When Your Team Needs a Tank....




Grey Pilgrim,

It seems to me that a lot of resist based tanks can build strong defense as well though. And tough doesn't really fill that void (it certainly helps though).

I just notice that when my lvl 50 shield/DM scrapper gets into to trouble, it is nasty. I have extra hitpoints, and probably a more expensive build than I'd want with my tank. Still *if* something gets past the shield's defense it seems extremely damaging.

I guess that's where I'm getting my urge to move away from a defense primary set, and get to a set that can still hit some soft caps, and end up with hard capped resists. I don't know if I'm seeing this incorrectly but the way I see it:

Shield counts on not getting hit. When it does though, it probably hurts more than a tank would like.

Resist based sets, can still be hard to hit, but when they do, a very sizable portion of that is mitigated.

Am I wrong?

Nekron: Beam Rifle / Poison Corruptor and Slayer of Evil!! (Exalted)
Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)



Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
Here is the bottom line:

I want your opinion of your favourite tank to team with. Forget about playstyle for this question; instead look at it from a power (primary and secondary) choice.

Also, assume the following:
- The tank would not be greatly concerned with soloing, but it would have to be an option
- The tank opinion of favour should be determined WITHOUT consideration of fancy IO slotting.
- This is a non-PVP tank
I will respond with these guideposts in mind. I have played a number of tanks over the past 4+ years and run several different armors to 50 including Ice, Fire, INV, Dark, Shield and my Stone is level 43 currently. My Elec/KM tank is only level 19 so I can't comment on Elec armor with a lot of experience as of yet.

In terms of "out of the box" performance team tanking in a I19 and betyond game under those assumptions and limitations above I would encourage you to look into Shield, Willpower and Invulnerability.

You have received a lot opinions and advice on Shield to this point, and I would echo the thoughts of proponents on it given your constraints. It offers:
- layered mitigation with mix of resistance and defense (with a lean toward defense)
- powerful aggro aura that gives BOTH +damage to the user and nice -damage to foes
- a very nice offensive AOE power
- passive power that provides +HP
- quite low endurance usage to allow for options on utility and offense
It's also very easy to hit the soft cap to all three positions with minimal IO investment. Downside IMO, is that it seems clear to me that the game is headed toward a place where the defense soft cap of 45% will be superceded by new more powerul foes/attacks/effects and that high resistance and high HP will become increasingly valuable. Shield has SOME resistance but it tilts fairly heavily toward defense. I think moving forward, we will want tanks to have as much HP, aggro capability and as much resist as possible in the new end game encounters. Some see the click mez protection as a large downside and I personally have never been overly bothered by it on either Shield or Super Reflexes.

I think Invulnerability offers a number of positive benefits given your constraints as well. You have already played the set and CallMeAwesome has summarized a lot that INV brings to the table, so I won't go into INV. In short, INV offers layered mitigation too (with a tilt toward resist) with a very nice +HP power and a wonderful - albeit non-damage - aggro aura. The downside for INV is exotic damage types - particulalry Psi damage - which are prevalent in the late game, although there is still plenty of S/L as well.

Willpower would also be something I would look closely at. Again, layered mitigation from mixed defense and resists which I think is important. It has very nice +HP ability and (obviously) wonderful +regen capacity which is very good out of the box. Also, the extra recovery that Quick Recovery offers is very valuable in the 'free stamina' era for the low investment constraints. The big downside to Willpower is that the aggro aura frankly SUCKS which hurts Willpower as a team tanking set. It's harder to hold aggro with Willpower with that aura and the user will have to take taunt and use it a LOT when team tanking - even still the tank can easily lose aggro on many foes in a large team environment. My wife ran her tank to 50 with our team of regulars and we have had several folks do this also - it is common to have a bunch (perhaps even up to say a third) or a large mob turning away from the tank to focus on others in large team situations.

Ice can be a pretty nice "out of the box" set that can be very tanky without a ton of influence invested. I think it's overall wonderful for the base game, but I cannot recommend it because it leans too much toward defense and the game is going down a road that devalues defense increasingly. It has some other forms of mitigation but not enough to outweigh the downsides in my opinion. If you do not plan to do any Incarnate content, I could recommend Ice to you off the shelf and fun and exciting, and perfectly hardy for the base game.

With a BIG budget, a whole new world of options becomes available (including Stone armor) and I would have different recommendations, but for your constraints and situation those would be my picks.

Sorry about the length, and I hope you find something fun to play.


[B] GUARDIAN 50s:[/B] [B]Tank[/B]: Ice/Fire, Fire/Fire, DA/SS, Inv/WM, SD/Elec...[B]Scrap[/B]: BS/Reg, Spin/DA, DM/SD, Fire/WP, Claws/SR....[B]Troller[/B]: Ill/Rad, Fire/Kin...[B]Blaster[/B]: Fire/EM....[B]Defender[/B]: D3...[B]Brute[/B]: Elm/ElA...[B]EPIC[/B]: Widow, PB, Crab...CURRENTLY: 45 Stone/Stone Tank...38 AR/Rad Corr...21 Ice^3 Dom



New Dawn said it right. Moreover, the trust of this topic is poor (I do understand you wanting advice), and after reading the results it has just reenforced the imparative of "play what you like." But building something you dont like and trying to force yourself to play it is bad especially in a *game.* Otherwise you'll be doomed to playing something that may be "superior" by some measure but will just be heck for you to play/have fun with. Much of tanking is picking a tank that you enjoy so that if there is anything to be learned, it wont be a chore doing so. I have Stone/DM and Inv/DM and WP/stone - the stone/dm blows everything away with survivability, but he's so techincal that way he's not really that *fun.* Inv/DM and WP/stone, while not as tough, are way tough enough.

Just tank.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Thanks for that.

I too am starting to think Defense is getting the short end of the stick. In end game as well as future (which of course we are purely speculating on) game.

As far as Willpower, it is tempting. The problem with aggro might be too negative though. Although with each of my last 'test' tanks I have taken the Taunt each time, and spam it. Some blasters will just cause that much aggro that I am used to spamming taunt.

I was just on a mid level team where we had 4 tanks on an 8 man team. Amazingly enough we all had different primaries, but I was the only one who took Taunt. I was able to 'peel' off stragglers that went after squishy types. So I think regardless of primary, I'm keeping taunt, and the larger the team, the more I'll gladly spam it. It also makes for tight formations that I found blasters love for the AoE's.

I am currently building an SO only build (for experiment's sake) to try to save the idea of my Shield/SS tank. As you mentioned, no real problem getting the positional Defense cap, but resistance? The problem is (previously mentioned as well) is the I/O bonuses... well they stack defense easily, but resists are hard to come by.

Typically I start a Mid's build with SO's only, then go back and see what holes have to be filled. I know this is going to cause a bit of a ruckus, but again, I am having trouble justifying a Shield Tank over a Shield Scrapper. The Shield scrapper is subjected to the same defense caps. And the damage advantage is HUUUUGE.

I really like the concept of my Shield/SS tanker but I'm not liking the numbers so far. I know that will bug me later on..... call it a personality defect.

I am going to try another Elec/Elec Mid's SO build, and perhaps... Willpower/Stone or Something?

Nekron: Beam Rifle / Poison Corruptor and Slayer of Evil!! (Exalted)
Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)



Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
New Dawn said it right. Moreover, the trust of this topic is poor (I do understand you wanting advice), and after reading the results it has just reenforced the imparative of "play what you like." But building something you dont like and trying to force yourself to play it is bad especially in a *game.* Otherwise you'll be doomed to playing something that may be "superior" by some measure but will just be heck for you to play/have fun with. Much of tanking is picking a tank that you enjoy so that if there is anything to be learned, it wont be a chore doing so. I have Stone/DM and Inv/DM and WP/stone - the stone/dm blows everything away with survivability, but he's so techincal that way he's not really that *fun.* Inv/DM and WP/stone, while not as tough, are way tough enough.

Just tank.
That's a fair statement. I agree, you gotta love what you're playing to do 50 levels the old school way. That's why I said I won't play Stone Armour.

BUT on the other end of the spectrum, as I am finding with my Shield Defense, you need to find an inbetween area, where you have a -good- solid tank, and a set you can live with.

Nekron: Beam Rifle / Poison Corruptor and Slayer of Evil!! (Exalted)
Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)



Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
I'm thinking I gotta re-assess. I've been on good teams with my Shield tank but I think he's going to have late game issues that other (non-defense) tanks won't have. Am I wrong?
Shield is fine at high level. My shield tank tanked an ITF for the Master badge. My ice tank was also great (haven't played him lately - he was my 2nd tank).

I'm wondering if you need to assess playing a tank at all. You've played a few but never taken them past the 30's. If you're really not enjoying them, then maybe tanks aren't your cup of tea.

As for me, I love tanks. I've taken every armor set to level 50 and just started a PB who will be human/lobster and will be my next 'tank'.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
As someone who plays every type I really couldn't give a poop which one I am on. It all doable.
I will follow up my rather long-winded initial response with a more succinct response here:

I concur.


