Help me reroll a 50
1: Melee of some sort, capitalising on his power armour and likely going with Invulnerability. This means either Brute or Scrapper, but WHAT/Inv? I want to keep the high-tech aspect of the character, but I really don't know what to use for that.
2: A Bots/Traps/SomethingElse Mastermind, delving into his background of robotics design and his general aptitude for science and technology. This will probably require that I downsize the armour suit, however, as Masterminds aren't known for being personally very resilient.
EDIT: Oh, and this is without any kind of set bonuses. A bots/traps mastermind, with mace mastery, can softcap his S/L and almost energy on SOs. Bodyguard mode on top of that is like having 75% resist. Then you get Triage Beacon.
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I'll give you a couple of different directions you could go:
1. Keep the character, do an IO build that focuses on upping ranged defense. Possibly Smash/Lethal defense, if you wanted to take him villainside for a bit to get access to the Mace Mastery pool (which is also thematically correct.) Such a build would only need to be moderately expensive, and certainly within the means of most players.
2. AR/Traps, either defender or corruptor. Force Field Generator does great things for survivability, particularly because of the status resistance.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

Knowing Fallout as I do, I'd do War Mace/Invulnerability Brute. War Mace can be a Super Sledge. Broadsword/Invuln could work too, for a Ripper-using Brother.
As for Masterminds being personally resilient, speak for yourself. My Masterminds are personally invincible (my Bots/Traps is softcapped to everything (except Psi), after the Protection Bots get their shields on her). Bodyguard mode helps a lot with this (the status protection from FFG helps too.)
Sounds like you want range damage and using a weapon.
Keep the same toon, respec and pick up Mace Mastery patron armor, combat jumping, tough and weave then add in some Io's to softcap S/L and you have a pretty durable blaster.
Reroll as a Defender or Corrupter and pick traps & assault rifle this will increase your survivability way over what you can get as a blaster.
Reroll as a crab spider or if you don't like the spider backpack reroll as a soldier and just pick up the bane powers but none of the mace ones, you will still have your gun attacks.
Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list
On melee: To be honest, my problem is that I don't know what I want. Energy Melee sounds a bit too... Blah, as does Kinetic Melee, to be honest, and while I'd want a weapon... I'm not sure I can get to grips with using one like that. The problem with this one is I just don't know what to do or even where to go.
On Mastermind: When I say "isn't personally strong," that's not to criticise Masterminds. Far from it, I know how strong they can be. That's just to say that if I DO go that route, I'll probably want to modify the costume a little bit. I just don't want to see a big armoured guy flopping around from knockback.
As a side note, Inventions Sets are not considered here, as I have no plans to invest into them with anyone other than my previously stated test character, and my preliminary results with her are not promising. I'll build this guy on Commons at most, so no building against AT.
Reroll as a crab spider or if you don't like the spider backpack reroll as a soldier and just pick up the bane powers but none of the mace ones, you will still have your gun attacks.
See, this is why I keep begging the developers for a combination Assault/Defence set. I want something that plays like a Peacebringer or an Arachnos Soldier without being tied to Arachnos or Kheldians.
So far, the things I hear are making me lean more towards Masterminds, simply because I can get personal "toughness," visible technology and a character I actually don't feel afraid to long in.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Keep in mind guys, that Sam doesn't use IOs. His characters are SO only (IIRC). So, with that in mind, you're probably best off going as a brute/scrapper with KM or SS as your attack set, and invuln as your defense set. You could even go for super reflexes, saying that your suit gives you preternatural reflexes.
Reroll as a crab spider or if you don't like the spider backpack reroll as a soldier and just pick up the bane powers but none of the mace ones, you will still have your gun attacks. |
Mids DataLink for the character's build plan -- he's currently missing a few pieces. It's not a terribly expensive build. I sacrificed some Defense for +recharge.
You'll have to side-switch if you want your character to be a hero, of course, but that's not a big deal these days.
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
See, this is why I keep begging the developers for a combination Assault/Defence set. I want something that plays like a Peacebringer or an Arachnos Soldier without being tied to Arachnos or Kheldians. |
A thought occurs to me: if it's just the issue of blasters being too squishy, how about a Corrupter? You could pick up AR again (if that's what you wanted to do), but go for /traps or /FF as a secondary to make you much more survivable.
As a side note, Inventions Sets are not considered here, as I have no plans to invest into them with anyone other than my previously stated test character, and my preliminary results with her are not promising. I'll build this guy on Commons at most, so no building against AT.
The key here is to have Weave, Combat Jumping, and Manoeuvres. Those together give about 15% defence; Your FFG will be another 15%, and the Bots will give around 11%. Steadfast Protection's +defence IO should push you near the softcap, but without it you're only 3 points off.
And then of course you can take Mace Mastery as your epic, get Scorpion Shield, and have a defence over 60 for Smashing, Lethal and Energy.
I got beaten to the suggestion, but I'd say give an Arachnos Soldier a try.
