What Alpha Slot for your PB?




Since I mainly play in all human form I was thinking that the Spiritual Alpha slot would be nice. I want the speed bonuses for quicker attacks and self buffing, the increased healing, and the to hit. I also want the Musculature for extra damage and defense debuff. What Alpha Slots are you thinking for your PB?

Does the Spiritual +health increase the HP to powers that grant HP?

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
Does the Spiritual +health increase the HP to powers that grant HP?
Yes and no.

Imagine the alpha slot as an enhancement, not a set bonus.

Essence boost: Yes. Because the +HP is enhanceable, this will be increased by Spiritual Alphas.

White Dwarf: No. Because the +HP is not enhanceable, Spiritual alphas will have no effect.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Imagine the alpha slot as an enhancement, not a set bonus.
Precisely this. The Alpha Slot effectively functions as an enhancement. It applies to all applicable powers and has a percentage of enhancement that ignores Enhancement Diversification. The exact percentage that bypasses the limit depends on the tier of the Alpha Slot.

I'm going for Musculature. I've always been after more damage for my PB and the added Defense debuffs will help with to mitigate the lack of a consistent ToHit buff.

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I went for the Cardiac Boost because my human only PB on beta already seems to do enough damage with Build Up and Photon Seekers and Solar Flare/or Dawn Strike. Not to mention big single target damage from Incandesent Strike and Radiant Strike or the damage boost from CB. I've already got Tactics for the + to hit and Assault for increased damage plus it is just great to have them as well as Maneuvers for teaming. 3 slotted Hasten increases my recharge adequately. So the one thing I need most of is reduced endurance cost to keep my 6 toggles running when not in Light Form. Even the extra damage resistance seems to help with survivability (probably as much or more than extra healing would) for an SO enhancement build anyway. Not sure why I would need more defense debuff either when so many of my attacks have high levels of it already.

She transformed from burning up endurance inspirations quite heavily to an awesome unstoppable killing machine which almost never needs them. Many of her toggles keep running even after firing off Dawn Strike or the crash from LF, so much so that I wonder if it's not a bug?



Damage !!!

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
I went for the Cardiac Boost because my human only PB on beta already seems to do enough damage with Build Up and Photon Seekers and Solar Flare/or Dawn Strike.
I find the highlighted portion interesting. It seems like the difference in Alpha Slotting for PBs is more dependent on how heavily you make use of forms.

With the slots being spread more thinly certain aspects are bound to suffer. I'd be very interested to see a DPS comparison between a human only and TriFormer.

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As someone who already 5-6 slotted all their human and form attacks with set IO's I'm looking primarily at Spiritual Radial (and ultimately Core Paragon once those options go live) since recharge and, to a lesser extent, healing are two of the only areas I don't have more or less soft-capped.

Damage-wise I'm already at the ED cap so until the rare and super-rare options come online they aren't worth looking at (since I'd only get about a 5% damage boost out of it). Endurance-wise all my attacks are sitting at 50% or so in EndRdx from set already and my Recovery is around 3.36/sec so improving my Endurance isn't going to do much (I already take on Sappers for FUN due to nearly soft-capped ranged and energy defenses). And Accuracy isn't going to do much since between set bonuses and IO's I'm already sitting at over +100% accuracy with all my attacks (even with accuracy floored I'm hitting 10.27% of the time) so more accuracy isn't going to meaningfully effect my numbers.

Which leaves Recharge. From testing it has closed the slight gap I had in my dwarf form's attack chain (strike, smite, strike, flare, strike, smite, strike, taunt w. damage proc... etc.) and increased my human form's dps by bringing my heavier hitting powers up more quickly. With the uncommon radial boost, I found that it greatly improved my survivability because it improved both the healing and recharge rate of all three of my partially slotted self-heals to the ED soft-cap (the human and dwarf form heals each heal half my hit points and recharge in 26 seconds).

I suspect that when the rare and ultra-rare options become available that I may swap out the Spiritual for Musculature... but until then Spiritual is definitely the way to go for my PB.



The DPS comparison between a triform and humanform PB would be very situation-dependent and in addition to the usual 'what IOs are we talking about here' problem, also involve questions like 'use of breakfrees' and 'presence or absence of specific teammates.'

Solo and on SOs, the humanform would likely deal more damage over time assuming they use control-based defense to counter mez. A triformer who's frequently shunted away from nova and into dwarf would find their damage in the gutter; a triformer who's trying to use less-slotted human powers to compete with a focused human build is naturally likely to come out behind. The lower spawn sizes encountered solo on difficulties a PB would find reliably survivable would also work to mitigate nova form's powerful AOE damage advantage over human.

Teamed, assuming the team can protect its squishies, nova form wins big because AOE is king, and nova scatter and nova detonation are good AOEs. At this point you're functionally an AOE blaster, and you should expect similar damage output results.

Teamed, assuming the team can't protect its squishies, you'll probably find them working out to about even. The human form's improved survivability and sustainability will offset its relative lack of AOE damage.

