Hamidon Raids
I'm in.
I'd be in too. I've missed the last 3.5 years or so, but assuming the mechanics aren't so massively different, it's about a 90 minute affair.
I can offer single target holds roughly on par with a controller once buffed (even though I'm a blaster), although in times gone by the Swords generally provided two patrol teams to keep the GMs out of the jelly during mito phases. I'd be happy with this, although with the new drops I'd have questions about rewards for the patrollers. I'm sure that the coalition could muster a few teams for whatever is needed...
If there is a revised Hami plan, could you please post it here or in the OP so that those of us who have been away/never done it can get up to speed?
Time wise, I think that Sunday evenings are generally good, although I can do any time these days so long as I'm not gigging. Perhaps do a huge public calendar over any given weekend on whenisgood.com to find out when is best, and then shift it to suit; I'm sure people will be flexible within a few hours/half a day.
6 slot those spoons, boys 'n girls, we're having jelly!
I'm game.
I to would prefer a Sunday.
I can bring any of choice of 2 trollers, 3 Blasters, a scrapper (which has done a Hami successfully) and a Emp. This all on Blue.
I have just a corr on red.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman
I can offer single target holds roughly on par with a controller once buffed (even though I'm a blaster), although in times gone by the Swords generally provided two patrol teams to keep the GMs out of the jelly during mito phases. I'd be happy with this, although with the new drops I'd have questions about rewards for the patrollers. I'm sure that the coalition could muster a few teams for whatever is needed...
Have a look at the Pwiki article which details the raid and the new process(es): http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Hamidon_Raid
You may well like what's been done with it, but Defiant Villain Hami Raids are a thing I've only (unfortunately) seen once and with Hami-O's available via the LRSF (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Lord_Recluse_Strike_Force) or STF (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Statesman_Task_Force) with only an 8-man team I feel this raid has gone the way of the dodo.
Hello everyone. I do hope you will do a raid.
I'm one of the Raid Leaders against Hamidon on Union server. I've written a little guide (sticky) on Union. Feel free to read it and use it.
The Tips to a Raid Leader would simply be the following. Get your 6 team leaders into the plan, let them know their role so they can make certain their team knows their role.
This has at least been the key for me. Having 7 players I know and can trust doing their task makes leading the raid a LOT easier.
The way we do it on Union is 2 yellow mito tank teams (3 "tankers" in each).
One hamidon main tank team.
(The three above uses alot of emps and tanks (players that can take damage and has taunt))
Holder team for the greens.
Ranged Damage team for the blues.
Melee damage team (with a rad) against the yellows.
Aux team: This team consists of those players that do not get into the core team (you might have had too many tankers or too many blasters etc...) and this team aids as best as it can the core groups.
If Defiant is wanting a hami raid and a raid leader feel they need some advice, DO give me a pm/tell. I want to do my part in letting players (who have experienced, but also players who are new to Hamidon) experience a successful Raid.
Currently I have no char to help with, but working on it. And hoping to make a few defiant players (who has alts on union) experience the Raid, so they can return to Defiant and get you guys Raiding as well
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
I'm in for a hamidon raid!
Would bring my Empath if needed
Can do most days
Can do most days if planned in advance.
Can bring one of the following:-
WP/SS Tank
DM/Regen Scrapper
Earth/Rad Troller
E3 Blaster
As Master Zap has already said, the old Hami raids are a thing of the past. There are some good guides on how to tackle the new style Hami Raid and as Lady Arete has offered up advice and a guide that's a good place to start!
Also, am more than happy to sign up for a Hami goo fest with choices of...
Claws / Invul Scrapper
Empath / Rad Defender
Dark / Dark Defender
Weekends will be best for me, unless we are talking about 8.00pm (UK time) onwards on a weekday.
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
A Hamidon raid would be great!!!
sing me up, preferable on a sunday.
I can bring any AT to the raid, so assing me in any team you want.
Don't have fly on all toons, so i will buy a jet pack if needed, and craft a temp power.
@dark spider
i'm game for this any day is good.
I would be game for one too - can bring a blaster or MM
"It's not the Lost's fault, but they're gonna soothe your savage beast with their faces." Sometimes you wonder what the game designers were thinking...
To the one who leads the Hami Raid (if that has been decided):
Do set a date, ask players if they want to lead a team and get your team leaders briefed on their role.
Then you'd want to create your binds.
You want the following binds:
1: Start Single target buffing
2: Start AoE buffing
15 sec or less later
3: Main hami tank, gogogo (or something like that)
Fly above and when you see the main hami tank is inside and getting the alpha (or just before)
4: Yellow Tank Teams. Hami is taunted Gogogo
When you then see the tankers going to their target (timing is good).
5: Raid force (Everyone else) you know your targets Gogogo
You will also need to have a bind for the following (ooo so NEEDED)
(In the event that you see a lot of players on the ground aka team wipe, or to prevent team wipes... or for when the mito bloom (mito respawn) happens) Make the Retreat bind as simple as possible (and hit it 2-3 times, that will get the attention of the raiders).
Just don't hit it so fast and so often that you get silenced for spam ;D (happened to me once)
Other useful binds are "Yellow mito are Dead" "Blue mito are dead".. but not needed. But things you will say alot, you'd better put on binds.
And also making a macro or two for Melee and Ranged main Targeter. (So players attack the same target when they go for the kill.)
Like: Leaders for this raid are: Main Tank team (PLAYERNAME), Melee Damage (PLAYERNAME2) etc...
Its useful for when there comes several players who asks for team.
Remember Raid leader. You are there to lead the raid, not micromanage the teams. The above bind will help you get much less tells.
How a raid goes:
Lately we have begun the making of teams before we do the spawning (due to alot of players showing up in good time).
When hami is spawned all head to cowards hill.
If the teams are all ready, then you as Raid leader will simply give a quick version of what to expect.
Like 4 rounds of mito bashing, fighting clockwise (or anti clockwise).
Give the team leaders 5 min or so to explain what their team is going to do and then ask for team status.
(On union I've made a global channel where all team leaders are invited and I use that channel to get team status and eoe status).
When all the mitos are dead and we attack hamidon I tell rezzers and tp'ers to head back to safety and warn the players when we are nearing the 75%, 50% and 25% Hamidon Health mark. Cause at those intervalls we get the mito bloom.
I suggest (even though it takes a little longer) to start of with everyone running back to cover when the Mito bloom hits.
One way to do the battle (yet to do) is for Yellow tank teams to taunt the mito right after the mito bloom. But I imagine it takes a little more coordination, so i'd advice Fleeing and hiding and prepping for next wave.
(And make certain to tell players that if they get hami aggro... not to hide amongst alot of other players! The AoE will hit them aswell and that means an even longer raid (due to rezzing!).
There going to give some time to digest all that info. Good luck with the preperations and do give me a pm or ask if you need some help to organize it, bind help etc
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
Scarlet Shocker checking in. I'll be happy to lead a blastery team or I can bring a troller.

Thelonious Monk
Next Friday night!
Out of curiosity are there any stats on runs past?
I would definitely be up for a hami raid! I can do most days, but not next weekend, as I'm away (25th-27th Feb).
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
I could be up for this,I have moved the Prof over to Union as he embarrassed himself the last time he did Hami spent more time face down than up,gave all a good laugh tho.I would bring a stone tank for taunting duties.
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
So... who is going to be the Raid Leader for Defiant Hamidon Run. When will it take place and from what time?
(For the Raid Leader/Coordinators own sanity... this should be decided/known before the weekend gets here. To get more details going, team leader list written, binds made, Team leaders briefed... aka Preperations.
Also, to be certain that there are enough EoE's...
An EoE hunt should be done on a busy weekday (same week as raid).
Asking since i do not know who is going to lead this raid, and i'm going to lead a raid the 25'th on Union.
Would be fun knowing Defiant did the same and we sort of did it Back-To-Back
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
Hey everybody... I think it's about damn time. As a representative of the recently formed EERC (plug, plug) I'm proud to announce...
I'LL LEAD THE RAID. With able assistance from Lady Arete, if you're free of course.
I aim to run a blueside raid first of all - if all goes well I'll plan to do a redside one the following week/fortnight. I hear the cries for a Sunday but unfortunately won't be able to make Sunday this time around, so hey ho.
Arete's plan sounds good - we'll have teams arranged roughly into ATs, I also hope to use the trick of Dark Miasma toons rezzing people en-masse using Howling Twilight, with the help of a handy Trick Arrow Oil Slick nearby.
I'll be running impromptu EoE runs over the next couple of nights, but won't be able to plan what time these will be, so if you're interested do please put the word out and go bash up those Giant Monsters!
Lastly - if you want in and can make it, please reply here, or send me a tell in-game to @Super Ready on Defiant. I'll make a post with team compositions once names start coming in.
Let's rock Hami's amoebic socks off!
"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch
I will be there - and will bring my dark/dark defender to assist with the Howling Twilight duties!
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
Time? ...FRIDAY 25th FEB, 8PM GMT ON DEFIANT. Lastly - if you want in and can make it, please reply here, or send me a tell in-game to @Super Ready on Defiant. I'll make a post with team compositions once names start coming in. |
Will do my damndest to get Glaze and Beodine to level 50 for it too - Glaze is blaster (if she wants that one) and Beo is also a scrapper.
Will work on getting a vill to level 50 for then too, but no guarantees.
I'm in with almost anything. I have trollers, Blasters, Srappers, a Corr or a tank all lvl 50. Best set up are the trollers or blasters.
Almost forgot my Emp
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman
Save me a space!
Scrapper - Jimmy-Lee
Ok, here's who we have so far -
Team leaders:
Mystel - scrapper
Quiggles - troller
Psygon - defender
Cambo - defender
Jimmy-Lee - scrapper
Bananas - scrapper
New Dawn - blaster
ATOFelix - dominator
Primary - brute
Identity - scrapper
Target - blaster
Carrot Top
Alexander Hamilton
More trollers/doms and tanks/brutes would be best please! We can also use another team leader or two if anyone fancies it.
"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch
Okay just wanting to throw this out there and see if there is enough interest to get this done.
I remember the days before the Hami changeover and we had a semi regular raid going on.
Now Hamidon has more reward options and Mitos have a good chance of dropping shards for 50's.
Incarnate Slots and mixed Red/Blue AT teams have also moved the scales of power against Hami.
Please leave a message on how you would feel to trying a Raid.
Please be constructive any details you can add such as Days you could attend, preferred Times and Toon details including if you would like to lead a team / what specialities you could offer (Holds/Range/Melee/Support).
All will be welcome to attend and EoE Hunts can be arranged with enough interest too for those that just enjoy smacking GMs around to see how tough they are.
This also applies for both Red or Blue sides.
Also Hamidon Raids are also great social events win or lose, you get to meet old and new friends and shoot the breeze.
Sapphire Maiden lvl 50 Eng/Eng/Flame Blaster
Misstrix lvl 50 Fire/Rad/Ice Controller
Foundations Claw lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Flame Tank
Lord Viscera lvl 36 Necro/Dark MM/Flame Mastery
Kestrell lvl 50 Rad/Kin/Soul Corr