Is anyone really EVIL anymore?




Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Point by point

Vampire .. evil .. they are unholy, cast out by god, spirits

zombie ... object ...assuming magical origins .. animated corpse , under compulsion thus no free will ..However science Zombie ..depends on how much of the brain still works ..evil as any human can be , but may be any ...

werewolf ..cursed human..beast while in wolf form ..while human in human form..will show up as evil tainted due to curse.

demon ..evil being

Mobster ...criminal human

Merc ...amoral human

Peacebringer.. unclearly defined... personal view amoral exploting energy being

ok yes this is IMHO but to me these are defining traits, which takes me back to my earlier point ..people play Vampires not characters, and IMHO if you play a vamp or any of the others listed you have to take the ((ho ho )) good with the bad, there are degrees and levels in all characters but the foundations your stuck with. As Birdie pointed out the Vampire is a creature from a time when evil and good where taken as absolutes, none of this modern greys. IMHO, just to make that clear .
Well, we're going to have to agree to disagree, then. Because I don't agree with any of the above.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
While I understand you're replying to Rock, kindly view my post.

Modern vampires may be something other than evil because that's the way modern people like to write them.

Classically, vampires (and for that matter werewolves and zombies) are evil because they were conceived as being evil creatures in a time when evil was an absolute concept.

Personally, I take characters as they come and a well played vampire character is a well played character. I don't happen to agree with FFM, but equally, I do find that vampire characters tend to be more likely to be stereotyped evil or terrible Emo Anne Rice tragic figures. However, there's always room for some originality, even in a very tired genre.
I'm going to semi contest the werewolf here. Though by "classically" you are probably talking about post Roman Catholic dominance of Europe.

shapeshifters are seen as evil in Roman Catholic dominance because it is growing out of the Greco-Roman tradition of Gods punishing evil doers by transforming them into animals

numerous other cultures, including the Norse, Celts and other European ethnicities, saw shapeshifting as heroic attribute...where as a the Greeks and Romans felt that mankind changing into animal was a regression to primitive bestiality, these other nations felt that it showed a connection with the natural world and a greater awareness of one's place in it.

heroic/shamanic shapeshifters become nobler incarnations of the natural animals

shapeshifting that goes towards that of the bestial aspects (wolf-skin belts and berserkers of the Norse) are less elevated and more dangerous, but still seen as neither evil nor good

likewise, the Koreans myths implies that much of their people are descended from a bear who won the right to become human and marry the god who founded the race

in addition Kitsune in Japanese myth and Naga in Indian myth are shapeshifting foxes and snakes that marry and mother various heroes.

lost children in some Pacific Island myths are saved by a shark god and taught to become sharks...they then act as protectors and guides for their families and communities

worldwide, shapeshifting is a staple of a shamanic tradition, a tool used by both good and evil is the Greco-Roman tradition that limits it into being only evil

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Well, we're going to have to agree to disagree, then. Because I don't agree with any of the above.
no prob Tech, agreeing to disagree, and as i said IMHO. ..and in that mode of cooperation i would be interested in your opinon on the list ..and if i might add one to it, from birdies last post ..

modren vampire .. two types ..the Ann Rice ..still evil the corrupt others into becoming vampires ,
secondly the Blade Underworld vamps .. not really vamps at all these are the classic secret society style villains given a hollywood make over with fangs and fast cars.

and i am prode to say i have neither seen or read any Twilite zero opinon.

PM me if you prefer not to post ..



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
I'm going to semi contest the werewolf here.
I'd actually contest my own assertion regarding zombies and werewolves, so, fair enough.

Zombies are created by evil, due to the view that the dead should be left to rest, so animating them is an evil act.