Generally, white dwarf is the major offensive performance drag on the triformer. Its damage goes beyond being a bad joke to being a bad joke that nobody finds funny.

As for my PB, I'm not sure. This is the one character I'm not confident I can plan a respec for before an i19 version of mids comes out with alpha slot support so I can test the various options. I may end up defaulting to the musculature (damage) boost because I have sustainable endurance (no need for cardiac), I have more than sufficient accuracy and no defense powers (no need for nerve), and I have a recharge build (probably little benefit for spiritual).

I'd be looking to see if using spiritual and having more LOTG mules from pool powers would allow me to alter my build towards other set bonuses in a useful manner, but poking at it so far hasn't been very encouraging other than the potential of a "ranged defense/recharge split" human/nova build.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Thanks for the qualitative analysis Flux.

Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
Generally, white dwarf is the major offensive performance drag on the triformer. Its damage goes beyond being a bad joke to being a bad joke that nobody finds funny.
This right here is one of the few lingering problems that Peacebringers have. As you said, a TriForm PB who's forced into White Dwarf to counteract mezzes suffers a significant DPS hit.

That's largely due to the fact that White Dwarf, and Peacebringers in general, lacks any method of significantly boosting damage output over an extended period of time. It creates a rather pronounced performance gap between Human only PBs and those who make use of the forms (And if I recall correctly, Castle once stated that taking and utilizing the forms was the intended playstyle for both Kheldian ATs).

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
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Well, I'd say the fundamental problem with white dwarf is less the lack of a way to boost its offense, and more the fact that it doesn't have enough attacks to make an attack chain out of without atrociously high levels of recharge, and the then attacks are weak anyway, to the point that they tend to favor using procs for damage.

Few, bad attacks make for very bad damage regardless of how you boost it.

To an extent dwarf is kind of vestigial in my opinion - forget comparisons to actual tanks, it lacks the survivability of a modern damage-oriented melee, and it has insufficient aggro control either. The 'use it for mez protection' thing is a crock when you consider that scrappers, brutes, stalkers, and SOAs all are reaching equal or higher survivability compared to dwarf, while also dealing damage that compares to nova's. And have mez protection.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Well, since I'm already thin on slots, I'd hope that any solution to dwarf-forms low damage would be to buff the three attack powers they do have.

Personally, I'd buff the PB by increasing dwarf-form attacks' recharge so that with moderate recharge slotting you can get a full attack chain and then give all their attacks a resistance debuff effect (in addition to the defense debuff it has now) that might stack to about -15% to -20% depending on recharge rates and form (I'd put the strongest resistance debuffs into dwarf form to help its damage output). This would not only make the attacks hit harder, but would also help your allies hit harder as well (i.e. it would "give back" to the team).



My Triform PB on live just doesn't seem to need any more damage or suvivability when in Dwarf considering that it's quick and easy to set up a bind or macro to drop into human form and activate Build Up (or Hasten or whatever) and then switch back to Dwarf very quickly which I can usually do in the middle of a fight without getting hit. Not that I often need to as it seems to be able to defeat most foes pretty quickly for a tank even without upping its damage. We can now get damage increases from IO sets and the Inherent damage boost applies to forms. Don't we have to stop complaining about supposed meager Kheldian Dwarf damage at some point?

By the way, Warshades actually have 4 attack powers in Dwarf form (5 if you count the proc they can slot into Antagonize) and a way to buff their damage output via Mire without shifting form.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
My Triform PB on live just doesn't seem to need any more damage or suvivability when in Dwarf considering that it's quick and easy to set up a bind or macro to drop into human form and activate Build Up (or Hasten or whatever) and then switch back to Dwarf very quickly which I can usually do in the middle of a fight without getting hit. Not that I often need to as it seems to be able to defeat most foes pretty quickly for a tank even without upping its damage. We can now get damage increases from IO sets and the Inherent damage boost applies to forms. Don't we have to stop complaining about supposed meager Kheldian Dwarf damage at some point?
No. We never "have" to stop complaining about anything. But it's especially unrealistic to expect people to stop pointing out what anyone who applies unbiased qualitative -or- quantitative analysis will show is an absolutely awful situation, especially in an AT as cool-looking as Peacebringers are.

If you can afford to drop out of dwarf to use buildup, you might as well then stay human or shift into nova, either of which has better attacks. If you have a mez on you when you drop out of dwarf, you'll immediately be mezzed. Re-dwarfing also costs 2.25 seconds of animation time during which you deal zero damage and lose 1/5 of your buildup's duration. 2.25 seconds is also about the animation speed of a medium-long attack (shorter than total focus or shadow maul, longer than blaze or bitter ice blast, and around the same speed as midnight grasp or headsplitter).

So... if there's a worse tactical move than leaving dwarf form to hit BU and then re-dwarf in a combat, short of things I'd say fall under 'intentionally trying to lose on purpose,' I'm not sure I know what it is. It's a pretty big risk (mez) for very limited benefit (2-3 attacks worth of +72% damage buff). If you don't have to worry about mez, why did you dwarf to start with?

