More Personal Storage
I'm pretty sure this has been suggested before, but while playing all my alts and such, I've been running into this problem more and more. I just run out of space.
You can only store 50 salvage in the vault, but 0 enhancements, and 0 recipes, and the only way to store enhancements is via a base storage container, which if your not in a solo base, means your at risk for people to take it. And you still can't store recipes anymore So I'm proposing an extension on the vault. Currently its holding 50 salvage, so why not extend it (via tabs) to include storage for recipes, and enhancements. That way if you run out of room in recipes, you can craft enhancements and store those instead (plus some items are worth more as enhancements then they are as recipes) What do you guys think? Something like 1 storage slot every 2 levels, with the ability to earn more via crafting badges (or something like that) So that at level 50, you have 50 salvage, 25 recipes, 25 enhancement, and maybe allowing badges to up to to 30/30 or 35/35, that way you can store more per character. |
We used to be able to store 2,500 pieces of salvage in SG salvage storage bins. They dropped it to 30.
The devs also gave us the ability to email items to our own characters they gave us the ability to store tons of stuff on our accounts. Using badges, vet reward, and temp powers each character can carry roughly
Inspiration slots - 20
Invention Salvage slots - 65
Recipe Slots - 25
CH Transaction slots - 22 which can hold stacks of 10 recipes and salvage for a total of 220
Vault - 50
Email - 20 global slots
So if you multiply those number by the number of characters slots we can have on an account
NA Account (144-396 characters)
Inspiration slots - 2,880/7,920
Invention Salvage slots - 9,360/25,740
Recipe Slots - 3,600/9,900
CH Transaction slots - 3,168/8,712 (then in stacks of 10) 31,680/87,120
Vault - 7,200/19,800
Even on an EU Account (48-144 characters) players have the ability to store thousands of items.
So your telling the devs you have used all of the thousands of storage slots you have available on your account. I don't think that they are going to believe that.
But best of luck with this. I always want more storage.
Thing is, those are numbers for level 50s, and if you have 144-396 level 50s, you have nothing left to store.
But for a level 20, you have a fraction of those slots, and no way to store them. your just holding them, which means you can't get anymore once you fill up.
Eh, I just don't see the issue here with storage. What are people storing that is such a problem? Between alts, the market slots, email, SG bins, personal storage, it is lot already. If you can't use it, sell.
Thing is, those are numbers for level 50s, and if you have 144-396 level 50s, you have nothing left to store.
But for a level 20, you have a fraction of those slots, and no way to store them. your just holding them, which means you can't get anymore once you fill up. |
Edit: Also I find it hilarious that you have the gall to tell me I can't use numbers for level 50's when you yourself said
You can only store 50 salvage in the vault, but 0 enhancements, and 0 recipes. |
There's a pretty big difference between 'held' and 'stored'.
Yes, each character can hold 10 enhancements, 20-ish recipes (at level 50) 85 salvage (at level 50, with all the crafting badges, and the vanguard bonus and the 66 month vet reward)
And with base storage, you can hold more, more personally, you can only 'store' 50 salvage. Anything held is taking up space for drops, and with limited 'storage' options on wentworths (yes, you can 'store' 10 of the same recipes, but what about multiple levels? then 1 slot is taken up by 1 recipe) salvage stacks up to 10, but then you can't sell anything due to storage.
I'm sorry if i don't want to use gleemail to send 1 item at a time between my characters, especially when its not the most stable form of 'storage' we've been given.
What your basically telling me is to use my character slots for 'storage' characters, because that's what the devs want us to do? Limit our own drops by 'holding' the maximum amount of items?
I've been using the vault storage as a means to hold any salvage i get in a certain level range, so that when i get a recipe i don't have to spend any money on salvage, but due to the limitations on storage, I can't even store every piece of salvage from a certain level range (all common, all uncommon, all rare)
That's where the problems lies, if you play characters, you want drops, and if your 'holding' the maximum number of items, you don't get anymore drops.
There are reasons for the storage limits and it's not like some MMOs where individual loot has to be hoarded because it might be hard to get again. Most every loot is a specific item with a market entry where you can buy it again.
What I would like is a more streamlined loot storage system. The various rewards have been added in bursts across multiple dev teams and are pretty random.
Enhancements - 10 slot bar and 100 slot base only table
Merits - Special salvage window
Inf - ID window
Inventions - Window, base racks, banks
Incarnate - Window that can be accessed from powers window
Tokens - Special salvage window
These seriously should be consolidated and streamlined.
