Is anyone really EVIL anymore?




Yeah my heroy characters still do stuff in Kings Row, same as the rest of the city, while Ravens line there gives the impression that they don't. I don't really have a character that exclusively focuses on one area* like Louise if that's what it meant, but I also don't have a character that used Kings as a stepping stone. I tend to ignore the in game zone levels, as there's bound to be small time crooks in every bit of the city not just the sub 25 ones. King's just has it the worst!

*Okay Horizon does, but the bit she lays claim too isn't even in the game so it'd be rather hard for someone else to claim it.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
As for CB's comments. People used to once happily and freely give critique of stories posted in this and other threads; almost always unasked. Often, such critique was harsh but honest, and that's really the only way to go about it. Go all "softly softly" with terrible writing, and the writing will not improve.
No one EVER had a problem with it until that one time, and since then, there has been no critique.
That's not a good thing.
Use to is quite relevant. Use to, people respected other people's posts. Use to, one could delete ignorant posts from their own threads. Use to, when people did not like a person's writing, they simply did not read it. Use to, people would send pm's if they truly wished to be of help, as opposed to enflating themselves beyond who and what they really are. Use to goes beyond your time on here FFM. The said post that you attacked was started here before you were even here, if you ever took time to actually look at it.
Critiquing is fine, more so when asked for. Bullying people in an attempt to make ones self look superior is not. Critiquing is saying "this would be better if...", insulting is saying "your poor use of the english language ...".

To set records straight, no one went to administration that I know of.
This subject had been dropped. You saw I posted on this thread, and decided to restart it. Use to, we did not do that.

Sorry about my addition to derailing this thread. I am as bad as the one that started it. I apologize. I just feel an injustice is served when someone blatantly tries to sway a conversation in an attempt to justify their own failings.



As for PG 13, my understanding is, anything too explicit. Blood, gore, etc is fine, but try and stay from descriptive sexual activities. As was said before, use other means of implying harsh language, without actually using the language. As he went into a rant of foul language... as opposed to the words. I am sure some words are acceptable, as I have used some mild words before (of course the threads were started years ago when we were on another forum).
Being evil, however, does not mean using harsh language, or being violent even, for that matter. It sure can help though!



As one who is still mainly playing (a) villain I am agreeying with Tech that a worked out returning villain is the most fun. That is also the reason I offered Elizabeth and the Court in so many plots. Even if it was already descided she was going to lose in some way.

But as also stated.. only a success from the villain will activate a solid action from the hero. The fame of a villain is defined by his/her successes. If you are a screw up you are no danger. And the biggest bad ***** are definatly no screw ups.

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