~Master of the Barracuda SF - Sat, Dec 18~
I'll be there. THis one is starting to get to me.
@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn
24 - 50s
Too many ALTs
Count me in with Takeo Cold/ice defender
I'm working Sunday morning this weekend, so I might not be able to hang out with you guys for this one. If you need an extra and I happen to be on and not tired.. I'll probably come along on Tabby. Who needs sleep anyway? lol
Can i come? i have a fire/kin troller villain side and an ice/rad corr villain side that could help.
destiny morna lvl 50 emp /psi defender
mysteria morna lvl 50 ice/kin corruptor
I'll either bring Voltez Y (Shield brute) or Cray (MM/pain) depending on the team.
I still need this badge. Put me down as an alt. I hope we'll have enough people for a second team.
Dyrnwyn rad/rad def
Hiya E. I'd like to join as well, if a second team can be made. Sign up Shadowrush (MA/SR Scrapper) again.
I'll be around if you need another body, but it looks like you already have plenty of alts.

I'm interested in participating in this Strike Force. I have a Super Strength/Invulnerability Brute that I use regularly to speed this SF. Sounds like a lot of fun and I have never attempted a Master Run. I have experience in mastering LRSF, LGTF and ITF. I don't much care for badging, but I look forward to a good challenge.
My global is @Trance
Just saw this bug. Trying to fix through it now.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
I encountered the bug too. But after just relaunching it, the launcher detected the patch and I was able to get in on time. Still though, we were not able to form a second team.
Good luck to the first team! I hope it's successful.
Awesome Run! Thanks E! Screenie shows it all in the Chat box.
Heh thanks for posting the screenshot, especially since I screwed up & didn't get the UI in my pic...
Congratulations to everyone!
The Team:
Neon Widow
LT Burned Bush
Voltez Y
Lightning Demon
Captain Power
Lil Ms. Morna
We did have to restart as we had a couple of deaths in the second mission on our first attempt.
Thanks for joining everyone! Next weekend is Christmas & I will not be running a Master of... attempt since I will be traveling.
I hope everyone has a great holiday!
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Great run! Thanks to everyone on the team, and Mr. E for leading!!
Merry Christmas!
destiny morna lvl 50 emp /psi defender
mysteria morna lvl 50 ice/kin corruptor
Gratz everybody!
Safe travels next week for the holiday!
Yeah that was a great run. The Bush will wear the title proudly.
@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn
24 - 50s
Too many ALTs
Anyone wanna provide some information for others considering running this soon? Thanks!
Anyone wanna provide some information for others considering running this soon? Thanks!
Read my OP - it has detailed info for each mission.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
I did copy that info down, thanks for putting it up there, but you also put the caveat work in progress. I wanted to see if anyone had more to contribute to it. I don't remember the rules on editing after posting, but I thought they were pretty unforgiving.
I did copy that info down, thanks for putting it up there, but you also put the caveat work in progress. I wanted to see if anyone had more to contribute to it. I don't remember the rules on editing after posting, but I thought they were pretty unforgiving.
As far as the post goes, everything is a "work in progress" until I can say we are guaranteed to be successful (which I will never say).
The only change I will make for the next time I run one of these is more of an observation: In Mission Four, You need to defeat 1.5 mob (groups) to spawn each boss & then 2.5 mob (groups) to spawn Inv Reichsman...at least that has been my observation over the past couple of runs.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
A Mr E-Man Production
Featuring Neon Widow
Mission: Master of the Barracuda Strike Force – Thus Spoke the Reichsman
Contact: Barracuda
Location: Grandville
Date & Time: Saturday, December 18 @ 10:30PM Eastern / 7:30PM Pacific
Level Range: 45-50
Combatants: 5th Column, Freedom Phalanx, Longbow, Paragon Police Department
Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Ms Liberty, Numina, Schadenfreude, Invincible Reichsman, Black Scorpion, Scirocco, Captain Mako, Ghost Widow, Reichsman
Current Team Roster:
1: Neon Widow: Widow
2: Captain Power: Eng/Eng Blaster
3: Marvel: TBA
4: Childe: Dark/Dark Corruptor
5: Turg: TBA
6: Takeo: Cold/Ice Defender
7: Morna: TBA
8: Voltez Y: ???/Shield Brute
Teal Tabby: Inv/Axe Tank
Miss Heavenly: TBA
Customs: TBA
Rukys: Plant/??? Dominator
Dyrnwyn: Rad/Rad Defender
Shadowrush: MA/SR Scrapper
Paragon: TBA
Strike Force Stats & Info:
- This Strike Force requires a 4-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
- 9 missions (4 talks)
- Badge(s): Arbiter & Master of the 5th Column Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees :smirk: )
- Merit Reward: 30
- Please note, this SF ends after the final Recluse Talk (not after the Reichsman mission)
Mr E-Man’s MoBSF Mission Notes:- General Instructions: Stick together, listen to instructions & do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy!
- Mission One: Clear the ambushes in the end room (before going out to Ms Liberty).
- Mission Two: Pull Numina out of the room to be cautious.
- Mission Three: Talk
- Mission Four: Fight the specified mobs/ambushes. Use the Ouro portals or the Flyer to exit after Invincible Reichsman spawns - the mission will time-out without anyone in
- Mission Five: Stick together & clear until the key drops - doing so around the dig area is best since the door is there.
- Mission Six: Talk
- Mission Seven: Talk
- Mission Eight - Part One: While this mission is not so much hard, there are a lot of chances for deaths to occur. First clear out all of the 5th Column & take care of any ambushes that occur when one of the AVs is rescued. Sac the AV, find the next AV, take out the ambush, etc.
- Mission Eight - Part Two: Grab your temp powers & don't be afraid to use them - you can recharge them (all except the Fail Safe Guns -4 uses- which only Stalkers can use). Stalkers gain Max Stealth to enter the two gun rooms to nuke the ambushes, Corruptors/Dominators have attack/holds for the ambushes, Brutes/Veats gain a team End Drain resistance power, MMs can keep Reichsman from phasing.
- Mission Eight - Part Three: We will be using the tunnel method. Reichsman will not leave the end room, so exiting into the tunnels when the ambushes start will keep them confined in a small area, making it easier for us to take them out safely. Everyone stay close & keep buffs/heals/debuffs running.
- Mission Nine: Talk (Remember the SF completes after this talk, not after Reichsman is defeated)
- Obviously this is still a work in progress.
Join in the fun & try to become the Master! One more attempt before we move on to something else! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-ManParagon Wiki: Thus Spoke the Reichsman Strike Force
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd