"Hidden Gems" on DA
Heh, when I find them I commission them and post up the results here
windriderx23/vest (lines/color)
Heh, when I find them I commission them and post up the results here
![]() windriderx23/vest (lines/color) rhardo artauxeo paneseeker |
Edit: On another note http://carlosthemanoflove.deviantart.com/
That guy is my recent hidden gem, and I'll be getting a commission from him soon that I'll post on my thread here. I'm excited about it

They are all great finds. I added them all. Thanks.
Edit - and yeah I found Carlos last night. Definitely watching him too.
My Corner of DeviantART
The Queen's Menagerie
I heard this guy was kinda crappy, but tries hard.
...welcome back? I think? I feel like you've been gone for a long time. Or maybe it's just that there's been a Foo-shaped hole on the boards of late.
Foo returned because he was compelled by the power of Weenie.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I do love weenies, I guess.
http://nathie.deviantart.com/ (This guy is super super talented)
http://ksc2303.deviantart.com/ (If you like big boobs, this is your man)
This guy has some crazy anime-inspired design and is very reasonably priced:

Bringing this thread back to life with a bang
This guy is not cheap in any sense of the word but the comission art he produces is quality stuff.
Bringing this thread back to life with a bang
http://wakkawa.deviantart.com/ This guy is not cheap in any sense of the word but the comission art he produces is quality stuff. |
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Just because you have your filters set on because some artists mark all sorts of things as mature that really aren't doesn't mean its not considerate of people to mention 'hey you might get a face full of naked if you click on this link' ;7
Anyways, I went to go back to Yesterday's Tomsawyer to set up a commish, and the account's been deactivated, fyi
Just because you have your filters set on because some artists mark all sorts of things as mature that really aren't doesn't mean its not considerate of people to mention 'hey you might get a face full of naked if you click on this link' ;7
Anyways, I went to go back to Yesterday's Tomsawyer to set up a commish, and the account's been deactivated, fyi ![]() |

And yeah, that deactivation made me sad, I liked their stuff

As Kai pointed out already, nudes can slip through the filters. Everyone else alerts people to NSFW links; it's just common courtesy.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Just an FYI, there is a two click rule, I think linking to a dA account and not a specific picture counts as two click, but that's up to the Mods.
More up and coming artists.
http://slugbox.deviantart.com/ (Anime style)
http://robaato.deviantart.com/ (This guy did an awesome megaman with Zero.)
I used to, but a number of people complained even when I posted NSFW. Damned if you do, damned if you don't
![]() |
Put up the warning, it *is* common courtesy. See that, don't click while at work - thus, NS*FW.*
(FWIW, I've been checking in on them for a while, they end up with some interesting pieces.)
Yeah, I had noted them saying 'hey, love your stuff, I'm deciding on a who, get back to you in two weeks' and got a 'thanks, look forward to it!' back and then....poof :/
There are a number of artists with whom the art forum regulars and City of Heroes DA group members are pretty familiar. Names like John Becaro, Daggerpoint, PlayWorksArt, Juggertha, etc. But there are tons and tons of artists on DA who do amazing work, and plenty of them accept commissions. I wanted to use this thread for people to suggest artists whom may not be "household names" around these parts, but who--nevertheless--have turned out quality pieces.
Just to start it off:
Absolutely gorgeous pencils; both incredibly detailed, and wildly kinetic
If you like babes, bullets, and...b stuff, Marc is your guy.
Kevin used to be the artist for Marvel's "Nova", and is fully open for commissions. He just sent me the layout for one that should be done in a few weeks, and I loved its face off.