Werewolves are more likely to be tragic monsters than vampires since they are the result of a curse. However, the modern view of the tragic werewolf owes more to White Wolf than classical myth.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Point by point

Vampire .. evil .. they are unholy, cast out by god, spirits
Actually, old text on subject classify supernatual vampires as unique. They are not demons, because they used to be human and demons are things which were never human. They are not spirits because they have a physical reality.


zombie ... object ...assuming magical origins .. animated corpse , under compulsion thus no free will ..However science Zombie ..depends on how much of the brain still works ..evil as any human can be , but may be any ...
classical zombies are coming out of African myth and represent enslavement beyond the physical, normal lifespan

modern zombies have more to do with some of the more colorful vampire myths coming out of the black plague era

werewolf ..cursed human..beast while in wolf form ..while human in human form..will show up as evil tainted due to curse.
by Greco-Roman or Judeo-Christian tradition a whole, shapeshifting is considered rather a neutral trait, the morality of which is determined by the wielder.

demon ..evil being
the English definition, yes...a demon is more of a political/organizational term than a racial one...demons and angels, after all are both from the same group, just one rebelled against the order and the other stayed loyal.

go to the root word, which I believe comes out of Arabia or somewhere else in the Middle East, and it simply refers to inhuman spirits

personally, I tend to think of demons as "extradimensional entities with whom humans have had a past history of conflict and/or violence"

the Bystander definition is rather different and given I'm about eight books away from where I want to touch that subject, I leave that definition for my personal notes on the books.

Mobster ...criminal human

Merc ...amoral human
"Mercenary" basically means that serves for money as adverse receiving money for service, it has no indication one way or another about morality

I, for example, am a mercenary writer since I write for commission and am not contracted to any specific company.

modern times, the term has moved to indicate specifically mercenary soldiers, while those of us who are in other fields are called "freelance"

I find this especially amusing given that "freelance" specifically referred to literally a freelance, a warrior who was beholden to no specific lord and was free to serve whoever he wanted and who wanted him while "mercenary" was a more general term for any professional not under contractual obligation to a specific country, company or other employer.

Peacebringer.. unclearly defined... personal view amoral exploting energy being
Peacebringers seem to be like the Tokra to me, they look for willing volunteers

the evil or good bit is dependent on the attitude of the specific being

some will be moral, some immoral and some amoral...

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



No probs. Ok, point by point;

Vampires: Entirely as maleable as humans. Potentially more likely to become evil, due to possessing more power, but the same could be said for meta-humans. Powers over darkness do not immediately equate to being evil. No link with 'god' required, not everything is always tied to religion.
Leon, as my personal example, has a code that he sticks to. While he is very easily considered 'Bad' (i.e. doesnt obey the law, disregard for authority) he's not evil. For instance, he would never harm a child (within reason, freaky cyber-christ children that tried to kill him would get dealt with) and he only steals very important things (he has a well stocked Swiss Bank Account for everything else)

Zombies; Magical zombies, while frequently the shambling dead. Technically just the animated dead, may or may not have their/a mind attached. If so, then they are the same as any human or sentient being.

Werewolves. Not always cursed, can be born as well. Not always evil, either. Same arguement for vampires, power corrupts etc. Not always. Fully down to interpretation.

Demon/Daemon. Again, different definitions exist. Demons are another stereotype that gets done to death. Demons and spirits in other mythos' other than Greco/Roman and Christian ones were equally portrayed as good and evil, as far as I know. Again, common perception and over-use effects portrayal.

Mobster: Uhm...usually, yes. Not always 'evil' though. Greedy likely, doesn't necessarily mean evil.

Merc: Again, would heavily contest that. Just being a merc does not instantly forbid people from having a moral code. While rare, again with the whole power thing, moral mercs are still both potential and real. It all comes down to the people.

Peacebringer: Unclearly defined, yes. Amoral? Uhm, not really. Both Sunstorm and Shadowstar, while pretty focussed on what is best for their kind, wouldn't be Heroeside if they were amoral. They'd do things that jeopardised human lives, to the point of their race being lumped in with the Rikti as 'Potentiall dangerous aliens'. So, amoral gets a no from me.
Nictus, now, I'd say are amoral or just plain evil.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
Werewolves are more likely to be tragic monsters than vampires since they are the result of a curse. However, the modern view of the tragic werewolf owes more to White Wolf than classical myth.
older than that, Wolfman by Universal

and some ancient myths had werewolves that were cursed into it by witches rather than choosing to be so

the bite=werewolf thing is Hollywood though

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
I'd actually contest my own assertion regarding zombies and werewolves, so, fair enough.

Zombies are created by evil, due to the view that the dead should be left to rest, so animating them is an evil act.

Werewolves are more likely to be tragic monsters than vampires since they are the result of a curse. However, the modern view of the tragic werewolf owes more to White Wolf than classical myth.
Hmm..would people say that actual born Vampires and Werewolves are impossible, in this case? Because I seem to be the only one mentioning them...

Also, I wouldn't say that Zombies are always evil OR created by evil. Thats very much a cultural perception. While I can't think of a media comparison, the concept of 'Eternal Guardians' springs to mind, spirits and forms that carry on beyond mortal life for a purpose or goal, or something that the person feels compelled by themselves to do/carry out. Traditionally vengeance, but it need not always be so...hmn, whats the word...questionably moral? I dunno, brain fail there.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Lycanus ..i am happy to defer to your scholarly knowledge .. the only points i would like to make is when i am talking about werewolves i am just speaking about them , not shapeshifters in general ..and by Mercs i mean they pay us we will kill people for you guys.. twas why is used the ther Merc , not hired soldier.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hmm..would people say that actual born Vampires and Werewolves are impossible, in this case? Because I seem to be the only one mentioning them...

Also, I wouldn't say that Zombies are always evil OR created by evil. Thats very much a cultural perception. While I can't think of a media comparison, the concept of 'Eternal Guardians' springs to mind, spirits and forms that carry on beyond mortal life for a purpose or goal, or something that the person feels compelled by themselves to do/carry out. Traditionally vengeance, but it need not always be so...hmn, whats the word...questionably moral? I dunno, brain fail there.
the zombie is a specific sort of walking dead created by a sorcerer in various Carribean myths growing out African myths where the sorcerer wants a slave to do labor and performs a ritual to make one

there are other undead types that would fit our definition of zombie

revenants are undead that come back to get revenge, since they are essentially a walking corpse with the will returned, they fit the modern definition of zombie

mummies are sort of zombies, though the movie mummy is more of a European rendition of the Egyptian myth...Egyptian myth saw it as a true immortality/resurrection, not merely a reanimation

so yes, zombies, defined specifically, are always created by evil (unless someone agrees to become a zombie for some reason)

but walking corpses can come about in other ways than just the zombie ritual

other than that, yeah, I feel people can be born vampires and werewolves

actually, the dhampyr is an old myth that is a child who is half-vampire...they are supposed to be very good exorcists and there are still con artists that claim to be such in Eastern Europe

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Lycanus ..i am happy to defer to your scholarly knowledge .. the only points i would like to make is when i am talking about werewolves i am just speaking about them , not shapeshifters in general ..and by Mercs i mean they pay us we will kill people for you guys.. twas why is used the ther Merc , not hired soldier.
lots of people go by the term "Merc" who are as moral as any other soldier

"pay me and I'll kill someone" is an assassin, which is a specific kind of mercenary or merc

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Hmn, another chunk of my ignorance jsut got cured.

You do realise I will now be bugging you for background knowledge on stuff like this if I ever get a character concept that falls into this sort of realm?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hmn, another chunk of my ignorance jsut got cured.

You do realise I will now be bugging you for background knowledge on stuff like this if I ever get a character concept that falls into this sort of realm?
no problem though you might be better off shooting me email for that at "" since I don't always hang around the boards

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
No probs. Ok, point by point;

Vampires: Entirely as maleable as humans. Potentially more likely to become evil, due to possessing more power, but the same could be said for meta-humans. Powers over darkness do not immediately equate to being evil. No link with 'god' required, not everything is always tied to religion.
Leon, as my personal example, has a code that he sticks to. While he is very easily considered 'Bad' (i.e. doesnt obey the law, disregard for authority) he's not evil. For instance, he would never harm a child (within reason, freaky cyber-christ children that tried to kill him would get dealt with) and he only steals very important things (he has a well stocked Swiss Bank Account for everything else)

Zombies; Magical zombies, while frequently the shambling dead. Technically just the animated dead, may or may not have their/a mind attached. If so, then they are the same as any human or sentient being.

Werewolves. Not always cursed, can be born as well. Not always evil, either. Same arguement for vampires, power corrupts etc. Not always. Fully down to interpretation.

Demon/Daemon. Again, different definitions exist. Demons are another stereotype that gets done to death. Demons and spirits in other mythos' other than Greco/Roman and Christian ones were equally portrayed as good and evil, as far as I know. Again, common perception and over-use effects portrayal.

Mobster: Uhm...usually, yes. Not always 'evil' though. Greedy likely, doesn't necessarily mean evil.

Merc: Again, would heavily contest that. Just being a merc does not instantly forbid people from having a moral code. While rare, again with the whole power thing, moral mercs are still both potential and real. It all comes down to the people.

Peacebringer: Unclearly defined, yes. Amoral? Uhm, not really. Both Sunstorm and Shadowstar, while pretty focussed on what is best for their kind, wouldn't be Heroeside if they were amoral. They'd do things that jeopardised human lives, to the point of their race being lumped in with the Rikti as 'Potentiall dangerous aliens'. So, amoral gets a no from me.
Nictus, now, I'd say are amoral or just plain evil.
i think i see where your views split .. taking the vampire for example your saying his acts determine if he is evil or not, where as i would say that he is evil as that is a vampire's state of being ..he may be able to become non evil , but then he is no longer a vampire.

and yes when i use the term demon..i do mean fire, horns, lives in hell, likes rock and roll ..the classic western view of them ....

still at least this means there will be at tleast two differnt takes on any toons crated on any of these classic forms ..



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
i think i see where your views split .. taking the vampire for example your saying his acts determine if he is evil or not, where as i would say that he is evil as that is a vampire's state of being ..he may be able to become non evil , but then he is no longer a vampire.

and yes when i use the term demon..i do mean fire, horns, lives in hell, likes rock and roll ..the classic western view of them ....

still at least this means there will be at tleast two differnt takes on any toons crated on any of these classic forms ..
note Demon in Judeo-Christian beliefs, is specifically a rebel spirit and angels are specifically spirits in the service of God

neither angel nor demon are descriptors of race or species but of political affiliation

daemon, with the extra "a", is a more neutral term for spirits even in classic Judeo-Christian mythos...both demon and daemon arise out of the term daimon which is a Middle Eastern term and the implication is that they are troublesome, but daemons have not necessarily rebelled against God and are usually just a nuisance rather than a threat

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
i think i see where your views split .. taking the vampire for example your saying his acts determine if he is evil or not, where as i would say that he is evil as that is a vampire's state of being ..he may be able to become non evil , but then he is no longer a vampire.
If that were true, I'd consider all humans evil then.
State of being...defined by what? Humans? We define anything we don't like or agree with as 'Evil'. Even other humans.

I'd better stop before I go off on a rant about that

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
If that were true, I'd consider all humans evil then.
State of being...defined by what? Humans? We define anything we don't like or agree with as 'Evil'. Even other humans.

I'd better stop before I go off on a rant about that

this agreeing to disagree is fun ..we must do more of it ..

and its not a rant if you let others get a word or two in ..

and no i do not define things i dislike or disagree with as evil, as for human, they get a choice, which kind of makes the evil ones even more evil ..IMHO



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
this agreeing to disagree is fun ..we must do more of it ..

and its not a rant if you let others get a word or two in ..

and no i do not define things i dislike or disagree with as evil, as for human, they get a choice, which kind of makes the evil ones even more evil ..IMHO
Thats the thing, though. Saying Vampires are 'inherently evil' removes any choice they have. And they most likely (in the games/worlds the exist, obviously) do, just like humans do. Just because a vampire chooses not to be a slaughtering murderous b@stard does not stop it being a vampire. It just means it's not evil. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive (I think thats the right way round..?)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Thats the thing, though. Saying Vampires are 'inherently evil' removes any choice they have. And they most likely (in the games/worlds the exist, obviously) do, just like humans do. Just because a vampire chooses not to be a slaughtering murderous b@stard does not stop it being a vampire. It just means it's not evil. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive (I think thats the right way round..?)
you're both arguing from different viewpoints, this makes an end result unlikely

Techbot is discussing the broad term of vampire which is a humanoid being which subsists on blood.

Rockfist is discussing the traditional supernatural vampire.

Techbot's vampires can be born that way and it is natural to what they are, given that they are a natural occurrence, they are not inherently good or evil. They are not human even if they are related to humans, they are a separate species.

Rockfist's vampires are humans that have either deliberately chosen to be an undead, soul-sucking monster, or else the victim of said soul-sucking monster.


Techbot is discussing a variant species

Rockfist is discussing a dead, evil human

these concepts are very different

as such the end conclusion for either is going to be very different

the confusion is coming in that you are using the same word to describe both concepts

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Well, I was going to post in this before it turned into a long moral discussion. Now I'm not sure discussing individual characters is on topic any more.

But personally, I don't see most of my characters as evil. Most of them are motivated by injustices they have seen in the past to lose faith in "morality" and attempt to remake the world in their image. The best example of this is my main villain, Silver Bolt. He was born into a Mob family, and his parents were betrayed by the Family and turned over to corrupt police, who killed them. He was then taken in by the Boss and raised by him. He resents his "father", but not openly. He was trained as a hit man, and has killed quite a few people, with only a few being "innocents", in his eyes. When given the chance to claim the powers of a metahuman, he took it with the intention of freeing himself from the control of others. But he's quite capable of embarking on a campaign of conquest as well, to turn the world into his vision of "Utopia".

The thing is, being somewhat aware of his own nature, and facing off constantly against the heroes who ended up with some of the powers he wanted, he's come to realize that if he really did go that far, he'd be no better than those who were trying to control him. Or at least, in my own version of the stories separate from this game. He's got enough moral character to recognize that he is in danger of losing that aspect of himself, and that in fact the heroes are themselves pretty strong characters that can resist the corrupting nature of power themselves. So this reestablishes a faith in individuals in him, even if he still can't believe in mankind as a whole. It's sort of a redemption story, so he ends up as somewhat of a Rogue.

My werewolf character isn't evil at all. There is no curse or animal spirit within him, he just looks like a wolf. And in fact, there are hints that he may be lying about getting the form by being bitten by a werewolf. He's a wrestler, and the monster werewolf act is just an act, at least to the extent that if he IS a werewolf, he's totally in control of it and fully sentient and aware of the consequences of his actions. He will defend himself if attacked, and in the Rogue Isles one is often attacked, but he's never actually killed anyone. Hurt them badly, put then in the hospital, yes, but no one's ever died.

Likewise, my robot character isn't evil for much the reasons described. It's not sentient, just following its programming to continue functioning and provide itself with energy. It just so happens that that energy is human life. It DOES have a demonic spirit trapped within itself, but that spirit is weak, and probably not conscious of its actions either, at least not yet. Early on, the robot did decide that feeding recklessly on life energy would cause conflict with the "authorities", and so it took a more measured and less fatal approach to feeding from then on. This may pave the way for redeption later, although ultimately humans mean nothing to it. I think it could be said that it has no desire to inflict suffering, though, unless the demon starts to awaken somewhat more. (And turns out to be a major demon and not just some unlucky little minor spirit)

The one character I have that is TRULY evil, though, is a wizard from medieval times who experimented with using magic to control and torture people. He finally found a way to switch bodies with a victim, and used it to trade bodies with a dragon. He's completely cruel and sadistic, however, when he interacts without people, he is polite and charming, sometimes unnervingly so. It comes, I think, from my liking villains that are not the stereotypical mustache-twirling villain, but instead are smart, manipulative, and most of all Genre Savvy. He's not going to tick off allies just to prove that he's evil, or kill a few otherwise useful minions to enforce fear. He's just going to jump you while your back is turned, drain you of all information and power you have to offer, and make you disappear forever never to be found...

I suppose the darkest example I can come up with, but not one that is truly evil, is another robot character, a cyborg transformed from a young girl by Crey. As my main character, she was able to escape and stabilize the process, but her greatest fear is that the machine will overpower her and she won't be able to stop it. That happened to her Praetorian version, the process completed, and her mind was completely "assimilated". While she has gone completely insane, and there really isn't enough left of her human mind to be conscious anyway, there is still some part of her that is aware of what she is doing and has to watch as her body goes around killing people. Needless to say, she's not a character I play often, as it's not a very nice mindset to get into.

Really, that's kind of what the werewolf mythology is about, although in this case I'm making it technological instead of mystical.



sorry Jade we did kind of stray ..but we can all blame FFM, vampires is always a fun topic to rant about.

so getting back to characters ..

My toons that are evil , and those that are bad but not evil.

My MM Necro/FF Ravenna Krone.. is evil , she is a medical doctor and a modern day necromancer , and is a totally nasty bit of work, she will go to any lengths to further her research, and has a number of arrest warrants outstanding from murder and maiming by means of medical experiments. She views people as material and considers herself bound by no man’s rules. Note she is not insane, she recently did some work for the KG supergroup as a medical expert , she can function perfectly well in the normal world , she just chooses to do evil.

My Brute DM/WP Blood Ghoul .. is evil, he is a ghul, based on the djinni myths, a feaster on the dead , a corrupt being, who’s aim is self-gratification and sees the world as a prize to be seized , and its people as things to be enslaved.

My MM ninja/dark Hieronymus Crovas evil, he is a summoner of demons and has made many a dread pact with them, sacrificing innocents to pay his debts. (( his ninja are in fact demon possessed humans that he has enslaved ))

The rest are, well, villains, in that they are criminals, My MM thugs/poison Archibald Vyllain.. basically is east end gangster drug dealer. My VEAT Spider Operative Thrice , is an amoral thug , My VEAT Widow Katipo, is a follower of Lord Recluse, a minion. While the rest are just character who live in RI and have fallen into unlawful way, some only being counter as criminals because they have broken RL laws.



Interesting, I always assume that most folklore is common knowledge but that could just be me making assumptions again. I love folklore, it would explain why I have three Sidhe characters, a werewolf and two revenants. Hey ho.

Although I hadn’t intended this to be a discussion on what is evil, I guess that’s really what this is all about. Frankly, I have been having a whale of a time on a new character who without even RPing, I know is completely evil. However, I had no idea how I knew this so wanted to get other people’s perceptions on how they play their ‘evil’ characters. The other question I wanted to try and answer was whether such a character had a place in Union RP or whether he would come across as just another snarling, insane barbarian that ended up on a lot of ignore lists. Playing a cliché is just too easy sometimes and Rogues seem to be constantly in favour.

So far, I seem to have been able to narrow his ‘evil’ down to a few criteria:

1) He knows right from wrong. A bomb doesn’t ruminate over who it is going to kill (unless it’s in Dark Star) and the same goes for a robot programmed to destroy its targets. Evil seems to indicate choice, of knowing the difference between what is acceptable behaviour and what is not and choosing to behave in a way that is deemed illegal or immoral.

