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I have a couple of friends who are looking to get into the game, and they are looking at the base game (not the good vs evil or the collectors or anything like that), what will they get and will they not get in that package?




They will have access to everything except Going Rogue content.

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I'd suggest they get the Going Rogue complete; it includes the game and access to all three sides (hero, villain, praetorian). In order to play they need to buy some version of the game; the different versions are all in the NCSoft store with a description of the goodies each comes with.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Originally Posted by Shocklust View Post
They will have access to everything except Going Rogue content.
including the CoV stuff?



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
I'd suggest they get the Going Rogue complete; it includes the game and access to all three sides (hero, villain, praetorian). In order to play they need to buy some version of the game; the different versions are all in the NCSoft store with a description of the goodies each comes with.
they dont want to go "all in" yet, the most basic game is 1.22 on amazon, hence why I asked what it came with.



Originally Posted by nytflyr View Post
they dont want to go "all in" yet, the most basic game is 1.22 on amazon, hence why I asked what it came with.
Well, the basic game will include access to Hero side and Villain side. It will NOT include access to Pretoria or side switching. It also doesn't include any goodies.

All boxed editions I've seen also include one free month of game time.

And if they can get the basic game for a buck & 22 cents then heck yes go for it. Just make SURE they're getting a new, unused box since what you're paying for is the game code to create an account and each code can only be used ONCE.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Here's a link to a detailed listing of all of the disk releases and what comes with each:


In reality if they just want to play the game, they don't even need the disk, just an account, and that can be trial for a month, though limiting in what you can do. Then its just the $15/month (or less with the multiple month purchases and bonus time going on right now). The client is fully available for download for free. No extra charge at all. The downside to not having the disk is the game is quite large and may take a while to completely setup as well as cost you money depending on your service provider policies. The disk is basically just a faster way to install, a free month of game time, and sometimes a special code to unlock a booster pack. They also usually come with a free month of play-time.

The latest disk, which will get you setup and going the fastest and is probably the easiest to find nowadays is the Going Rogue Complete Edition, which for $40 also gets you access to the newer Praetorian Content, the Incarnate System, as well as the side switching capabilities, a few newer power sets (dual pistols, demon summoning, electric control, kinetic melee), as well as a free month of play. The Praetorian content is very good for new people, and the side switching is very nice and gives you lots of options for how to raise your characters. The Incarnate system won't be useful until they get a 50, but also very good to have. Currently those are the biggest things that are limited based on what version you have. It also has an in-game goodie pack, some nice costumes, some nice auras, a kinda 'meh' bonus power, etc that are nice to haves. I highly recommend this version if you're just starting out. Very much worth the price if you enjoy the game and the early Praetorian content is arguably some of the best in the game. You don't need the disk to get going rogue, just access to the newer stuff you can get with just a $30 upgrade to your account if you decide you want it later, which saves you a little money, but you don't get the extra costumes and auras and such then, nor the free month of play time.

I'm not even sure if the Good vs Evil pack, the Mac Edition, or the Architect Edition are available anymore, but any one of those will get you the same game, just gives you different in-game goodie packs (boosters, costumes, etc). Some people have reported in the past finding them in the bargain bins at Big Lots and other various retailers if you want to try your luck there. All of the edition's goodies can be purchased separately without buying the disk as well, except the early Collector Editions for CoH and CoV, those you need to find the disk with the unused account code for, which can be hard to come by nowadays since they are both over like 5 years old. City of Heroes or City of Villains disks will get you the same thing now. The games have been merged for about a year or so now and either one will get you both, since they are really the same game now, sans the Going Rogue expansion.

Here is a wiki on how to get that setup in detail as well as the site to download the updater:

Wiki: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Game_Client
Updater: ftp://client.coh.com/US/



The (Let's celebrate it now works on a) Mac (and this box works on both Macs and PCs) edition is available as it's always been - via the store. It was a digital only release

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Any box version other than Going Rogue gives them access to CoH and CoV. What it won't give them access is to the new Praetoria area, allow their characters to go from good to evil and vice versa or become an Incarnate (well those are the main downsides of not going with the GR edition).

Other than the basic CoH or CoV, each box set comes with special goodies to sweeten the pot. Minor powers, costume pieces, emotes, etc. The ParagonWiki page AquaJAWS linked to will have links to each box set which will list their specific goodies.

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Just an added warning. When they activate their account they will be asked to supply either a credit card number or a game time code.

Yes a free month comes with the basic edition but for some reason you can't start playing on that unless you register a credit card number or time card code with the account. Most likely it's another RMT combat measure but I don't believe that has ever been verified. For people who intend to keep playing the game this is no problem but I have seen people who just want to try for a month start screaming bloody murder.

Registering a credit card with the account WILL NOT result in a charge to the credit card until the initial 30 days has run out. And they can in fact cancel their subscription moments after they activate it and they will still get their 30 days with absolutely zero chance that the credit card will be charged.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Yes a free month comes with the basic edition but for some reason you can't start playing on that unless you register a credit card number or time card code with the account. Most likely it's another RMT combat measure but I don't believe that has ever been verified. For people who intend to keep playing the game this is no problem but I have seen people who just want to try for a month start screaming bloody murder.
This is not just CoH. Pretty much every MMO on the market is like this.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Getting CoH without getting GR is kinda crazy
Not if you can get it for $1.22 on Amazon. They get a full free month to try out the gameplay, and then they can still then upgrade with a Complete Collection GR code if they decide they want to stay.

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