[B] GUARDIAN 50s:[/B] [B]Tank[/B]: Ice/Fire, Fire/Fire, DA/SS, Inv/WM, SD/Elec...[B]Scrap[/B]: BS/Reg, Spin/DA, DM/SD, Fire/WP, Claws/SR....[B]Troller[/B]: Ill/Rad, Fire/Kin...[B]Blaster[/B]: Fire/EM....[B]Defender[/B]: D3...[B]Brute[/B]: Elm/ElA...[B]EPIC[/B]: Widow, PB, Crab...CURRENTLY: 45 Stone/Stone Tank...38 AR/Rad Corr...21 Ice^3 Dom




Just throwing this out there, but it seems like you are focusing more on the primary. Secondaries, and the extent to which they synergize (or don't synergize) make a big difference on your enjoyment of a character. Perhaps moreso than your primary, as your secondary will be the more "active" powerset (in terms of clicks at least). I'd suggest using the character builder screens to go through all of them and see which you like visually, and then pair it with a primary you're comfortable with. Extra mitigation is cool too, if you're worried you might be on the low end somewhere.

In terms of primaries, I think most people would agree that layered mitigation is best. If you can build for defense, resistance, and regen/+hp, you should be golden (2/3 is good too). If you have access to a self-heal, even better. Any primary should have at least one of those, and power pools can get you into another, though IOs are typically used to really get significant amounts of defense on a resistance based set. With SOs, your best bet is probably Invulnerability (S/L resists, defense, +hp, and a heal). Dark Armour is good too, though you will likely have endurance issues on SOs.

Put it together and what do you get? Inv/(fire, ice, war mace, stone?), DA/(fire, ice, war mace, stone?).

For me, personally, when I am not the tanker, I like just about any tanker with two exceptions: willpower - this was more of a problem when WP first came out, but I've found it too easy to pull aggro off of a WP tanker, getting myself, or other teammates killed, while the WP boasted about how tough he was... - and stone armour. Stoners are sooooo slow, the safety they bring to the team sometimes gets abandoned in pursuit of steamrolling. My biases don't stop me from inviting those two to my teams, nor from joining teams led by those two, I'm speaking purely from a level of enjoyment. When I first join a team and see the only tanker is a WP, I get a little nervous and check out the rest of the team to see who will really be getting the bulk of the aggro. When I see a stoner I'm not nervous, just...if there's no +speed on the team, and the stoner isn't IO'd...it will be a long mission. Inv, Ice, Fire, DA, and SD are all excellent at keeping aggro, and setting a great pace. With one of those on the team, I get anxious to get going and see just how good we can be.




May I suggest ElA/SM? I don't have it on a tank -- I have a SM/ElA brute and he's a beast. The two sets complement each other well (SM is kinda end-piggy, ElA fixes that. ElA can be squishy on a brute at least, SM's copious knockdown mitigation helps).

Playing an ElA you will never look at carnies or sappers the same way again -- used to hate them on my fire/fire tank or kat/inv scrapper. The ElA/SM brute though? Nom!

For extra fun, if you go dark side long enough to unlock the patron pools, Mu Mastery will help you zero out a spawn's blue bars. Very little is still threatening when all it can do is brawl (though unfortunately I've been noticing a tendency for mobs to cheat on that aspect: I think the enemy squids in ITF -- they can range attack even with 0 end.)



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Shield is fine at high level. My shield tank tanked an ITF for the Master badge. My ice tank was also great (haven't played him lately - he was my 2nd tank).

I'm wondering if you need to assess playing a tank at all. You've played a few but never taken them past the 30's. If you're really not enjoying them, then maybe tanks aren't your cup of tea.

As for me, I love tanks. I've taken every armor set to level 50 and just started a PB who will be human/lobster and will be my next 'tank'.
Sorry, I don't mean to sound like I don't enjoy the AT.

I guess what Guardien says is somewhat true though. I guess I am prioritizing like: Survivable/Fun 'original' powers/concept.

I will probably stick out my Elec tank. I think on paper he seems... better? I'm assuming I'm going to get hit, like my scrapper does against some of the nastiest things in the game.

WP is out if it's too hard to hold Aggro. Again, this is a team tank.

Elec seems very well rounded.... The elec attacks... I guess I can live with. Maybe it will get funner down the road.

The one thing I notice is the idea of 'unique' Tank choices makes it funner for me... like you'll never see a Super Strength scrapper for instance.

