Link to Incarnate System




Does anyone know of, or have, a link to the description of the Incarnate System? I unlocked the Alpha Slot and have 8 shards and a component I got from the ITF. I do know know what to do with any of this, and I've searched these boards for some step-by-step description and how-to manual.



Originally Posted by mscats View Post
Does anyone know of, or have, a link to the description of the Incarnate System? I unlocked the Alpha Slot and have 8 shards and a component I got from the ITF. I do know know what to do with any of this, and I've searched these boards for some step-by-step description and how-to manual.
Zombie Man made a good guide here:

You can also talk to Mender Ramiel for the in-game info.

The official site is here:

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Thanks for the links. So far I have one ancient nictus fragment and 16 shards. I want to put something in my alpha slot of my earth/rad troller. I am thinking that recharge would be my best choice, or accuracy. So then what? I have enough to craft a common nerve or spiritual boost. I still can't see how you actually do it. Pardon me if I am dense, I just don't get it, yet.



Originally Posted by mscats View Post
Thanks for the links. So far I have one ancient nictus fragment and 16 shards. I want to put something in my alpha slot of my earth/rad troller. I am thinking that recharge would be my best choice, or accuracy. So then what? I have enough to craft a common nerve or spiritual boost. I still can't see how you actually do it. Pardon me if I am dense, I just don't get it, yet.
Open your powers window - beside "combat attributes" it says "incarnate abilities" click that. in the window that pops up, switch to the "create" tab. expand "alpha" if it isn't already, and look over the trees for the boosts you're interested in.

the common recharge (spiritual) requires [Gr'ai matter] [ancient nictus fragment] and [essence of the incarnate] (note, Gr'ai matter can be crafted from 150 vanguard merits in the vanguard base tables under "special", if you have the extra, it's probably better than spending shards)

the common accuracy (nerve) requires [dimentional keystone] [ancient nictus fragment] and [essence of the incarnate]

the next tab, "convert" allows you to use the shards. convert them into the required common components, then in the create tab, click the desired common boost and hit create on the side info. then you just have to equip it by clicking on the alpha slot in the equip tab.

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I equipped the Musculature Boost enhancement - does it not show up on Combat Attributes/Damage Bonus? I can't tell if it's even working...



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
I equipped the Musculature Boost enhancement - does it not show up on Combat Attributes/Damage Bonus? I can't tell if it's even working...

Alpha slot boosts don't work like global boosts. You won't see a change in combat attributes. Instead they work more like having an extra enhancement in each power. You should see a difference in the damage numbers of individual powers. Though the difference may be minimal if you're at, or close to the ED cap.

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When looking at the boosts, check the second tier versions. On one of them, the seondary effect is defense debuffing. That would go nice for an earth/rad.

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Looking at Kick - the base average damage is 37.37. With level 50 SOs (1 Acc/3 Dam) it's at 72.87 (95%).

With Musculature Boost equipped, it's 76.47 (104.6%).

That sound right?



Yep. Common boosts give roughly 9% in an ED-capped power. The uncommon goes up to about 14% due to the larger ED-exempt portion.



Great file, thanks for sharing it!