What's up Guys simple question
Best DPS is probably a Blaster, as both your primary and secondary powersets are Moar Damage!
However, Blasters are generally very squishy.
Scrappers and Brutes are pretty good at Melee DPs and being survivable. For better AoEs go Electric, Spines, Fire, and/or Shield Defense. Maybe a couple others, but the rest tend towards SingleTarget or a mix.
Regarding starting strong or not, well that's up to the different powersets within the ATs, and not the AT itself.
And Welcome!
Re: Magic origin -
Origin has pretty much no effect in the game. However, going to the "super vendors" (RWZ quartermaster, Elite qm/Ghost Falcon,) Magic's typically the origin right up top. (That said, its' probably just Mids default.)
Also - you're going to have ups and downs with any character. Masterminds, f'rinstance, tend to be powerhouses - except in the mid/late teens to early-mid 20s when they're at their squishiest, and tend to hit things like, oh, Demolitionists throwing AOE exploding fire-badness at them. Melee starts coasting along, then hits Rogue Vanguard and gets sliced up while the Controller next to them looks over and goes "What do you mean, having problems?" So don't sweat those spots.
Hey guys how're yall!
New Years Resolutions 1) Find another MMO to play besides WoW (Had CoH since '05, played a fire/enr tanker to lvl 30, then my 30 day trial ended.) ![]() 2) Get into shape (Hehe fat chance of that happening, Bishes) 3) Quit smoking (See #2 Parentheses<~~~I totally had to look that word up) 4)... Anyways like it reads, I'm going to give a good ol'try to CoH for a bit but I'm stuck at the character creation screen. No rly! I've been going over build after build looking at the details for each scrapper, blaster, stalker etc.. Looking for the highest dps AT from lvl 1 to mid to lvl 50 ![]() And I know, I really do. That I should go with what I like but fact of the matter is if I get into a AT and later down the road I see someone crushing alot(of mobs) I'll have my feelings hurt and want to start over from scratch ![]() Uno) What is the be all dps giver AT, as well, Does it start strong, Is it a late bloomer etc... |
If you're looking for individual damage output while the character's solo then you want one of the damage specialty AT's. Which particular AT and powerset combination deals the most damage depends on so many factors of build and IO set bonuses that it becomes futile to try to state definitively. Some combinations may be mediocre with an average build and become monsters if you drop several billion inf on them; others may be much stronger baseline but may not benefit as much from massive (and massively expensive) IO bonuses.
For Blasters anything with Fire Blast will output very nice AOE damage and will tend to get loads of aggro. Ice Blast has nice single target damage and decent mitigation. Other sets have their niche as well.
Scrappers have more survivability than Blasters and there really aren't any truly bad primary powersets although some are better at this while others are better at that. Some powersets offer great single target damage while others offer great AOE damage (Spines, Electric) and others offer good doses of both (Fire melee, Broadsword, Katana). Secondaries will have a significant affect on how each set plays.
Brutes are pretty similar to Scrappers in their powersets but considerably different in playstyle.
Dos) I've been looking at the boards the past few days and out of all the builds that Mids hero builder came out with they all had magic as the origin, Is there a reason behind this or is that just by default of using the builder? |
- Which of the minor damage "origin attacks" you get... this is a power you'll likely remove from your tray by level 15 as you'll no longer have use for it.
- Which store you go to in order to buy Dual Origin (DO) or Single Origin (SO) enhancements. The only difference in a Magic damage SO and a Natural damage SO is the name and what origin can use it.
- Which of the ranged veteran powers gets a small damage bonus, the Nemesis Staff or the Blackwand. You don't get those veteran powers until you've been here for 33 months so it isn't a big deal for you.
3)<~~~(Wtf, really?? After having 2 kids and watching countless hrs of the fantastic dora the explorer cartoons, You don't know what 3 is in spainish, For shame!!) While building a toon earlier, I kinda got set on the whole kilt for a male looking cool thing. I set him up as a scrapper with MA as his 1st and while looking at the kick moves I realized that I put boots on him but a bare bottom... turning the kicks towards me I see what can only be described as a hairy patch on the *** to the taint then ken doll from there on... Should'nt this be some sort of fear too the mobs?? maybe thats a question for another forum... Hehe anyways theres my (prolly bad) attempt at humor and my question, I'll be checkng up here for any responses as I'm still stuck at creation =P Happy New Years and We'll see ya in game (maybe,for me) @r0mp ![]() |
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
Thank you for the replies guys!
Do you want dps against a single tough target or area of effect against a group of minions? Do you want to team or solo? Do you want your character to be tough, or are you willing to be more squishy for the sake of dishing out more damage? Do you care whether you dish it out by melee or ranged attack?
Fire/Mental blaster. Make sure to get both the +damage powers (normally aim and build up, but one of them is slightly renamed to, I think, Concentration) and throw out the fireball/firebreath/psy scream combo and watch all the minions drop.
A more conservative [sic] blaster is fire/ice, which gives you some better active defense tools, but either way you're going to be taking a whole lot of hammering till you get the technique down.
I have high level Fire/ice, Fire/energy, Fire/elec blasters (as well as a few others) so I may just not learn from experience...
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Thank you for the replies guys!
I thought about that after I posted, it was a bit vague. Really what I'd like to do is this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RqUhC231ww and wanted to know if there are AT's that hit harder, weather it be melee or ranged. If there are certain AT's that are bashing *800* *1000* over the heads of tough enemies =P or is that in the vid about as good as it gets. |
As mentioned by several of the above posts... fire blast as a primary is the best blaster damage set for both ST and AoE. For a secondary you can pick any number of options.
However, there are some other pretty popular high damage options you could also pick outside of the blaster set. Fire/shield scrappers can kill everything you saw in that video faster then the blaster, but you could put them all in the same room and fight them simultaneously. SS/Fire brutes are pretty popular also. If you like hitting really hard with 1 single hit, broadsword scrappers might be what you're looking for... or any stalker, though with those options you may not be doing more damage per second... just bigger hits.
For someone who isn't real familiar with the game, i'd recommend a brute or a scrapper. Blasters may feel too fragile and you might get frustrated around level 12-15 when you start to struggle to survive against some LTs and Bosses (most everyone struggles at that point, but blasters more then others IMHO).
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
I enjoyed my spines/fiery aura scrapper once I had his auras firing. I could round up a lot of enemies and turn them into mulch. He was also the fastest I ever soloed a character to 50.
With inherent fitness it would probably be even easier.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Anecdotally, I'm seeing Electric Melee/Shield Defense characters churning out some horribly impressive survivability and damage.
The video you've cited is old -Invincible used to be the "best" you could solo at. Now you can set yourself as equivalent to an entire team, and as if you're several levels higher too.
Have a look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_if3p_j0P1A for an example of the "new" impressive and see if it's your cup of tea.
That video isn't too impressive. ice/ice is pretty good for survivability of a blaster... not so great at damage (relatively speaking... it's a blaster so it's good, but you can do better).

Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
3)<~~~(Wtf, really?? After having 2 kids and watching countless hrs of the fantastic dora the explorer cartoons, You don't know what 3 is in spainish, For shame!!)

Welcome to the City, and I'll see ya around!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
As has been pointed out that's a pretty old vid. I mean there were only 1 - 2 mobs for each group there. BUAHAHA The vid Master Zaprobro is a better example but I've seen electric/shield scrappers do WAY better than that.
I think it is going to depend on if you want to see tons of flying orange numbers or a couple mobs with big orange numbers. I currently run a spines/dark scrapper that took me a long while to get him where I like him and now he's what I would consider awesome. Granted someone else would laugh and say I'm slow.
Also for some orange number madness try a fire/dark corruptor. I love the orange cloud of doom they put out. But they can have quite a few faceplants as well. So for survivabilty and damage output I'd go scrapper or brute no doubt. Probably electric shield or spines/fire or dark. electric/shield will be quick up front damage and spines/anything will be a bit slower damage over time tye damage.
Welcome back to the game and best of luck!
Fire/fire blasters are the epitome of blaster AOE damage but with not so great survivabilty. Heck if you go by my track record with one, NO survivability. LOL But I don't min-max either. I think for every 10 mobs I kill I die at least once. But I play my blaster like a tank, so no one to blame but myself.
As for the single target big orange numbers... I can't help ya. Single target bores me. If I am solo it's easier to take but when on a team I usually feel slow and useless. So I don't have too many single target toons. Though most ATs include SOME type of AOE, if it's not more than two or three it's not enough for me.

One thing to keep in mind is that getting to uber-ville is a multistep process. As others have pointed out, you first need to decide what tradeoffs you're willing to make. Blasters put out high damage but are squishy. Scrappers and Brutes are much sturdier but don't put out as much AoE DPS out of the box. Some characters can do very respectable damage only in pretty specific circumstances (e.g. a Fire/Kin controller is a classic farmer but has to farm melee-intensive non-mezzers) and outside of those circumstances they're good but not godly. Some characters are strong throughout their entire career (hello Fire/Dark Corruptor) while others get strong comparatively late (Fire/Kin Controller).
Aside from all that, understand that nowadays when you see a video of someone tearing through a mission solo that is set for a full team of 8, they're not doing it with a character using basic enhancements. You mentioned you've used Mids, so you're familiar with IO sets. It can take a huge investment to "IO out" characters if you're shooting to be in the extreme top performing builds. So understand you're not going to be at full potential for a while. But that's what's fun about the game, there's always that next level to build towards! Once you have your character all decked out in expensive IOs, then you can start to delve into the Incarnate system, which hopefully will be in its next phase by the time you hit 50.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
No, I don't have anything more useful to contribute to this thread, why do you ask?

Hey guys how're yall!

.... So I figured that with all you guys having so much insight and exp on these boards. I could just pass up the unessassary lvlng, re-lvlng by askng the simple questions...
New Years Resolutions
1) Find another MMO to play besides WoW (Had CoH since '05, played a fire/enr tanker to lvl 30, then my 30 day trial ended.)
2) Get into shape (Hehe fat chance of that happening, Bishes)
3) Quit smoking (See #2 Parentheses<~~~I totally had to look that word up)
Anyways like it reads, I'm going to give a good ol'try to CoH for a bit but I'm stuck at the character creation screen. No rly! I've been going over build after build looking at the details for each scrapper, blaster, stalker etc.. Looking for the highest dps AT from lvl 1 to mid to lvl 50
And I know, I really do. That I should go with what I like but fact of the matter is if I get into a AT and later down the road I see someone crushing alot(of mobs) I'll have my feelings hurt and want to start over from scratch
Uno) What is the be all dps giver AT, as well, Does it start strong, Is it a late bloomer etc...
Dos) I've been looking at the boards the past few days and out of all the builds that Mids hero builder came out with they all had magic as the origin, Is there a reason behind this or is that just by default of using the builder?
3)<~~~(Wtf, really?? After having 2 kids and watching countless hrs of the fantastic dora the explorer cartoons, You don't know what 3 is in spainish, For shame!!) While building a toon earlier, I kinda got set on the whole kilt for a male looking cool thing. I set him up as a scrapper with MA as his 1st and while looking at the kick moves I realized that I put boots on him but a bare bottom... turning the kicks towards me I see what can only be described as a hairy patch on the *** to the taint then ken doll from there on... Should'nt this be some sort of fear too the mobs?? maybe thats a question for another forum...
Hehe anyways theres my (prolly bad) attempt at humor and my question, I'll be checkng up here for any responses as I'm still stuck at creation =P
Happy New Years and We'll see ya in game
(maybe,for me) @r0mp