Returning for the fourth time. Need some direction

Chaos Creator



So I am back to CoH for the fourth time in my CoH career. See, I have never really made it that far into the game abs I am sure that it offers more content than I give it credit for, hence why I have leftso many times . I need some help and direction if possible. I basically am re-newbed ans feel at a loss of where to start. Where might I find the best stuff to do, and the most activity? I am on freedom server with a level 50 blaster ans a few level 30s. Any good SGs out there I can hook up with? Lemme know what ya'll think.



Buy the expansion and do the new stuff in Praetoria, it is EXCELLENT



Yes I have the new expansion and just trying to figure things out. From what I understand you can't take your existing player into the new zones. Is that correct. I sometimes feel like I need to start the game all over again. I should know more than I do at this point. Well, I will figure it out.



Originally Posted by Nightmoves View Post
From what I understand you can't take your existing player into the new zones. Is that correct.
It was correct until issue 19 was released. When Praetoria was first released with issue 18/Going Rogue it was for new characters only. With the new issue they opened it up to everyone.

You can get there through Pocket D. I believe the entrance shows up as Studio 54 on your map.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
You can get there through Pocket D. I believe the entrance shows up as Studio 54 on your map.
It does, and if I recall correctly, the icon is a martini glass. BUT I also think you need to have "lounge" icons enabled on the map. So, double check the little legend pop-up menu for that.


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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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I would suggest that you consider starting a new character in Praetoria to wander through the content.

There are a number of good super groups I know of on Virtue, which is where I hang out. I'd advise avoiding groups that, say, try to invite you without having talked to you or grouped with you first, because that tends to indicate that they aren't selective -- and that means the other people in the SG won't have been filtered either.

If you have issues with having enough money, hang out in the Market & Inventions forum, or join the global "TheMarket" channel and ask around -- there will always be people happy to tell you how to make ludicrous amounts of money, and most of us would happily send you a few million inf just to make your life a little easier.

Other things: If you know any players, hang out with them. If you know someone who consistently has similar play times to you, consider forming a levelling duo, which can be a great deal of fun. Don't be afraid to make alts; this isn't like WoW, where there's an "endgame". If you want to see a variety of interesting content, and you have a character who's at least in the 10+ range, check out the Mission Architect forum, where people discuss particularly well-written story arcs that you can get to through AE.



Excuse me for asking but... how do you have a level 50 blaster and "never really made it that far into the game"? I guess that's the part that confuses me and I'm not sure what content you have experienced and which you haven't (aside from the brand new stuff obviously).

Praetoria is cool but I like most of the story arcs in all 3 zones all the way to 50 with only a few exceptions. If you can get in on a Task Force that isn't just stealthing everything that can be a lot of fun content too.

Good luck finding whatever it is you are looking for.



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
Excuse me for asking but... how do you have a level 50 blaster and "never really made it that far into the game"?
Monkey Farming (joking of course)

If you plan on picking up Going Rogue, check out the sale.

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
It was correct until issue 19 was released. When Praetoria was first released with issue 18/Going Rogue it was for new characters only. With the new issue they opened it up to everyone.

You can get there through Pocket D. I believe the entrance shows up as Studio 54 on your map.
Note, the only content in Praetoria for characters that have been to primal earth (So are considered Hero, Vigilante, Villain, or Rogue) is the zone events or to hang along with some 20 & Unders doing their own missions.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
Monkey Farming (joking of course)

But maybe whatever the 2007 version of Monkey Farming was in which case I definitely understand the question.



Originally Posted by Nightmoves View Post
So I am back to CoH for the fourth time in my CoH career. See, I have never really made it that far into the game abs I am sure that it offers more content than I give it credit for, hence why I have leftso many times . I need some help and direction if possible. I basically am re-newbed ans feel at a loss of where to start. Where might I find the best stuff to do, and the most activity? I am on freedom server with a level 50 blaster ans a few level 30s. Any good SGs out there I can hook up with? Lemme know what ya'll think.
Okay, first things first, and it's already been mentioned, run the new Praetoria content. It is, indeed, excellent, as it fully utilizes new tech and game mechanics only recently introduced to the game. In particular, the moral paradigms introduced to the game makes character and story progression more interesting than it's ever been. New maps, tile sets, and enemies also make the game fresh in these areas.

Next, I highly recommend running task/strike forces when you can. This is content that must be run as a team, and is a great way to meet other players. You can find a list of task forces here and strike forces (villains) here. Task forces require a commitment of time, typically one to two hours, so don't join one unless you can spare the time. There are a few exceptions (both shorter and longer), but by and large, this holds true.

If you're running solo, you can learn more about the game's lore (or, just to read a good story), by running the game's story arcs. These are sets of missions, strung together to tell a story, and given out by a single contact in the game. Hero story arcs are summarized here and villain arcs here.

Whichever server you're on, head on down to their specific forum. It'll be a good place to see if any events are being planned. I would also recommend you find a global chat channel for your server. For example, on my server, Champion, I use a channel called BMT of Champion (among others), which is used by players to arrange teams for badge collecting, monster hunting, and task force assembling. Some channels are private, and require an invitation, so I'd recommend inquiring on your server forum for global channel recommendations. Global channels are great, because once you join, you can access them no matter which character you're playing (just be sure to add the channel into one of your chat tabs).

One final thing, is a great source of information on the game. If you have a question about the game, you'll usually find an answer pretty quickly there.

Off the top of my head, this is about all the advice I can give for now. Good luck, and welcome back to the game.

Edit to add: a previous poster indicated that CoH has no end game. Historically this has been true, however with the recent issue, Issue 19, the first Incarnate slot was introduced. Incarnate slots allow players to make their characters stronger in a variety of ways AFTER they reach level 50. So now, for the first time, CoH players have an incentive to play their level 50s (beyond just wanting to) to collect the salvage necessary to craft Incarnate enhancements. Ten Incarnate slots have been announced, but only the first has been released, and it only partially. More information on the most recent issue, and on Incarnates, can be found here.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



I did pretty much non stop soloing up to 50. Never really done any task force stuff, or much group oriented things at all. Just never found the right SG to run with. Therefore, I feel like there is stuff to the game that I am missing.



take a peak at - if it sounds interesting to you, give us a holler!

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.