I'd also like an account level window of some kind since sending, say, a stack of 20 can be a very slow process by email.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
Yes it's been suggested before and you'll be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn't want more storage. However the devs seem to be dead set against it, and have done things in game to actually reduce the amount of storage we have especially when it comes to Salvage.
We used to be able to store 2,500 pieces of salvage in SG salvage storage bins. They dropped it to 30. |
Those 30 slots were in a sense an additional method of storing inventions. Any racks that had more than 30 could still hold what they had. It was essentially a new type of rack that had a 30 invention capacity.
And this is why excessively playing up dev authoritarianism (even if speaker means it positively, no, ESPECIALLY if speaker means it positively) can be bad for PR.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
That's not quite accurate and makes the devs sound like authoritarian jerks.
Those 30 slots were in a sense an additional method of storing inventions. Any racks that had more than 30 could still hold what they had. It was essentially a new type of rack that had a 30 invention capacity. |
It does, but what I mean is that it wasn't exactly a reduction. It was more like a repurposing.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
Seriously? You're claiming you don't understand that concept? You go look at any game and you will find that the devs tell the players what they can and can't do.
Your so called 'change' to the storage actually allowed us to have MORE storage then before when it came to bases.
Base salvage racks used to only hold BASE salvage, not invention salvage. Now each rack can hold 30 invention salvage, thus increasing what you can hold in a BASE.
What I'm wanting is personal enhancement/recipes storage, especially things like respec recipes, and those temp powers that you can't craft, but can't have multiple copies of. Yes, you can sell them on the market, and buy them back, but if you get them as a drop, wouldn't it be nice to just be able to throw it on a rack, or vault?
Heck, you have to zone into bases, and some systems have long zone times (especially in large bases) so having an option in the vault will cut down on load screens and make things more streamlined.
Something I've noticed from experiences as both a boss online and one of the rabble:
For some people, any person who has a form of authority immediately becomes more suspiscious and more important to criticize (this is me). For others, that person becomes more important to listen to and their opinions, real, deduced by the speaker, or imagined, relevant arguments in themselves.
Now I don't know any of the people here well enough to say that they have ether type of personality, but posts written in either style can lead to interesting reactions from people with an opposite perspective. IE statements of what the devs "want."
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
Seriously? Your telling me you know exactly what the dev's want us to do and not do?
Your so called 'change' to the storage actually allowed us to have MORE storage then before when it came to bases. |
One pre-I13 salvage bin held more items than 18 of our current largest SG storage bins.
The most any bin can hold is 100 items, and that's either an Enahncement or Inspiration bin.
18 of them hold 1800 items.
Pre-I13 Salvage bin held 2,500 items.
Bases today store less items than they did prior to I13.
Base salvage racks used to only hold BASE salvage |
Base storage bins were not limited to base salvage. They also held Special and Event salvage. Candy Canes, Halloween Costume Salvage, Access Bypass's, and Prototype Elements all of which takes up the same number of slots they do in todays limited salvage racks.
What I'm wanting is personal enhancement/recipes storage, especially things like respec recipes, and those temp powers that you can't craft, but can't have multiple copies of. Yes, you can sell them on the market, and buy them back, but if you get them as a drop, wouldn't it be nice to just be able to throw it on a rack, or vault? Heck, you have to zone into bases, and some systems have long zone times (especially in large bases) so having an option in the vault will cut down on load screens and make things more streamlined. |
There isn't an issue. Just a refusal to use what we already have available and make the effort of keeping track of what is being stored where.
The OP has an issue not using mail apparently. That is a player issue that programming can't fix. As for respecs, you can earn them, the devs have been great dishing them out lately, get recipes, or just buy them. Again no issue to fix.
Now that's an outright lie.
Base storage bins were not limited to base salvage. They also held Special and Event salvage. Candy Canes, Halloween Costume Salvage, Access Bypass's, and Prototype Elements all of which takes up the same number of slots they do in todays limited salvage racks. We all want more storage. I said that in my first response and wished you the best of luck with this suggesti, but pointing out what the devs have done instead of increasing individual character storage does not mean we don't want more storage. And pointing out that the arguments your using to justify this suggestion are flawed also does not mean we don't want more storage. |
Invention Salvage on the other hand is VERY limited, and the change to base salvage racks allowed you to store MORE salvage then before.
My issue isn't with the email system itself, its the limitations put on the email system. When your making a new character build, and have salvage spread out over multiple characters, trying to email yourself 20+ pieces of rare salvage one at a time is tedious. The system is great for moving large amounts of INF around, but for enhancements/recipes/salvage it doesn't work very well. Not to say I'm not grateful for it, but as a storage devices, its both impractical and unsafe *due to the large chance of a roll back eating all your goods*
So I'm proposing an extension on the vault. Currently its holding 50 salvage, so why not extend it (via tabs) to include storage for recipes, and enhancements. That way if you run out of room in recipes, you can craft enhancements and store those instead (plus some items are worth more as enhancements then they are as recipes)
What do you guys think? Something like 1 storage slot every 2 levels, with the ability to earn more via crafting badges (or something like that) So that at level 50, you have 50 salvage, 25 recipes, 25 enhancement, and maybe allowing badges to up to to 30/30 or 35/35, that way you can store more per character. |
My issue isn't with the email system itself, its the limitations put on the email system. When your making a new character build, and have salvage spread out over multiple characters, trying to email yourself 20+ pieces of rare salvage one at a time is tedious. |
Invention Salvage on the other hand is VERY limited, and the change to base salvage racks allowed you to store MORE salvage then before |
Base Salvage and Components were not removed from the game. They are still being bought and sold on the market by collectors, and they still can be stored in base salvage bins.
But they aren't being produced anymore. Sooner or later Base Salvage and Components won't exist anymore. Invention Salvage is being produced, and the racks used to not be able to hold them at all, thats where I'm getting the idea from.
We went from 0 base storage for invention salvage to 30 per rack of storage for invention salvage.
30 > 0. Atlest last i checked.
But they aren't being produced anymore. Sooner or later Base Salvage and Components won't exist anymore.
Invention Salvage is being produced, and the racks used to not be able to hold them at all, thats where I'm getting the idea from. |
You can only store 50 salvage in the vault, but 0 enhancements, and 0 recipes, and the only way to store enhancements is via a base storage container |
You seem to do a lot of that. Ignore facts that weaken your argument.
We went from 0 base storage for invention salvage to 30 per rack of storage for invention salvage. 30 > 0. Atlest last i checked. |
No matter how you do the math 30 is less than 2500 and 396 (that's 99x4).
And with base storage, you can hold more, more personally, you can only 'store' 50 salvage. Anything held is taking up space for drops, and with limited 'storage' options on wentworths (yes, you can 'store' 10 of the same recipes, but what about multiple levels? then 1 slot is taken up by 1 recipe) salvage stacks up to 10, but then you can't sell anything due to storage. |
So your only option is to use 2 market slots to store 2 recipes. (unlike your arguement that each slot can hold 10 recipes, while true, doesn't factor in different levels of enhancements/recipes)
I haven't ignored the fact that we used to be able to store more base, component, or candy canes, but you seem to be ignoring that player themselves can hold a really high amount of candy canes, and costume salvage, and base, or component salvage, so the limits on those aren't really worthwhile, as players can already hold a large amount of them.
Invention salvage on the other hand is MUCH more limited by what can be held, and having the dev's open up base salvage racks to be able to hold invention salvage means you can store more invention salvage then before. As they gave you more options of where to store it.
What exactly is your argument Arbegla? The devs feel that the storage we have is enough. Salvage is stupidly easy to come by in this game. Want more storage? Start you own sg and blammo, you have a lot of room for storage. That nobody else can touch.
My arguement is for personal (as in not requiring even a solo SG) storage for enhancements and recipes. Especially recipes.
While you can make a solo SG, its only for 1 character, unless you invite someone else into your SG to invite your alts, OR you have a secondary account, and even then you only have storage for crafted enhancements, or salvage, none for recipes.
And where have the dev's said the storage we have it enough?
They didn't just forget not to put recipe storage in the bases.........and you are by far not the first to request it. This 'suggestion' is one of the more common ones.
You have yet to even say WHY you want more storage for enhancements and recipes. I can see no reason for it. There is an unlimited amount of everything in the game. It isn't like these thigns are going to stop being produced and we are going to run out of them.
I'm pretty sure this has been suggested before, but while playing all my alts and such, I've been running into this problem more and more. I just run out of space.

You can only store 50 salvage in the vault, but 0 enhancements, and 0 recipes, and the only way to store enhancements is via a base storage container, which if your not in a solo base, means your at risk for people to take it.
And you still can't store recipes anymore
So I'm proposing an extension on the vault. Currently its holding 50 salvage, so why not extend it (via tabs) to include storage for recipes, and enhancements. That way if you run out of room in recipes, you can craft enhancements and store those instead (plus some items are worth more as enhancements then they are as recipes)
What do you guys think? Something like 1 storage slot every 2 levels, with the ability to earn more via crafting badges (or something like that) So that at level 50, you have 50 salvage, 25 recipes, 25 enhancement, and maybe allowing badges to up to to 30/30 or 35/35, that way you can store more per character.