Hey guys how're yall!
New Years Resolutions
1) Find another MMO to play besides WoW (Had CoH since '05, played a fire/enr tanker to lvl 30, then my 30 day trial ended.)
2) Get into shape (Hehe fat chance of that happening, Bishes)
3) Quit smoking (See #2 Parentheses<~~~I totally had to look that word up)
Anyways like it reads, I'm going to give a good ol'try to CoH for a bit but I'm stuck at the character creation screen. No rly! I've been going over build after build looking at the details for each scrapper, blaster, stalker etc.. Looking for the highest dps AT from lvl 1 to mid to lvl 50
And I know, I really do. That I should go with what I like but fact of the matter is if I get into a AT and later down the road I see someone crushing alot(of mobs) I'll have my feelings hurt and want to start over from scratch

.... So I figured that with all you guys having so much insight and exp on these boards. I could just pass up the unessassary lvlng, re-lvlng by askng the simple questions...
Uno) What is the be all dps giver AT, as well, Does it start strong, Is it a late bloomer etc...
Dos) I've been looking at the boards the past few days and out of all the builds that Mids hero builder came out with they all had magic as the origin, Is there a reason behind this or is that just by default of using the builder?
3)<~~~(Wtf, really?? After having 2 kids and watching countless hrs of the fantastic dora the explorer cartoons, You don't know what 3 is in spainish, For shame!!) While building a toon earlier, I kinda got set on the whole kilt for a male looking cool thing. I set him up as a scrapper with MA as his 1st and while looking at the kick moves I realized that I put boots on him but a bare bottom... turning the kicks towards me I see what can only be described as a hairy patch on the *** to the taint then ken doll from there on... Should'nt this be some sort of fear too the mobs?? maybe thats a question for another forum...
Hehe anyways theres my (prolly bad) attempt at humor and my question, I'll be checkng up here for any responses as I'm still stuck at creation =P
Happy New Years and We'll see ya in game
(maybe,for me) @r0mp