2) He doesn’t mitigate the acts with any sort of explanation or rationale. A soldier kills people as part of his job but his moral choice has been made by his commanding officer. Likewise, a vampire (seeing as they are the monster of choice in this thread so far) can point to their need for blood as being the reason why they have to eat people. These almost relieve the character of the moral burden of their choice and in the case of the vampire can make them a sympathetic character rather than a monster. Whereas real evil seems to know full well what they are doing and offer no explanation or justification for doing so other than that was what they wanted to do.

3) He enjoys it. This is a tricky one. I was going to add a fourth point: Insanity trumps everything, but Pyralith isn’t insane. I think there is a fine line between the cackling villain who laughs as he cuts up his victims and the illicit thrill of doing something you know is ‘wrong’. Real insanity has a disjointed perception of reality whereas an ‘evil’ character is fully aware of their actions and why they are doing them. Where is the line between a sane person choosing to do evil and the person who is mentally ill? It seems to be a fine line but I would argue that an insane person has the recourse of being declared ‘unwell’ and not ‘evil’.

It seems that being truly evil without crossing the line into insanity is a tricky one to walk. Cliches abound when it comes to villains so trying to get the balance right is going to be a real struggle. I shall have to try harder. Regardless of his choices, I don’t see any reason to remain unsociable as was discussed earlier in the thread. An archetypal mad genius would probably be reclusive but I don’t see why someone with the above qualities could not socialise. Hmmm… now I’m rambling but I’ve certainly got a lot to think about…

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



But what if the creature is sapient but is so alien we really don't know if they have emotions like ours? Do we really know they are enjoying it when the kill us with abandon? Since most stories on this planet are written by human authors, we, the authors and audiences, define what evil is. Evil is a humanly framed concept.

I might be revolted by the larvae of a parasitic wasp that lays eggs in caterpillars but is that really evil? Stuff like that happens all the time in nature, so red in tooth and claw. Or to strike more closely to home, the xenomorphs in the Alien movies, or similar creatures in Dead Space. Are they evil or just fulfilling their biological function? Are Cthulhu and other Lovecraftian horrors really evil, or just some hyperspatial kids thoughtlessly driving their bikes through the ant nest we call the Earth? I'm sure rabbits and cows, if they could think, would view us as horrific monsters--shades of Chiken Run.

But this repeats things and takes us back into the discussion about vampires being automatically evil or just a predator on humans.

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



That is ignoring the point, I think, which is that evil requires a choice to do something you know is wrong.

The alien isn't, in it's own view, evil if it does not consider what it's doing to be wrong.

From an outside view, it may be classed as evil.

Evil is subjective.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by synthozoic View Post
But what if the creature is sapient but is so alien we really don't know if they have emotions like ours? Do we really know they are enjoying it when the kill us with abandon? Since most stories on this planet are written by human authors, we, the authors and audiences, define what evil is. Evil is a humanly framed concept.

I might be revolted by the larvae of a parasitic wasp that lays eggs in caterpillars but is that really evil? Stuff like that happens all the time in nature, so red in tooth and claw. Or to strike more closely to home, the xenomorphs in the Alien movies, or similar creatures in Dead Space. Are they evil or just fulfilling their biological function? Are Cthulhu and other Lovecraftian horrors really evil, or just some hyperspatial kids thoughtlessly driving their bikes through the ant nest we call the Earth? I'm sure rabbits and cows, if they could think, would view us as horrific monsters--shades of Chiken Run.

But this repeats things and takes us back into the discussion about vampires being automatically evil or just a predator on humans.
I don't find the xenomorphs in aliens to be evil. As you say, they're fulfilling their purpose.

however, they do fit in the classification of a monster

a monster doesn't need to be evil to be a threat

just like I said the Daybreaker vamps aren't really evil, but are monstrous

a horror story doesn't need something evil to be horrible

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