You've got good defenses (armor), weapons (gun and/or mace depending on which you'd rather have), melee and ranged attacks, stealth if you want it, and good team support.
The SoA specific-arcs are weak enough that you can easily take them blue-side if you want and not really miss anything.
Now, I haven't tried a Bane build (I'm currently levelling up a Crab build), so I don't know if the mace can be customized to something like a super-sledge or not (on the non-arachnos costume slots) like you can with war mace.
Another option would actually BE war mace. Do a War Mace/Invulnerable Brute or Tanker. My WM/Shield Tank is absolutely brutal. The buffs that WM has gotten have filled the single target hole and it's group destruction of minions/lts is second to none (imo).
BTW deleting a 50 to start over isn't that crazy. Admittedly I've never deleted a 50 before (mostly because I only have a couple of 50's), but I've deleted (and re-rolled) quite a number of 42's to 48's.
One of my main characters has been:
a level 39 Claws/Regen scrapper
a level 40 Broadsword/Invul scrapper
a level 32 Energy Melee/Invul tank
a level 36 Super Strength/Invul tank
and is currently a level 46 Super Strength/Willpower tank
6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.
Really, the Huntsman Arachnos build sounds like the way to go. Hit level 20 as fast as you can and do tips to become a hero, then you can completely ignore the Arachnos background of the AT. Just make sure you do the mission arc at L10 to get your extra costume slot so you don't have to LOOK like a Spider either.
Yeah, crazy idea, I know. When I say "reroll," I mean delete the character and create a new one with the same look and backstory, but different powersets and/or AT. To answer the obvious question of why in as short a form as I can: Because I'm done playing Blasters. I really don't want to discuss this, beyond saying that recent changes to the game have made me realise that I never actually liked them to begin with, and I will no longer torture myself playing an AT I don't like.
<snip> Any ideas? |
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Rock, rock on Hamster.
For a melee AT, conceptually a Brute with SS/Inv or Energy/Inv (or perhaps Energy Aura, if you want something different) would be best. I'm with you on rerolling a character you like, but don't like to play, it's hard but in the end you're happy you did it.
I myself rerolled my first 50, who also happened to be my first character at launch. An Inv/Mace tank. He was supposed to be an immortal, but I went with what I had. When Willpower was released, I had to have it. He is now a lvl 50 WP/Mace Tank.
I just have a problem with their being linked to Arachnos, however, and that makes the idea very unlikely. |
As far as HEAT/VEAT, I've never understood the problem of their origins. If you don't like it, ignore it. Neither of my Khelds have anything to do with alien energy races. Maybe your Arachnos Soldier is just in disguise. Maybe he wears it as a warning to Arachnos, like a trophy of sorts. Maybe he was built with whatever parts his creator could find lying around, and in the Rogue Isles, that meant a good amount of Arachnos suit parts. Maybe he has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Arachnos. It's up to you.
We often sit and think of you,
We often speak your name;
There is nothing left to answer,
But your photo in the frame.
Yes. Are you high? |
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
On Mastermind: When I say "isn't personally strong," that's not to criticise Masterminds. Far from it, I know how strong they can be. That's just to say that if I DO go that route, I'll probably want to modify the costume a little bit. I just don't want to see a big armoured guy flopping around from knockback.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
Hmmmm... what would you think of a Kinetic Melee/Electric Armor/Weapons scrapper?
Keep the electric armor customization set to "bright" but pick an almost black shade to reduce the effects. And if you have the origins pack, maybe add a combat sparks aura to him/her.
The key here is to have Weave, Combat Jumping, and Manoeuvres. Those together give about 15% defence; Your FFG will be another 15%, and the Bots will give around 11%. Steadfast Protection's +defence IO should push you near the softcap, but without it you're only 3 points off.
So there you have it: Bots/Traps can softcap everything but Psi with SOs.
Really, the Huntsman Arachnos build sounds like the way to go. Hit level 20 as fast as you can and do tips to become a hero, then you can completely ignore the Arachnos background of the AT. Just make sure you do the mission arc at L10 to get your extra costume slot so you don't have to LOOK like a Spider either.
I cannot stand VEATs, generally. But I've actually found a Huntsman build more up my alley. (I *may* give the others a go again now that we have inherent stamina. Tight builds on the bane/widow were part of the reason they bugged me so badly.) Ignore the "story" that goes with them except for the above-mentioned "up to level 10 so you get the costume."
I think it'd fit the idea. *shrug*
Re: KB/using IOs - Play AE a little. Fit something in. Write for the character. Use rolls in the first two bronze ranges - eventually (usually doesnt' take me long) you'll get a -KB IO recipe. Toss it in. No need to mess with the market at all, and you'll handle most knockback.
Without IOs, you'll be around 40-43% defence to everything with Bots/Traps, and if you take Acrobatics you can get KB protection to avoid the "flopping around" problem (and you'll probably want Super Jump as your travel power anyway, with the concept).
And that's really the extent to which a Masterminds' "squishines" really matters in this case - how big do I want to make the armour. Considering I'll probably want to make a "from scratch" rebuild of the costume using new parts but keeping to a similar design, it's not really something to worry about.
