Documentary of new Live Action Yamato film




The think that kills me is some of the responses saying it looked like a ripoff of Star Wars or Battlestar Gallatica, what a bunch of rubes.

Looks cool hopefully it comes dubbed to the states my Japanese is pretty terrible.



I desperately want to see this.

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Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
The think that kills me is some of the responses saying it looked like a ripoff of Star Wars or Battlestar Gallatica, what a bunch of rubes.

Looks cool hopefully it comes dubbed to the states my Japanese is pretty terrible.
When it's actually the other way around lol.



Figured since this thread isn't too old, I'd rather post this here than in a new thread.

Anime News Network has a rather positive review of the Live Action Yamato Film.
Honestly, I've seen several of the trailers. I think, even subtitled, I would pay full price to see this on the big-screen here. Even my GF, who isn't that familiar with Yamato/Star Blazers, was interested in seeing this.

Let's just hope it is brought over in a reasonable amount of time.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Love this cartoon as a kid, Disney had the rights to it at one time , and I really had hoped they would make a live action version.



my brother and i both have fond memories of being in elementary school, and getting up a half hour early just to see the show. really looking forward to this, here's hoping we get some local distribution, but there is one theatre here that tends to specialize in the odd, and occasional anime.

without further ado, here's a review and several video clips including a good look at a space battle, and the gamillon ships. aicn has done a great job of bringing bits like this together. [review] [footage] [space battle]

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Just posting here so I can check back later when I have time.

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ya im not a big fan of reading subtitles during a film but by the looks of this i would if that is what i had to do to see it.



My all time favorite cartoon in the history of EVAH! I told my brother he must send me this when it was posted some time ago.

Stil would love to see Starblazers get the hollywood big screen treatment provided the bastards didn't try to ruin by changing anything (I heard disney has or had the rights to do a film, but royally screwed it up).

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Even though I posted this I only had a chance to watch the first two segments. Loved the video of the women in the audience crying over the Kodai/Yuki romance and the interviews after.

I don't care about it being over the top melodrama, that defines a lot of J-drama at least the ones I've seen. We don't have enough "win just one for the Gipper" moments anymore in movies.

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