Any chance we can get Trick Arrow changed to...

Adeon Hawkwood



Trick Shot or Ballistics

Basically allowing all the ranged weapons use the powers with the primary weapon. Assault Rifle, Dual Pistols, and even Robotics weaponry can be animated to fire Trick Arrow's powers.

A few new animations for some powers to maintain the feel of the primary weapon (i.e. Dual Pistols ).

Ice Shot (Arrow) on Assault Rifle would use the Cyro Thrower animation that the Crey dudes use.

Some attacks can utilize the grenade motion, but in all just allow for a more in sync feel with powers.....using a gun, then breaking out with some arrows just always seemed odd to me.

Anyways, it's probably been brought up before....yet I just wanted to bring it to the table again since I couldn't find it in the archives if it was brought up

Freedom Bound!!!



Probably not. They would have to create entirely new animations for every single power for each and every weapon type.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



I'd guess that AR and the bots mastermind weapon could use similar animations, and many of the animations they'd need are already out there for something in the game, I think.

I was at some point told that in fact redraw has stopped causing a substantial change in attack times, but it'd still look a lot nicer to have Trick Shot produce the same results using whichever weapon you wanted to pair it with.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I'd guess that AR and the bots mastermind weapon could use similar animations, and many of the animations they'd need are already out there for something in the game, I think.

I was at some point told that in fact redraw has stopped causing a substantial change in attack times, but it'd still look a lot nicer to have Trick Shot produce the same results using whichever weapon you wanted to pair it with.
The problem isn't so much whether the animations exist already, but the linking of animations. To eliminate redraw and match the weapon type to the other set would probably require a lot of coding work to adapt the animations so that the combat modes work together. And it also has to be able to call the correct weapon models and animations for every power to match the other set that it's currently being used with. Either that or you have to create a separate powerset for every weapon it can be used with that is automatically selected when the character is created. Or something like that. i don't remember exactly how the animation sequencers work, but i do recall that powers like Brawl had to have separate animations coded for each weapon set to eliminate redraw.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Yeah. In this case, though, my guess is it's a fairly small number of animations (comparatively) since there's only three or maybe four weapons it would have to work with, and most of them already have suitable animations for a lot of things.

I would think that they'd also want to fix it so that the Trick Arrow powers aren't quite so often just nerfed versions of other powers (e.g., entangling arrow is just like web grenade, only with a much weaker -recharge penalty).



Trick Arrow + Electric Control = Win.

I know that TA is quite poor with other powers perhaps but it is uncommonly good with Electric control.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I know that TA is quite poor with other powers perhaps but it is uncommonly good with Electric control.
In general TA is better for Controllers than the other ATs that have it. The main weakness of TA as a buff/debuff set is that it has minimal alpha mitigation, it's mitigation is more about lowering sustained DPS than countering an alpha strike. Pairing it with a control set solves that problem since the controls can be sued to mitigate the alpha strike and TA can focus on what it does best: increasing damage.



Originally Posted by MentalMidget View Post
Trick Shot or Ballistics

Basically allowing all the ranged weapons use the powers with the primary weapon. Assault Rifle, Dual Pistols, and even Robotics weaponry can be animated to fire Trick Arrow's powers.

A few new animations for some powers to maintain the feel of the primary weapon (i.e. Dual Pistols ).

Ice Shot (Arrow) on Assault Rifle would use the Cyro Thrower animation that the Crey dudes use.

Some attacks can utilize the grenade motion, but in all just allow for a more in sync feel with powers.....using a gun, then breaking out with some arrows just always seemed odd to me.

Anyways, it's probably been brought up before....yet I just wanted to bring it to the table again since I couldn't find it in the archives if it was brought up
I've suggested something like this a couple times in Suggestion Tickets. In the form of "Trick Grenades," Mechanically identical to "Trick Arrow" but instead of Green Arrow's quiver of props. Everything gets shot out a gun, ala grenade launcher. Like the PPD SWAT Equalizer or Grenadier. It could use all the same models as Assault Rifle and Dual Pistols. Essentially a weapon customization for the set to open up better streamlined combinations, despite the affirmations that redaw is no longer an issue. Because we can't have enough DAKKA!

However I do like the idea of "Trick Shot" as a Blaster Secondary using your weapons to "defend" yourself.

Tier 1 Hamstring -- Immobilazation
Tier 2 Rifle Butt/Pistol Whip/Bow Bap -- Melee Disorient
Tier 3 Pepper Round/Arrow -- Hold perhaps induce vomiting Single Close Ranged
Tier 4 Flash Bang Cartridge/Arrow -- -ACC -Percpetion -Defense AOE
Tier 5 Psyche Up <--> Build UP []to mitigate the fact that AR and DP dont have Aim[]
Tier 6 Cover Fire -- Like Shiver but swap out -Recharge for a Fear effect
Tier 7 I imagine hear is a good place for the toggle no clue what -_-
Tier 8 Venom Round/Arrow --Single Target Venom Grenade
Tier 9 High Energy Round/Arrow -- Single Target Energy -END -RECOVERY +vs Robots

I dunno it's a start... But you kind of see where this set is going.



Trick Arrow + Earth Control... Soooooooo good!

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