Faster rikti raids with more merits




I recently respeced into Team Teleport on my blaster, and used it in a recent mother-ship raid. At first, select members of my team were skeptical, and said things like "stop tping me or I'll kick you", but by the end of the raid, they were all in agreement that the power was well worth taking and planned on respecing into it.

I was hoping that maybe BMT organizers could ensure that, in future raids, every team has at least one person with Team TP.




Originally Posted by Silit View Post
I recently respeced into Team Teleport on my blaster, and used it in a recent mother-ship raid. At first, select members of my team were skeptical, and said things like "stop tping me or I'll kick you", but by the end of the raid, they were all in agreement that the power was well worth taking and planned on respecing into it.

I was hoping that maybe BMT organizers could ensure that, in future raids, every team has at least one person with Team TP.

--EVERYONE cries and whines about being TP'ed..

--There is no prompt for Team TP (other than being OOR, you can't stop it) so people hate that they have zero control. I once TEAM TP'ed a team from the start of an Oranbega map to the end, that was fun.

--I have had people quit the team before due to TP'ing them (whether they were just clueless or just not following directions and then got huffy about it or otherwise.

One time, at how not to die 101 camp:
--I was on a tanker that has team TP and people were on all 4 corners of the mob, even after I kept re-facing him someone was always there on his front arc.

Decided that instead of wasting my time telling people --Hey this mob has a cone attack that will KILL YOU, and that is why you keep dying-- I just Team TP'ed and then walked to the other side of the mob and continued tanking. The Emp that was healing me (was on LR in the STF) did have a heart-attack but they survived. (just my luck that I Team Tp'ed and then he did his front cone)





You could team teleport to the Rikti Pylons, but you'd just end up wasting everyone's time, as your teammates will probably already be at the Rikti Pylon by the time you've teleported them. In addition, Vanguard merits do not start accumulating until we reach the mothership. Once we're at the mothership, team teleport won't make an iota of difference as we're all just kicking Rikti butt in and around the bowl.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



I'm sorry, but I fail to see how this has helped or could help in anyway. Not only that, you could pretty easily get someone killed with it, and if we were short on bubblers or emps/therms and that just happened to be what you got killed...

Nice job trying to mix it up, but I see 50 people running around with team TP as a disaster.



He is joking 99.9% of the time.



I would certainly hope so.

Although now he just gave me the idea of wormholing a bunch of Rikti from the top of the ship to the bowl...

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



While the OPs post might have been tongue-in-cheek, using vet tp during a ship raid is quite worthwhile to get everyone in the bowl near the same time.

This allows everyone who might be straggling to get into a nicely compact defensive area to pull a whole lot more rikti into a kill spot. Having everyone show up at the same time also helps secure the bowl if the center mobs are filled with magi.

Team teleport would be effective in that circumstance during ship raids.



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
I would certainly hope so.

Although now he just gave me the idea of wormholing a bunch of Rikti from the top of the ship to the bowl...
Elec Armors herding ftw?



Are we talking Team Teleport, the pool power, or Assemble the Team, the 42 month vet reward? They're different you know....



Team Teleport. I think it's a fantastic idea, Silit. I'm glad you're taking this oppurtunity to try and improve the ship raids.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
While the OPs post might have been tongue-in-cheek, using vet tp during a ship raid is quite worthwhile to get everyone in the bowl near the same time.

This allows everyone who might be straggling to get into a nicely compact defensive area to pull a whole lot more rikti into a kill spot. Having everyone show up at the same time also helps secure the bowl if the center mobs are filled with magi.

Team teleport would be effective in that circumstance during ship raids.
The veteran Assemble the Team teleport power could be handy, but really wouldn't work with the way that I run Rikti mothership raids, imo. Once the mothership's shield goes boom, everyone is supposed to head directly for the mothership's bowl, with the exception of one or two designated members of each team, who locate an unused grate and place a bomb. The team bombers would have to be sure to have the team teleport prompt on, and even then that'd be something extra for them to click while trying to place a bomb.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



I imagine well timed team TP's would really help when you get a bunch of Rikti Magus' using that ground based attack that saps your defense. At least one person per team should have it and yell "MAGUS WATCH OUT!" while TP'ing everyone straight up.



The team bombers would have to be sure to have the team teleport prompt on, and even then that'd be something extra for them to click while trying to place a bomb. __________________
I could be wrong, but I don't believe there is a prompt for team tp or assemble team.



I just expect everyone to keep up as we go around, and pay attention to the chat window when the raid leader's barking orders. Not really that hard. I have Recall Friend on my main, which is much more useful for stragglers and those that die than a team TP when only one person needs it.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Amily View Post
I could be wrong, but I don't believe there is a prompt for team tp or assemble team.
There is for Assemble the Team. I've turned it down many times when I'm close to the door by the time they think to use it.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Nah. Team TP is better.



@Amily, it's in the options to enable a prompt for ATT and RF, dunno why it doesn't work with TT.

That being said, I took TT on my Rad thinking it was just like ATT, useful on Master and Speed runs. Now that I know it's not, useless in a Hami Evac Raid, I'm thinking of respecing back out of it. Maybe the Devs can change the power so it's exactly like ATT, cept with normal rech.

"Without LAN play? How the **** do you release a PC game without LAN?" ~Hitler

50s - Cutlass, Fyrechic, D'Mal, Knightfox, DessertFox, Capt Davy Jones, Cutlass II



Originally Posted by Cutlass View Post
@Amily, it's in the options to enable a prompt for ATT and RF, dunno why it doesn't work with TT.

That being said, I took TT on my Rad thinking it was just like ATT, useful on Master and Speed runs. Now that I know it's not, useless in a Hami Evac Raid, I'm thinking of respecing back out of it. Maybe the Devs can change the power so it's exactly like ATT, cept with normal rech.
Please, no. Have them make a new power. Team Teleport is like the one power in the game that the devs haven't screwed up for me.



I think I'm going to respec into Group Fly and have it on at all times. We're sure to earn extra Vanguard merits that way.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Silit View Post
Please, no. Have them make a new power. Team Teleport is like the one power in the game that the devs haven't screwed up for me.

is that what you used in practice lastnight?



Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
is that what you used in practice lastnight?
I wasn't there last night :O



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
The veteran Assemble the Team teleport power could be handy, but really wouldn't work with the way that I run Rikti mothership raids, imo. Once the mothership's shield goes boom, everyone is supposed to head directly for the mothership's bowl, with the exception of one or two designated members of each team, who locate an unused grate and place a bomb. The team bombers would have to be sure to have the team teleport prompt on, and even then that'd be something extra for them to click while trying to place a bomb.
Interesting strategy.



Originally Posted by Cutlass
@Amily, it's in the options to enable a prompt for ATT and RF, dunno why it doesn't work with TT.
Yeah I'm aware the prompt, Thank you though I have it turned off because I'm frequently in need of a tp. I'm guessing TT isn't prompted because its considered a travel power more than a recall thing.



More importantly, is the next raid Thursday?

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



And is there any interest in scheduling an 8:30 PST raid? (Darn EST times are just too early for me.)

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity