Alpha Slot and Dominators




My main Dom isn't 50 yet (hailing from Praetoria), but as an Elec/Elec (expect mind EPP), I'm looking at Muculature Core. He has no end issues in his low 20s, Domination is up more than half the time as is, and I'm spamming Electric Fences just to keep my foes where I can suck the end out of them. (ooh...Partial Radial Revam looks shiny when we get accesss!)



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
So whats the minimum recharge needed for perma hasten? With and without slotting it with SO?
Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
Bare minimum extra recharge is 205%. That plus the 70% of Hasten itself (assuming 3 SOs worth of slotting).
The number is close, but a little misleading with how you have the parentheses - for clarity, the slotting counts as part of the ~205%.

To fully answer the question here's the math behind it:

Hasten has a base 450 second recharge, with a 0.73 second animation. The duration is 120 seconds, so we'll call it 119 seconds to get the next animation in before it wears off.

The recharge formula is final recharge = base recharge / ( 1 + recharge buffs )

Plug in the numbers to get 119 = 450 / ( 1 + x ).

Basic algebra gives you 119 + 119x = 450; simplify to 119x = 331; x = 331/119 or 2.7815 (ie, 278.2%).

Hasten provides 70% of that, so 208.2% for "minimum" with no slotting, 175.2 global recharge with a single even-level recharge SO, call it 166% global recharge with a level 50 common recharge IO, and 109-114 three-slotted with recharge depending on whether or not you use common IOs or SOs.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
You should all be aware that the incarnate slot only takes effect if you are level 50. If you exemplar to 49.99 you still lose it and all the benefits you get. So it's not something you should build around unless you will NEVER EVER exemplar down on that character.
I think it actually exemplars down to level 45.

It doesn't lower the bar much in terms of much global recharge you need to get perma Domination. From what I can tell, even with a Spiritual Core Paragon, the minimum global recharge required is still 63% (and that's for an end result similar to having 70% global recharge pre-alpha slot, where Hasten and Domination are up with about a second to spare before they have to be reactivated).

However, with the same Core Paragon, you could free up two slots. Just put a single level 50 recharge IO in Hasten. That'd give you just shy of 85% recharge in Hasten, and that only raises the amount of global recharge needed to like 72%.

Or even better, if you've got that alpha enhancement then perma Hasten is considerably easier to attain with 3 slots. With 3 level 50 Recharge IOs, the Core Paragon would just reduce the normal amount needed by its worth as an enhancement, ~36%. So you only need 74%, instead of the normal 110% to perma hasten.

Not too shabby.

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Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
remember. This is not a set bonus like 5% to healing.

This is an enhancement to all powers that will take a healing enhancement.

So it should work. Likewise health and most of a /regens powers would see a benefit. How much of a benefit overslotting above ED is I don't know? but the possibilities for a regen aiming for the healing one makes me quiver. I'm betting majorly more affective than slotting some of the smaller +regen bonus used.
Oh I know. But for instance, I have my spirit tree with some miracles for the set bonus. It makes a difference of about 11 hp/sec with 80% heal slotted into it. Adding another 30% assuming the most powerful alpha slot and letting it exceed ED up to 110% is going to bring that to about 14 hp/sec.

In my opinion, that's just not worth it. I'd rather have the damage. Our cap is well over 200%. Even if you have 30% in the build from sets and 98% in the power, there's a LOT of room for more damage unless you have a pocket /kin. And I don't see 30% damage in many builds.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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I'm loving the fact that we can swap out boosts so frequently; it makes the question come down to "which one do I want right now" as opposed to "which one do I want, period".

For most situations I've been using a Cardiac in my alpha slot, and the difference it makes is extremely noticeable. When I'm on a team with someone who has +recovery boosting powers I tend to switch out for a Musculature or Nerve, depending on the upcoming mission.

Between the alpha slot, new TFs, and surge in high level activities, I'm one very happy camper.



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
I have 3 perma-doms and respecing them wasn't an issue, a few extra LoTGs in two of them was nice. But I'm at a total loss of what to slot for them on their alpha slot. I know recharge is nice, but they're already perma'd. Purples sets make the acc boost unneeded. No endurance issues because domination refills the bar and inspirations fill the holes. Guess I could do damage, but all their attack powers are in the 90% area for their attacks. Any suggestions?

