606 Sunday Holiday Run!




Short notice here but someone needs to host an event so people from the 606 can get together to run the Holiday content.

I'm thinking Sunday the 19th @9PM Central (10Eastern 7Pacific) on Virtue. Meet up just inside the ski chalet and do 5 runs (more if people want to hit more than one hero)
of Baby New Year and then hunt down a Winter Lord and try the new "open the special present and be sent to the realm of the WL" if they have it fixed by then.

If we get 8 people I'll hold a Holiday theme costume contest. Everyone send me a tell with their top two favorite costumes and most votes wins a sketch.

Peeps that made the first run.
1. Christopher Robin
2. Caemgen
3. Sensei Blur
4. Jinken
5. Jophiel
6. Demon Caller
7. BubbaWheat
8. FlashRains & friend.

Edit: updated list, let me know if I missed any.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



If I figure out if Central is 1 or 2 hours behind Eastern, I'll be there

You do know Father Time gives two mission choices now though, right? The standard Baby New Year and the Winter Lady mission. I think they give out the same rewards but I think Winter Lady may have a badge for defeating her so the group should do her (heh) at least once...

Ironik - I would bet he means PM.



I will do my best to be there if I can. If I forget shoot me a tell on my global...chances are I'll be online unless RL assaults me. I have tons of alts so I can totally grab whatever we need.



Shame i can't join ><



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
am or pm?
Yes PM I should've said thanks. Updated the OP.

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
If I figure out if Central is 1 or 2 hours behind Eastern, I'll be there

You do know Father Time gives two mission choices now though, right? The standard Baby New Year and the Winter Lady mission. I think they give out the same rewards but I think Winter Lady may have a badge for defeating her so the group should do her (heh) at least once...

Ironik - I would bet he means PM.
Correct PM and 10E = 9C
Heard about the new badge but haven't tried the new mission yet... but sure I'm totally up for new content.
Does it still involve baby new year?

Originally Posted by SenseiBlur View Post
I will do my best to be there if I can. If I forget shoot me a tell on my global...chances are I'll be online unless RL assaults me. I have tons of alts so I can totally grab whatever we need.
Okay cool if you are not on the 606 chat you should join it as we will probably use that to co-ordinate.
The syntax is...

/chanjoin Forum 606

then hit enter and it should be in your list of available channels (you will still need to add it to a tab though).

Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
Shame i can't join ><
A shame? I would've said more of a....
errr wait why not Neko?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Correct PM and 10E = 9C
Heard about the new badge but haven't tried the new mission yet... but sure I'm totally up for new content.
Does it still involve baby new year?




Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
A shame? I would've said more of a....
errr wait why not Neko?
Cause i'm on the other side of the pond



...and that would be 5am your time. I see.
Well if this one goes well I can do another this coming weekend at
maybe 5PM here which would be midnight-ish (I am guessing +1GMT?) there. Would that work?

Good time to ask, how many people not in the US would want to join a mini-event like this?

Also any more for this run? 3 hours away and 5 slots open so speak up if you want in.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I'll try to be there! This sounds fun.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Unfortunatly, I can't make it. 10:00 PM is The Child™'s bedtime during Winter Break, and I read to her.

So come by after reading... We should be on for a while...



I'm trying to login right now, but the Virtue server is giving a "No response from this server" message. Anyone else having this problem?



Originally Posted by Jinken View Post
I'm trying to login right now, but the Virtue server is giving a "No response from this server" message. Anyone else having this problem?
There's a thread about that on the virtue forums... I still haven't encountered that problem



Originally Posted by Jinken View Post
I'm trying to login right now, but the Virtue server is giving a "No response from this server" message. Anyone else having this problem?
Same here, working on getting in.



I had that problem once two days ago I just ran the update/fixer and it let me log in right after that. It's worth a shot.

Kheldarn join us after your done if you want.

ok starting now. Send a message on the 606 channel if anyone wants to join in later we got at least 1 slot open yet.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who showed up, we ran a few of the Baby New Year and some Lady Winters and then a WinterLord Hunt and a trip to the WL realm to kick his but again, a few hiccups along the way (I learned that leaving the zone to help someone wanting to join us who's caught in a Rikti raid auto-disbands a mixed team ) but it was lots of fun.

Never hit 8 at any one point for the costume contest (we had between three and seven 606'ers join up throughout the night) to happen but yeah I'd like to do another one if there are enough people up for it. Perhaps earlier in the day so people across the pond can join us this time.

How many would be interested in a 2nd run?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Yeah, sorry about having to leave early but it was good fun



Aw, I missed the first run but would be stoked if a second one could be organized. =)



You know it all depends on the date and time. I shall make it if I can :P