Damage Badges




Did I miss patch notes regarding how damage is credited for the damage badges, or it was stealth change?

Now, any damage is credited.

I haven't tested whether damage in excess of base HP credited or not though...



.... Uhm, "any damage" as opposed to what?

If you'll forgive MY ignorance, i thought any damage taken off your Base HP counted anyway?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



i think hes asking about if dmg from above your base hp was counting now, and that i dont know as i finished the dmg badges a few months ago and havent looked at them since lol



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
Did I miss patch notes regarding how damage is credited for the damage badges, or it was stealth change?

Now, any damage is credited.

I haven't tested whether damage in excess of base HP credited or not though...
um, what? Do you mean you haven't tested whether damage that does not cut into your base HP is counted? (i.e. inflicted on 'bonus' hit points only) If not, then what are you talking about? That was pretty much *THE* category of damage that everyone complained about not counting.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
um, what? Do you mean you haven't tested whether damage that does not cut into your base HP is counted? (i.e. inflicted on 'bonus' hit points only) If not, then what are you talking about? That was pretty much *THE* category of damage that everyone complained about not counting.
I haven't tested the case when, let's say, I have Base HP 1000 and total HP 1300 and being hit with 1200 damage. I don't know whether all 1200 HP will be credited or only 1000.

But the way it works right now, even small damage like 10 HP is credited toward the damage badge, so you don't have to overcome your bonus HP as it was in the past.



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
But the way it works right now, even small damage like 10 HP is credited toward the damage badge, so you don't have to overcome your bonus HP as it was in the past.
This has been my recent experience as well. Even if you stand in a fire on a Tank with the HP at maximum, each tick seems to be counting toward the badge, regardless if you are below your base HP or still at full health.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
That was pretty much *THE* category of damage that everyone complained about not counting.
The only question I'd have (just for curiosity's sake) is whether this stealth change was intentional or not. Could always just be a bug that's now letting it happen...

More than likely though enough people whined about it that the Devs finally decided to change how it worked. Between this change and the general reduction in the required number of HPs needed for these badges I'm almost surprised the Devs don't just give everyone these badges as soon as they create a character.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



This is entirely a wild-a$$ guess on my part, but...

The base-hp-only mechanic predated the invention system, when the only bonus hit points on characters (other than HP buffs) came from a handful of accolades. Mainly, it was put on to prevent the characters from gaining damage badges by parking next to CoT red emanators overnight or something similar. For most ATs, taking damage beyond their bonus hp's was fairly routine under ordinary situations.

I suspect that the addition of IO set bonuses to HP is what tipped the scale in the argument the other way. It's a lot more common for characters to accumulate bonus HPs up to the cap now.

I also suspect that if this was deliberately downplayed for any reason, it's so that people wouldn't automatically be prompted to park next to those emanators for their damage badges again.

Pure speculation, take it for what it's worth...



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I'm almost surprised the Devs don't just give everyone these badges as soon as they create a character.
I said this a long time ago, and still won't be surprised when it happens. That said I do wish they would date stamp badges so if you have an old school damage; inf or the holy grail of adherent game play the heal badge you could show it off

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
This is entirely a wild-a$$ guess on my part, but...

The base-hp-only mechanic predated the invention system, when the only bonus hit points on characters (other than HP buffs) came from a handful of accolades. Mainly, it was put on to prevent the characters from gaining damage badges by parking next to CoT red emanators overnight or something similar.
My speculation would be that no one ever even considered this and that it was purely by chance that the system was implemented in such a manner that HP above base value interfered with damage taken badges.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



This is good news, I've been complaining about this for a while. Since my badger's a Mastermind the Max HP Bonuses, Defensive mode, and my pets simply taking the most of the damage for me has really made the task of gaining credit for the damage taken acheivement badges near impossible.