"Hidden Gems" on DA




There are a number of artists with whom the art forum regulars and City of Heroes DA group members are pretty familiar. Names like John Becaro, Daggerpoint, PlayWorksArt, Juggertha, etc. But there are tons and tons of artists on DA who do amazing work, and plenty of them accept commissions. I wanted to use this thread for people to suggest artists whom may not be "household names" around these parts, but who--nevertheless--have turned out quality pieces.

Just to start it off:

Absolutely gorgeous pencils; both incredibly detailed, and wildly kinetic
If you like babes, bullets, and...b stuff, Marc is your guy.
Kevin used to be the artist for Marvel's "Nova", and is fully open for commissions. He just sent me the layout for one that should be done in a few weeks, and I loved its face off.



I seem to use Semaj007 (James Huang) quite often - my thread tends to have a lot of him and Playworkart in it.

Newer guy, good pencils, though still getting his feet under him with commissions - RV1994

And the one I get interesting backgrounds on my pieces from, Cric.



Any hidden gems I find you'll see once I post the art I commission from them Seriously, like I want people to jump ahead of me in line??



Originally Posted by Kai View Post
Heh, when I find them I commission them and post up the results here

windriderx23/vest (lines/color)
I've been trying to get one from Windrider/vest for a bit. That's a busy duo :P

Edit: On another note http://carlosthemanoflove.deviantart.com/

That guy is my recent hidden gem, and I'll be getting a commission from him soon that I'll post on my thread here. I'm excited about it



...welcome back? I think? I feel like you've been gone for a long time. Or maybe it's just that there's been a Foo-shaped hole on the boards of late.



I do love weenies, I guess.



Bringing this thread back to life with a bang

This guy is not cheap in any sense of the word but the comission art he produces is quality stuff.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
You really should label such links with a big NSFW tag. Nudes, you know.
People without a deviantart account cannot see those pictures, and those WITH have to have it set to show nudes, therefore... no not really. Tired of being nice about that topic >.>



Just because you have your filters set on because some artists mark all sorts of things as mature that really aren't doesn't mean its not considerate of people to mention 'hey you might get a face full of naked if you click on this link' ;7

Anyways, I went to go back to Yesterday's Tomsawyer to set up a commish, and the account's been deactivated, fyi



Originally Posted by Kai View Post
Just because you have your filters set on because some artists mark all sorts of things as mature that really aren't doesn't mean its not considerate of people to mention 'hey you might get a face full of naked if you click on this link' ;7

Anyways, I went to go back to Yesterday's Tomsawyer to set up a commish, and the account's been deactivated, fyi
I used to, but a number of people complained even when I posted NSFW. Damned if you do, damned if you don't

And yeah, that deactivation made me sad, I liked their stuff



Originally Posted by Kai View Post
Just an FYI, there is a two click rule, I think linking to a dA account and not a specific picture counts as two click, but that's up to the Mods.
Linking to anything on DA pretty much is a two click rule since you have to have an account, and have it set to see nudity as stated before, to see anything marked with any sort of "mature" I had this conversation with a mod and that is what the answer was. If there was nudity not marked as mature I would not link it, and it would be swiftly reported to mods on DA.



Originally Posted by SenseiBlur View Post
I used to, but a number of people complained even when I posted NSFW. Damned if you do, damned if you don't
Fortunately, I work at home. Had I been at some of the places I'd worked, even with a lenient "If you're not busy and want to browse, go for it" policy, wakkawa's pieces would definitely have had my supervisors talking to me *at least,* even with a single click on the link and backing off. Just takes one person walking by and complaining.

Put up the warning, it *is* common courtesy. See that, don't click while at work - thus, NS*FW.*

(FWIW, I've been checking in on them for a while, they end up with some interesting pieces.)



Anyways, I went to go back to Yesterday's Tomsawyer to set up a commish, and the account's been deactivated, fyi
Wow, sorry about that. I'm surprised, he seemed pretty eager to do some cox commissions.