My doms are: Fire/Psi, Plant/Fire, Mind/Nrg
Go musculature. Remember that for the ultra-rares, 2/3 of the enhancement bonus bypasses ED. For core paragon, that's 30% damage buff for all powers, plus another 15 that is subject to ED.

Since the spiritual doesn't affect domination, musculature is what I'll be doing.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
What would be the best for a Mind/Psi/Leviathan?

I am still stuck on respec'in her to Mind/Psi/Ice or Mind/Psi/Psi...not sure! What will go best with Incarnate or should I just dual build her?
Long post. The TL;DR version is at the bottom.

I have a Mind/Psi/Ice, I'll share what my experience has been.

I went with Ice because I wanted to be at the S/L defense cap, which means either Mace or Ice, and between the debuffs and the health restoration options, I think Ice is a better choice. I haven't tried the Psi EPP yet so I can't really say much about it.

As far as Incarnates go, it depends on what I'm doing. Most TFs I do are at 50, so I usually run around with the Cardiac Core for Endurance reduction and Range, which allowed me to take the slots out of Health and Stamina for other stuff. The End Rdx isn't game breaking but it sure is nice. I run Tough, Weave, Maneuvers, Assault, Sprint, Super Speed, Frozen Armor, and sometimes Hover, all with no extra slots in Stamina.

When I'm doing Apex, Tin Mage, or something higher level I'll switch to Nerve, as most of my powers are slotted low to moderate for accuracy, and even though my Dom has +66% accuracy from set bonuses, I want all I can get against level 54 enemies. I originally went with Nerve Radial, but since it only amounted to about a ~2.5% defense boost (with all my toggles running), I switched to Core for more hold duration.

You can make a case for Musculature since I think most agree that you can't possibly have enough damage, but looking at the very rare slots for the Musculature path I just don't see much in there that I need.

Spiritual seems kind of useless for my Dom since he runs around with 120% global recharge + Hasten. It might shave off a second or two off of my AoE mezzes, but since it won't speed up Domination, I don't have any Stuns or Tactics, I don't jump and I don't need more Slows, the Spiritual road seemed kinda "meh" to me.

TL;DR version:
In short, I'm gonna be upgrading both Nerve and Cardiac paths, as those paths seem to boost more of my powers than the other two. Since we only get uncommon slots for now I'm using Core boosts, but when the higher echelons open up I'm planning on switching to Radial.


"I know that will get glossed over and 6 months from now someone here on the forums will make a statement like "Remember back when walk was crashing the mapservers" and someone else will say "Oh yeah, I remember that" and I will drop my face into my palm and die a little bit more inside." - BABs



I have a Plant/Fire that still has a ways to go before he's Perma. For now he's slotted with Spiritual until I provide him with more Recharge...once I complete that I'm going Musculature with him to pump out some serious what to do fore lore and the rest should be interesting.

My Elec/Ice Will go the dmg alpha questions asked....I have a Defender Traps/Ar I know he's not a dom...but what do you guys think? Should I go for dmg for him since he's a Defender?



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I have a Plant/Fire that still has a ways to go before he's Perma. For now he's slotted with Spiritual until I provide him with more Recharge...once I complete that I'm going Musculature with him to pump out some serious what to do fore lore and the rest should be interesting.

My Elec/Ice Will go the dmg alpha questions asked....I have a Defender Traps/Ar I know he's not a dom...but what do you guys think? Should I go for dmg for him since he's a Defender?
I don't think it is worth it to go anything but the endurance reduction alpha, especially with plant. I mean, a 20% range increase on your confuse? That is extremely useful.

Second of all, the problem I have with going with anything but end reduction is the existence of inspirations. You are going to get more damage bonus overall from just popping two small red inspirations than slotting musculature due to diminishing returns. I'm going to assume whatever powers you are trying to empower will already be enhanced to 100% damage. Although yours is likely a little less, it makes the math easier.

Obviously if you are enhanced to 100% almost all the benefit will be lost to diminishing returns. Let's use the t4 enhancements. The Radial version gives 33% damage, and only 22% will be applied for 122% damage. Since a small red is 25% damage, you are still worse off than just popping a red. If you go core, you increase to 130%, not that much better than a small red. I can't really agree with you that this is pumping "out some serious damage."

