Discussion: A Super Engagement in Paragon City




Congratulations to you both.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



That is so awesome!

Congratulations to the happy couple and major props to WarWitch for making the event!



Very cool and congrats... I met my gf in this game as well, and we have been together going on 4 years... coh without a doubt has the best community and stuff like this proves it.

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...



Awesome. I heard about this before, but I had no idea about the comic.

Way to promote the game and that you can game and have a happy marriage!


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
Very sweet, and the comic is kinda corny in a good way, but does CoH have some sort of deal with the Post? Wasn't War Witch interviewed by them a little while back? Can't they get attention from a newspaper that isn't known for the large amounts of typos it makes and the fact that it's a lower price than their competitors and it shows?
Sounds more like they just happen to have a reporter (and a games corner) who likes CoH and isn't afraid to ask Paragon for an interview.

And from how I read the article, the guy covered this in part because he is friends with the couple.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Congrats to the happy couple...

I am glad to see other folks don't go for the whole, down on one knee in a mundane restaurant.

Also, I am proud of the community we have here, griefers are so rare, we don't get to see they're crap for all the well wishes being said. One more reason for me to stick here for as long as I can.

@Enforcement out...

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Grats, Nicely done

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Very fun. This weekend I tied the knot with a woman I met in this game 6 years ago. We didn't do anything in-game to commemorate it, but we did have friends fly in and our entire wedding party was made of people that played the game. We celebrated by spending the night playing Rock Band along with various other things.

Reading this did make me wonder, though. Has anyone looked into how steady relationships made in virtual environments are? Of course I would like to think they would be more steady as most gamers have more than a few things in common.

Pinnacle server

just another random dude



That was WONDERFUL! Congrats to the lucky couple and I hope for long, lively days of gaming ahead of you! Thank you ever so much for sharing your special moment with the gamers ( and lovers) in City of Heroes!

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib



Originally Posted by Jeremy_C View Post
Very fun. This weekend I tied the knot with a woman I met in this game 6 years ago. We didn't do anything in-game to commemorate it, but we did have friends fly in and our entire wedding party was made of people that played the game. We celebrated by spending the night playing Rock Band along with various other things.

Reading this did make me wonder, though. Has anyone looked into how steady relationships made in virtual environments are? Of course I would like to think they would be more steady as most gamers have more than a few things in common.
Congratulations to you! And while I don't have an answer to your question, I would think that relationships either originating or cemented in online virtual worlds such as MMOs would last longer than your average one. Playing together is the expression of a common interest that also introduces an element of cooperation that seems to be lacking a lot in a lot of couples I know. That's only my opinion however, but if I couldn't share my passion for games with my husband, I wouldn't have married him

Then again I may just be biased towards gamers...

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Congratulations to you! And while I don't have an answer to your question, I would think that relationships either originating or cemented in online virtual worlds such as MMOs would last longer than your average one. Playing together is the expression of a common interest that also introduces an element of cooperation that seems to be lacking a lot in a lot of couples I know. That's only my opinion however, but if I couldn't share my passion for games with my husband, I wouldn't have married him

Then again I may just be biased towards gamers...
I agree, but on a different aspect. Cooperation is an important part, but I think what makes gamer couple stick is the 'play' part. A lot of people lose the play aspect of their lives and if you find someone who share that joy with you, it makes it a more comfortable thing. It's like when your young and you find a friend who likes the same kinds of toys as you, it's a connection we always keep.



I met my husband in a different MMO. We've been married seven years now. We do game together a lot, though he has little time for MMOs these days. I think the shared interested is a huge help.



I met my fiancee in the AOL Chat rooms playing Vampire the Masquerade/Werewolf the Apocalypse in October of 98. She was in NYC and I was in a pit known as Jacksonville, FL. We've been together since.

Now from a deeper circle of Hell known as Tucson together. playing EQ together, then COH for the past 6 years+ together.

So they can and do last.

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Met my better half in the Red Dragon Inn on AOL in 1996 when we were guildmasters of allied groups working on a combined project. We got married in 1997, went through several different MUDs, MMOs and games, and had our baby in 2009.

So far, it's been wonderful.

From what I've seen, I think gamers probably have a slightly better chance than people who are in a generic chat room looking for partners. That said, a LOT depends on the people in question. How much do the people have in common outside of the game they play? How mature and responsible are they? Are they steady enough to have a real job, or are they crashing on couches?

I think it made a huge difference that neither of us was *looking* for a relationship. We both had real lives outside of the game. We were friends gaming together before anything else happened, and even when we did get together, we were very careful. We both checked each other out to make sure we each were who we said we were. I did end up moving, but I did so because I was able to get a MUCH better job and a better place to live. I didn't move *only* to be with him (thereby making myself dependent upon him), nor did I move in with him when I arrived (which, IMO, is a kiss of death for any virtual-turned-real relationship.) However, he WAS a huge help in helping me find a place to stay and get the necessary transfer stuff going (meeting with the phone guys so I could have a phone when I arrived, giving me the scoop on which apartment complexes were the best in the area, etc.), plus he helped me with the actual moving and settle into the area. So, when I did arrive, I had a place of my own to live and a job waiting. Because of that, I knew that if we didn't work out, I'd still have that security.

Both of us knew far too many people who fell hard for the virtual person, sold off everything, quit the job and moved across country only to find that the actual person wasn't at all what they'd expected. In some cases, husbands, wives and kids were left, too. We also knew a few others who made a career of 'falling in love' so they could squat on a couch and avoid a real job. I had a friend who really got taken by a guy like that, and I'm not sure she's ever really recovered. We were both very anxious for that not to happen to us.

However, we also know two other couples who met around the same time we did, in the same venue, who are still together. One couple is married and the other are long term partners. So it can happen, but I'd never recommend *intending* to use a game as a way to meet eligible men/women.

Congrats (apparently rather after the fact) to the happy couple!

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