep s/HO's (or high lvl IO inventions) still better and desired.
Your suggestion basically helps a min/maxer get around enhancement scaling due to exemplar. See "The Minor Bonus Threshold" in Exemplar Effects on Enhancements.



Sounds a bit like Jack's Skill system...
Which eventually morphed into the Invention system we have...

Probably because they didn't want us to have to worry about +1's and whatnot.

The way I see it working would be terrible. You'd have the min/max crowd that can utilize it 100% for max boost and then you'd have the rest of us that would be totally lost and end up 'gimping' ourselves.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
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Well to be honest didnt think i would get anyone to post on this. Now saying that im glad for your ideas and such. For example if market was going to get cloged make a mini market that is seperate for this sole feature.

I think with inventions its a very great set but is it near completen it no i say not. Look at most purple IO recipes alot gives the same exact bonus. Why do we got 3 different IO recipe that are from different sets give same bonus? Isnt being purple mean your rare not the same as others. This feature would be to get set bonus that are useful for you and have more a selection. If they added more variety of IOs over time with unique set bonus then custom IO from player wouldent be needed. That is my only point thank you all for your time.

P.S.- Legend of the Guardian is recruitingsoon hero side. Its gonna kick it like old school.



As I read this, this seem overly complex and hard to balance. There is an easier way (and much of the necessary coding already exists).

Create a new series of IO recipes that are basic blanks with rarity similar to what we have now (yellow, orange and purple). They have no set, they have no set bonuses.

The rarity determines how much of the enhancement is retained in multi-aspect IOs.

So, for instance, you'd have Yellows with one, two, three, four and five open slots and then would use basic IOs (crafted of course) to slot them in any way you wanted including "doubling up" in a given recipe (for instance, you could have a "Yellow 4" and slot in 2 Damages, an Acc and a Recharge).

Second stage is to create another series of specialized IOs that ONLY slot into these and control procs/secondary effects. Rarity controls the strength of the proc/secondary effect (and/or it's chance to fire).

Third stage is to create a final "add on" piece that is attached to the entire set that controls the "bonus track" you're on. So, for instance, you could choose a bonus track that mimics the Numina's Set or that mimics the Aegis Set. If you want to get really complex, each Blank can slot a different bonus (but that makes balance difficult). Again, Rarity controls strength of the bonus.

There you go, customizable IO "sets" with every aspect customized and still some top down control by the Devs.



Originally Posted by Lone Soldier View Post
Look at most purple IO recipes alot gives the same exact bonus. Why do we got 3 different IO recipe that are from different sets give same bonus?
I assume it's for balance. Purple set bonuses are large. Making a lot of the bonuses the same means that there are a variety of purple sets for different powers, but the number that can be used effectively on a single character is capped by the Rule of Five.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
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Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Your suggestion basically helps a min/maxer get around enhancement scaling due to exemplar. See "The Minor Bonus Threshold" in Exemplar Effects on Enhancements.
True, and I wasn't thinking that way. I probably didn't say it correctly.

I guess what I was trying to say was:
For lvl25 and/or lower enhancement bonus, if you take something like Golgi HO (33.33% to end and heal), a lvl25 generic IO has 32.00%. So if you were to combine end and heal generics, you would get 32/32. So the HO would still be better. Now if you took lvl50's and made 42.40/42.40, HO's wouldn't be as attractive anymore.

For the invention set bonuses, I would see people using something like Mids, plan out a build with generics, and then do the math on the gap and thus build their set more efficiently to close the gaps, and subsitute in better bonuses to ones they don't want (like debt protection).

Bottomline, just trying to find a balance. I think there is some merit to created IOs.



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Bottomline, just trying to find a balance. I think there is some merit to created IOs.
That's actually the opposite of balance.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
I like the idea!

Perhaps, use the same "Combine" interface we already have for DO/DO enhancements and allow it to combine generic IO's (but only those in your enhancement inventory instead of those slotted) and the new generic multi-aspects.
I agree with this! Allow people to combine two at 50% bonus, 3 at 33%, 4 at 25%, and so on... there wouldn't be a net benefit that was stronger than a normal IO ever, that way, but it would still allow customization. Allow only even-level IOs to be combined.



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
That's actually the opposite of balance.
Would you like to expand on that?

My point is that I doubt we would be able to create IOs that exceed the bonuses of items already in game, such as HO's. The other is that the bonuses don't go above the lvl25 mark, I didn't say the IO's.

I don't think we are on the same page here.