Hive TP Beacon Question:




Hey Y'all

I 'thought' that there was an SG beacon for The Hive at some point in the past. My husband was on another server we've branched out to & went there to get the 'porter for our base. He got the 2 'original' badges for the zone, which should have awarded the beacon iirc, and then went to get the rest of the new ones that were added in I19 but still no beacon.

So my question is: Was there ever a beacon to The Hive or did I just mis-remember/dream it? I kinda remember a conversation about how the beacon for Eden was close enough to The Hive so you didn't need The Hive beacon w/ another SG Leader a loooooooooooooooong time ago ... but I have slept alot since then . Any help is greatly appreciated ! Thank All Y'all in advance !


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I don't recall there ever being a Hive TP Beacon. Yes two explore badges but no SG award or Beacon. The new Hive now has eight explores and no beacon.

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Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



Nope, there was never a beacon to the Hive. The closest beacon has always been Eden.

However there is one thing that might be causing the confusion: If you die in the Hive, go to the rez rings in your SG base, and then exit via the SG portal (not the teleporters) you will go back to the Hive.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Thank you all for your quick responses. !

SG - you are probably right - I do recall using that on old raids. It's been a looooong time since I've done anything in that zone so my memory is faulty.

Thank All Y'all again & Merry Christmass !


If you take time to help others, you help yourself grow.
If you take time to help yourself, you realize how far you have to go.
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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
However there is one thing that might be causing the confusion: If you die in the Hive, go to the rez rings in your SG base, and then exit via the SG portal (not the teleporters) you will go back to the Hive.
Keeping in mind that you re-appear at the exact spot where you died. Depending on the circumstances of your demise, that might be sub-optimal.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Nope, there was never a beacon to the Hive. The closest beacon has always been Eden.

However there is one thing that might be causing the confusion: If you die in the Hive, go to the rez rings in your SG base, and then exit via the SG portal (not the teleporters) you will go back to the Hive.
Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Keeping in mind that you re-appear at the exact spot where you died. Depending on the circumstances of your demise, that might be sub-optimal.
Another thing to note... there is now a Medical area right in The Hive now, so when you die you can click "Go to hospital" and appear right near the entrance without "losing your spot" in a full zone.

I know that was not necessarily either one of your points, but it's slightly-related useful information.



Originally Posted by Imaginary Patch Notes I Wish Were Real
-Added a Base Teleporter Beacon for the HIVE, with spawn point at -84.4 -337.7 -2188.4
I encourage people to check where in the hive those coordinates are, barring the middle one, since I didn't account for topography



Originally Posted by Korith View Post
Originally Posted by Imaginary Patch Notes I Wish Were Real
-Added a Base Teleporter Beacon for the HIVE, with spawn point at -84.4 -337.7 -2188.4
I encourage people to check where in the hive those coordinates are, barring the middle one, since I didn't account for topography
Well, considering the exploration badge under Hami is at (-3,-338, -2182), your coordinates wouldn't be far off.

That's a good one!



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Well, considering the exploration badge under Hami is at (-3,-338, -2182), your coordinates wouldn't be far off.

That's a good one!
Oooo, that would be ... delicious!

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Nope, there was never a beacon to the Hive. The closest beacon has always been Eden.

However there is one thing that might be causing the confusion: If you die in the Hive, go to the rez rings in your SG base, and then exit via the SG portal (not the teleporters) you will go back to the Hive.
Now that the hive has a spawn point much like the hollows, there is no longer a reason to spawn at the base other than to restock on EoEs.

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Now that the hive has a spawn point much like the hollows, there is no longer a reason to spawn at the base other than to restock on EoEs.
I guess you didn't read Master-Blade's response to the same post above.

I wasn't commenting on the current state of The Hive, but rather the past. The original poster was trying to figure out why she thought there was a beacon in the past. In the past there was a possible way to get from the base to The Hive: rez in the base, then exit the base without using a teleporter.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters