More Personal Storage




While there is an unlimited amount of anything in the game in theory, due to the way things drop, its not always unlimited. If it was unlimited then prices in WW would be a lot lower then they are now.

I'm pretty sure this has been suggested before, but while playing all my alts and such, I've been running into this problem more and more. I just run out of space.
I said in my OP why i wanted more storage for enhancements and recipes. I play a lot of alts, and while i do have a lot of inf, i'd rather not waste it on something i had drop, but as i may not be able to use the enhancement/recipes right away, i would like a place to put it in the mean time.

especially if all my WW slots are filled with things i'm trying to sell. I don't believe in just vendoring items for the sake of vendoring items, I'd much rather fill the market with them, and as i don't vendor items, and i don't want to rely on a SG base (multiple characters of mine are in non solo SGs, and storing items there isn't always the best idea) I proposed just adding extra storage the the vaults, for enhancements and recipes.



We keep going around and around on this. Weekly we see posters complaining about hyperinflation, usually citing the incredibly high price of salvage as evidence of the heat death of the universe. And almost weekly we see other posters complaining about the lack of storage space.

The sad truth is that if the devs increased the amount of storage space we would hoard more recipes and salvage and there would be even less of it on the market. Similarly, we don't need to store all that extra salvage because we can produce it so easily.

A second truth is that you can get all the salvage you want by spending several minutes running missions in AE and using the tickets to buy it. If you think that it is more profitable to use your tickets to buy recipes and buy salvage on the market, that's fine. You're right: it is more profitable to do that. But you're probably not complaining about the high price of salvage. Ultimately, someone has to provide a supply of the things we want: not everyone can just consume.

Third: if you really need to hoard recipes and IOs, just bite the bullet and make a private base. By the time your character gets to level 50 you'll be able to store hundreds of items in it.

I'd certainly welcome more storage. But it will have consequences that a lot of players won't like.



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
While there is an unlimited amount of anything in the game in theory, due to the way things drop, its not always unlimited. If it was unlimited then prices in WW would be a lot lower then they are now.

I said in my OP why i wanted more storage for enhancements and recipes. I play a lot of alts, and while i do have a lot of inf, i'd rather not waste it on something i had drop, but as i may not be able to use the enhancement/recipes right away, i would like a place to put it in the mean time.

especially if all my WW slots are filled with things i'm trying to sell. I don't believe in just vendoring items for the sake of vendoring items, I'd much rather fill the market with them, and as i don't vendor items, and i don't want to rely on a SG base (multiple characters of mine are in non solo SGs, and storing items there isn't always the best idea) I proposed just adding extra storage the the vaults, for enhancements and recipes.
Here's a bright idea. List your things at 1-10 infl that you want to sell and watch them fly out of the market. Usually at a nifty profit. You can also convert your reward merits into A-merits to pretty much buy anything you want. Again, I see no need for this idea at all.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
Here's a bright idea. List your things at 1-10 infl that you want to sell and watch them fly out of the market. Usually at a nifty profit. You can also convert your reward merits into A-merits to pretty much buy anything you want. Again, I see no need for this idea at all.

You can't buy temp power recipes with A-merits, and as temp power recipes are recipes, you can't store them without taking out spots on either your email, or your 'holding'. And as you can't craft temp power recipes while you already have the temp power, you either have to delete the power with its remaining charges to recraft it, or sell off the recipes and then rebuy it back on the market, or just vendor/delete the recipe and hope it drops for you again.

Also listing everything at level 1 doesn't always mean it will sell quickly. Leveling up in Praetoria i crafted and listed every single set recipe i got, and on some characters, even with multiple weeks of not playing them, i still have 5 - 7 spots taken up with things listed for 1.

With the fact they have pretty much put temp power recipes on their own drop table, and then set that drop table to 'extremely common' temp power recipes drop like rain. While this could negate the need to hoard them, as they are so common, some of the recipes aren't, (the med pack comes to mind, as does the backup radio) and it would be nice to be able to store the recipes somewhere that doesn't take up valuable space on WW, or in your inventory (thus filling up what you can hold faster, and possibly limiting other drops in the process)



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
You can't buy temp power recipes with A-merits, and as temp power recipes are recipes
Temp power recipes are dirt cheap, and drop so often that people have been begging the devs to change the drop rate so they drop less frequently.



thats also just 1 example of a recipe where its better to store then sell right away. Respec recipes also come to mind, as do some purple/PvP recipes.



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
thats also just 1 example of a recipe where its better to store then sell right away. Respec recipes also come to mind, as do some purple/PvP recipes.
If you want those recipes, then the sacrifice you make is tying up a slot. Deal. With your own solo sg you can store up to 1800 enhancements. I don't see the issue here. You can get 3 respecs by doing the trials on blue side and 4 from doing the trials and patron arc red side. Use mids and plan your build. Test it on test server before making the changes on live. There are just to many ways to get what you want without extra storage.



Even with test server, and mids, they change a lot of things around. While they gave out 3 respecs this time around, normally they only give 1, and sometimes that 1 won't pull out enough enhancements to redo a build, especially if you want to save enhancements.

I'm glad atlest everyone is agrees that more storage would be nice, i guess i'm a minority in the fact that i run out of space pretty constantly.



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Even with test server, and mids, they change a lot of things around. While they gave out 3 respecs this time around, normally they only give 1, and sometimes that 1 won't pull out enough enhancements to redo a build, especially if you want to save enhancements.

I'm glad atlest everyone is agrees that more storage would be nice, i guess i'm a minority in the fact that i run out of space pretty constantly.
I still don't agree, especially when you use things like temp powers to store - just wow...

As for respecs and purples, like mentioned above, if they are that important, it is easy to find a way to store. And for salvage, I will always be amazed that people store that stuff. I have zero stored, yet keep to SGs bins maxed out for IOs. Just place a bid for what you need, go play, then come back and collect.