Nekron: Beam Rifle / Poison Corruptor and Slayer of Evil!! (Exalted)
Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)



Electric armor should be competent out of the box, and if you have the wherewithal to soft cap at least S/L defense you'll have something highly capable. I've only briefly played Electric armor on a tank, that was during the issue 15? closed beta (whichever issue Electric was ported to tanks anyway) on a level bumped 50 Elec/SS tanker. Since this was a bumped tanker on test I only ran him at 50 and on SO enhancements. It's hard to get a real feel for how a powerset will perform in those circumstances but while I thought it was a bit squishier than a SO enhanced Invuln tanker I could see potential there with IO bonuses.

I've played a Spine/Elec scrapper to 35 and it seems to follow the experience with that tanker on test... somewhat squishy but the combo of Spine & Elec puts out some fairly substantial AOE making it pretty survivable since things died so quickly.

Don't dismiss Shield as defense getting the short end though; with minor IO bonuses a mature Shield tanker is very capable. My Shield/Fire tank has 46-50% defense to all positions and 45% resistance to S/L and 25% to F/C/E/N full time. Hitting One with the Shield before taking a nasty group pushes my resists up to 90% S/L and 59% to F/C/E/N. OwtS lasts 2 minutes and recharges in 6 minutes so it's up 1/3 of the time. Yes, it's less durable than my Inv/Stone tanker but it's hardly on the short end of the stick. I've tanked a MoSTF with it and my only support was my insp tray and a stormy with O2 boost.

On the Electric Melee front I'm working on two electric tankers, one a Dark/Electric at level 24 and the other an Ice/Electric who hit 30 last night. I'm still very much learning the set myself right now but I'm impressed with it's AOE potential although I'd like to see a bit more ST damage. I think once it matures it'll be a solid performer. Jacob's Ladder seems roughly the same AOE as Shadow Maul (or it's vet award clone Sands of Mu); I'd treat it as a ST attack and when it hits multiple targets take that as a bonus. According to Mid's it deals more damage than Havoc Punch and has a 50 degree cone. That's not all that narrow.

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Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
Electric armor should be competent out of the box, and if you have the wherewithal to soft cap at least S/L defense you'll have something highly capable. I've only briefly played Electric armor on a tank, that was during the issue 15? closed beta (whichever issue Electric was ported to tanks anyway) on a level bumped 50 Elec/SS tanker. Since this was a bumped tanker on test I only ran him at 50 and on SO enhancements. It's hard to get a real feel for how a powerset will perform in those circumstances but while I thought it was a bit squishier than a SO enhanced Invuln tanker I could see potential there with IO bonuses.

I've played a Spine/Elec scrapper to 35 and it seems to follow the experience with that tanker on test... somewhat squishy but the combo of Spine & Elec puts out some fairly substantial AOE making it pretty survivable since things died so quickly.

Don't dismiss Shield as defense getting the short end though; with minor IO bonuses a mature Shield tanker is very capable. My Shield/Fire tank has 46-50% defense to all positions and 45% resistance to S/L and 25% to F/C/E/N full time. Hitting One with the Shield before taking a nasty group pushes my resists up to 90% S/L and 59% to F/C/E/N. OwtS lasts 2 minutes and recharges in 6 minutes so it's up 1/3 of the time. Yes, it's less durable than my Inv/Stone tanker but it's hardly on the short end of the stick. I've tanked a MoSTF with it and my only support was my insp tray and a stormy with O2 boost.

On the Electric Melee front I'm working on two electric tankers, one a Dark/Electric at level 24 and the other an Ice/Electric who hit 30 last night. I'm still very much learning the set myself right now but I'm impressed with it's AOE potential although I'd like to see a bit more ST damage. I think once it matures it'll be a solid performer. Jacob's Ladder seems roughly the same AOE as Shadow Maul (or it's vet award clone Sands of Mu); I'd treat it as a ST attack and when it hits multiple targets take that as a bonus. According to Mid's it deals more damage than Havoc Punch and has a 50 degree cone. That's not all that narrow.

This, in my mind, is what you should think about OP. The Elec/Elec tank will be just 'okay' right off the shelf for team tanking. Same with Darkm in my opinion. With investment, these move much higher on the list of sturdy and fun primaries. My Elec/Elec brute went SPLAT quite a bit before getting the defense up to decent levels. At first, I went the melee route and got Melee defense up to about 29% if I recall - survivability took a big jump and the toon went from frustrating to fun. In the past few issues I switched to S/L defense and got about 38% on him and the fun factor just went through the roof. Now with the Spiritual Radial Alpha, he has clsoe to perma-Hasten and Energize with only a few seconds downtime, he's a beast. I would imagine an Elec/Elec with the same slotting would be pushing the soft-cap and have 80% S/L resist and all the nice exotic resists, Power Sink up every group, and so on. This is without purples, so it's not a break the bank build - nothing you can't get in a couple weeks doing tips.

Dechs will sing you the praises of doing something similar with Dark, and I can attest personally at just how sturdy Dark can be with having S/L/E/N def all around the 40% and Dark Regen cycline in 16 seconds. Hardly anything can kill you, honestly. Fire has some capabilities as well perhaps at a half a bubble below the other two, but it can do some amazing things too.

If you are willing to allow some "down the road" and plan for some investment (not billions) thinking Elec and Dark are VERY viable.


[B] GUARDIAN 50s:[/B] [B]Tank[/B]: Ice/Fire, Fire/Fire, DA/SS, Inv/WM, SD/Elec...[B]Scrap[/B]: BS/Reg, Spin/DA, DM/SD, Fire/WP, Claws/SR....[B]Troller[/B]: Ill/Rad, Fire/Kin...[B]Blaster[/B]: Fire/EM....[B]Defender[/B]: D3...[B]Brute[/B]: Elm/ElA...[B]EPIC[/B]: Widow, PB, Crab...CURRENTLY: 45 Stone/Stone Tank...38 AR/Rad Corr...21 Ice^3 Dom



Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
Grey Pilgrim,

It seems to me that a lot of resist based tanks can build strong defense as well though. And tough doesn't really fill that void (it certainly helps though).

I just notice that when my lvl 50 shield/DM scrapper gets into to trouble, it is nasty. I have extra hitpoints, and probably a more expensive build than I'd want with my tank. Still *if* something gets past the shield's defense it seems extremely damaging.

I guess that's where I'm getting my urge to move away from a defense primary set, and get to a set that can still hit some soft caps, and end up with hard capped resists. I don't know if I'm seeing this incorrectly but the way I see it:

Shield counts on not getting hit. When it does though, it probably hurts more than a tank would like.

Resist based sets, can still be hard to hit, but when they do, a very sizable portion of that is mitigated.

Am I wrong?
Layered protection does make you tougher, yes. That's why most defense sets have some resists or +hp sprinkled in, as relying only on defense can be problematic. That's why I argue for getting defense with a resist set (like in my Fiery Aura guide), because even with no defense debuff, it ups a resist set's survivability noticeably. The biggest issues my Fiery Aura Tank usually faces are those with defense debuffs, actually, which might be surprising if you look at his primary at first.

Anyway, the idea of layering protection is why Shields is just fine in later levels (better than earlier ones, if anything). It has +HP and resists to layer with its defense, making it quite resilient. Tough brings that resilience up even more. I suppose I should also make sure you are taking into account that Shields is meant to be a more offensive set, like Fiery Aura. They're not going to be able to take hits as well as Invulnerability or Willpower, as the benefit of those sets is their survivability, rather than more offense.

It's somewhat funny, actually, as most people are apt to say defense has it over resist in CoH right now, especially with how easy it is to get additional defense via IOs.

When it comes down to choosing a set, though, you just have to go with what works for you. Defense sets have their pros and cons, as do resist sets. I personally think resist sets are a bit more consistent in performance, as defense makes for significant differences depending on how things go for you with the RNG. That's more of a personal preference and feeling, though.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Of all the Tankers I've played I can comment on Inv, WP and SD. All paired with SS (I like the set, I admit it).

Inv is a very good, well rounded set. With Tough you can Hard Cap your S/L resistance and you do not need Weave to softcap S/L Defense. It's other defenses/resistances can be raised to a repectable level, but no where as high. It's the second toughest primary tanks have, next to Stone, but without the -rechage and -slows. Dull Pain is also a good heal that boosts your max HP for awhile. On the other hand it offers no Psi defense or resistance, so Rikti and Carnies can give you a hard time.

WP is even more well rounded. Decent S/L and Psi resistance, but most of it's defense is non-S/L. You can STILL Softcap S/L defense on it and get the other defenses up to around 40%, but that does need Weave. With Tough you should be able to get at least 70% S/L resistance (Heard of one person who got out about 80%). It has a very high regen and recovery rate to boot. WP, however, has NO heal, needs a lot of IOing and can't hold aggro as well.

Shield Defense, meanwhile, can be easily softcapped for M/R/A and offers damage boosts and a nice AoE attack if your secondary lacks them. It's resistance is low, 15% to everything but Psi, 30%+ in S/L with Tough. It has good Defense Debuff Resistance and has Grant Cover which offers Defense to nearby team mates making it excellent for melee heavy teams. On the other hand it has no self heal and unlike WP doesn't make up for it with regen (Aside from one +HP power) or recovery.