Endurance inspirations are a totally different beast than all the other inspirations. They are reactive instead of proactive, and running out of it completely shuts down your damage instead of mitigating it a little bit. Personally I think the ability to dump your powers as fast as your considerable recharge allows while only draining your end bar to 25-50% before domination comes back up is well worth carrying a couple extra red inspirations to make up for the gap in damage.



Ive been going with either Cardiac or Musculature every single time.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
You should all be aware that the incarnate slot only takes effect if you are level 50. If you exemplar to 49.99 you still lose it and all the benefits you get. So it's not something you should build around unless you will NEVER EVER exemplar down on that character.
This is close, but incorrect.

You have your Incarnate powers if you exemplar down to Level 45. Any lower and you lose them.



Originally Posted by DoctorWhat View Post
This is close, but incorrect.

You have your Incarnate powers if you exemplar down to Level 45. Any lower and you lose them.
That actually was correct that the time that was originally posted i believe.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
That actually was correct that the time that was originally posted i believe.
You are right it was correct at the time.

Thanks for the feedback Smooth. I actually still have a lot to learn so I was going by other posts, spotty math and guesstimation lol. Gathering from what you told me and considering that my Plant/Fire will be purpled out I'm going to go the end route. Thanks to my Sets my Recharge and Acc will be on point so I have little options left.



At this point, there are exactly 2 Alpha slots worth taking for PVE, period:

Cardiac if you're a tank or VERY endurance heavy, or Musculature if you're not. Nerve is just utterly useless, since it's trivial to cap accuracy with IOs. Spiritual used to look okay, but now that's it doesn't effect Judgement powers, it's a non-starter. It's also far easier and more effective to stack global recharge from IOs and use Musculature to boost your damage than it is to stack damage from IOs and use Spiritual to boost your recharge.

I worked to get Spiritual rank 3 (actually I'm about 20 shards from rank 4) and now I basically have to start over.



I think there's a few toons that would need Storm or Sonic anything. Kins would do well going the Acc route even after IO's I think. Dark Armor could use End or acc love.

Plant/Fire is tough on End so maybe I will go the Cardiac Route *sigh*.



Originally Posted by Magentrix View Post
At this point, there are exactly 2 Alpha slots worth taking for PVE, period:

Cardiac if you're a tank or VERY endurance heavy, or Musculature if you're not. Nerve is just utterly useless, since it's trivial to cap accuracy with IOs. Spiritual used to look okay, but now that's it doesn't effect Judgement powers, it's a non-starter. It's also far easier and more effective to stack global recharge from IOs and use Musculature to boost your damage than it is to stack damage from IOs and use Spiritual to boost your recharge.

I worked to get Spiritual rank 3 (actually I'm about 20 shards from rank 4) and now I basically have to start over.
my ill/kin/stone build took nerve and allowed him to softcap s/l w/o sacrificing almost anything, and the extra hold duration help too, since i have 3 hold powers (blind, flash and seismic smash) - and i have deceive too, which gets a boost as well from the nerve radial paragon (tier 4). sure, its not for everyone, but nerve can help when musculature is useless (FS) and so is cardiac (transference).

50: Ill/Kin(A+,R,J)-1047 badges RE/Dark(A) Fire/Elec Warshade BS/Regen Necro/Poison Ice/Fiery(A+) Son/Son Bane(A) FM/DA(A) DM/Nin Grav/Icy
lvling: Inv/EM DM/Sheild Arch/MM Bane NW Elec/Earth Grav/Elec Elec/FA Rad/Ice
Paragon Elite/Rogue Elite Joined Oct 2004



I suppose I can see the logic of taking Nerve basically for hold duration, but if you're on a team at the damage cap, your added hold duration is likely to be window dressing anyway, as everything will quite simply be dead before your default holds run out. My Gravity Distortion lasts 37+ seconds in domination, there's very little that will survive that long against a team operating at the damage cap.

Running permadom takes the sting out of enemy status effects, so gearing up for the hit cap just doesn't have the urgency it has for other squishies. Also, if you think damage buffs are easy to get in a party, it's got nothing on +defense, and let's not forget that you're not really expected to tank anything in a party situation anyway. And if you're running solo, Musculature owns Nerve HARD.