I know Masterminds are well tough enough. I got a Mercs/Traps to 50 some time ago (like, a couple of years...) and I was always astounded at the ridiculous crap I was able to kill in a stand-up fight just flying by the seat of my pants. If anything ever made me feel like I don't want to play Blasters, it was a Mastermind going at full tilt. YE GADS are those guys impressive, the lot of 'em! I've sometimes said that, with a Mastermind, you can up and forget you have a secondary and you'll still be fine the bulk of the time. About the only problem I've ever had with Masterminds is the cost of... Well, everything, especially since I use and spam the crap out of their personal attacks. Luckily, inherent Stamina ought to be able to help with that, and help big.
As far as Leaping goes, that's not really how I designed the Rook. If you've ever seen me argue for the introduction of jet packs into the game, this is the guy I've always wanted to give one to, so he's a flier all the way, and that means Hover and Fly.
I'll have a look at Huntsmen in Mids', but I'm actually starting to feel nostalgic for a good Mastermind. And... You know what? THAT is how I want to feel about an old, dear character. "Hey, wouldn't it be cool to play that guy?" as opposed to "Ugh, I don't want to play that guy! But I have to at some point, otherwise why keep him around?"
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I really don't know whose Masteries Masterminds get, but I don't see one that's specifically tech-based in the same way as Munitions was, so snagging something non-epic is not at all out of the question.
Link to MMs in the wiki.
Non-PPP, Chil, Charge, Heat and Field masteries.
PPP, of course, same four as everyone else, so "tech" = mace, or a reason you're throwing electricity/sharks/soul bits around.
You're going to have similar problems with the Arachnos character. They don't have any Knockback protection either. If we're talking absolutely zero Set IOs of any kind, you're going to want to stick with Super Jump so you can get Acrobatics.
Hmmmm... what would you think of a Kinetic Melee/Electric Armor/Weapons scrapper?
Keep the electric armor customization set to "bright" but pick an almost black shade to reduce the effects. And if you have the origins pack, maybe add a combat sparks aura to him/her. |
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
In which case, I'd recommend Bots/Traps/Mace Mastery. It's as tech/invention themed as you can really get for a Mastermind!
Personally, I didn't like Traps back in beta, so went with Forcefield but these days Traps is seen as the better option (plus, you get more "inventions"!)
Tough and Temp Invulnerability (from Field Mastery) give my Mastermind (in addition to her softcapped defences) nearly capped resistance to S/L as well. Once she gets higher levels of Incarnate slotting, she should get capped.
Bots/Traps is a blast, Sam. Give it a roll. You might even feel a need to creep up from your usual -1/x3 difficulty.

Yeah, crazy idea, I know. When I say "reroll," I mean delete the character and create a new one with the same look and backstory, but different powersets and/or AT. To answer the obvious question of why in as short a form as I can: Because I'm done playing Blasters. I really don't want to discuss this, beyond saying that recent changes to the game have made me realise that I never actually liked them to begin with, and I will no longer torture myself playing an AT I don't like.
The "50" in question is The Steel Rook, my second oldest character ever created, second only to Samuel Tow himself, and designed by a good friend of mine back when we were both much younger. The Rook originally started out as, and still is, an AR/Dev/Munitions (eventually, those didn't exist at the time) Blaster. The concept that my friend gave me amounted to "make me a character that looked like the Brotherhood of Steel armour from Fallout and Fallout 2. I did what I could at the time, and thus The Steel Rook was born, pictured here some time later as evidenced by his Justice shoulders. I didn't give him a story up until somewhere around 2007 when I was in the UK and so had time to kill, but his story isn't all that complex: He's a genius inventor who started out working on creating an autonomous robot with his wife, until she was killed by muggers, causing him to turn around and form his own weapons development and security company to combat crime of all natures.
The original idea for the Rook is the idea that never was - that of a guy in very strong power armour armed to the teeth. The "armed" part was easy - Assault Rifle has decent damage and Blasters are good at dealing it. The "armour" part... Not so much. Seven years later, I am done seeing this big armoured brute dying like a chump, so I'm rerolling him, along with a fair few other characters when time and opportunity permits. The question, and the very reason I made this, is "Into what?"
I have four options here, highlighting the four ATs I'm prepared to play: Scrapper, Brute, Mastermind, Stalker, in that order. Of those four, I have two overall directions I could go:
1: Melee of some sort, capitalising on his power armour and likely going with Invulnerability. This means either Brute or Scrapper, but WHAT/Inv? I want to keep the high-tech aspect of the character, but I really don't know what to use for that.
2: A Bots/Traps/SomethingElse Mastermind, delving into his background of robotics design and his general aptitude for science and technology. This will probably require that I downsize the armour suit, however, as Masterminds aren't known for being personally very resilient.
Any of the ATs above will fill the criteria I have for character performance, so I'm really mostly looking for which one will suit my concept and design the closest.
Any ideas?