A +damage build is unlikely to yield more than +25-30% damage buffing... and as they say, a billion times zero is still zero. Or a house is only as good as its foundation. White dwarf's DPS has a terrible foundation.

By the way, Warshades actually have 4 attack powers in Dwarf form (5 if you count the proc they can slot into Antagonize) and a way to buff their damage output via Mire without shifting form.
Which is great for warshades, and warshades have always been great. I don't see how this is relevant to a thread about Peacebringers in general or a point regarding White Dwarf in particular.

"Leave PBs alone because my WS is fine" has never been an appropriate, valid, or useful response to anything.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



I thought (from my reading) we can get all of them and interchange as we wish, with a cool down time of course. Since my PB is my main I plan to do that, but if I had to choose one or one I'd use more often then it's got to be Musculature. My Tri-Form is decked out with 6 5-slotted Purples and the rest of my IO's are focused on Recharge, Acc, Rec/Regen and Dam. Now since I don't feel I have a true hole per se in my build I'm going to build up on the weakest which is my Damage at 19%. With i19 I'll also be adding the Leadership pool so I'm excited to see how things pan out.



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
So... if there's a worse tactical move than leaving dwarf form to hit BU and then re-dwarf in a combat, short of things I'd say fall under 'intentionally trying to lose on purpose,' I'm not sure I know what it is. It's a pretty big risk (mez) for very limited benefit (2-3 attacks worth of +72% damage buff). If you don't have to worry about mez, why did you dwarf to start with?

A +damage build is unlikely to yield more than +25-30% damage buffing... and as they say, a billion times zero is still zero. Or a house is only as good as its foundation. White dwarf's DPS has a terrible foundation.
The base damage has also been greatly improved from what it used to be too. Back in my day we had to walk to school and it was uphill both ways!

There's plenty of reason to use Dwarf even if you have a break free or mezz protection from a teammate. It still gives you better damage resistance than human form when LF is recharging not to mention the ability to teleport and another heal and an AOE melee power that rocks. In my experience if I"m shifting forms rapidly in a fight it translates to an I win button.

If you already have most of your powers maxed out for damage plus what bonus damage you get from IO sets and Cosmic Balance (I usually get around +40-60% bonus on most teams) and Dwarf form still isn't working for you then I doubt Musculature is going to satisfy you either.



The problem with it is twofold - one is the animation time of shapeshifting. It represents at least one lost attack. Two is not dwarf's base modifier, it's its attack chain. Or rather the lack of one. You move from having a full attack chain to a non-full one, as well as from having simply better attacks in the human form. You're going to end up with less damage even if the human and dwarf forms had the same modifier. Slotting and buffing applies to both forms - if you don't slot your human in favor of your dwarf, then yeah, dwarf will look better to you... but that doesn't mean it is better, just that it looks better.

Dwarf's like a much weaker granite armor, as I've said before. You get a survivability boost at the cost of a large offensive loss, but the survivability boost isn't nearly as good as actual granite armor's, and the offense loss is even bigger than granite's. And City's an offense-centric game. This is why I call dwarf a trap for PBs. It looks like a good idea to build up its attacks to use it to deal with being mezzed, but after level 30, mezzes are either constant or no problem at all depending on your playstyle and team composition.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
Since I mainly play in all human form I was thinking that the Spiritual Alpha slot would be nice. I want the speed bonuses for quicker attacks and self buffing, the increased healing, and the to hit. I also want the Musculature for extra damage and defense debuff. What Alpha Slots are you thinking for your PB?
The ones I'm looking at (in order)
Voidbane, Human-only:
Cardiac Radial Boost - The END discount and extra Resist outside Light form (having Incandescence, Shining, Quantum and Tough, but none fully slotted) would be useful. Attacks are already at ED limits for damage.
Cardiac Partial Core Revamp - To get that and range.
Cardiace Core Paragon - For the extra bit that bypasses ED.
Musculature Radial Boost - Damage is already at ED. This, however, adds some Defense debuff.

For my triforms, it's a tossup between going Cardiac Core Boost - Total core revamp - Partial core revamp - then of course Core Paragon, to add range, or the Musculature Radial boost for the same def. debuff reasons. I'm not really paying as much attention to Spiritual, as I think I recharge fast enough in most cases, and I'm completely ignoring Nerve.



With my rebuilt PB Lustrious (tri-form with emphasis on Human and Dwarf) I went with Cardiac and eventually with Cardiac Core for the added range of the ranged attacks. And ultimately going towards to the Cardiac Core Paragon for the bigger End Reduction with the the Range and Damage Res boost for icing. Her build is very heavy with Hamidon Enhancers with lots of level 50 IOs to fill in the gaps. I think the count is up to 43 Hamios. Endurance Cost Reduction was the biggest problem with the build.



So far I got the Spiritual Radial Boost and I like it so far. I can heal for 564 every 17 seconds with Reform Essence, I have perma Essence Boost, and perma hasten on my human build. On my Tri form build I was able to heal for 1009 on my White Dwarf.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build