RV Signature Heroes
Keep in mind if you post the time you will be in RV you will be hunted by certain people that think killing players that have no intention of pvping will make their e-peen super huge.
Sign me up! I need them on my main before going back blue side. Better to coordinate in-game or via PMs, otherwise you'll get mad hero grief when you go!
What Shin said ^
But if I am on at that time I can help out.
yeah, this is best worked over in tells form.....
used to be, UHB and a couple other SG's used to roll thru RV to do it as an SG event. Villains would come and make it that more funner.... some sgmates would switch over just to be harrassive and opportunistic lol....
oh yeah, i'd be interested in joining....
maybe 2 teams can be formed up? Will need it considering the AV's are extra tough and who knows how many villains will start responding.....
Gah PvPers would never scalp a defensless fully engaged pver trying to get badges thats just not nice to say
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
An Introduction to I14 PvP
I'm interested as well.
You shouldn't have any problems with PvP'ers since there's never anyone in RV on Champion anyways.
You shouldn't have any problems with PvP'ers since there's never anyone in RV on Champion anyways.
maybe 2 teams can be formed up? Will need it considering the AV's are extra tough and who knows how many villains will start responding.....
And just in case you misread, we're going after the heroes, so villains responding means more recruits

And in any case, I'm sure there are plenty of folks will PvP villains that would love to come out and pick on the heroes while ya'll take down the AVs. Which is what I'll probably be doing unless there's not enough to take down the AVs.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
And in any case, I'm sure there are plenty of folks will PvP villains that would love to come out and pick on the heroes while ya'll take down the AVs. Which is what I'll probably be doing unless there's not enough to take down the AVs.
^ This.
I'm more then happy to help police as well.
So please advertise a date here so that people will actually show up to grief, I haven't done anything in-zone for ages.

Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
I still wouldn't post a date even if people are "policing". It's not too tough to kill a PvE'r before dying, even if you have 2 people on you. Especially if those two people are stalkers lol
I've sent a PM to everyone who's expressed interest; if I missed you, let me know and I'll forward it to you. And there's still plenty of room if you want to join.
I'ld like to help if it's at a time that I can.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
I don't need the badges, but if you need help throw me a PM and I'll be there, time permitting.
P.S. Go in global hide/hide from searches once you start your hunt, or someone on BMT/your global list will go: "Hey, why is PvEr12689 in RV...let me tell my friends!"
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Can always wait for the annviersary and then they will be on the Zone event.
Tis how my badger got them and probably how he will get the other side's I am sure (he is a villain that is blueside atm)
Had some rough going early, but after getting some help from BMT, I'm pretty sure everyone who was around when we got Manti got all the badges they needed.
Congrats on the badges, and thanks to everyone who came out to help.
Grats Placta and all the badgers
I'm sorry I missed it!
Great event and I got em all. Thanks very much!
Early next week I'm finally switching my main over to a villain for a little while. Before going back to being a hero, I'd like to try to get the badges for defeating the heroes in RV.
If you want these badges, want to work on the pillbox/heavy badges, and/or just want to help, let me know. (No time set yet; once I get a few signups I'll try to find a time that works for everyone.)